Checking if a geocoordinate point is land or ocean with cartopy? - cartopy

I want to know given a latitude and longitude if a coordinate is land or sea
According to
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
bm = Basemap() # default: projection='cyl'
print bm.is_land(99.675, 13.104) #True
print bm.is_land(100.539, 13.104) #False
The problem is that basemap is deprecated. how di perform this with cartopy?

A question which deals with point containment testing of country geometries using cartopy can be found at Polygon containment test in matplotlib artist.
Cartopy has the tools to achieve this, but there is no built-in method such as "is_land". Instead, you need to get hold of the appropriate geometry data, and query that using standard shapely predicates.
import as shpreader
import shapely.geometry as sgeom
from shapely.ops import unary_union
from shapely.prepared import prep
land_shp_fname = shpreader.natural_earth(resolution='50m',
category='physical', name='land')
land_geom = unary_union(list(shpreader.Reader(land_shp_fname).geometries()))
land = prep(land_geom)
def is_land(x, y):
return land.contains(sgeom.Point(x, y))
This gives the expected results for two sample points:
>>> print(is_land(0, 0))
>>> print(is_land(0, 10))
If you have access to it, fiona will make this easier (and snappier):
import fiona
import as shpreader
import shapely.geometry as sgeom
from shapely.prepared import prep
geoms =
category='physical', name='land'))
land_geom = sgeom.MultiPolygon([sgeom.shape(geom['geometry'])
for geom in geoms])
land = prep(land_geom)
Finally, I produced (back in 2011) the shapely.vectorized functionality to speed up this kind of operation when testing many points at the same time. The code is available as a gist at, and produces the following proof-of-concept for testing land containment for the UK:
Another tool you may be interested in reading about is geopandas, as this kind of containment testing is one of its core capabilities.


interactive large plot with vaex

I am using python 3.8 on Windows 10; trying to make a plot with about 700M points in it, sound wave analysis. Here: Interactive large plot with ~20 million sample points and gigabytes of data
Vaex was highly recommended. I am trying to use examples from the Vaex tutorial but the graph does not appear. I could not find a good example on Internet.
import vaex
import numpy as np
df = vaex.example()
df.plot1d(df.x, limits='99.7%');
The Vaex documents don't mention that should be used to display. Plot1d plots a histogram. How to plot just connected points?
I am pretty sure that the vaex documentation explains that the (now deprecated) method .plot1d(...) is a wrapper around matplotlib plotting routines.
If you would like to create custom plots using the binned data, you can take this approach (I also found it in their docs)
import vaex
import numpy as np
import pylab as plt
# Load example data
df = vaex.example()
# Do the binning yourself
counts = df.count(binby=df.x, shape=64, limits='99.7%')
# Take care of the x-axis
limits = df.limits_percentage(df.x, percentage=99.7)
xvals = np.linspace(limits[0], limits[1], num=64)
# Create your custom plot via matplotlib, plotly or your favorite tool
p.plot(xvals, counts, marker='o', ms=5);

Using multiple sliders to manipulate curves in a single graph

I created the following Jupyter Notebook. Here three functions are shifted using three sliders. In the future I would like to generalise it to an arbitrary number of curves (i.e. n-curves). However, right now, the graph updating procedure is very slow and the graph itself doesn't seem to be fixed in the corrispective cell . I didn't receive any error message but I'm pretty sure that there is a mistake in the update function.
Here is the the code
from ipywidgets import interact
import ipywidgets as widgets
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython.display import display
x = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 2000)
def shift(v_X):
print(' ')
print(' ')
return curve
for i in range(num_curve):
title="x%i" % (i%num_curve+1)
sl=widgets.FloatSlider(description=title,min=-2.0, max=2.0, step=0.1,orientation=o)
Dict = {}
for c in controls:
Dict[c.description] = c
uif = widgets.HBox(tuple(controls))
def update_N(**xvalor):
for i in range(num_curve):
outf = widgets.interactive_output(update_N,Dict)
display(uif, outf)
Your function is running on every single value the slider moves through, which is probably giving you the long times to run you are seeing. You can change this by adding continuous_update=False into your FloatSlider call (line 32).
This got me much better performance, and the chart doesn't flicker as much as there are vastly fewer redraws. Does this help?

Trouble geo mapping with datashader, holoviews and bokeh

I'm trying to map google phone history locations on to a map using holoviews, datashader and bokeh. Mostly very similar to the examples given in the datashader website. But when I do the map overlay doesn't work as the lat/long gets mangled up.
import datashader as ds
import geoviews as gv
import holoviews as hv
from holoviews.operation.datashader import datashade, dynspread
from datashader import transfer_functions as tf
from colorcet import fire
> df2.head()
lat long
0 -37.7997515 144.9636466
1 -37.7997515 144.9636466
2 -37.7997369 144.9636036
3 -37.7997387 144.9636358
4 -37.7997515 144.9636466
This works to produce an image of the data,
ds_viz = ds.Canvas().points(df2,'lat','long')
tf.set_background(tf.shade(ds_viz, cmap=fire),"black")
However when I try to overlay it with a map it doesn't work,
from bokeh.models import WMTSTileSource
url = '{Z}/{Y}/{X}.jpg'
tile_opts = dict(width=1000,height=600,bgcolor='black',show_grid=False)
map_tiles = gv.WMTS(url).opts(style=dict(alpha=0.5), plot=tile_opts)
points = hv.Points(df2, kdims=['long','lat'])
trips = datashade(points, cmap=fire,width=1000, height=600)
map_tiles * trips
What am I doing wrong?
It looks like your points are in lon,lat but your map is in Web Mercator coordinates, so you need to project your points into Web Mercator before you overlay them. GeoViews offers comprehensive support for projections, but for this specific case Datashader provides the special-purpose function datashader.utils.lnglat_to_meters. Something like this should work:
df2.loc[:, 'lon'], df.loc[:, 'lat'] = lnglat_to_meters(df2.lon,
Projecting can be slow, so you may want to save the resulting df2 to a Parquet file so that you only have to do it once.

