Tensorflow Object Detection API has slow inference time with tensorflow serving - object-detection

I am unable to match the inference times reported by Google for models released in their model zoo. Specifically I am trying out their faster_rcnn_resnet101_coco model where the reported inference time is 106ms on a Titan X GPU.
My serving system is using TF 1.4 running in a container built from the Dockerfile released by Google. My client is modeled after the inception client also released by Google.
I am running on an Ubuntu 14.04, TF 1.4 with 1 Titan X. My total inference time is 3x worse than reported by Google ~330ms. Making the tensor proto is taking ~150ms and Predict is taking ~180ms. My saved_model.pb is directly from the tar file downloaded from the model zoo. Is there something I am missing? What steps can I take to reduce the inference time?

I was able to solve the two problems by
optimizing the compiler flags. Added the following to bazel-bin --config=opt --copt=-msse4.1 --copt=-msse4.2 --copt=-mavx --copt=-mavx2 --copt=-mfma
Not importing tf.contrib for every inference. In the inception_client sample provided by google, these lines re-import tf.contrib for every forward pass.

Non-max suppression may be the bottleneck: https://github.com/tensorflow/models/issues/2710.
Is the image size 600x600?

I ran similar model with a Titan Xp, however, I user the infer_detections.py script and logged the forward pass time [basically by using datetime before and after
tf_example = detection_inference.infer_detections_and_add_to_example(
serialized_example_tensor, detected_boxes_tensor,
detected_scores_tensor, detected_labels_tensor,
I had reduced the # of proposals generated in the first stage of FasterRCN from 300 to 100, and reduced the number of detections at the second stage to 100 as well. I got numbers in the range of 80 to 140 ms, and I think that the 600x600 image would approximately take ~106 or slightly less in this set-up (due to Titan Xp, and reduced complexity of model).
Maybe you can repeat the above process on your hardware, that way if the numbers are also ~106 ms for this case, we can attribute the difference to the use of DockerFile and the client. If the numbers are still high, then perhaps it is the hardware.
Would be helpful if someone from Tensorflow Object Detection team can comment on the set up used for generating the numbers in model zoo.

#Vikram Gupta did you check your GPU Usage? Does it get somewhere near 80-100%? I experience very low GPU Usage detecting Objects of a Video Stream with the API and models of the "model zoo".


TensorFlow model serving on Google AI Platform online prediction too slow with instance batches

