Testing debounced asynchronous request with moxios and fakeTimers - vue.js

I’m trying to test an axios call in a debounced method, but moxios.wait() always times out if I add fake timers.
The test works without the clock, if the debounce time is set small enough (e.g. 10ms) but that doesn’t help testing proper debouncing.
I’ve tried experimenting with Vue.nextTick as well as making the callback to it() async, but I seem to only go further into the weeds. What’s the right approach here?
Here’s a component and test in one, that shows the problem:
import Vue from 'vue'
import { mount } from 'vue-test-utils'
import axios from 'axios'
import moxios from 'moxios'
import _ from 'lodash'
import expect from 'expect'
import sinon from 'sinon'
let Debounced = Vue.component('Debounced',
template: `<div><button #click.prevent="fetch"></button></div>`,
data() {
return {
data: {}
methods: {
fetch: _.debounce(async () => {
let data = await axios.post('/test', {param: 'example'})
this.data = data
}, 100)
describe.only ('Test axios in debounce()', () => {
let wrapper, clock
beforeEach(() => {
clock = sinon.useFakeTimers()
wrapper = mount(Debounced)
afterEach(() => {
it ('should send off a request when clicked', (done) => {
// Given we set up axios to return something
moxios.stubRequest('/test', {
status: 200,
response: []
// When the button is clicked
moxios.wait(() => {
// It should have called axios with the right params
let request = moxios.requests.mostRecent()
expect(JSON.parse(request.config.data)).toEqual({param: 'example'})

About test timeout exception: moxios.wait relies on the setTimeout but we replaced our setTimeout with custom js implementation, and to make moxios.waitwork we should invoke clock.tick(1) after wait call.
moxios.wait(() => {
// It should have called axios with the right params
let request = moxios.requests.mostRecent()
expect(JSON.parse(request.config.data)).toEqual({param: 'example'})
This will allow test to enter the callback body...But it will fail again with exception that request is undefined.
Main problem: The problem is that fake timers are calling all callbacks synchronously(without using macrotask event loop) but Promises still uses event loop.
So your code just ends before any Promise "then" will be executed. Of course you can push your test code as microtasks to access request and response data, for example (using await or wrap it as then" callback):
// debounced function called
// next lines will be executed after an axios "then" callback where a request will be created.
await Promise.resolve();
// axios promise created, a request is added to moxios requests
// next "then" is added to microtask event loop
console.log("First assert");
let request = moxios.requests.mostRecent()
expect(JSON.parse(request.config.data)).toEqual({ param: 'example' });
// next lines will be executed after promise "then" from fetch method
await Promise.resolve();
console.log("Second assert");
I added another assertion for data to show that your code should "wait" for 2 "then" callbacks: axios internal "then" with your request creation and your "then" from fetch method.
As you see I removed wait call because it actually do nothing if you want to wait for Promises.
Yes, this is a dirty hack and closely related to axios implementation itself, but I don't have better advice and firstly I just tried to explain the issue.


Vitest LitElement events

I have a storybook project where i am using Vite and LitElement components.
To test the components i thought i would use the Vitest library.
But i can't really test my components, it is like if the components aren't initialized / mounted / working (but they work fine in the stories., so i think the problem is with the testing).
I have a breadcrumb component, which dispatches a custom event on the connectedCallback function. On my story i can listen to this event, so i know it is being dispatched.
But i can seem to test it.
What i have:
on the breadcrumb component, inside the connectedCallback function
this.dispatchEvent(new Event('abc-breadcrumb-connected'));
on my breadcrumb.test.ts file:
import type { IWindow } from 'happy-dom';
import { expect, describe, it, beforeEach, vi } from 'vitest';
import '../abc-breadcrumb';
import { AbcBreadcrumb } from "../abc-breadcrumb";
declare global {
interface Window extends IWindow {}
describe('Abc breadcrumb', async () => {
it('Dispatches connected event', async () => {
const mockConnectedCallback = vi.fn(() => true);
window.addEventListener('abc-breadcrumb-connected', () => {
console.log('GOT THE EVENT');
document.body.innerHTML = `
<abc-breadcrumb role="nav" aria-label="Breadcrumb" class="breadcrumb" ismobile="">
await window.happyDOM.whenAsyncComplete();
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 0));
0n my vite.config.ts i have:
export default defineConfig({
test: {
globals: true,
environment: 'happy-dom',
the error i get:
AssertionError: expected "spy" to be called at least once
I have no idea why it isn't working an would be really happy to get some help.
At first look, using await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 0)); seems like the kind of thing I was unsuccessfully relying on myself to ensure enough ticks had passed for various operations to complete. This often worked in my local browser but failed in CI or resulted in flaky tests.
Why not set up the promise such that the event listener calls resolve() or possibly even mockConnectedCallback(). Then you can be certain the event isn't firing as opposed to only not having been fired when setTimeout resolves.
const mockConnectedCallback = vi.fn(() => true);
let connectedResolve;
const connectedPromise = new Promise(r => connectedResolve = r);
window.addEventListener('abc-breadcrumb-connected', () => {
console.log('GOT THE EVENT');
document.body.innerHTML = `
<abc-breadcrumb role="nav" aria-label="Breadcrumb" class="breadcrumb" ismobile="">
await window.happyDOM.whenAsyncComplete();
await connectedPromise;
It makes the expect() a little redundant given that it won't be reached until the awaited promise resolves, but I think awaiting an explicit resolution makes things easier to reason about and doesn't hard-code various assumptions about microtask queues and things into the test code, which more often than not have come back to bite me later.

