How to provide a custom MessageBodyWriter for Strings in CXF - jax-rs

I have registered a custom MessageBodyWriter<Object> implementation in my JAX-RS application. This writer can convert various types, including strings.
The custom converter is successfully used for other types, but for strings, CXF does not consider it: It does not even call isWriteable. (This was different in CXF 2.x, so there seems to have been a regression in CXF 3.x.)
Stepping through the CXF 3.1.11 code, I see that in the ProviderFactory.messageWriters list has two entries (StringTextProvider, JAXBElementTypedProvider) before my custom provider. The first one wants to convert strings, and being first in the list, it is preferred by CXF.
How can I change this to make my provider the preferred provider for strings? E.g. is it possible to drop the StringTextProvider? Or is it possible to reorder the list so that my provider comes first?

I found out that subclassing StringTextProvider and registering that class works:
public class CustomeStringProvider extends StringTextProvider {
public void writeTo(String object, Class<?> type, Type genType, Annotation[] annotations, MediaType mediaType,
MultivaluedMap<String, Object> httpHeaders, OutputStream outputStream) throws IOException {
// ...
I got the idea for this approach from looking at the implementation of ProviderFactory.MessageBodyWriterComparator, which checks class hierarchies for ordering converters.


By default where stores its messages?

I have downloaded a sample code from github and run AtLeastOnceDelivery.sln
Every new run it is sending messages with it. And if I change the message namespace it shows an error started with
Error loading snapshot [SnapshotMetadata<pid: delivery, seqNr: 0, timestamp: 2018/09/24>], remaining attempts: [0]
If I could clear the persistence hopefully it will accept then changed namespace and restart messaging id.
By default, all snapshots are stored as files directly in ./snapshots directory of the application, while events are stored in the memory. Because of that you should consider using a one of the akka.persistence plugins for the production purposes.
Your problem happens because you're using default serializers (dedicated for networking) which are not very version tolerant - so changing any fields, their types, class names or namespaces makes previous version of the class non-deserializable - and in future will be subject to change. This is also why it's strongly discouraged to use default serializers for persistence.
How to make a custom Akka.NET Serializer
While there are plans to improve serializers API, at the current moment (Akka.NET v1.3.9), to make your own serializer you need to simply inherit from Akka.Serialization.Serializer class:
public sealed class MySerializer : Serializer
public MySerializer(ExtendedActorSystem system) : base(system) { }
public override int Identifier => /* globaly unique serializer id */;
public override bool IncludeManifest => true;
public override byte[] ToBinary(object obj)
// serialize object
public override object FromBinary(byte[] bytes, Type type)
// deserialize object
Keep in mind that Identifier property must be unique in cluster scope - usually values below 100 are used by internal serializers, therefore it's better to use higher values.
How to bind serializer to be used for a given type
By convention Akka.NET uses empty interfaces to mark message types that are supposed to be serialized. Then you can setup your HOCON configuration to use a specific serializer for a given interface: {
serializers {
my-serializer = ""MyNamespace.MySerializer, MyAssembly""
serialization-bindings {
""MyNamespace.MyInterface, MyAssembly"" = my-serializer
Where MyInterface is interface assigned to a message type you want to serialize/deserialize with MySerializer.

how to transform interface to abstract by using javassist

I am using javassist library for modify class files.
I want to modify interface to abstract class
for example,
original :
public interface javax.servlet.Servlet {
public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException;
modified :
public abstract javax.servlet.Servlet {
public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
callMethod(); // this is implemented original method
How can i apply this solution like aop(before, after)?
I think the first problem with your approach is that when you try to modify your interface using Javassist you are attempting to redefine an interface that has been already loaded by the class loader.
One option might be to do a bit of classloader tricks: create a new classloader that doesn't have your existing interface loaded (parent is the system classloader) and have Javassist load through that (use aCtClass.toClass() method that takes a ClassLoader argument). However is not really something I would do since to manage properly more than one ClassLoader is not that easy.
There might be a better way to achieve your goal, and creating new classes might be a better design. You could create a new class that implements everything you need and then extends the required interface.
Moreover I suggest you to take also a look at dynamic proxies that could be an option as well. Their biggest advantage is that you don't need any 3rd party libraries to create them.