I'm trying to deploy a TensorFlow model to Google AI Platform for Online Prediction. I'm having latency and throughput issues.
The model runs on my machine in less than 1 second (with only an Intel Core I7 4790K CPU) for a single image. I deployed it to AI Platform on a machine with 8 cores and an NVIDIA T4 GPU.
When running the model on AI Platform on the mentioned configuration, it takes a little less than a second when sending only one image. If I start sending many requests, each with one image, the model eventually blocks and stops responding. So I'm instead sending batches of images on each request (from 2 to 10, depending on external factors).
The problem is that I expected the batched requests to be almost constant in time. When sending 1 image, the CPU utilization was around 10% and GPU 12%. So I expected that a batch of 9 images would use ~100% of the hardware and respond in the same time ~1 sec, but this is not the case. A batch of 7 to 10 images takes anywhere from 15 to 50 seconds to be processed.
I already tried to optimize my model. I was using map_fn, replaced that with manual loops, switched from Float 32 to Float 16, tried to vectorize the operations as much as possible, but it's still in the same situation.
What am I missing here?
I'm using the latest AI Platform runtime for online prediction (Python 3.7, TensorFlow 2.1, CUDA 10.1).
The model is a large version of YOLOv4 (~250MB in SavedModel format). I've built a few postprocessing algorithms in TensorFlow that operates on the output of the model.
Last but not least, I also tried debugging with TensorBoard, and it turns out that the YOLOv4 part of the TensorFlow Graph is taking ~90% of the processing time. I expected this particular part of the model to be highly parallel.
Thanks in advance for any help with this. Please ask me for any information that you may need to better understand the issue.
UPDATE 2020-07-13: as suggested in a comment below, I also tried running the model on CPU, but it's really slow and suffers of the same problems than with GPU. It doesn't seem to process images from a single request in parallel.
Also, I think I'm running into issues with TensorFlow Serving due to the rate and amount of requests. I used the tensorflow/serving:latest-gpu Docker image locally to test this further. The model answers 3 times faster on my machine (GeForce GTX 1650) than on AI Platform, but its really inconsistent with response times. I'm getting the following response times (<amount of images> <response time in milliseconds>):
3 9004
3 8051
11 4332
1 222
3 4386
3 3547
11 5101
9 3016
10 3122
11 3341
9 4039
11 3783
11 3294
Then, after running for a minute, I start getting delays and errors:
3 27578
3 28563
3 31867
3 18855
message: 'Request failed with status code 504',
response: {
data: { error: 'Timed out waiting for notification' },
status: 504
For others with the same problem as me when using AI Platform:
As stated in a comment from the Google Cloud team here, AI Platform does not execute batches of instances at once. They plan on adding the feature, though.
We've since moved on from AI Platform to a custom deployment of NVIDIA's Triton Inference Server hosted on Google Cloud Compute Engine. We're getting much better performance than we expected, and we can still apply many more optimizations to our model provided by Triton.
Thanks to everyone who tried to help by replying to this answer.
From the Google Cloud documentation:
If you use a simple model and a small set of input instances, you'll find that there is a considerable difference between how long it takes to finish identical prediction requests using online versus batch prediction. It might take a batch job several minutes to complete predictions that are returned almost instantly by an online request. This is a side-effect of the different infrastructure used by the two methods of prediction. AI Platform Prediction allocates and initializes resources for a batch prediction job when you send the request. Online prediction is typically ready to process at the time of request.
This has to do, like the quote says, with the difference in node allocations, specially with:
Node allocation for online prediction:
Keeps at least one node ready over a period of several minutes, to handle requests even when there are none to handle. The ready state ensures that the service can serve each prediction promptly.
You can learn more about that here
The model is a large version of YOLOv4 (~250MB in SavedModel format). I've built a few postprocessing algorithms in TensorFlow that operates on the output of the model.
What are the postprocessing modifications have you made to the YOLOv4? Is it possible that the source of the slowdown are from those operations? One test you can do to validate this hypothesis locally is to benchmark an unmodified version of YOLOv4 against the benchmarks you've already made for your modified version.
Last but not least, I also tried debugging with TensorBoard, and it turns out that the YOLOv4 part of the TensorFlow Graph is taking ~90% of the processing time. I expected this particular part of the model to be highly parallel.
It would be interesting to take a look at the "debugging output" you're mentioning here. If you use https://www.tensorflow.org/guide/profiler#install_the_profiler_and_gpu_prerequisites, what are the breakdown of the most expensive operations? I've had some experience digging into TF ops -- I've found some strange bottlenecks due to CPU <-> GPU data transfer bottlenecks in some cases. Would be happy to hop on a call sometime and take a look with you if you shoot me a DM.

Non Deterministic Results Using GPUs with Tensorflow and Tensorflow Serving . .. Why?

