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I am creating a workbook that has auto-creating sheets. Each sheet has the same data with the exception of the dates. I simply need the one cell "A1" to auto-change it's name to the next date range.
For Example: Sheet1 Cell A1 "DEC 11-15 2017"
Copied : Sheet2 Cell A1 "Dec 18-22 2017"
Copied2 : Sheet3 Cell A1 "Dec 25-29 2017"
Copied3 : Sheet4 Cell A1 "Jan 01-05 2017"
It has to follow this naming convention so that the rest of the sheet updates accordingly.
Here you go.
Just use the GetProperWeekName function and feed it whatever you want.
For example, GetProperWeekName("DEC 11-15 2017", 7)
Will Return:
DEC 18-22 2017
You can add days, months, or years by using the optional parameters.
To add a week, you would use 7 as I did in my example.
When you create your new sheet, just update A1 by doing something like:
Range("A1") = GetProperWeekName(Range("A1"),7)
Function GetProperWeekName(TheWeek As Variant, Optional DaysToAdd = 0, Optional MonthsToAdd = 0, Optional YearsToAdd = 0) As String
Dim TheDate As Date
TheDate = DateValue(Trim(Left(TheWeek, WorksheetFunction.Find("-", TheWeek) - 1)))
If DaysToAdd <> 0 Then TheDate = DateAdd("d", DaysToAdd, TheDate)
If MonthsToAdd <> 0 Then TheDate = DateAdd("m", MonthsToAdd, TheDate)
If YearsToAdd <> 0 Then TheDate = DateAdd("y", YearsToAdd, TheDate)
GetProperWeekName = UCase(Format(TheDate, "mmm")) & " " & Day(TheDate) & "-" & Day(DateAdd("d", 4, TheDate)) & " " & Year(TheDate)
End Function
If you want it to accept normal dates and format them, it's easier:
Function GetProperWeekName(TheDate As Date, Optional DaysToAdd = 0, Optional MonthsToAdd = 0, Optional YearsToAdd = 0) As String
If DaysToAdd <> 0 Then TheDate = DateAdd("d", DaysToAdd, TheDate)
If MonthsToAdd <> 0 Then TheDate = DateAdd("m", MonthsToAdd, TheDate)
If YearsToAdd <> 0 Then TheDate = DateAdd("y", YearsToAdd, TheDate)
GetProperWeekName = UCase(Format(TheDate, "mmm")) & " " & Day(TheDate) & "-" & Day(DateAdd("d", 4, TheDate)) & " " & Year(TheDate)
End Function
How to update your sheet and date ranges properly:
Sub UpdateSheet()
ActiveSheet.Copy After:=Sheets(ActiveSheet.Name)
ActiveSheet.Name = GetProperWeekName(Range("A1"), 7)
Range("A1") = GetProperWeekName(Range("A1"), 7)
End Sub
QHarr's Padding Addition:
Function GetProperWeekName(TheWeek As Variant, Optional DaysToAdd = 0, Optional MonthsToAdd = 0, Optional YearsToAdd = 0) As String
Dim TheDate As Date
TheDate = DateValue(Trim(Left(TheWeek, WorksheetFunction.Find("-", TheWeek) - 1)))
If DaysToAdd <> 0 Then TheDate = DateAdd("d", DaysToAdd, TheDate)
If MonthsToAdd <> 0 Then TheDate = DateAdd("m", MonthsToAdd, TheDate)
If YearsToAdd <> 0 Then TheDate = DateAdd("y", YearsToAdd, TheDate)
GetProperWeekName = UCase(Format(TheDate, "mmm")) & " " & Format(Day(TheDate), "00") & "-" & Format(Day(DateAdd("d", 4, TheDate)), "00") & " " & Year(TheDate)
End Function
I am trying to generate a table that contains all quarters based on a start date and an end date. I wrote already a function but unfortunately is not calculating the quarters correctly. For example I have:
- start date: 01.06.2018
- end date: 01.03.2019
My function generates Q2, Q3, Q4 and normally and correctly should generate Q2, Q3, Q4, Q1.
Does anyone have sugestion?
Thank you!
