Odoo 10 - Print address labels for partners and contacts - odoo

I would like to know if there is something "out of the box" in Odoo 10 community to print labels (shipping labels).
I see a "Label" field in res.partner view, but not sure if it is related or not.

There is no relation of Label tag with partner address and contact labels. Label tag is used to give string for particular field.
<label for="type" string="Type"/>
<div name="div_type">
<field name="type" class="oe_inline"/>


Odoo can I display a field of a many2one related field without duplicating it in the model using the related flag

Say, in odoo I have a Model A with a many2one field to model B.
Model B has a field "city".
Now I want to create a form for model A in which I want the "city" field of model B.
I can do this by adding the city field of Model B to model A as well and giving it the related flag.
b_city = fields.Char(related='b_id.city', depends=['b_id'])
But I dont like this because than I have to add this field to my model. I would prefer if can do this without creating this field. Is this possible?
Something that I'm looking for is like this:
<page string="Offers">
<field name="offer_ids">
<field name="price"/>
<field name="partner_id"/>
<field name="validity"/>
<field name="date_deadline"/>
<button name="accept" type="object" icon="fa-check"/>
<button name="reject" string="X" type="object" icon="fa-xmark"/>
<field name="status"/>
This a page in a form where the corresponding model has a one2many field which is being displayed in a tree view. Now, I want to the other way around. I want to display in a form some fields of another model to which the there is a many2one field.
Is it possible to do this in the the xml view?
There is no way to do that in Odoo unless using related field.
Check Odoo ORM documentation
Example 1:
invoice_partner_icon = fields.Char(compute='_compute_invoice_partner_display_info', store=False, compute_sudo=True)
#api.depends('partner_id', 'invoice_source_email')
def _compute_invoice_partner_display_info(self):
for move in self:
vendor_display_name = move.partner_id.display_name
if not vendor_display_name:
if move.invoice_source_email:
vendor_display_name = _('From: ') + move.invoice_source_email
move.invoice_partner_icon = '#'
vendor_display_name = _('Created by: %s') % (move.sudo().create_uid.name or self.env.user.name)
move.invoice_partner_icon = '#'
move.invoice_partner_icon = False
move.invoice_partner_display_name = vendor_display_name
As admin, You can create a new field in Model B which is related to model A without storing it in the database : in App Settings, switch to debug mode by adding "?debug=1" in your url, reload the page, then go to the new Technical Menu-tab > Fields.
Then, create your new related field using the panel "Advanced Properties" Related Field: ...
and then uncheck [ ] Stored

Format relational data in Odoo web client

I've been working on a couple of modules for Odoo 15. What I'm having trouble with understanding though is how I can format certain types of information in more custom ways inside the backend/web client.
The example below is a simplified version of the kind of formatting I'm trying to to (I also think parent_id is a reserved name and can't actually be used, but it makes the example clearer).
Lets say I have three models: ModelA, ModelB, ModelC.
ModelA can have an x amount of child objects of the type ModelB, and ModelB can have an x amount of child objects of the type ModelC. These child objects also point back to their parent:
# ModelA
child_ids = fields.One2many("mymodule.ModelB", "parent_id") # link to multiple children
# ModelB
parent_id = fields.Many2one("mymodule.ModelA") # link to single parent
child_ids = fields.One2many("mymodule.ModelC", "parent_id") # link to multiple children
# ModelC
parent_id = fields.Many2one("mymodule.ModelB") # link to single parent
If I want to show this in a form in the web client, I can do something like
<field name="child_ids">
<tree create="0" delete="0" edit="0">
<field name="name" />
to generate a simple list that only shows the name of each child, or use <field name="child_ids" widget="many2many_tags" /> to create inline tag-style objects.
But how can I access the child_ids data if I want to display it in a more graphical way. For example, lets say I want to generate some sort of nested boxes where for each object I draw a div which contains the divs for its children:
In other frameworks I'd write something like (pseudo code):
{{ for obj_a in a_objects }}
{{ for obj_b in obj_a.children }}
{{ for obj_c in obj_b.children }}
{{ endfor }}}
{{ endfor }}
{{ endfor }}
I thought something similar might be done using the different t-directives:
<div t-foreach="child_ids" t-as="child">
<h2><t t-out="child.name" /><h2>
But the Many2one relational fields aren't lists of objects and can't be iterated over like this.
What am I missing? How do I access this data in ways that allow me to show information in my own layout but still within the web client (no website; I want this information in the same interface as my lists and forms).

