accessing translated header in FCE fails - fluid

I have a Typo3 Page with several wrappers and referenced elements on it.
I'm using flux-grid to create the content of the wrappers and then access it like this:
<v:variable.set name="contentElements" value="{flux:content.get(area:'content', render:'FALSE')}" />
<ul class="myClass">
<f:for each="{contentElements}" as="contentElement" iteration="iteration">
<h3 data-number="{iteration.cycle}">{contentElement.header}</h3>
<ul class="content" id="acc_{v:format.sanitizeString(string: '{contentElement.header}')}">
<v:content.render contentUids="{0:contentElement.uid}" />
Problem is, I always get the default language for contentElement.header instead of the translated version. The content itself that's been fetched via v:vcontent.render is shown in the correct language.
What am I doing wrong?
(Typo3 8.7.9)

I had to get the content first and then render it separately:
<f:for each="{contentElements}" as="contentElement" iteration="iteration">
<v:variable.set name="head" value="{v:content.get(contentUids: '{0: contentElement.uid}', render:'0')}" />
<v:variable.set name="theContent" value="{v:content.get(contentUids: '{0: head.0.records}', render:'0')}" />
<h3 data-number="{iteration.cycle}">{theContent.0.header}</h3>
<ul class="content" id="acc_{v:format.sanitizeString(string: '{theContent.0.header}')}">
Hope it helps someone...


Cypress - get an element in iframe

I solve the problem with getting into iframe but now I can't get my element. Maybe I'm finding bad but right now it took me too much time and I don't what to do next.
Source code:
<divid="ctl00_Telo_Dock_1005_C_ctl00_MainPage1_myPageVozidlo_inpDruhVozidla_ADX" class="inputCell" style="visibility:visible;display:inherit;">
<span id="ctl00_Telo_Dock_1005_C_ctl00_MainPage1_myPageVozidlo_lblDruhVozidla_ADX" class="labels labelC1_n W270">Druh vozidla:
<div id="ctl00_Telo_Dock_1005_C_ctl00_MainPage1_myPageVozidlo_cmbDruhVozidla_ADX" tabindex="13" class="RadDropDownList RadDropDownList_CMS_Black RadComboBoxInput" style="width:216px;height:23px;font-weight:bold;font-size:10pt;font-family:Arial;color:#396170;border-width:1px;border-style:Solid;border-color:#FDC267;background-color:#F9FBFC;">
<span class="rddlInner">
<span class="rddlFakeInput"></span>
<span class="rddlIcon"><!-- --></span>
<div class="rddlSlide" id="ctl00_Telo_Dock_1005_C_ctl00_MainPage1_myPageVozidlo_cmbDruhVozidla_ADX_DropDown" style="display:none;">
<div class="rddlPopup rddlPopup_CMS_Black">
<ul class="rddlList">
<li class="rddlItem rddlItemSelected"></li>
<li class="rddlItem">Osobní automobily</li>
<li class="rddlItem">Motocykly</li>
<li class="rddlItem">Užitkové automobily</li>
<input id="ctl00_Telo_Dock_1005_C_ctl00_MainPage1_myPageVozidlo_cmbDruhVozidla_ADX_ClientState" name="ctl00_Telo_Dock_1005_C_ctl00_MainPage1_myPageVozidlo_cmbDruhVozidla_ADX_ClientState" type="hidden" />
Image of input:
My get function:
.iframe('body #elementToFind')
Thank you all for helping me.
Unfortunately, Cypress have some open issues regarding interacting with an iframe. But here's a pretty straightforward workaround:
Anyway, I believe that this can work only if the domain of the outer page and of the iframe are the same, due to the same-origin limitation.