In protobuf-net, is there a way to specify a custom method to be used when serializing/deserializing a given type?

In protobuf-net (Marc Gravell implementation), is there a way to specify a custom Serializer/Deserializer to be used everytime protobuf encouters a type to be serialized ?
Something like that :
class Foo
[ProtoMember(1), ProtoSerializer(BarSerializer)]
public Bar Something { get; set; }
class BarSerializer
public void Serialize(object value, Protowriter writer)
//do something here with writer...
I looked at the docs but could not find anything.
I know this is possible to use Protowriter directly to serialize an object (like this DataTable example).
What I would like to do is to use the custom serializer only for a given type and use default implementation for the other types already implemented (eg : int, string, ...)
No, basically. But what you can do is write a second type (a surrogate type) that is used for serialization. This type needs to have conversion operators between the two types (declared on either, usually the surrogate), and be registered into the library, for example:
The library still controls how FooSurrogate is written on the wire. There is not currently an API that allows you to directly control the output inside a type. But if you start from ProtoWriter you can of course do everything manually.

How do I create hypermedia links in custom serializer with Spring Data Rest

I have a abstract class and two implementations:
public abstract class Attribute {
// some properties
public class CustomAttribute extends Attribute{
private String property1;
public class DefaultAttribute extends Attribute{
private String property2;
There's another class, which includes these attributes:
public class Step{
private List<Attribute> attributes;
Now when Step gets serialized, the self link is missing. I need the self reference, since I want to update the attributes. According to the documentation, jackson needs a little help deciding which class to use. But that does not help, because I need to use both classes. So I build a custom serializer (and registered with a module) for Step and now I wonder how I can construct the link myself. I couldn't find anything in the Spring Data Rest docs regarding this. Since Spring Data Rest adds these links automatically, I think there might be a way to have the protocol/hostname/port information available in the JsonSerializer. How do I get the information in my custom serializer?
Ok, now I use the linkTo() function to get the hostname and port and I manually set the rest of the resource URL in my custom serializer.
final Link attributeLink = linkTo(CustomAttributeRepository.class)
jsonGenerator.writeStringField("href", attributeLink.getHref());

Register JodaModule in Jax-RS Application

I'm writing a Jax-RS application using Jersey, and Jackson2 under the hood to facilitate JSON i/o. The service itself works fine, but I'd like to improve it by having the Jackson mapper automagically serialize/deserialize date and date-times to JodaTime objects.
I'm following the documentation here and have added the relevant jars, but I'm lost on this instruction:
Registering module
To use Joda datatypes with Jackson, you will first need to register the module first (same as with all Jackson datatype modules):
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
mapper.registerModule(new JodaModule());
I've tried to do this in the custom class that extends, but I'm not at all confident in that solution. I'm currently getting this error:
Can not instantiate value of type [simple type, class org.joda.time.DateTime] from String value ('2014-10-22'); no single-String constructor/factory method
at [Source: org.glassfish.jersey.message.internal.ReaderInterceptorExecutor$UnCloseableInputStream#3471b6d5; line: 7, column: 25]
Other than the general impression that this module registration needs to happen at application (servlet?) startup, I have no idea what to do with this information. Do I need to annotate a custom class with something in particular to have it picked up ? Should I be extending some class ?
The examples I find on StackOverflow usually stick it in main() and call the mapper directly, but I'm relying on Jackson Databinding so the examples aren't relevant. Any direction is appreciated.
You'll basically want to create/configure/return the ObjectMapper in a ContextResolver. Something like
public class ObjectMapperContextResolver implements ContextResolver<ObjectMapper> {
final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
public ObjectMapperContextResolver() {
mapper.registerModule(new JodaModule());
public ObjectMapper getContext(Class<?> type) {
return mapper;
If you are using package scanning to discover your resources, then the #Provider annotation should allow this class to be discovered and registered also.
Basically what happens, is the the MessageBodyReader and MessageBodyWriter provided by Jackson, used for unmarshalling and marshalling, respectively, will call the getContext method in the ContextResolver, to determine the ObjectMapper to use. The reader/writer will pass in the class (in a reader it will be the type expected in a method param, in a writer it will be the type returned as-a/in-a response), meaning we are allowed to use differently configured ObjectMapper for different classes, as seen here. In the above solution, it is used for all classes.