report print dropdown odoo

I have to add an item in print menu from purchase order tree view in odoo 8.
i am unable to find where is current Purchase Order reports added in print menu. i researched and found there is a tag from below:
also tried below, but i am getting qweb error :
<act_window name="Print Receiving Wkst"
res_model = "purchase.order"
src_model = "purchase.order"
key = "action"
my custom report is in "test" module with id "action_report_print_receivePO"
I am getting error for value tag i think.
Basically i have to add new entry in print menu from purchase order tree view. so that when ever it is clicked custom report is printed. moreover if more than one PO selected, it will create PDF of all the POs
You don't need to go through the stress of creating an action and then adding a new item to the "More dropdown". Odoo already provides a way for you do this. just set menu = True when you're registering your report and a Print option would appear in the "More dropdown" that prints your report.
string="Purchase order"
For more information on what the other parameters mean please refer to the
just in case you might want to generate reports of a different types not fully supported by Odoo, such as py3o you'll definitely need to create a report action as defined in the official doc. For example:
<record id="account.account_invoices" model="ir.actions.report">
<field name="report_type">py3o</field>
<field name="py3o_filetype">odt</field>
<field name="module">my_custom_module_base</field>
<field name="py3o_template_fallback">report/account_invoice.odt</field>
However for your action to appear in the Print dropdown list, you must add two more fields to the record
<field name="binding_model_id" ref="model_my_custom_module_base"/>
<field name="binding_type">report</field>
Hope this helps anyone in the future!!
NB: Here I'm using the py3o reporting engine. Check it out as an alternative to the native qweb engine.

how can I add one more field "company name" in odoo while signup?

I wanted to put an extra field in odoo while signup procedure. If admin has created multi company then user gets options to choose the company during sign up.
Demo screen
can anyone pls help me how can I achieve this Dropdown menu for company options in signup form?
<option t-esc="nb"/></t>
have no idea how it works.
You need to inherit the module you wish to modify, in your case I think this is the "web" module. If you don't know how to inherit modules, I recommend going through Odoo's developer documentation.
Inherit AuthSignupHome class in auth_signup module to fetch multi company data and inherit auth_signup.signup template to include qweb web design to for dropdow with multi company data:
try below code:
class AuthSignupHome(openerp.addons.auth_signup.controllers.main.AuthSignupHome):
company_ids = request.env["res.company"].sudo().search([])
qcontext['multi_company'] = company_ids
return request.render('auth_signup.signup', qcontext)
In xml:
<template id="inherit_fields" inherit_id="auth_signup.fields" name="Sign up">
<xpath expr="//div[#class='form-group field-login']" position="before">
<div class="selection">
<t t-foreach="multi_company" t-as="company">
<option><t t-esc="company.name"/></option>
I think it will help you..

Odoo show values of selected Many2one record

In my custom view, there is a field Many2one, next to it I would like to show values of that item as information in view after a serial_number is selected.
# model.py (newApi)
serial_number = fields.Many2one(comodel_name="stock.production.lot", string="Serial Number", required=True)
# view.xml
<field name="serial_number" options="{'no_open': True, 'no_create': 1, 'no_create_edit': 1}"/>
How I have to do correctly?
As per your requirement you need to use widget='selection' This will make many2one field as a selection field.
try with this:
<field name="serial_number" widget='selection'/>
USE related to do this :
Create a related fild in the model that have many2one relation
like this
field_name = fields.Char(string="Selected value", related="Field_name_in_co_model")
than put it in your form with readOnly :
<field name="field_name" readonly="1" />
when the user select an item the information of the selected record will show automaticly in the fields sorry for my english if you didn't undertand tell me i will give an exemple
you can even put it in tree form it's greate thing