VBA: ReDimming multiple keyed collections = Error 9 'Subscript Out of Range'? - vba

I am attempting to modify some keyed collection code (thanks #Mat'sMug!) to make it loop through 3 distinct ranges and then put the values into respective variables. The first keyed collection works fine, but the second one (and I'm guessing the third once it gets past the second) spit an error out at the line ReDim ccAddresses(0 To ccRecipients.Count - 1)
Private Sub AddUniqueItemToCollectionzz(ByVal value As String, ByVal items As Collection)
On Error Resume Next
items.Add value, Key:=value
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Sub Sampletest()
Dim toRecipients As Collection
Set toRecipients = New Collection
Dim ccRecipients As Collection
Set ccRecipients = New Collection
Dim cc2Recipients As Collection
Set cc2Recipients = New Collection
'===============Copy primary email addresses=============
With toRecipients
For Each cell In Range("H1:H350")
If cell.value Like "*#*.*" Then
AddUniqueItemToCollectionzz cell, toRecipients
End If
End With
ReDim toAddresses(0 To toRecipients.Count - 1)
Dim toAddress As Variant, toItem As Long
For Each toAddress In toRecipients
toAddresses(toItem) = CStr(toAddress)
toItem = toItem + 1
Dim sendToPrim As String
sendToPrim = Join(toAddresses, ";")
'=====================Copy cc email addresses======================
With ccRecipients
For Each cell In Range("J1:J350")
If cell.value Like "*#*.**" Then
AddUniqueItemToCollectionzz cell, ccRecipients
End If
End With
ReDim ccAddresses(0 To ccRecipients.Count - 1)
Dim ccAddress As Variant, ccItem As Long
For Each ccAddress In ccRecipients
ccAddresses(ccItem) = CStr(ccAddress)
ccItem = ccItem + 1
Dim sendToCC As String
sendToCC = Join(ccAddresses, ";")
'====================Copy cc2 email addresses================
With cc2Recipients
For Each cell In Range("A1:a350")
If cell.value Like "*.uSA.TACO*" Then
AddUniqueItemToCollectionzz cell, cc2Recipients
End If
End With
ReDim cc2Addresses(0 To cc2Recipients.Count - 1)
Dim cc2Address As Variant, cc2Item As Long
For Each ccAddress In cc2Recipients
cc2Addresses(cc2Item) = CStr(cc2Address)
cc2Item = cc2Item + 1
Dim sendToCC2 As String
sendToCC2 = Join(cc2Addresses, ";")

When dimensioning or redimensioning with Dim(x to y) or ReDim(x to y) y must be greater than or equal to x. So check your code by adding following line before the ReDim ccAddresses(0 To ccRecipients.Count - 1) statement.
Debug.Assert ccRecipients.Count >0


excel , extract the time Break from one cell in excel sheet?

I have an Excel sheet like below and I need only the three "Break" times even if it meant to delete every thing except those three Breaks in every cell.
Function GetBreaksTime(txt As String)
Dim i As Long
Dim arr As Variant
arr = Split(txt, "Break")
If UBound(arr) > 0 Then
ReDim startTimes(1 To UBound(arr)) As String
For i = 1 To UBound(arr)
startTimes(i) = WorksheetFunction.Trim(Replace(Split(arr(i), "-")(0), vbLf, ""))
GetBreaksTime = startTimes
End If
End Function
This what I got until now but it wont work on every cell and it takes wrong values.
So any idea how to do this?
If you split the cell value by vbLf the break time will always follow a line containing "Break".
The following should work:
Sub TestGetBreakTimes()
Dim CellValue As String
CellValue = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value
Dim BreakTimes As Variant
BreakTimes = GetBreakTimes(CellValue)
Debug.Print Join(BreakTimes, vbLf) 'the join is just to output the array at once.
'to output in different cells loop through the array
Dim i As Long
For i = 0 To UBound(BreakTimes)
Cells(3 + i, "A") = BreakTimes(i)
Next i
'or for a even faster output use
Range("A3").Resize(UBound(BreakTimes) + 1).Value = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(BreakTimes)
End Sub
Function GetBreakTimes(InputData As String) As Variant
Dim BreakTimes() As Variant
ReDim BreakTimes(0)
Dim SplitArr As Variant
SplitArr = Split(InputData, vbLf) 'split by line break
If UBound(SplitArr) > 0 Then
Dim i As Long
For i = 0 To UBound(SplitArr)
If SplitArr(i) = "Break" Then 'if line contains break then next line is the time of the break
If BreakTimes(0) <> vbNullString Then ReDim Preserve BreakTimes(UBound(BreakTimes) + 1)
BreakTimes(UBound(BreakTimes)) = SplitArr(i - 1) 'collect break time
End If
Next i
GetBreakTimes = BreakTimes
End If
End Function
To analyze a complete range you must loop through your row 2
Sub GetAllBreakTimes()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Dim LastCol As Long
LastCol = ws.Cells(2, ws.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
Dim BreakTimes As Variant
Dim iCol As Long
For iCol = 1 To LastCol
BreakTimes = GetBreakTimes(ws.Cells(2, iCol).Value)
ws.Cells(3, iCol).Resize(UBound(BreakTimes) + 1).Value = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(BreakTimes)
Next iCol
End Sub