Changing route before long api call finishes overwrites vuex store

I have a long api call in my vuex store and if I change the route before it's finished and dispatch the same action from another page with a quicker api call the first call will eventually overwrite the second call. The action looks like this:
async getData({ commit }, payload) {
try {
const params = {...};
const res = await axios.get(`/data`, {
if (res.status === 200) {
commit("setData", res.data);
} catch (error) {
commit("setError", error.response);
Is there a way to prevent this from happening?
If you want to prevent the 'last to finish' async call from overwriting the state, you need to cancel any old actions so they don't complete.
In your example, since you are using axios, the easiest option is to use an AbortController.
In your action, attach the controller to the axios method via the signal param:
const controller = new AbortController()
let result = axios.get('/foo/bar', { signal: controller.signal })
Then when you need to cancel it (i.e before calling a new action, simply call):

Enzyme integration testing: axios.get call not being executed in redux-saga

I am trying to setup tests for some an action creator that is triggering a redux saga.
My saga retrieves a word from a local flask server (will always return the same word) and then displays that word. This is not my real-life case but I tried to start with something easy...
My action creator and saga work as expected when I trigger them with a button in my react app (the word is retrieved from the server, stored in my redux store and the displayed with a selector in my react component), but I cannot get the test to succeed.
I would like to test only the redux part, not the actual rendered react component (not sure if that is part of my problem or not)
I use Enzyme for tests, my store is created correctly and can dispatch the action. I can also see that my saga is being called with the console logs:
My test code:
import { Store } from 'redux';
import { RootState } from '../root.reducer';
import { storeFactory } from '../../../test/testUtils';
import { getSecretWord } from './secret-word.actions';
describe('getSecretWord action creator', () => {
let store: Store<RootState>;
beforeEach(() => {
store = storeFactory();
test('add response word to state', () => {
const secretWord = 'party';
const newState = store.getState();
console.log('new state: ' + newState.secretWord);
and my saga function:
export function* getSecretWordSaga(action: getSecretWordAction): Generator<ForkEffect | CallEffect | PutEffect, void, unknown>
try {
console.log('getSecretWordSaga() saga started');
console.log('before axios query call:');
const response:any = yield call(api.get, '/api/word');
// const response = {data: { word: 'party'}, status:200}
console.log('axios query returned: ');
yield put(setSecretWord(response.data.word));
console.log('getSecretWordSaga() saga finsshed');
} catch (err) {
console.log('error occured:');
console.log('getSecretWordSaga() saga finsshed with errors');
export function* getSecretWordSagaStart(): Generator<
> {
yield takeLatest(SecretWordActionTypes.GET_SECRET_WORD, getSecretWordSaga);
The axios api is very basic and it includes two interceptors for logging purposes:
import axios from 'axios';
export const api = axios.create({
baseURL: 'http://localhost:5000',
responseType: 'json',
api.interceptors.request.use(request => {
console.log('Starting Request', JSON.stringify(request, null, 2))
return request
api.interceptors.response.use(response => {
console.log('Response:', JSON.stringify(response, null, 2))
return response
I can see in the logs (in "npm test") that I get log for the line "before axios query call:' and one console.log for the request interceptor (everything looks fine there), but no more logs afterwards (neither success nor error)
If I comment out the "yield call.." and hardcode the response (like in the commented out line below), my saga runs through the end and my test succeeds.
Why is the yield Call(api.get, '/api/word') not being executed (and I don't get any error message)?
The code is my opinion correct as it is running fine when executed in react. My flask server is obviously also running and I can see in the flask app than no call to the api are being made by the running tests.
I obviously plan to mock that api call but was also running into some problems there, that's why I first wanted to get the real api call working.
After trying many different ways for adding a timeout, setting the testing function to async and adding a setTimeout in a promise did work.
It's not ideal as I have to set the timeout to a specific value, but I could not figure out a better way to get it working.
test("add response word to state", async () => {
const secretWord = 'party';
await new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, 1000));
const newState = store.getState();
console.log('new state: ' + newState.secretWord);

