Cannot create an Application with OJET-CLI - npm

I am a beginner on Oracle JET. I tried to install a sample ojet application which is mentioned in the documentation. I have set both http and https proxy. I have node and npm installed on my system. I am able to download other packages using npm like npm-check etc. but when I try
ojet create HelloJET --web --template=navdrawer
it goes through some time and often stuck at this point

In CMD when you mark something up for selection the header of the window changes to
Select <process>
You need to press esc to exit from select mode.

Yes, the problem is that white spot in the middle of screen,
you needed to press ESC to let the rest the script to run


#1558 - Column count of mysql.proc is wrong. Expected 21, found 20. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error

I got this message when I try to run query on XAMPP in macOS
#1558 - Column count of mysql.proc is wrong. Expected 21, found 20. Created with MariaDB 100108, now running 100421. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error
I tried to write
'mysql_upgrade -u root -p'
on my terminal but I got this message
zsh: command not found: mysql_upgrade
I also ran into same issue and after cracking my head for the past 10hrs, I finally realise how to perform the upgrade. U
go to your Mac terminal and paste the following code:
Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/bin/mysql_upgrade -u root -p
Supply your root password and see it work like magic.
Contrary to what many people posted online by using /opt/lampp/bin
It always gives a zsh not found error.
I hope this helps you and in the future for others who might need it.
You could try switching to a different shell, say bash by typing bash in your terminal.
Then proceed to run mysql_upgrade normally in the appropriate directory
I also could not run the code from the Terminal. I was, however, able to go to the folder itself and "run" the mysql_upgrade application. If you are using XAMPP and the Application Manager, there's a button to Open Application Folder. If you click that, finder will open where XAMPP lives. Open the bin folder. Then scroll until you find mysql_upgrade. Double click it. It will run in a Terminal session and complete the upgrade. Hope this helps someone else as I spent waaayyyy too much time trying to get this to work.

The only way to start server sides (back end) is running them with a command line like "npm start"? there like compiling the project and make it run to be autoexecutable?
Sorry for the general question. I have been doing little projects with server side and I find that always I need to write "npm start" or so to make the whole start working.
My doubt is, Do these projects need to be compiled somehow or it is just as is, a simple line runs the coded files and that works like a server side?
Also, should not a server side able to run by itself (by definition) when the system restarts? So far, I needed to create bat files/start folder in windows to make then run in case of restart.
According to NPM documentation:
npm start
This runs an arbitrary command specified in the package’s "start" property of its "scripts" object. If no "start" property is specified on the "scripts" object, it will run node server.js.
To start the server you have to start a process and that process is started by npm start. If processes are killed they cannot be brought back to life by themselves. If the process is killed (eg when you restart) you have to make sure a new process is automatically spawned. You can accomplish this in multiple ways. You could use services (for example systemctl in Debian). You could also use tools like Kubernetes which can automatically restart a container in case of a crash.
Another possbile solution to use something like Respawn which allows you to respawn a process if it crashes from NodeJS code. Of course, it can also be accomplished with plain NodeJS.

Pamac will not load any apps

So I did a fresh install of Arch Linux on my desktop and installed i3wm with it. After updating the repo's following the first reboot I began to add some packages I am familiar with that I can remember off the top of my head. After making sure my wireless internet was working I began to add apps to install to get me all set up and 'pamac-aur' was one of them. After I couldn't remember anymore apps to install I turned to pamac to help me with the rest, only it wouldn't start. I got a "Authentication failed" error. So I did some research and 95% of the posts I read mentioned adding 2 lines to my i3 startup config.
exec /usr/lib/polkit-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 &
exec --no-startup-id /usr/lib/polkit-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 &
I currently have tried both of those lines and each one separately as well since they are almost identical and pamac is still giving me the "Authentication failed" error message. I can 'sudo pacman -Syu' and 'yay -Syu' from the command line but since I am still new with i3 and linux in general, I like referring to an application that shows pictures of different packages and a 'one-stop-shop' to install everything in one go.
So beyond those two lines in my i3 config, I don't know what else to try. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Have you already checked if you have polkit-gnome installed?
This is the package that provides the binary you are trying to execute with the lines you mentioned in you config:
pacman -Syu polkit-gnome
After installing it I would check if it works when starting the agent manually by executing the following in the terminal:
Then run pamac and try to install/remove/update a package with it. When a popup appears that wants you to authenticate yourself it was a success.
Then you can add the line to your i3 config.
Also the the second line without the ampersand at the end is enough for your i3 config:
exec --no-startup-id /usr/lib/polkit-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1
For the new line in the config to take effect you would have to, after saving the file, logout and login again.