VBA to extract names from a list at random isn't working

I want to randomly extract 280 names from a list (dynamic range) of thousands of authors, then concatenate them into 1 string with each name separated by OR.
So far I'm stuck at the first part. When I run the following code, nothing happens. Can anyone explain why? Thanks.
Sub Authors()
Dim InputRange As Range
Dim AuthorCount As Long
Dim AuthorRange As Excel.Range
Set InputRange = Range("A:A")
AuthorCount = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(InputRange) - 1
Set AuthorRange = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet").Range("A2:A" & AuthorCount)
Const nItemsToPick As Long = 280
Dim Authorlist As Variant
Dim i As Long
ReDim Authorlist(1 To nItemsToPick)
For i = 1 To nItemsToPick
Authorlist(i) = AuthorRange.Cells(Int(AuthorCount * Rnd + 1), 1)
Next i
End Sub
Using the below code
Sub PickSample(intSampleSize As Integer, intPicks As Integer)
Dim arr() As String
Dim intCounter As Integer
ReDim arr(intPicks)
For intCounter = 0 To UBound(arr)
arr(intCounter) = CStr(Int((intSampleSize - (i - 1)) * Rnd + 1) + (i - 1))
Next intCounter
Debug.Print Join(arr(), ",")
End Sub
I ran this on the following, PickSample(10,5) and got the following, showing the duplicate possibilities, this will become less as the difference between picks and samples increases.
If your selection is 280, but the data set is only 300, dupes still arise
PickSample 300,280
Using a dictionary to handle the dupes, using this code
Sub PickSample(intSampleSize As Integer, intPicks As Integer)
Dim dicPicked As New Scripting.Dictionary
Dim arr() As String
Dim intCounter As Integer
Dim intPicked As Integer
ReDim arr(intPicks)
For intCounter = 0 To UBound(arr)
intPicked = CStr(Int((intSampleSize - (i - 1)) * Rnd + 1) + (i - 1))
If dicPicked.Exists(CStr(intPicked)) Then
GoTo RetryPick
dicPicked.Add CStr(intPicked), 1
arr(intCounter) = intPicked
End If
Next intCounter
Debug.Print Join(arr(), ",")
Set dicPicked = Nothing
End Sub
Gives results, hopefully dupe free
PickSample 300,280
this function picks nItemsToPick random elements up from arr array and returns them into an array:
Function PickNRandomElementsFromArray(arr As Variant, nItemsToPick As Long) As Variant
Dim arrSize As Long
Dim i As Long, iPick As Long
Dim temp As String
arrSize = UBound(arr) '<--| count the values as the array size
If nItemsToPick > arrSize Then nItemsToPick = arrSize '<--| the items to be picked cannot exceed array size
For i = 1 To nItemsToPick
iPick = Int((arrSize - (i - 1)) * Rnd + 1) + (i - 1) '<--| pick a random number between 'i' and 'arrSize'
' swap array elements in slots 'i' and 'iPick'
temp = arr(iPick)
arr(iPick) = arr(i)
arr(i) = temp
Next i
ReDim Preserve arr(1 To nItemsToPick) '<--| resize the array to first picked items
PickNRandomElementsFromArray = arr '<--| return the array
End Function
which you can exploit as follows:
Option Explicit
Sub Authors()
Dim Authors As Variant, AuthorsList As Variant
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet") '<--| reference your relevant worksheet
Authors = Application.Transpose(.Range("A2", .Cells(.rows.count, 1).End(xlUp)).Value) '<--| fill 'Authors' array with its column "A" values from row 2 down to its last not empty one
AuthorsList = PickNRandomElementsFromArray(Authors, 280) '<--| fill 'AuthorsList' array with a selection of 280 random elements of 'Authors'
.Range("B1").Value = Join(AuthorsList, " OR ") '<--| fill cell "B1" with a string build by concatenating 'AuthorsList' values delimited with " OR "
End With
End Sub
that can be quite contracted (and made as much less readable) to:
Sub Authors()
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet") '<--| reference your relevant worksheet
.Range("B1").Value = Join(PickNRandomElementsFromArray(Application.Transpose(.Range("A2", .Cells(.rows.count, 1).End(xlUp)).Value), 280), " OR ")
End With
End Sub
From your comments, you seem to want to concatenate the array of strings, then put it back into excel. This, put just before the End Sub, will put it into cell B1 for example:
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B1").Value = Join(Authorlist, "OR")