Jest Vue Expected mock function to have been called with, but not called

I am trying to mock an api call using Jest and Vue but I get the error "Expected mock function to have been called with: ... but not called"
I have tried to find a solution but haven't found anything yet.
import DocumentService from "../../src/services/document";
import mockedData from "../__mockData__/documents";
import axios from "axios";
it("should call Document Service and download a document", () => {
let catchFn = jest.fn(),
thenFn = jest.fn();
DocumentService.downloadDocumentById(jwtToken, DocumentURL, id)
// expect(axios.get).toHaveBeenCalledWith(DocumentURL + "/" + id + "/content", {
// headers: { Authorization: "Bearer " + jwtToken, "X-role": "SuperUser" }
// });
let responseObj = { data: mockedData };
The test runs synchronously and the expect runs and fails before the Promise callbacks have a chance to run.
Make sure you await the Promise returned by DocumentService.downloadDocumentById to give the callbacks a chance to run:
it("should call Document Service and download a document", async () => { // use an async test function
let catchFn = jest.fn(),
thenFn = jest.fn();
const promise = DocumentService.downloadDocumentById(jwtToken, DocumentURL, id)
.then(catchFn); // remember the Promise
let responseObj = { data: mockedData };
await promise; // wait for the Promise
expect(thenFn).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mockedData); // SUCCESS
expect(catchFn).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); // SUCCESS
Had the same trouble, made it this way:
import axios from 'axios';
in test axios.get = jest.fn();
expect( axios.get ).toBeCalledWith( yourUrl );

Testing a function called on an object with Jest in React Native

Current example,
it('CALLED THE canOpenURL FUNCTION', () => {
const wrapper = mount(<ResourceCardComponent {...mockProps} />);
const canOpenURLSpy = jest.spyOn(Linking, 'canOpenURL');
expect(jest.fn()).toHaveBeenCalled() Expected mock function to have
been called.
I am using Jest & Enzyme to test a class made with React Native. This class has a function inside of it that when fired off uses the Linking library to call canOpenUrl and openUrl. I can simulate the click event on the mounted component but I am having trouble knowing how much of this I can actually test.
My goal is to check if Linking.canOpenUrl ever fires off.
The function inside the component looks like this,
onPressLink() {
Linking.canOpenURL(this.props.url).then((supported) => {
if (supported) {
I can simulate this firing off like this,
describe('onPressLink has been called!', () => {
it('It clicks the mock function onPressLink!', (done) => {
const wrapper = mount(<MyComponent {...mockProps} />);
const onPressLink = jest.fn();
const a = new onPressLink();
Now that does work, but my goal is to use something like this,
But I keep getting this error,
TypeError: Cannot read property '_isMockFunction' of undefined
Current code that is trying to check if this function is ever fired off. Which is inside the parent function that is clicked with the simulate method,
it('calls canOpenURL', () => {
const wrapper = mount(<MyComponent {...mockProps} />);
const canOpenURL = jest.spyOn(wrapper.instance, 'onPressLink');
What is the proper way to check to see if Linking.canOpenURL is fired when its parent function is executed?
(Since Jest 19.0.0+)
You can spy on the Linking module methods using jest.spyOn().
(1) Tell jest to spy on the module method:
const spy = jest.spyOn(Linking, 'canOpenURL');
(2) After doing everything you need to test it, check the spy:
(3) Clean up and stop spying on the module method
If you don't want the tests to use the actual implementation of the methods, you can fake them like this:
jest.spyOn(Linking, 'canOpenURL').mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve());
Where the function passed to mockImplementation will be whatever you want the method to do when called.
Ref https://facebook.github.io/jest/docs/en/jest-object.html#jestspyonobject-methodname
When using the actual implementation of your module method, which is asynchronous, the promise might not have been resolved by the time you tested it. You need to make sure any promise is resolved in your method implementation before making any assertions on it.
One way to deal with this is using async/await, like so:
it('...', async () => {
// Wait for promise to resolve before moving on
await wrapper.instance().onPressLink();
// make your assertions
Another option is using expect().resolves, available since Jest 20.0.0, where you wait for some promise in the argument to expect() to resolve with a value before making an assertion on that value.
I've done in simplest way:
Steps to spy:
Make spy object for original function using jest
Call original function with / without argument(s)
Assert the function which should be called with valid argument(s)
Reset mock
Restore mock
Here is the sample example
DefaultBrowser.ts which is actual class.
import { Linking } from 'react-native';
export const openDefaultBrowser = async url => {
if (await Linking.canOpenURL(url)) {
DefaultBrowser.test.ts which is test case class.
import { openDefaultBrowser } from '../DefaultBrowser';
import { Linking } from 'react-native';
describe('openDefaultBrowser with validate and open url', () => {
it('validate url', async () => {
const spy = jest.spyOn(Linking, 'canOpenURL');
it('open url', async () => {
const spy = jest.spyOn(Linking, 'openURL');
Hope this helps you.
it('open url', async () => {
jest.spyOn(Linking, 'canOpenURL')
const spy = jest.spyOn(Linking, 'openURL')
await waitFor(() => {