Yii2 - Advance Template with backend branches - yii

Please guide,
I once created a Yii2 app using a basic template.
Now, I am moving to advanced template.
Because i am facing a problem like this.
Let say, We have Headquarters and branch offices.
My question is the structured of app.
- backend
- frontend
I have 2 question,if I have structured like this:
- backend-master (abstract/interfaces class is came from this)
- backend-headquarters
- backend-branch-offices-1
- backend-branch-offices-2
- frontend
Is it good approach method ?
How to use a one layout web to all backend
Please advise.

No. All you need is actually a sub module. not a separate backend module like this.
You may configure each sub-module to use the view file from any sub-module inside backend module in each of your sub-module configuration.
backend/module/headquaters/module/config/main.php (i assume)
'components' => [
... other components
'view' => [
'theme' => [
'pathMap' => [
// you may specify any directory as your view directory from here
'#backend/views' => '#backend/views',
'#frontend/adminlte/views' => '#frontend/themes/adminlte/views',
... other components


Merge styles - How to use vendor prefixes

I'm using this library #uifabric/merge-styles from office-ui-fabric. My question is how to use vendor prefixes inside mergeStyleSets?
Example -webkit-filter:
import { mergeStyleSets } from '#uifabric/merge-styles'
webkitFilter: 'blur(5px)', // Error! No Typescript definition.
Is there any other way to achieve this?
Merge Styles Library
It looks like there is no Typescript definitions for it
Addition to #Vitalie Braga answer:
This is temporary solution if you are using Typescript project:
const foo = mergeStyleSets({
root: [
backgroundColor: '#f00',
...({ '-webkit-filter': 'blur(5px)' } as any)
Issues Page - Git OFFICE UI FABRIC
#uifabric/merge-styles library has smarts about automatic vendor prefixing for you but the only issue with that is that the rules that are auto-prefixed today are limited to just one: user-select. I would advise you go and submit an issue in their github repo here and either ask if new rules can be added or ask how to handle this situation.
From a deeper investigation looks like they have some vendor specific support but is very limited in IRawStyleBase.ts. Those rules will automatically be transformed into vendor rules.
So to answer your questions if you are using a TS project there is no way you can specify something that is not compatible with the IRawStyleBase interface but if you are using a js script you can probably try your luck as I did in this code-sandbox and it looks like the filter get's through but nothing else.

Group pages without affecting the router - Nuxt.js

I am using Nuxt to create my application and I have a group of pages that are related in a way.
So I will simplify things a bit but my current structure looks like this
This folder structure is creating /login, /registration, /forgot-password, /resend-confirmation-email routes, which is cool.
So, in a way I can group first four pages to a group and name it authorization.
Ideally new folder structure should look like
However what I would like is for the router to not get messed up, I would very much like for those routes to remain the way they were.
Is that possible?
So with no plugins and stuff, what I did was replacing the folder name from route object in extend routes function.
File nuxt.config.js
router: {
extendRoutes(nuxtRoutes) {
nuxtRoutes.map(route => {
route.path = route.path.replace('/authorization', '');
route.name = route.name.replace('authorization-', '');
return route;
This looks like a hack to me, but it actually does exactly what I want. For some larger projects I might consider fully overriding the router but this is kinda okay for now.
You can use nuxt router extras module
path: /posts

How to create a module that changes other modules' behaviors

I want to create a module for SocialEngine that changes the signup behavior by adding the option to signup using phone number and sending text message to the user's phone and letting them confirm it. I guess I need to add code in the file application/modules/User/Form/Signup.php. For example, I can add a new field as follows:
$this->AddElement('Text', 'sms', [
'class' => 'signup-name',
'label' => 'Phone Number',
'required' => true,
'validators' => [
['StringLength', true, ['min'=>11, 'max'=>11]]
$this->sms->getValidator('StringLength')->setMessage('Phone must be 11 digits');
However, I don't want to manually add the code. I need to add the functionality by installing the plugin and disable it by removing or disabling the plugin. How can I do that?
Do I need to mess with installation php scripts and do file operations like overwriting files or is there a better way to separate my files completely, meanwhile making them serve as a complement for a given module?

app can't find module?

I am working on a project. It was fine until I installed new windows on my PC. But now project is same and when I access
It returns null. It also returns null for: Yii::app()->controller->module->id. When I viewed config file it had admin module in it. I don't know why is it's returning null. Can't find a way out.
Module in config file is like:
'modules' => array(
// uncomment the following to enable the Gii tool
'gii' => array(
'generatorPaths' => array(
'class' => 'system.gii.GiiModule',
'password' => '1234',
// If removed, Gii defaults to localhost only. Edit carefully to taste.
'ipFilters' => array('', '::1'),
When you access Yii::app()->controller->module then it will return the module that current controller belongs to. It returns null if the controller does not belong to any module. Please make sure the current controller you accessed which is belong to any module you configured.
You can see this link: http://www.yiiframework.com/doc/guide/1.1/en/basics.module to work with Module.
If you want to see which modules are loaded then use:
You are not 'in' a module and want to get a specific module (like admin module): you can do

How to create a smarty variable in prestashop 1.5

I am working on a button that switches view with onClick. I wish to store the last/default position in a variable in order to prevent switching to the default view state on each page refresh or navigation.
I read that I can do the following in a php file:
$myVar= -1;
$smarty->assign('myVar', $myVar);
and then use $myVar in the tpl file. But it does not work for me.
The tpl file I am working on is not part of a module and has no .php file in the prestashop root folder.
Can anyone educate me a little on smarty/php and how to create variables and use them to store button's state?
Smarty is a PHP template engine for PHP, which facilitates the separation of presentation (XHTML/CSS) from the PrestaShop's core functions/controllers.
A template file (usually with a .tpl extension in PrestaShop) is always called by a PHP controller file (it can be a Front-end core controller or a module controller).
Example: /prestashop/controllers/front/ContactController.php
'contacts' => Contact::getContacts($this->context->language->id),
'message' => html_entity_decode(Tools::getValue('message'))
We can see that this file is retrieving information from the database and assigning it to Smarty.
Then, the 'contact-form.tpl' template will display it to the visitors.
The syntax is pretty similar for modules,
public function hookLeftColumn($params)
$this->smarty->assign('blocklink_links', $this->getLinks());
return $this->display(__FILE__, 'blocklink.tpl');
Also, to store values in Smarty variables, you can use the 'assign' function in two ways:
$this->context->smarty->assign('my_smarty_variable_name', $my_value);
or if you have several variables:
$this->context->smarty->assign(array('my_smarty_variable_name1' => $my_value1), ('my_smarty_variable_name2' => $my_value2));
And then in the Smarty template:
The value of my variable is {$my_smarty_variable_name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}.
The 'escape' modifier is used to avoid XSS security issues.
In order to use variables in your smarty file, you need to use for example :
'myVar' => $myvar,
'otherVar' => $otherVar
Then to use it in your tpl file you simply need to use :
<div>my var = {$myVar}</div>
To use a variable in your smarty you need to write it inside {}.