React Native code editor / IDE with intellisense/code-completion [closed] - react-native

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Closed 5 years ago.
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React Native code editor/IDE with intellisense/code-completion?
I have heard of WebStorm but it is not free. Anyone using one that is free and you would recommend it?

You would like code completion for developing React Native applications.
Facebook has a Atom plugin called Nuclide which comes with code completion. You can install this plugin to a fresh install of Atom and have code completion.
Install Atom from here
Open Atom and go to preferences.
Click on Packages
Type in Nuclide and click install
For more information on setting up Nuclide with Atom take a look at the setup pages here.


Is there react native library which can transfer data between 2 mobile devices in offline mode? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I am new to React Native development (for Android and iOS).
I am trying to transfer data between 2 mobile devices in offline mode (WiFi, Bluetooth or something else. QR codes no due to the data size limitations)
I found a good library react-native-wifi-and-hotspot-wizard and react-native-wifi-hotspot but it only supports Android, not iOS.
I am looking for a cross-platform (Android and iOS) data transfer library that can between 2 devices in offline mode.
Can anyone please suggest a library or some code tips?
you can use react-native-wifi-p2p library
yarn add react-native-wifi-p2p
you can use sendFile and receiveFile functions from this library for transfer files/data between 2 mobile devices
for Ios, you can use
You can use my open source repo at
There was a challenge to build such thing using React Native and I wrote the app in this repo.

Integrating nfc with react native Expo [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm learning React Native. For the App I am trying to build I need NFC read. As far as I know Expo supports NFC for newer IOS versions.
There are some libraries that introduce NFC to react native. But can I use normal React Native Libraries with Expo? will that work?
NFC isn't supported by Expo yet. And it is not possible to add libraries with native code when using Expo.

Looking for free react native ide for windows [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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i am looking for a free react native IDE for windows.
Webstorm is not free, and Deco is for mac.
any suggestions ?
You can try vs-code by microsoft or Atom by github.
They both have react-native plugins you can try.
react-native plugin for vscode
react-native-autocomplete plugin for Atom.
These are just two plugins from a quick search on the web. I'm sure there are more.
I'm using vscode with its react-native plugin and i don't need more than that.
Try Nuclide - open source, Atom based IDE for React Native developed by Facebook.
I strongly recomend you Visual Studio Code. You will find a lot of plugins very kind and helpful

react-native: what automation CI tool is the best? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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React native community: What CI tool do you use?
Our team has built a react-native ios app. We also have a separate test team that created an appium test suite to run against the app. The test suite can be run locally, but we are ready to setup a CI flow to build our app, run the appium tests against it, and eventually fill out this flow with deployment, code coverage, etc.
We have invested some time in attempting to get a build pipeline working within CircleCI to generate a build and then pipe the artifact to the appium project, with limited success. We reached out to CircleCI support and they have indicated that they do not officially support react-native at this time.
We are now exploring other CI options and are interested to see what others in the community are already using successfully.
Some research has lead us to several possiblities. Related research:
Continuous Integration with React Native
Possible options:
Bitrise + Fastlane

What error tracking services work with React Native? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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The normal tools we use for error tracking native apps don't really work since the crash reports contain minified js. The tools we use for web apps don't seem to support react native. Are there services that do support react native and if not do we have any other options to get useful crash reports?
Heads up that Bugsnag released official support for React Native to get crash and error data on both the js layer and the underlying OS.
It does handle minified JS using sourcemaps. These can be hosted by you and referenced from Bugsnag or hosted via Bugsnang's API.
Sentry and BugSnag both have dedicated SDKs for React Native: (doc) (doc)
They both handle sourcemaps.
We created a react-native-bugsnag lib before the official bugsnag lib was out, but it's now deprecated.
Use the official instead.
[Long version]
We were also looking for a way to report errors on react-native and since I was not really happy with the existing solutions I found (Crashlytics, and sentry), me and Joshua Pinter decided to write our own implementation of a react-native module, that works with bugsnag.
Here it is: react-native-bugsnag.
It supports both iOS/Java and Javascript handled and unhanded crash reporting.
I hope you enjoy!
Also now React Native + Code Push + Bugsnag for a really pleasant bug fixing relationship
Instabug and AppCenter now both provide react-native crash reporting tools with js de-obfuscation, but I haven't tested any of the 2 for crash reports.
I know of two ways this is being done. First, Crashyltics. I use it, but it requires a few tweaks apparently to bubble up the javascript side of the fence. Here's a great article by on what's involved with that...
Add Crashlytics to your React Native iOS app
Second, here's a react native integration with Sentry
Sentry for React Native
Hope you find these useful.
Bug snag -
Crashlytics -
This are tools used for React native to report bugs. Hope it helps ! Thank you