VBA - How to make a queue in an array? (FIFO) first in first out

I am trying to make a queue which is able to show the first in first out concept. I want to have an array which works as a waiting list. The patients who come later will be discharged later. There is a limitation of 24 patients in the room the rest will go to a waiting list. whenever the room is empty the first patients from the waiting room (the earliest) goes to the room. Here is the code that I have come up with so far. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Dim arrayU() As Variant
Dim arrayX() As Variant
Dim arrayW() As Variant
Dim LrowU As Integer
Dim LrowX As Integer
Dim LrowW As Integer
'Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim bed_in_use As Integer
LrowU = Columns(21).Find(What:="*", LookIn:=xlValues, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
LrowX = Columns(24).Find(What:="*", LookIn:=xlValues, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
LrowW = Columns(23).Find(What:="*", LookIn:=xlValues, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
ReDim arrayU(1 To LrowU)
ReDim arrayX(1 To LrowX)
ReDim arrayW(1 To LrowW)
For i = 3 To LrowU
arrayU(i) = Cells(i, 21)
Next i
i = 3
For i = 3 To LrowX
arrayX(i) = Cells(i, 24)
Next i
i = 3
j = 3
For r = 3 To LrowW
arrayW(r) = Cells(r, 23)
Next r
r = 3
i = 3
j = 3
For i = 3 To LrowX ' the number of bed in use is less than 24 (HH)
If bed_in_use >= 24 Then GoTo Line1
For j = 3 To LrowU
If bed_in_use >= 24 Then GoTo Line1
If arrayX(i) = arrayU(j) Then
If Wait_L > 0 Then
Wait_L = Wait_L - (24 - bed_in_use)
bed_in_use = bed_in_use + 1
End If
End If
Next j
For r = 3 To LrowW
If bed_in_use < 24 Then Exit For
If arrayX(i) = arrayW(r) Then
bed_in_use = bed_in_use - 1
Wait_L = Wait_L + 1
End If
Next r
Cells(i, "Y").Value = bed_in_use
Cells(i, "Z").Value = Wait_L
Next i
Easiest way to do this would be to implement a simple class that wraps a Collection. You could wrap an array, but you'd end up either having to copy it every time you dequeued an item or letting dequeued items sit in memory.
In a Class module (I named mine "Queue"):
Option Explicit
Private items As New Collection
Public Property Get Count()
Count = items.Count
End Property
Public Function Enqueue(Item As Variant)
items.Add Item
End Function
Public Function Dequeue() As Variant
If Count > 0 Then
Dequeue = items(1)
items.Remove 1
End If
End Function
Public Function Peek() As Variant
If Count > 0 Then
Peek = items(1)
End If
End Function
Public Sub Clear()
Set items = New Collection
End Sub
Sample usage:
Private Sub Example()
Dim q As New Queue
q.Enqueue "foo"
q.Enqueue "bar"
q.Enqueue "baz"
Debug.Print q.Peek '"foo" should be first in queue
Debug.Print q.Dequeue 'returns "foo".
Debug.Print q.Peek 'now "bar" is first in queue.
Debug.Print q.Count '"foo" was removed, only 2 items left.
End Sub
Would you not follow Comintern's "Class" approach (but I'd go with it!) you can stick to an "array" approach like follows
place the following code in any module (you could place it at the bottom of you code module, but you'd be better placing it in a new module to call, maybe, "QueueArray"...)
Sub Clear(myArray As Variant)
Erase myArray
End Sub
Function Count(myArray As Variant) As Long
If isArrayEmpty(myArray) Then
Count = 0
Count = UBound(myArray) - LBound(myArray) + 1
End If
End Function
Function Peek(myArray As Variant) As Variant
If isArrayEmpty(myArray) Then
MsgBox "array is empty! -> nothing to peek"
Peek = myArray(LBound(myArray))
End If
End Function
Function Dequeue(myArray As Variant) As Variant
If isArrayEmpty(myArray) Then
MsgBox "array is empty! -> nothing to dequeue"
Dequeue = myArray(LBound(myArray))
PackArray myArray
End If
End Function
Sub Enqueue(myArray As Variant, arrayEl As Variant)
Dim i As Long
EnlargeArray myArray
myArray(UBound(myArray)) = arrayEl
End Sub
Sub PackArray(myArray As Variant)
Dim i As Long
If LBound(myArray) < UBound(myArray) Then
For i = LBound(myArray) + 1 To UBound(myArray)
myArray(i - 1) = myArray(i)
Next i
ReDim Preserve myArray(LBound(myArray) To UBound(myArray) - 1)
Clear myArray
End If
End Sub
Sub EnlargeArray(myArray As Variant)
Dim i As Long
If isArrayEmpty(myArray) Then
ReDim myArray(0 To 0)
ReDim Preserve myArray(LBound(myArray) To UBound(myArray) + 1)
End If
End Sub
Public Function isArrayEmpty(parArray As Variant) As Boolean
'assylias's solution
'Returns true if:
' - parArray is not an array
' - parArray is a dynamic array that has not been initialised (ReDim)
' - parArray is a dynamic array has been erased (Erase)
If IsArray(parArray) = False Then isArrayEmpty = True
On Error Resume Next
If UBound(parArray) < LBound(parArray) Then
isArrayEmpty = True
Exit Function
isArrayEmpty = False
End If
End Function
then in your main sub you could go like this:
Option Explicit
Sub main()
Dim arrayU As Variant
Dim arrayX As Variant
Dim arrayW As Variant
Dim myVar As Variant
Dim j As Integer, i As Integer, R As Integer
Dim bed_in_use As Integer, Wait_L As Integer
Dim arrayXi As Variant
Const max_bed_in_use As Integer = 24 'best to declare a "magic" value as a constant and use "max_bed_in_use" in lieu of "24" in the rest of the code
'fill "queue" arrays
With ActiveSheet
arrayU = Application.Transpose(.Range(.cells(3, "U"), .cells(.Rows.Count, "U").End(xlUp))) 'fill arrayU
arrayX = Application.Transpose(.Range(.cells(3, "X"), .cells(.Rows.Count, "X").End(xlUp))) 'fill arrayX
arrayW = Application.Transpose(.Range(.cells(3, "W"), .cells(.Rows.Count, "W").End(xlUp))) 'fill arrayW
End With
'some examples of using the "queue-array utilities"
bed_in_use = Count(arrayU) 'get the number of elements in arrayU
Enqueue arrayU, "foo" ' add an element in the arrayU queue, it'll be placed at the queue end
Enqueue arrayU, "bar" ' add another element in the arrayU queue, it'll be placed at the queue end
bed_in_use = Count(arrayU) 'get the update number of elements in arrayU
Dequeue arrayU 'shorten the queue by removing its first element
myVar = Dequeue(arrayU) 'shorten the queue by removing its first element and storing it in "myvar"
bed_in_use = Count(arrayU) 'get the update number of elements in arrayU
MsgBox Peek(arrayU) ' see what's the first element in the queue
End Sub

Error sorting dictionary by ascending key value

I have a userform that contains a combobox that's populated from the unique items in a worksheet column. I'm trying to sort the keys that represent the items in the combobox in ascending order using the below code, but I'm getting an "Object variable or With block variable not set" error:
Public Function funcSortKeysByLengthDesc(dctList As Object) As Object
Dim curKey As Variant
Dim key As Variant
Dim itX As Integer
Dim itY As Integer
Dim arrTemp() As Variant
Dim d As Object
'Only sort if more than one item in the dict
If dctList.Count > 1 Then
'Populate the array
ReDim arrTemp(dctList.Count)
itX = 0
For Each curKey In dctList
arrTemp(itX) = curKey
itX = itX + 1
For itX = 0 To (dctList.Count - 2)
For itY = (itX + 1) To (dctList.Count - 1)
If arrTemp(itX) > arrTemp(itY) Then
curKey = arrTemp(itY)
arrTemp(itY) = arrTemp(itX)
arrTemp(itX) = curKey
End If
'Create the new dictionary
Set d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For itX = 0 To UBound(arrTemp)
d.Add arrTemp(itX), dctList(itX)
Set funcSortKeysByLengthDesc = d
Set funcSortKeysByLengthDesc = dctList
End If
End Function
I'm not really sure why you're using a Dicionary for this task, but I've assumed it's required elsewhere in your project, so I've tried to dovetail mine into your existing code.
If you are only putting sorted cells into a ComboBox then reading the cells into an array, removing duplicates and sorting that array, then populating the ComboBox would be simpler. There are plenty of examples of how to do each of these tasks on this site, so I won't reproduce them here.
Here's the code for you:
Sub RunMe()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim rCell As Range
Dim dctItem As String
Dim dctArray() As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim d As Object
Dim v As Variant
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
'Code to poulate a few "C" cells
ws.Cells(3, "C").Resize(10).Value = Application.Transpose(Array("Z", "Y", "X", "W", "W", "E", "D", "C", "B", "A"))
UserForm1.Show False
'Clear the combobox
'Create the dictionary
Set d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For Each rCell In ws.Range("C3", ws.Cells(Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp))
dctItem = CStr(rCell.Value2)
If Not d.Exists(dctItem) Then
d.Add dctItem, dctItem
End If
'Convert the dictionary items to an array
Debug.Print "PRE-SORT"
ReDim dctArray(1 To d.Count)
i = 1
For Each v In d.Items
dctArray(i) = v
i = i + 1
Debug.Print v
'Bubble sort the array
dctArray = BubbleSort(dctArray)
'Populate the dictionary and combobox
Debug.Print "POST-SORT"
Set d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For i = LBound(dctArray) To UBound(dctArray)
d.Add dctArray(i), dctArray(i)
UserForm1.cbNames.AddItem dctArray(i)
Debug.Print dctArray(i)
End Sub
Private Function BubbleSort(tempArray As Variant) As Variant
'Uses Microsoft's version: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/133135
Dim temp As Variant
Dim i As Integer
Dim noExchanges As Integer
' Loop until no more "exchanges" are made.
noExchanges = True
' Loop through each element in the array.
For i = 1 To UBound(tempArray) - 1
' If the element is greater than the element
' following it, exchange the two elements.
If tempArray(i) > tempArray(i + 1) Then
noExchanges = False
temp = tempArray(i)
tempArray(i) = tempArray(i + 1)
tempArray(i + 1) = temp
End If
Next i
Loop While Not (noExchanges)
BubbleSort = tempArray
End Function

Searching collections

I'm working with a rather large dataset (>100,000 rows) and trying to compare two lists to figure out which items in the new list are not already in the master list. In other words I want to find the new unique items.
I have some VBA code that uses vlookup and arrays that works, but bombs out when the arrays get too big (~70,000). So I've turned to collections. However I'm having difficulty searching the collections using vlookup or match.
Sub find_uniqueIDs()
Dim a As Long
Dim n As Long
Dim m As Variant
Dim oldnum As Long
Dim oldIDs As Variant
Dim oldcoll As New Collection
Dim newnum As Long
Dim newIDs As Variant
Dim newcoll As New Collection
oldnum = 75000
oldIDs = Range("A1", Range("A" & oldnum))
newnum = 45000 + 3
newIDs = Range("G3", Range("G" & newnum))
'Using arrays to search, but bombs out when oldnum or newnum are ~70000
For n = 1 To newnum - 3
m = Application.VLookup(newIDs(n, 1), oldIDs, 1, False)
If IsError(m) Then Range("E100000").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = newIDs(n, 1)
Next n
'Using collections to search
For n = 1 To oldnum
On Error Resume Next
oldcoll.Add oldIDs(n, 1)
On Error GoTo 0
Next n
For m = 1 To newnum
On Error Resume Next
newcoll.Add newIDs(m, 1)
On Error GoTo 0
Next m
'This bit of code doesn't work
For a = 1 To newcoll.Count
If Application.VLookup(newcoll(a), oldcoll, 1, False) = "#N/A" Then _
Range("E100000").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = newcoll(a)
Next a
End Sub
Any ideas how I can determine whether a particular item is in the master list using collections?
Here is a short sub demonstrating some of the scripting dictionary methods.
Sub list_New_Unique()
Dim dMASTER As Object, dNEW As Object, k As Variant
Dim v As Long, vVALs() As Variant, vNEWs() As Variant
Debug.Print "Start: " & Timer
Set dMASTER = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set dNEW = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
dMASTER.comparemode = vbTextCompare
dNEW.comparemode = vbTextCompare
With Worksheets("Sheet7")
vVALs = .Range("A2:A100000").Value2
vNEWs = .Range("C2:C100000").Value2
End With
'populate the dMASTER values
For v = LBound(vVALs, 1) To UBound(vVALs, 1)
dMASTER.Add Key:=vVALs(v, 1), Item:=vVALs(v, 1)
Next v
'only populate dNEW with items not found in dMASTER
For v = LBound(vNEWs, 1) To UBound(vNEWs, 1)
If Not dMASTER.exists(vNEWs(v, 1)) Then
If Not dNEW.exists(vNEWs(v, 1)) Then _
dNEW.Add Key:=vNEWs(v, 1), Item:=vNEWs(v, 1)
End If
Next v
Debug.Print dNEW.Count
For Each k In dNEW.keys
'Debug.Print k
Next k
Debug.Print "End: " & Timer
dNEW.RemoveAll: Set dNEW = Nothing
dMASTER.RemoveAll: Set dMASTER = Nothing
End Sub
With 99,999 unique entries in A2:A100000 and 89747 random entries in C2:C89747, this found 70,087 unique new entries not found in A2:A100000 in 9.87 seconds.
I would do it like this:
Sub test()
Dim newRow As Long, oldRow As Long
Dim x As Long, Dim y As Long
Dim checker As Boolean
With ActiveSheet
newRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count,7).End(xlUp).Row
oldRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count,1).End(xlUp).Row
checker = True
for y = 1 To oldRow
for x = 1 To newRow
If .Cells(y,1).Value = .Cells(x,7).Value Then
checker = False
Exit For
End If
If checker Then
Range("E10000").End(xlUp).Offset(1,0).Value = .Cells(y,1).Value
End If
checker = True
End With
End Sub
VLookup is a worksheet function, not a regular VBA function, thus it's for searching in Ranges, not Collections.
Syntax: VLOOKUP (lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, [range_lookup])
table_array (required): the range of cells in which the VLOOKUP will search for the lookup_value and the return value.
In order to search in other VBA data structures like arrays, collections etc you'll have to figure out some other way and maybe implement it manually.
While #Jeeped suggestion of a Scripting.Dictionary object might be the best one, you could also try using the Filter() function applied to your array.