Vue-cli: arrow key not working while creating new project on git bash windows

I am trying to create a project which Vue-cli through Git bash Window.
Git version
Vue version 3.0.0-rc.3
For some reason the cursor is still visible during installation.
And when I press any arrow key, the option does not change, only the cursor move around. (However, pressing enter still process me to the next step).
Searching for a solution with google does not let me anywhere, only a few Github bug report:
I had the same issue. The solution I came up with was:
$ winpty vue.cmd create `<project-name>`
Surprisingly, Windows Command Prompt is not suffered from this bug. So my solution is:
Hold Shift + Right click project folder -> choose Open command window here
This does not solve the root cause. If you happen to know a better option, please post your answer.
If you get error cannot execute scripts on powershell, then you need to enable script execution. Run powershell as administrator and run the following command to enable scripts on it:
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
UPDATED 2021, Apr 4th!
Here's a CTRL+C and CTRL+V step-by-step practical solution to solve this. The fact that you have this trouble means you are on Windows and you most likely use Git Bash.
Using Git Bash a quick solution would be typing
echo 'alias vue="winpty vue.cmd"' >> ~/.bashrc
This will not overwrite .bashrc, and instead append the text on the left of >>
Restart your bash. That means close it and open it again.
If you're looking for "Why do I have to add such thing to .bashrc?", I think another user has mentioned that. If you found this helpful please upvote it so others can see it too.
Old answer
You can try to make a file .bashrc in your current <UserNameProfile>.
Then, inside of it use your favourite text editor and write
alias vue='winpty vue.cmd'
Then restart your bash. And you should be able to use vue as it should be on the documentation.
There are two ways to solve this issue which is explained in the Vue CLI Documentation:
1 - You must run the command as winpty vue.cmd create hello-world.
2 - If you still want to use the vue create hello-world syntax. You'll need to add the following line, alias vue='winpty vue.cmd', to your ~/.bashrc file. Then, you'll need to restart your Git Bash terminal session to pull in the updated bashrc file.
Git Bash is not an interactive shell. That's why you should use something that is by default interactive such as CMD or you have to do as mentioned in the Vue CLI doc:
If you are on Windows using Git Bash with minTTY, the interactive
prompts will not work. You must launch the command as winpty vue.cmd
create hello-world. If you however want to still use the vue create
hello-world syntax, you can alias the command by adding the following
line to your ~/.bashrc file. alias vue='winpty vue.cmd' You will need
to restart your Git Bash terminal session to pull in the updated
bashrc file.
Vue CLI is an interactive CLI. But Git Bash is not an interactive shell. That's why it won't work. Source

What text editors does --dev reload with work

I'm following Odoo's documentation to use the --dev all parameter when I run odoo-bin, in order to have Python models get updated when I change the source code without me having to restart the server. According to the documentation, the reload flag (which is part of all) doesn't work with some text editors. I've been using Sublime Text, and that doesn't seem to work because my model changes don't take effect until I restart the server. Is there a good, commonly used text editor which does work with the reload parameter, or is there a list of text editors which work with it?
If you're running Odoo from the command line via a standard ./odoo-bin --dev reload command then you should not have any issues as long as you have the lib dependencies setup.
Make sure to monitor your log for errors. It requires the watchdog library to be installed via pip install watchdog. Take a look at (currently line 943) of the core files to see how dev reload works:
def start(preload=None, stop=False):
watcher = None
if 'reload' in config['dev_mode']:
if watchdog:
watcher = FSWatcher()
_logger.warning("'watchdog' module not installed. Code autoreload feature is disabled")
if 'werkzeug' in config['dev_mode']: = DebuggedApplication(, evalex=True)
I am not completely sure, but after doing a quick search on the text editor that I have been primarily using (Atom developed by GitHub), I believe it may have what you're looking for.
Have fun with your future endeavors. I hope my answer helps.
Since odoo uses werkzeug server,you can just use the command line argument to start the server, and everything will be taken care by the server.
./openerp-server --auto-reload
this will restart the server whenever .py file is modified.