Here is my function:
Private Function calculateQuartars(ByVal startDate As Date, ByVal endDate As Date) As Collection
Dim iDate As Date, i As Integer
Dim quartal As String
Dim quartalListe As Collection
iDate = startDate
i = 0
Set quartalListe = New Collection
If (IsDate(startDate) And IsDate(endDate)) Then
quartal = "Q" & DatePart("q", iDate) & " " & DatePart("yyyy", iDate)
quartalListe.Add quartal, "Q" & i
iDate = DateAdd("m", 3, iDate)
i = i + 1
Loop While iDate < endDate
quartal = ""
quartalListe.Add quartal, "Q" & i
End If
Set calculateQuartars = quartalListe
End Function
The problem is with the below line
Loop While iDate < endDate
Your loop exits if the dates are equal
Change it to
Loop While iDate <= endDate
I solved it!
If (IsDate(startDate) And IsDate(endDate)) Then
quartal = "Q" & DatePart("q", iDate) & " " & DatePart("yyyy", iDate)
iDate = DateAdd("m", 1, iDate)
If LastQuartal = quartal Then
quartal = "Q" & DatePart("q", iDate) & " " & DatePart("yyyy", iDate)
quartalListe.Add quartal
LastQuartal = quartal
End If
Loop While iDate <= endDate
I am getting an "expected array" error on Today = Day(Today()). I have no idea what is wrong.
Dim Thisday As Integer
Dim Montho As Integer
Dim Yearo As Integer
Dim Lday As Integer
Dim last as Integer
last = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Thisday = Day(date)
Montho = Month(date)
Yearo = Year(date)
Lday = Day(Application.WorksheetFunction.EoMonth(Date, -1))
Then Column B in excel gets populated with the same date, either the 15th or the last day.
If Thisday <= 15 Then
Range("B2:B" & Last).Value = Montho & "/15/" & Yearo
End If
If Thisday > 15 Then
Range("B2:B" & Last).Value = Montho & "/" & Lday & "/" & Yearo
End If
End Sub
Also not every month ends on the 30th, so how do get the Lday should return the as day of the month.
Use Date instead of Today.
Do not use the same name as functions, excel gets messed up.
vba does not have EoMonth it is part of Application.WorksheetFunction. It also returns a date or double not an integer. You will need to get the Day:
Dim Today As Integer
Dim Montho As Integer
Dim Yearo As Integer
Dim Lday As Integer
Dim last As Integer
last = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Today = Day(Date)
Montho = Month(Date)
Yearo = Year(Date)
Lday = Day(Application.WorksheetFunction.EoMonth(Date, 0))
If Today <= 15 Then
Range("B2:B" & Last).Value = Montho & "/15/" & Yearo
End If
If Today > 15 Then
Range("B2:B" & Last).Value = Montho & "/" & Lday & "/" & Yearo
End If
The above code returns a string that looks like a date. To return a true date use this:
Dim Today As Integer
Dim Montho As Integer
Dim Yearo As Integer
Dim last As Integer
last = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Today = Day(Date)
Montho = Month(Date)
Yearo = Year(Date)
Range("B2:B" & Last).NumberFormat = "mm/dd/yyyy"
If Today <= 15 Then
Range("B2:B" & Last).Value = DateSerial(Yearo, Montho, 15)
End If
If Today > 15 Then
Range("B2:B" & 4).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.EoMonth(Date, 0)
End If
Range("B2:B" & Last).Value = dateserial(year(date), month(date)-(day(date)>15), 15 * abs(day(date)<=15))
Once month(now) + x => 13 I get an error using MonthName in VBA.
Without building out too much more code is there an easy workaround I'm missing? Only thing I can think of is to set some conditionals inside the loop to adjust it so the month(now) + x reverts back to 1 once it hits 13.
Also looks like I'll have a problem with Year(Now) too once it gets past 13 but one thing at a time.
Sub Do_Stuff_Button()
expand = 2
MsgBox Day(Now)
ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 6) = "'" & MonthName(Month(Now), False)
ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 6) = "'" & Year(Now)
Do While expand > 0
ActiveSheet.Cells(1, (6 - expand)) = "'" & Year(Now)
ActiveSheet.Cells(1, (6 + expand)) = "'" & Year(Now)
ActiveSheet.Cells(2, (6 - expand)) = "'" & MonthName((Month(Now) - expand), False)
ActiveSheet.Cells(2, (6 + expand)) = "'" & MonthName((Month(Now) + expand), False)
expand = expand - 1
End Sub
You can use DateAdd.