We have an object detection model developed in Tensorflow (1.10 and 1.3) that uses a standard CNN and some extra layers. We host the model in Tensorflow Serving 1.13.0 using a saved model format, on Nvidia Tesla V100 GPUs with Cuda 10 and CUDNN 7.4.x. (We use the Google containers images and/or dockerfiles for Tensorflow serving.)
We run unit tests to ensure that prediction results are what we expect. These all work great on CPU. But when we run them on the above GPU/CUDA/CUDNN configuration, we get differences in the prediction probabilities ranging from .001 to .0005.
Our goals are to understand:
why this happens?
is there anything we can do to prevent it?
If there is something we can do to prevent it, does that entail some sort of trade off, such as performance?
We have tried the following experiments:
Multiple runs of the same model on tensorflow GPU using checkpoint with batchsize of 1
results identical
Multiple runs of the same model on GPU using checkpoint with various batchsizes
results off by .001
Multiple runs of the same model on CPU using checkpoint with various batchsizes
results identical
Multiple runs of the same model on tensorflow serviing GPU using checkpoint with batchsize of 1
results identical
Comparing runs with checkpoint to runs with saved model on GPU
results off by .005
Compare runs with checkpoint to runs with savedmodel on CPU
results identical
Experimented with changing the batch_size and setting TF_CUDNN_USE_AUTOTUNE=0 on GPU
reduces max difference from .001 to .0005
Experimented with adding intra_op_parallelism_threads=1, inter_op_parallelism_threads=1 didn’t make any difference when used with TF_CUDNN_USE_AUTOTUNE=0
results no different than the above
IN SUMMARY: We have a few cases where the results of running inference on GPU are different:
Using a checkpoint versus a saved model.
Batchsize = 1 versus various batch sizes
Setting TF_CUDNN_USE_AUTOTUNE=0 reduces the difference when using various batch sizes
This happens with TF 1.10 AND 1.13.1
Again, our goals are to understand:
Why this happens?
Is there anything we can do to prevent it?
If there is something we can do to prevent it, does that entail some sort of trade off, such as performance?
I have some crazy nondeterministic stuff going on, that didn't occur in my laptop's GPU but happened in the server's GPUs.
Solution: Now I call cudaDeviceSynchronize() every time after a call to a cublas, cusolver, etc., function, and the nondeterministic issue dissapeared! :) It made me really crazy and angry but aparently because those libraries use stream, then you can end using the content of a device pointer before the results have been written completely by those libs' functions.

object detection Training becomes slower in time. Uses more CPU than GPU as the training progresses

System information
What is the top-level directory of the model you are using:research/object_detection
Have I written custom code (as opposed to using a stock example script provided in TensorFlow):yes (just VGG-16 implementation for Faster RCNN)
OS Platform and Distribution (e.g., Linux Ubuntu 16.04):Ubuntu 16.04
TensorFlow version (use command below):1.4.0
CUDA/cuDNN version:8 and 6
GPU model and memory: NVIDIA-1060 6GB
I am trying to Train a Faster-RCNN with VGG-16 as feature extractor(paper) on my custom dataset using the API.
Training params are same as described in the paper except for, am running for 15k steps only and resizing the images to 1200x1200 with a batch size = 1.
The Training Runs Fine but as the Time progresses The Training becomes slower. It is shifting between CPU and GPU.
The steps where the time around 1sec is running on GPU and the other high numbers like ~20secs is running in CPU I cross verified them using 'top' and 'nvidia-smi'. Why is it shifting between CPU and GPU in the middle? I can understand the shift when the model and logs are getting saved but this I don't understand why.
PS: I am running Only the Train script. Am not running the eval script
This becomes worse over time.
the secs/step is increasing thus affecting the rate at which the checkpoints and the logs getting stored
It should run less than 1sec/step because that was the speed when I started the training for the first 2k steps. And my dataset is pretty small (300 Images for training).
In my experience, it is possible that the size of your input image is quite too large. When you take a look at the tensorboard during the training session, you can find out that all the reshape calculation are running on GPU. So maybe you can write a python script to resize your input image without changing the aspect ratio, and you can at the same time set your batch size(maybe 4 or 8) a little bit higher. Then your can train your dataset faster and can also get a relative good result (mAP)

htop cpu almost red when running tensorflow, predict is very slow

I'm using tensorflow to train a model and predict, and use htop on ubuntu to monitor cpu usage. predict is very slow, I just can't bear it. htop shows that cpu color is almost red, which means almost all cpu resource is used by system kernel threads, but cpu usage is 0% before tensorflow start.
I have not changed the thread_num, I'm using tensorflow v0.11 on ubuntu14.04.
The problem is that default glibc malloc is not efficient for small allocations. Also, because Google develops/tests tensorflow with tcmalloc internally, bad interactions with regular malloc don't get ironed out. The solution is to run TensorFlow with tcmalloc.
sudo apt-get install google-perftools
export LD_PRELOAD="/usr/lib/libtcmalloc.so.4"
python ...
If you're looking for something to improve the inference performance, I could recommend trying OpenVINO. It improves your model's accuracy by converting it to Intermediate Representation (IR), conducting graph pruning, and fusing certain operations into others. Then, in runtime, it uses vectorization. OpenVINO is optimized for Intel hardware, although it should work with any CPU.
It's rather straightforward to convert the Tensorflow model to OpenVINO unless you have fancy custom layers. The full tutorial on how to do it can be found here. Some snippets are below.
Install OpenVINO
The easiest way to do it is using PIP. Alternatively, you can use this tool to find the best way in your case.
pip install openvino-dev[tensorflow]
Use Model Optimizer to convert SavedModel model
The Model Optimizer is a command-line tool that comes from OpenVINO Development Package. It converts the Tensorflow model to IR, which is a default format for OpenVINO. You can also try the precision of FP16, which should give you better performance without a significant accuracy drop (just change data_type). Run in the command line:
mo --saved_model_dir "model" --data_type FP32 --output_dir "model_ir"
Run the inference
The converted model can be loaded by the runtime and compiled for a specific device, e.g., CPU or GPU (integrated into your CPU like Intel HD Graphics). If you don't know what the best choice for you is, use AUTO. If you care about latency, I suggest adding a performance hint (as shown below) to use the device that fulfills your requirement. If you care about throughput, change the value to THROUGHPUT or CUMULATIVE_THROUGHPUT.
# Load the network
ie = Core()
model_ir = ie.read_model(model="model_ir/model.xml")
compiled_model_ir = ie.compile_model(model=model_ir, device_name="AUTO", config={"PERFORMANCE_HINT":"LATENCY"})
# Get output layer
output_layer_ir = compiled_model_ir.output(0)
# Run inference on the input image
result = compiled_model_ir([input_image])[output_layer_ir]
Disclaimer: I work on OpenVINO.

Strategies for improving performance when using Tensorflow w / C++?

I'm fairly new to Tensorflow in and ML in general and am wondering what strategies I can use to increase performance of an application I am building.
My app is using the Tensorflow C++ interface, with a source compiled TF 0.11 libtensorflow_cc.so (built with bazel build -c opt --copt=-mavx and optionally adding --config=cuda) for either AVX or AVX + CUDA on Mac OS X 10.12.1, on an MacBook Pro 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7 (2 cores 8 threads) with 16GB ram and a Nvidia 750m w/ 2GB VRam)
My application is using Inception V3 model and pulling feature vectors from pool_3 layer. I'm decoding video frames via native API's and passing those in memory buffers to the C++ interface for TF and running them into a session.
I'm not currently batching, but I am caching my session and re-using it for each individual decoded frame / tensor submission. Ive noticed that both CPU and GPU performance is about the same, taking about 40 to 50 seconds to process 222 frames, which seems very slow to me. Ive confirmed CUDA is being invoked, loaded, and the GPU is functioning (or appears so).
Some questions:
In general what should I expect for reasonable performance time wise of TF doing a frame of Inception on a consumer laptop?
How much of a difference does batching make for these operations? For tensors of 1x299x299x3 , I imagine I am doing more PCI transfer waiting than waiting on for meaningful work from the GPU?
if so Is there a good example of batching under C++ for InceptionV3?
Is there operations that cause additional CPU->GPU Syncronization that might otherwise be avoided?
Is there a way to ensure my sessions / graphs share resources ? Can I use nested scopes somehow in this manner? I couldn't quite get that to work but likely missed something.
Any good documentation of general strategies for things to do / avoid?
My code is below:
Thank you very much
For reference, OpenCV analysis using perceptual hash, histogram, dense optical flow, sparse optical flow for point tracking, and simple saliency detection takes 4 to 5 seconds for the same 222 frames using CPU or CPU + OpenCL.
Answering your last question first, if there's documentation about performance optimization, yes:
The TensorFlow Performance Guide
The TensorFlow GPU profiling hints
Laptop performance is highly variable, and TF isn't particularly optimized for laptop GPUs. The numbers you're getting (222 frames in 40-50 seconds) ~= 5 fps don't seem crazy on a laptop platform, using the 2016 version of TensorFlow, with inception. With some of the performance improvements outlined in the performance guide above, that should probably be doubled in late 2017.
For batching, yes - the newer example inception model code allows a variable batch size at inference time. This is mostly about whether the model itself was defined to handle a batch size, which is something improved since 2016.
Batching for inference will make a pretty big difference on GPU. Whether it helps on CPU depends a lot -- for example, if you build with MKL-DNN support, batching should be considered mandatory, but basic TensorFlow may not benefit as much.