Web scraping Linkedin Job posts using Python, Selenium & Phantomjs

Some LinkedIn job posts contain a see more button that expands the whole job description:
I tried to expand it using the but the source I get after expansion contains some placeholder divs instead of the original div. How, can I scrap those hidden texts.
This is what I get from driver.page_source
<div class="jobs-ghost-placeholder jobs-ghost-placeholder--medium jobs-ghost-placeholder--thin mb2"></div>
<div class="jobs-ghost-placeholder jobs-ghost-placeholder--x-small jobs-ghost-placeholder--thin mb2"></div>
<div class="jobs-ghost-placeholder jobs-ghost-placeholder--small jobs-ghost-placeholder--thin"></div>
Instead of the source I get from chrome inspect:
<div id="ember7189" class="jobs-description-details pt5 ember-view"> <h3 class="jobs-box__sub-title js-formatted-exp-title">Seniority Level</h3>
<p class="jobs-box__body js-formatted-exp-body">Associate</p>
<h3 class="jobs-box__sub-title js-formatted-industries-title">Industry</h3>
<ul class="jobs-box__list jobs-description-details__list js-formatted-industries-list">
<li class="jobs-box__list-item jobs-description-details__list-item">Real Estate</li>
<li class="jobs-box__list-item jobs-description-details__list-item">Information Technology and Services</li>
<h3 class="jobs-box__sub-title js-formatted-employment-status-title">Employment Type</h3>
<p class="jobs-box__body js-formatted-employment-status-body">Full-time</p>
<h3 class="jobs-box__sub-title js-formatted-job-functions-title">Job Functions</h3>
<ul class="jobs-box__list jobs-description-details__list js-formatted-job-functions-list">
<li class="jobs-box__list-item jobs-description-details__list-item">Information Technology</li>
<li class="jobs-box__list-item jobs-description-details__list-item">Project Management</li>
<li class="jobs-box__list-item jobs-description-details__list-item">Product Management</li>
I also tried different values for the wait WebDriverWait(driver, 3) but in vain.
employment_type = wait.until(EC.presence_of_element_located(
(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '>>p.js-formatted-employment-status-body'))).text
raises timeout exception as it only finds those jobs-ghost-placeholder instead of the described css_selector

Reuse and pass dynamic object (CurrentPage) to Partial View MVC Umbraco

I'm somewhat (6 months) new to MVC, and I like to use as little as code as possible, especially when it comes to reusable code, etc. I'm using Umbraco v7.2, and I have (3) tabs, all which use the same data type (custom grid v7).
The grid has (4) fields. Basically all (3) sections on my page are the same w/ the exception for the header and the object that is called (the dynamic object is what has the properties in them for the tab, which as I stated earlier, are the same).
How can I call a partial view and reuse the same code? The "foreach" is where I need to have this partial view called, as you can see it uses the same exact code w/ the exception of the object being iterated.
The "CurrentPage.XXXX" is what I need to pass, and I can have the same iterator
#foreach(var XXXX in CurrentPage.XXXX) <---- partial view
#inherits Umbraco.Web.Mvc.UmbracoTemplatePage
Layout = "Master.cshtml";
<article class="accordion-wrapper">
<div class="accordion-container accordion-contact">
Leadership Team
#foreach (var leadership in CurrentPage.leadershipTeam)
<section class="clearfix">
<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-6">
<aside class="col-md-6 col-sm-6">
<article class="accordion-wrapper">
<div class="accordion-container accordion-contact">
The Lenders One Team
#foreach (var lenders in CurrentPage.lendersTeam)
<section class="clearfix">
<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-6">
<aside class="col-md-6 col-sm-6">
.... another one here but omitted for brevity
And turn it into:
<article class="accordion-wrapper">
<div class="accordion-container accordion-contact">
Leadership Team
#Html.Partial( ?????? )
<article class="accordion-wrapper">
<div class="accordion-container accordion-contact">
The Lenders One Team
#Html.Partial( ?????? )
Partial ???
#foreach (var contact in ??????)
<section class="clearfix">
<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-6">
<aside class="col-md-6 col-sm-6">
Appreciate it ;)
To clarify, I've used partial views before in Umbraco. The issue above is I have (3) different objects (grids in u7). How the grid works in Umbraco is you create a new data type, and define certain fields in that data type (textbox, media picker, etc). You can then add properties to document types (in this case I used the custom grid I created). Once a page is created, based off a document type, properties are inherited.
For the contact page, I needed (3) separate grids. However each grid has different data in them. Therefore this is (3) different JSON objects, which I iterate over. In the above code, the (3) JSON objects are:
avisoryBoard (the one omitted for
How can I pass (CurrentPage.JSONobjectHere) to the partial view, using only ONE partial view for all THREE sections?
Did something similar to this once.
Call your partial like this:
#Html.Partial("YourPartialName", (object)CurrentPage.lendersTeam)
And then use a dynamic as a model in your partial:
#model dynamic
#foreach (var contact in Model)
<section class="clearfix">
<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-6">
<aside class="col-md-6 col-sm-6">
This is not too difficult. In the call to the partial, just use the name of the partial. This is the filename of the partial without the extention. The current "Model" will also be available in your partial without you have to pass something to the partial.
<article class="accordion-wrapper">
<div class="accordion-container accordion-contact">
Leadership Team
If you inherit from UmbracoTemplatePage or the UmbracoViewPage, then you can use the model as if you were in the View itself.
#inherits Umbraco.Web.Mvc.UmbracoTemplatePage
#foreach (var contact in CurrentPage.Children)
<section class="clearfix">
<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-6">
Thanks Morten OC. Thumbs up. I was using NestedContent and calling Partial view to render IPublishedContent, but also wanted access to CurrentPage.
Simple cast to object first worked. To elaborate, here's some extra code in case someone needs the same -
item, //for me this is an IPublishedContent
new ViewDataDictionary { { "CurrentPage", (object)CurrentPage } });
Then in my Partial, shortened for brevity -
#inherits Umbraco.Web.Mvc.UmbracoViewPage<IPublishedContent>
dynamic CurrentPage = ViewBag.CurrentPage;
So my Model is IPublishedContent (since I was iterating through nested contents)
And then in ViewBag you'll have a reference to CurrentPage. I named it CurrentPage just so I could continue using CurrentPage as we typically do in Umbraco.
Cheers Morten H5YR

