OpenShift Origin: Getting started Build example : https error on pushing to registry - openshift-origin

I am trying the learn OpenShift Origin, and was going through the Getting Started example. I did all steps prior to creating a new application that combines a builder image for Node.js. I can see I have configured the docker registry using oc adm registry.
But in the build logs I see an error as
Pushing image ...
Registry server Address:
Registry server User Name: serviceaccount
Registry server Email:
Registry server Password: <>
error: build error: Failed to push image: Get http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client
and the build fails.
What could be the possible issue. Is it some port I have not opened or something? I would really appreciate if someone can share some insight on this and on what I may be doing wrong to get things to work

There was a fault in the setting up of insecure registries. Fixed it and things started working.


Akamai purge cache CLI: API Error: 400 400 Bad Request Invalid timestamp More Info

I am trying to figure out how to Purge the Akamai cache through the Akamai CLI (version 1.3.1).
I am using a ~/.edgerc with :
host = *
client_token = akab-****
client_secret = ****
access_token = akab-****
These credentials provide access to the following settings:
API service name: CCU APIs
Description: Content control utility APIs
Access level: READ-WRITE
When I execute the following command in my Mac terminal:
akamai purge --section default invalidate --production --cpcode 381644
I get the following error:
Purging...... [FAIL]
API Error: 400 400 Bad Request Invalid timestamp More Info
I have tried going to but that page does not seem to exist anymore. I am not sure what to do to get this working properly. If anyone has recommendations I'd love to hear about them as I do not know how to proceed to troubleshoot this issue.
Thanks in advance,
It would nice to try to flush the DNS cache first.

Spring Cloud Config Basic Security throwing 401 error

I have following configuration on server side:
port: 8888
active: native
search-locations: "classpath:/config"
name: test
password: test
And following configuration on client side:
fail-fast: true
profile: "${}"
uri: "${SPRING_CLOUD_CONFIG_URI:http://localhost:8888/}"
username: test
password: test
I can successfully access properties from browser using user/pwd as test/test, but when my client tries to fetch it failed with 401 error:
INFO 7620 --- [5cee934b64bfd92] c.c.c.ConfigServicePropertySourceLocator : Fetching config from server at : http://localhost:8888
WARN 7620 --- [5cee934b64bfd92] c.c.c.ConfigServicePropertySourceLocator : Could not locate PropertySource: 401 null
I tried setting the log level for spring cloud to DEBUG but nothing additional got logged, so I have no clue why I'm getting a 401 from client while I can access properties successfully via browser using the same credentials.
I've also tried removing the security from server and client and it worked perfectly, which means rest of the configurations are quite ok. But then the question is, what am I overlooking when I apply basic security and why it is not working and throwing a 401 instead?
Try checking these configurations:
Both properties should be defined at (not
Please check if the way you are specifying profile name is correct and if it is getting resolved properly in Java code. You can implement CommandLineRunner and print active profiles from Environment variable.
If you specified property as native in pom.xml, you can resolve it in application/yaml file as
If you specified property file as VM argument, then it should work with current implementation.
If you did not specify in pom or VM argument, it will resolve to default profile, not native profile. Profile in config client and config server should be same.
Yes we have to use bootstrap properties because When the Spring Cloud application starts, it creates a bootstrap context. The bootstrap context is searching for a or a bootstrap.yaml file, whereas the application context is searching for an or an application.yaml file. The bootstrap context is the parent context for the main application

Build spinnaker with docker-compose, redirect to localhost

i build spinnaker using docker-compose follow here
but it always redirect to localhost, how can i fix this.
i set the host: in spinnaker-local.yml and configured deck apache2 with proxyPreserve=On, it's not working.
where is the configuration about 'redirect'?
All containers running well but fiat gets error mesages, like this:
WARN 1 --- [ecutionAction-1] : [] User permission sync failed. Server status is DOWN. Trying again in 10000 ms. Cause:(Provider: DefaultServiceAccountProvider) retrofit.RetrofitError: unexpected url: front50/serviceAccounts
i'm sure set fiat false, is this matter?
The docker-compose link project is not available anymore. That deployment type is not supported anymore.
The easiest way i suggest for people to get started quick is by using Armory Open source Minnaker. It runs on top of a K3S small cluster and contains a functional spinnaker deployment.
Great way to get started.
I tried the debian local deployment and it failed all the time.
Enjoy your CD operations.

Unexpected error: CLIENT_ERROR on Openshift

Following the guide at i wanted to try installing the CDK to see what it brings to the table. Unfortunately, I was unable to install the cartridge because of the following error:
Unexpected error: CLIENT_ERROR: Download of '' exceeded Content-Length of 9728. Download aborted.
Execute rhc create-app cdk against a local installation of OpenShift Origin. Or try to create an App throught the web console (again on a local installation, both are untested on rhcloud).
Looks like this was an issue on OpenShift Online also, which got fixed, but is still an issue on OpenShift Origin. Here is the bugzilla ticket for this issue (, I suggest you add your email address to it to be notified as they make progress against fixing it.

Gitlab-shell check failed 302 unable to clone/push/pull

A lot of people have ask this question but it was 2 month ago with another gitlab version,
I'm using gitlab 5.2 in a fresh debian 7.0 serveur
everything looks Okay on the website but when I run /home/git/gitlab-shell/bin/check I've got this error :
Check GitLab API access: FAILED. code: 302
Check directories and files:
/home/git/repositories: OK
/home/git/.ssh/authorized_keys: OK:
I'm running on a custum ssh port but I'm able to connect.
When pushing I've got this error:
git push -vu origin master
Pushing to ssh://
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
Thanks for your answers!
I've just got the same error and go look onto the code.
The thing I've found the gitlab_net module going for answer at #{host}/check (gitlab-shell/lib/gitlab_net.rb)
host method is defined as "#{config.gitlab_url}/api/v3/internal", and at the same time config.gitlab_url defined in ./gitlab-shell/config.yml "Should end with a slash" (c) So my web server just returns 302 on a request to remove double slashes.
FYI: That fail is about API and not about web service. So it's non-critical in many cases anyway.
I think it's a minor bug in code and there is a close issue to this: