How to remove attributes from tags inside Vue components? - vue.js

I want to use data-test attributes (as suggested here), so when running tests I can reference tags using these attributes.
<div class="card-deck" data-test="container">content</div>
The element will be found using:
// and not using: document.querySelector('.card-deck')
But I don't want these data-test attributes to get to production, I need to remove them. How can I do that? (There are babel plugins that do that for react.)

The solution (for a Nuxt.js project), provided by Linus Borg in this thread, is:
// nuxt.config.js
module.exports = {
// ...
build: {
// ...
extend(config, ctx) {
// ...
const vueLoader = config.module.rules.find(rule => rule.loader === 'vue-loader')
vueLoader.options.compilerModules = [{
preTransformNode(astEl) {
if (! {
const {attrsMap, attrsList} = astEl
tagAttributesForTesting.forEach((attribute) => {
if (attrsMap[attribute]) {
delete attrsMap[attribute]
const index = attrsList.findIndex(x => === attribute)
attrsList.splice(index, 1)
return astEl
where tagAttributesForTesting is an array with all attributes to be removed, like: ["data-test", ":data-test", "v-bind:data-test"].

For those of you who want to know how to do this is vanilla Vue 3, read on.
According to the Vue CLI documentation, the correct way to override a loader's options is to use the chainWebpack method within your Vue configuration (within your vue.config.js file):
module.exports = {
chainWebpack(config) {
.tap((options) => {
options.compilerOptions.modules = [{
preTransformNode(element) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') return
const { attrsMap, attrsList } = element;
if ('data-test' in attrsMap) {
delete attrsMap[attribute];
const index = attrsList.findIndex(x => === attribute);
attrsList.splice(index, 1)
return element;
return options;
For your particular use case, I think the most maintenance free option would be to use a pattern matching strategy to remove test attributes. This would keep you from having to add every new test attribute to the list of blacklisted attributes:
preTransformNode(element) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') return
const { attrsMap, attrsList } = element;
for (const attribute in attrsMap) {
// For example, you could add a unique prefix to all of your test
// attributes (e.g. "data-test-***") and then check for that prefix
// using a Regular Expression
if (/^data-test/.test(attribute)) {
delete attrsMap[attribute];
const index = attrsList.findIndex(x => === attribute);
attrsList.splice(index, 1)
return element;
Note that the attributes will include any Vue directives (e.g. "v-bind:") that you attach to them, so be sure to compensate for that if you decide to identify your test attributes using unique prefixes.
I think it would be best to mention that, just like #ahwo before me, I drew my inspiration from Linus Borg's suggestion on the Vue forums.
P.s. With Vue, it's possible to create attributes that have dynamic names. I think this would be useful to know for anyone who is adding attributes for testing


Manipulate innerText of a CKEditor ViewElement

I am creating a little custom plugin for the CKEditor5 for the #neoscms.
Neos is using the #ckeditor5 but with a custom view.
The plugin is more or less a placeholder plugin. The user can configure a data-source with a key value store for items (identifier and labels). The dropdown in the CKEditor is filled with the items and when the user selects an item from the dropdown, it creates a placeholder element that should end in a span element with some data-attributes.
The main idea was to have an empty element and just data-attributes to identify the element and being able to assign live data. But it turns out that the live data thing is tricky. When I manipulate the span with an extra JS snippet on the Website, the CKEditor cannot handle this.
Is it possible to manipulate a view element in the DOM and still have a working Editor?
The Plugin works fine if I just add inner Text in the downCasting and don't replace something. But the live data would be nice.
Neos Backend with a element
Maybe that code gives an idea of the package.
It is not ready yet as this is more or less the main feature ;)
import {Plugin, toWidget, viewToModelPositionOutsideModelElement, Widget,} from "ckeditor5-exports";
import PlaceholderCommand from "./placeHolderCommand";
export default class PlaceholderEditing extends Plugin {
static get requires() {
return [Widget];
init() {
new PlaceholderCommand(this.editor)
viewToModelPositionOutsideModelElement(this.editor.model, (viewElement) =>
this.editor.config.define("placeholderProps", {
types: ["name", "node", "nodePath"],
this.editor.config.define("placeholderBrackets", {
open: "[",
close: "]",
_defineSchema() {
const schema = this.editor.model.schema;
schema.register("placeholder", {
allowWhere: "$text",
isInline: true,
isObject: true,
allowAttributes: [
_defineConverters() {
const conversion = this.editor.conversion;
const config = this.editor.config;
view: {
name: "span",
classes: ["foobar-placeholder"],
model: (viewElement, writer) => {
const name = viewElement.getAttribute('data-placeholder-identifier');
const node = viewElement.getAttribute('data-node-identifier');
const nodePath = viewElement.getAttribute('data-node-path');
const modelWriter = writer.writer || writer;
return modelWriter.createElement("placeholder", {name, node, nodePath, editable: false});
model: "placeholder",
view: (modelItem, writer) => {
const viewWriter = writer.writer || writer;
const widgetElement = createPlaceholderView(modelItem, viewWriter);
return toWidget(widgetElement, viewWriter);
model: "placeholder",
view: (modelItem, writer) => {
const viewWriter = writer.writer || writer;
return createPlaceholderView(modelItem, viewWriter);
// Helper method for downcast converters.
function createPlaceholderView(modelItem, viewWriter) {
const name = modelItem.getAttribute("name");
const node = modelItem.getAttribute("node");
const nodePath = modelItem.getAttribute("nodePath");
const placeholderView = viewWriter.createContainerElement("span", {
class: "foobar-placeholder",
"data-placeholder-identifier": name,
"data-node-identifier": node,
"data-node-path": nodePath,
// Would be nice to remove that and have just empty spans that get dynamic data
let innerText = config.get("") + name;
innerText += config.get("placeholderBrackets.close");
viewWriter.createPositionAt(placeholderView, 0),
return placeholderView;
So, the extra JS snippet that is used by the website is searching for spans with the class foobar-placeholder and writes a value with live data into the span. That works in the frontend, of course, but the backend of the CMS that uses CKEditor has issues with the changing data.
I could not find a solution with docs of CKEditor, and maybe I misuse the API somehow, but I now found a working solution for me.
My website snippet is now communicating with the Plugin via Broadcast messages. And then I search for placeholder elements and check if I need to change an attribute.
const broadcastChannel = new BroadcastChannel('placeholder:changeData');
broadcastChannel.postMessage({identifier: name, value});
And in the plugin
// Receive new values for placeholder via broadcast
const broadcastChannel = new BroadcastChannel('placeholder:changeData');
broadcastChannel.onmessage = (message) => {
const identifier = get('data.identifier', message);
const newValue = get('data.value', message);
this.editor.model.change( writer => {
if (identifier) {
this._replaceAttribute(writer, identifier, newValue);
Only downside now is that I need to reload the page, but already read that this is maybe cause by my element down casting and I change attributes.

simply replace a node's content in prosemirror

I'm in a function that receives a string as input:
(text) => {
I have access to the editor via Vue props (props.editor). I would like to replace the current node's content with this text. I cannot seem to find out how to do this. I'm using tiptap2, which is a wrapper around ProseMirror and has access to all of ProseMirror's api.
I'd rather not try to replace the whole node unless necessary, which I also tried, doing below – but cannot get that to work either:
(text) => {
.command(({ tr }) => {
const node = props.editor.state.schema.nodes.paragraph.create(
{ content: text}
return true;
Much thanks
This solution works for me in Tiptap version 2.
A precondition for this to work is, that the text to be replaced is marked (highlighted).
const selection = editor.view.state.selection;
from: selection.from,
}, "replacement text").run();
I'm late to the party but this is the top result I came across when trying to find a solution for myself.
My code is in the context of a React NodeView, so I'm given a getPos() prop that gives the position of the React node in the Prosemirror document (I believe this number more-or-less means how many characters precede the React NodeView node). With that I was able to use this command chain to replace the content:
import { Node as ProsemirrorNode } from "prosemirror-model";
import { JSONContent, NodeViewProps } from "#tiptap/react";
const NodeViewComponent = (props: NodeViewProps) =>
// ...
* Replace the current node with one containing newContent.
const setContent = (newContent: JSONContent[]) => {
const thisPos = props.getPos();
.command(({ tr }) => {
const newNode = ProsemirrorNode.fromJSON(props.editor.schema, {
attrs: { ...props.attrs },
content: newContent,
return true;
// ...
Basically you want to:
Set the current selection to the node you want to replace the content of
Create and update a new node that is a copy of the current node
Replace your selection with the new node.

_.defaultsDeep() with Vue.set()

I need to set default values from model to component object in my vue.js application.
I found the perfect solution in lodash defaultsDeep defaultsDeep(this.widget, this.widgetModel), but the values don't get reactive obviously (added props not reactive), so I need something similar to _.defaultsDeep(), but with a callback to vm.$set() OR make all properties of object reactive after set defaults, OR even add defaultsDeepWith function to lodash
I looked to source code of defaultsDeep, but looks like i don't have enough experience to understand that, also i looked to vue-deepset librariy and seems it don't fit to my case (library better fit to stringed properties), also project based on vue.js 2
const defaultsDeepWithSet = (targetObj, sourceObj) => {
for (let prop in sourceObj) {
if (sourceObj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
if (!targetObj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
this.$set(targetObj, prop, sourceObj[prop])
if (isObject(sourceObj[prop])) {
defaultsDeepWithSet(targetObj[prop], sourceObj[prop])
defaultsDeepWithSet(this.widget, this.widgetModel)
Obama awards obama a medal meme
I've run into this same issue with _.defaultsDeep() and other similar utils. If this is a prominent issue and you don't want Vue to bleed into every corner of your codebase, then consider fixing reactivity after the fact.
I happen to be using Vue 2 Composition API, so it looks like this:
import { reactive, isReactive, isRaw } from '#vue/composition-api';
const fixReactivity = (obj) => {
// Done?
if (!obj) return obj;
if (typeof obj !== 'object') return obj;
// Force reactive
if (!isReactive(obj)) {
// See:
const canBeReactive = !(!( === '[object Object]' || Array.isArray(obj)) || isRaw(obj) || !Object.isExtensible(obj));
if (canBeReactive) reactive(obj);
const isArray = Array.isArray(obj);
for (const key in obj) {
if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue;
// Fix the children
const val = obj[key];
// Fix assignment for objects
if (!isArray) {
const prop = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key);
const needsFix = ('value' in prop) && prop.writable;
if (needsFix) {
Vue.delete(obj, key);
Vue.set(obj, key, val);
return obj;

Whatsapp Web - how to access data now?

It used to be possible to access with the Store object in JavaScript. A few hours ago, this stopped working. How does it update chat data now? It must save the data somewhere.
I'm using this to get the Store again:
setTimeout(function() {
// Returns promise that resolves to all installed modules
function getAllModules() {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const id = _.uniqueId("fakeModule_");
[id]: function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var modules = getAllModules()._value;
// Automatically locate modules
for (var key in modules) {
if (modules[key].exports) {
if (modules[key].exports.default) {
if (modules[key].exports.default.Wap) {
store_id = modules[key].id.replace(/"/g, '"');
}, 5000);
function _requireById(id) {
return webpackJsonp([], null, [id]);
// Module IDs
var store_id = 0;
var Store = {};
function init() {
Store = _requireById(store_id).default;
console.log("Store is ready" + Store);
setTimeout(function() {
}, 7000);
Just copy&paste on the console and wait for the message "Store is ready".
To explain Pablo's answer in detail, initially we load all the Webpack modules using code based on this How do I require() from the console using webpack?.
Essentially, the getAllModules() returns a promise with all the installed modules in Webpack. Each module can be required by ID using the _requireById(id) which uses the webpackJsonp(...) function that is exposed by Webpack.
Once the modules are loaded, we need to identify which id corresponds to the Store. We search for a module containing exports.default.Wap and assign it's id as the Store ID.
You can find more details on my github wiki here
A faster method:
I grab the source of the "app" and find the store object then
I save it in ZStore global variable. :D
!function(){for(var t of document.getElementsByTagName("script"))t.src.indexOf("/app.")>0&&fetch(t.src,{method:"get"}).then(function(t){return t.text().then(function(t){var e=t.indexOf('var a={};t["default"]')-89;window.ZStore=window.webpackJsonp([],null,JSON.stringify(t.substr(e,10))).default})})}();
window.ZStore will contain the object.
Non minified version:
(function() {
function getStore(url) {
fetch(url, {
"method": 'get'
}).then(function(response) {
return response.text().then(function(data) {
var offset = data.indexOf('var a={};t["default"]') - 89;
window.ZStore = window.webpackJsonp([], null, JSON.stringify(data.substr(offset, 10))).default
for (var e of document.getElementsByTagName("script")) {
if (e.src.indexOf("/app.") > 0) getStore(e.src);

Access an element's Binding

I have a custom attribute that processes authentication data and does some fun stuff based on the instructions.
<div auth="disabled: abc; show: xyz; highlight: 123">
There's a lot of complicated, delicate stuff happening in here and it makes sense to keep it separate from semantic bindings like disabled.bind. However, some elements will have application-logic level bindings as well.
<div auth="disabled.bind: canEdit" disabled.bind="!editing">
Under the covers, my auth attribute looks at the logged in user, determines if the user has the correct permissions, and takes the correct action based on the result.
disabledChanged(value) {
const isDisabled = this.checkPermissions(value);
if (isDisabled) {
this.element.disabled = true;
This result needs to override other bindings, which may or may not exist. Ideally, I'd like to look for an existing Binding and override it ala binding behaviors.
constructor(element) {
const bindings = this.getBindings(element); // What is the getBindings() function?
const method = bindings['disabled']
if (method) {
bindings['disabled'] = () => this.checkPermission(this.value) && method();
The question is what is this getBindings(element) function? How can I access arbitrary bindings on an element?
Edit: Gist here:
The disabled attribute is just an element attribute, so you can simply use the built in APIs to do this. Check out a runnable example here:
Using setAttribute and removeAttribute (since the disabled attribute does not really have a value, its mere existence causes the element to be disabled), is all that needs to happen:
import {inject} from 'aurelia-framework';
export class AuthCustomAttribute {
constructor(element) {
this.el = element;
attached() {
let val = false;
setInterval(() => {
if(this.val) {
this.el.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
} else {
this.val = !this.val;
}, 1000);
You need to work directly with the binding engine. A runnable gist is located here:
Basically, you need to get the original binding expression, cache it, and then replace it (if auth === false) with a binding expression of true. Then you need to unbind and rebind the binding expression:
import {inject} from 'aurelia-framework';
import {Parser} from 'aurelia-binding';
#inject(Element, Parser)
export class AuthCustomAttribute {
constructor(element, parser) {
this.el = element;
this.parser = parser;
created(owningView) {
this.disabledBinding = owningView.bindings.find( b => === this.el && b.targetProperty === 'disabled');
if( this.disabledBinding ) {
this.disabledBinding.originalSourceExpression = this.disabledBinding.sourceExpression;
// this expression will always evaluate to true
this.expression = this.parser.parse('true');
bind() {
// for some reason if I don't do this, then valueChanged is getting called before created
unbind() {
if(this.disabledBinding) {
this.disabledBinding.sourceExpression = this.disabledBinding.originalSourceExpression;
this.disabledBinding.originalSourceExpression = null;
this.disabledBinding = null;
valueChanged() {
if(this.disabledBinding ) {
if( this.value === true ) {
this.disabledBinding.sourceExpression = this.disabledBinding.originalSourceExpression;
} else {
this.disabledBinding.sourceExpression = this.expression;
} else {
if( this.value === true ) {
} else {
this.el.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
rebind() {
const source = this.disabledBinding.source;
It is important that the attribute clean up after itself, as I do in the unbind callback. I'll be honest that I'm not sure that the call to rebind is actually necessary in the unbind, but it's there for completeness.