Mask cube with features

I want to plot data from a global cube, but only for a list of countries. So I select a subcube according to the countries' "bounding box".
So far so good. What I'm looking for is an easy way to mask out all points of a cube which do not fall in any of my countries (which are represented as features), so that only those points of the cube which lie within any of my features are plotted.
Any idea is greatly appreciated =)
You can achieve this directly at the plotting stage rather than masking the cube within iris. I've approached this by setting the clip path of the artist returned by pcolor. The method is to create a list of geometries from features (in this case countries from Natural Earth, they could be from a shapefile) then transform these geometries into a matplotlib path which the image can be clipped to. I'll detail this method, and hopefully this will be enough to get you started:
I first defined a function to retrieve the Shapely geometries corresponding to given country names, the geometries come from the Natural Earth 110m administrative boundaries shapefile, access through the cartopy interface.
I then defined a second function which is a wrapper around the iris.plot.pcolor function which makes the plot and clips it to the given geometries.
Now all I need to do is set up the plot as normal, but use the plotting wrapper instead of directly calling the iris.plot.pcolor function.
Here is a complete example:
import as ccrs
from import natural_earth, Reader
from cartopy.mpl.patch import geos_to_path
import iris
import iris.plot as iplt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.path import Path
def get_geometries(country_names):
Get an iterable of Shapely geometries corrresponding to given countries.
# Using the Natural Earth feature interface provided by cartopy.
# You could use a different source, all you need is the geometries.
shape_records = Reader(natural_earth(resolution='110m',
geoms = []
for country in shape_records:
if country.attributes['name_long'] in country_names:
geoms += country.geometry
except TypeError:
return geoms, ccrs.PlateCarree()._as_mpl_transform
def pcolor_mask_geoms(cube, geoms, transform):
path = Path.make_compound_path(*geos_to_path(geoms))
im = iplt.pcolor(cube)
im.set_clip_path(path, transform=transform)
# First plot the full map:
cube = iris.load_cube(iris.sample_data_path('air_temp.pp'))
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
ax1 = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree())
# Now plot just the required countries:
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
ax2 = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree())
countries = [
'United States',
'United Kingdom',
'Saudi Arabia',
'South Africa',
geoms, transform = get_geometries(countries)
pcolor_mask_geoms(cube, geoms, transform(ax2))
The results of which look like this:
If you want to use iris.plot.pcolormesh instead you will need to modify the plotting function a little bit. This is dues to a workaround for a matplotlib issue that is currently included in cartopy. The modified version would look like this:
def pcolor_mask_geoms(cube, geoms, transform):
path = Path.make_compound_path(*geos_to_path(geoms))
im = iplt.pcolormesh(cube)
im.set_clip_path(path, transform=transform)
im._wrapped_collection_fix.set_clip_path(path, transform)
except AttributeError:

How to add a point-feature shapefile to map using cartopy

I have two shapefiles. One is a point feature shapefile, named "point.shp", the other is a polygon shapefile named "polygon.shp". Both I want to add to a map using cartopy.
I managed to add the "polygon.shp", but failed with the "point.shp".
Here's my code:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from cartopy import crs
from import Reader
from cartopy.feature import ShapelyFeature
ax = plt.axes(projection=crs.PlateCarree())
# add the polygon file, worked
ax.add_geometries(Reader("polygon.shp").geometries(), crs.PlateCarree(), facecolor='w')
# or(also worked):
ax.add_feature(ShapelyFeature(Reader("polygon.shp").geometries(), crs.PlateCarree(), facecolor='r'))
# but these two ways both failed with the "point.shp"
ax.add_geometries(Reader("point.shp").geometries(), crs.PlateCarree())
# or, this doesn't work neither:
ax.add_feature(ShapelyFeature(Reader("polygon.shp").geometries(), crs.PlateCarree(), facecolor='r'))
Does any one know how to do this, or why, without retrieving all the points' x, y coords and then plotting them?
And with coordinates(x, y values), ax.plot() works, but ax.scatter() fails, why?
add_geometries currently turns a geometry into a polygon and then colours it appropriately, which of course means that when you pass points the add_geometries, the polygons are not visible. Potentially cartopy could do a better job of this in the future, but in the meantime, it sounds like you just want to use something like scatter to visualize your data.
You can achieve this by getting the x and y coordinate values out of the geometry and passing these straight on to scatter with the appropriate transform:
import as ccrs
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fname ='10m',
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.Robinson())
ax.set_title('Populated places of the world.')
points = list(
ax.scatter([point.x for point in points],
[point.y for point in points],