Prestashop: Combinations not showing

i've got a problem with combinations in my prestashop Combinations just not showing in product page for example here - there should be 3 combinations with different prices. I dont know what happend, but color picker and another (also default) combinations doesn't working too.
Can anybody help me please?
Try activating the default theme, and navigate to the product page to see if the combinations show up. If they do show up, then you have a problem with your theme.
According to source file of his website, he's already using default-bootstrap theme.
Also according to the source file, product attributes are present, they just don't show up on product page.
<div id="attributes">
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<fieldset class="attribute_fieldset">
<label class="attribute_label">Balení </label>
<div class="attribute_list">
<ul id="color_to_pick_list" class="clearfix">
<li class="selected">
<a href="" id="color_26" name="" class="color_pick" title="">
<a href="" id="color_27" name="" class="color_pick" title="">
<input type="hidden" class="color_pick_hidden" name="group_4" value="25" />
<!-- end attribute_list -->
I had same problem with an earlier version of PrestaShop, after digging for hours I finally solved the issue.
You can check my post on PS forum and see if it helps.

rails 3.2 will paginate change style current page

I am trying to add some style to the current page to highlight it from the other pages style. But my code does not seem to work... all the numbers look the same!
<section id="pagination">
<li><a class='<%= "active" if (params[:page]).to_i == #myths.current_page %>'>
<!-- checking current page and params page -->
<%= #myths.current_page.to_i %> <br> <%= (params[:page]).to_i %> <br>
<%= will_paginate #myths, :inner_window => 1, :outer_window => 1, :previous_label => '← previous', :next_label => 'next →' %>
Any help is appreciated.
Picture of the pagination the current page is 3 (the style is applied when i check for the current page).
I am not using any helper.
Here is the generated html
<section id="pagination">
<li><a class='active'>
3 <br> 3 <br>
<div class="pagination">
<li class="prev previous_page ">
<a rel="prev" href="/tags/Justice?page=2">← previous</a>
<li><a rel="start" href="/tags/Justice?page=1">1</a></li>
<li><a rel="prev" href="/tags/Justice?page=2">2</a></li>
<li class="active">3</li>
<li><a rel="next" href="/tags/Justice?page=4">4</a></li>
<li class="next next_page ">
<a rel="next" href="/tags/Justice?page=4">next →</a>
this is the problem
<li class="active">3</li>
it should be
<li><a class="active" href="/tags/Justice?page=3">3</a></li>
for it to work. how to fix that?
since i am on page 3, 3 should be underlined the pagination should be like : <- previous 1 2 3 4 5 next ->
Consider reading the following wiki page. Just simplify your view:
<section id="pagination">
<%= will_paginate #myths, :inner_window => 1, :outer_window => 1, :previous_label =>
To add some special look and feel for the current page link, just set css style for the .current class. will_paginate will do the remaining staff for you and automatically add .current class to the current page link.
To make your particular case working, just change the css style to reflect the markup a {