Debug.Print MonthName(Month(DateAdd("m", 1, Date)))
If you were to pass a number into the function, which is greater than the number of remaining months in the current year, then it will calculate the month continuing into the following year.
Debug.Print MonthName(Month(DateAdd("m", 5, Date)))
The above will return March.
you can use the Mod operator to check if there is any value remaining and then pass that as the month value
Dim monthVal As Integer
If (Month(Now) + x) Mod 12 > 0 Then
monthVal = (Month(Now) + x) Mod 12
monthVal = Month(Now) + x
End If
MonthName (monthVal)
You can use Format for MonthName:
Debug.Print Format(Now(), "mmmm yyyy")
Debug.Print Format(DateAdd("m", 1, Now()), "mmmm yyyy")
Deals with year rollover as well as month roll over
I feel like this should be possible with less lines. Am I missing a VBA function to make this easier?
Sub dates()
Dim sDay As String
Dim eday As String
Quarter = DatePart(q, Date)
If Quarter = 1 Then
sDay = "1/1/" & DatePart("yyyy", Date)
eday = "3/31/" & DatePart("yyyy", Date)
ElseIf Quarter = 2 Then
sDay = "4/1/" & DatePart("yyyy", Date)
eday = "6/30/" & DatePart("yyyy", Date)
ElseIf Quarter = 3 Then
sDay = "7/1/" & DatePart("yyyy", Date)
eday = "9/30/" & DatePart("yyyy", Date)
ElseIf Quarter = 4 Then
sDay = "10/1/" & DatePart("yyyy", Date)
eday = "12/31/" & DatePart("yyyy", Date)
End If
End Sub
Sub dates()
Dim sDay As String
Dim eDay As String
Dim Quarter As Integer
For Quarter = 1 To 4
sDay = CStr(3 * (Quarter - 1) + 1) & "/1/" & DatePart("yyyy", Date)
eDay = DateAdd("d", -1, DateAdd("q", 1, CDate(sDay)))
Debug.Print "Quarter : " & Quarter & vbTab & sDay & vbTab & eDay
End Sub
Also note that in your code, q needs to be offset in double-quotes as a string literal, unless it is defined elsewhere as such.
Quarter = DatePart("q", Date)
Sub Qmonth()
Dim CMonth As Integer 'selected month from range
Dim CYear As Integer 'selected year from range
CMonth = Range("MonthO").Value
CYear = Range("YearO").Value
Select Case CMonth
Case 1 To 3
Debug.Print DateSerial(CYear, 1, 1)
Case 4 To 6
Debug.Print DateSerial(CYear, 4, 1)
Case 7 To 9
Debug.Print DateSerial(CYear, 7, 1)
Case 10 To 12
Debug.Print DateSerial(CYear, 10, 1)
End Select
End Sub
Can someone please help me to fix the formula in the sub. I need to enter dates into it via variables but it always gives me an error '13' data types
I'm talking about the bit:
Cells(5, field).FormulaLocal = "=SUMMEWENNS(Rawdata!K2:K3446;Rawdata!I2:I3446;""bezahlt"";Rawdata!A2:A3446;" >= " & weekstart & "";Rawdata!A2:A3446;" <= " & weekend & "")"
The Sub apart from that formula works.....
Sub get_cal_weeks()
Dim weeks As Integer, i As Integer, col As String, weekstart As Date, weekend As Date, calweeks() As Variant
'start column is D
col = "D"
'get amount of weeks
weeks = countcalweeks()
'populate array calweeks
calweeks = fillcalweeks(weeks)
For i = 0 To weeks
field = i + i + 4
weekstart = calweeks(i, 0)
weekend = calweeks(i, 1)
Cells(5, field).FormulaLocal = "=SUMMEWENNS(Rawdata!K2:K3446;Rawdata!I2:I3446;""bezahlt"";Rawdata!A2:A3446;" >= " & weekstart & "";Rawdata!A2:A3446;" <= " & weekend & "")"
End Sub
Thank you
I suggest you convert to long (or double if you need times)
Cells(5, field).FormulaLocal = "=SUMMEWENNS(Rawdata!K2:K3446;Rawdata!I2:I3446;""bezahlt"";Rawdata!A2:A3446;"">=" & CLng(weekstart) & """;Rawdata!A2:A3446;""<=" & CLng(weekend) & """)"