I want to create a DML trigger that runs on more than one table.
That is I want to invoke the trigger when ever an insert/delete/update operation took place on tables X,Y,Z.
Reading up the documentation of PL-SQL CREATE TRIGGER statement in ORACLE, I went through the following bit of information:
When a trigger fires, tables that the trigger references might be
undergoing changes made by SQL statements in other users'
transactions. SQL statements running in triggers follow the same rules
that standalone SQL statements do.
It basically says the rules that would apply to two conflicting standalone SQL statements (running at the same time) are unchanged when one of the statements is performed from within a trigger.
So we have some "usual" rules about concurrent transactions and, as for these rules, the following two are mentioned:
Queries in the trigger see the current read-consistent materialized
view of referenced tables and any data changed in the same
Updates in the trigger wait for existing data locks to be released
before proceeding.
These two rules look like "obscure" to non-expert users.
What do they mean more precisely?
Queries in the trigger see the current read-consistent materialized
view of referenced tables and any data changed in the same
This means the data the trigger sees, like if it does a SELECT on a different table, represents the state of that table when the statement started running. The trigger does not see rows that have been changed by other sessions that have not been committed yet.
Updates in the trigger wait for existing data locks to be released
before proceeding.
When an Oracle statement modifies a row, the row is locked against other people changing it until that session either commits or rolls back its transaction. So if you do an insert on table A, your trigger does an update on table B, but someone else's session has already done an update on table B for that same row, your transaction will wait until they commit or rollback.
I am trying to create a trigger in SQL Server that will trigger when two rows will be inserted into two separate tables with the same exact time stamp.
Is this possible to do as a trigger? My understanding is that a trigger is attached to only one table. Has anyone attempted this before?
Problem statement
I have a view for recursively collecting and aggregating infos from 3 different large to very large tables. This view itself needs quite a time to execute but is needed in many select statements and is executed quite often.
The resulting view, however, is very small (a few dozend results in 2 columns).
All updating actions typically start a transaction, execute many thousand INSERTs and then commit the transaction. This does not occur very frequently, but if something is written to the database it is usually a large amount of data.
What I tried
As the view is small, does not change frequently and is read often, I thought of creating an indexed view. However, sadly you can not create an indexed view with CTEs or even recursive CTEs.
To 'emulate' a indexed or materialized view, I thought about writing a trigger that executes the view and stores the results into a table every time one of the base tables get modified. However, I guess this would take forever if a large amout of entries are UPDATEed or INSERTed and the trigger runs for each INSERT/UPDATE statement on those tables, even if they are inside a single transaction.
Actual question
Is it possible to write a trigger that runs once before commiting and after the last insert/update statement of a transaction has finished and only if any of the statements has changed any of the three tables?
No, there's no direct way to make a trigger that runs right before the end of a transaction. DML Triggers run once per triggering DML statement (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE), and there's no other kind of trigger related to data modification.
Indirectly, you could have all of your INSERT's insert into a temporary table and then INSERT them all together from the #temp table into the real table, resulting in one trigger firing for that table. But if you are writing to multiple tables, you would still have the same problem.
The SOP (Standard Operating Practice) way to address this is to have a stored procedure handle everything up front instead of a Trigger trying to catch everything on the back-side.
If data consistency is important, then I'd recommend that you follow the SOP approach based in a stored procedure that I mentioned above. Here's a hi-level outline of this approach:
Use a stored procedure that dumps all of the changes into #temp tables first,
then start a transaction,
then make the changes, moving data/changes from your #temp table(s) into your actual tables,
then do the follow-up work you wanted in a trigger. If these are consistency checks, then if they fail, you should rollback the transaction.
Otherwise, it then commits the transaction.
This is almost always how something like this is done correctly.
If your view is small and queried frequently and your underline tables are rarely changed, you don't need a "view". Instead you need a summary table with the same result of the view and updated by your triggers on each underline table.
A trigger is triggered every time you have data modification (insert, delete and update) but one modification will only trigger once, whether it updates one record or one million rows. You don't need worry about the size of update. Instead the frequency of updating is your concern.
If your have a procedure periodically insert large number of rows, or updates large number of rows one by one, you can change the procedure and disable the triggers before the update so the summary table will be updated only before the end of procedure, where you can call the same "sum" procedure and enable those triggers.
If you HAVE TO keep the "summary" up-to-date all the time, even during large number of transactions (i doubt it's very helpful or practical, if your view is slow to execute), you can disable those triggers, do some calculation by yourself after each transaction, update the summary table after each transaction, in your procedure.
The database I am using already has a 2 triggers on part number table (on insert and on update). Insert trigger updates creation date, and update trigger updates modification date.
I have to add 3 more triggers to log updates to this table (on insert, on update and on delete)
In what order they will be executed? Before existing trigger or after? Can I control that?
sp_settriggerorder will allow you to set first or last trigger.
If you have more than two and the order matters, combine them into one trigger and split the functionality over the stored procedures.
On our live/production database I'm trying to add a trigger to a table, but have been unsuccessful. I have tried a few times, but it has taken more than 30 minutes for the create trigger statement to complete and I've cancelled it.
The table is one that gets read/written to often by a couple different processes. I have disabled the scheduled jobs that update the table and attempted at times when there is less activity on the table, but I'm not able to stop everything that accesses the table.
I do not believe there is a problem with the create trigger statement itself. The create trigger statement was successful and quick in a test environment, and the trigger works correctly when rows are inserted/updated to the table. Although when I created the trigger on the test database there was no load on the table and it had considerably less rows, which is different than on the live/production database (100 vs. 13,000,000+).
Here is the create trigger statement that I'm trying to run
ON [Item]
IF update(State)
/* do some stuff including for each row updated call a stored
procedure that increments a value in table based on the
UserId of the updated row */
Can there be issues with creating a trigger on a table while rows are being updated or if it has many rows?
In SQLServer triggers are created enabled by default. Is it possible to create the trigger disabled by default?
Any other ideas?
The problem may not be in the table itself, but in the system tables that have to be updated in order to create the trigger. If you're doing any other kind of DDL as part of your normal processes they could be holding it up.
Use sp_who to find out where the block is coming from then investigate from there.
I believe the CREATE Trigger will attempt to put a lock on the entire table.
If you have a lots of activity on that table it might have to wait a long time and you could be creating a deadlock.
For any schema changes you should really get everyone of the database.
That said it is tempting to put in "small" changes with active connections. You should take a look at the locks / connections to see where the lock contention is.
That's odd. An AFTER UPDATE trigger shouldn't need to check existing rows in the table. I suppose it's possible that you aren't able to obtain a lock on the table to add the trigger.
You might try creating a trigger that basically does nothing. If you can't create that, then it's a locking issue. If you can, then you could disable that trigger, add your intended code to the body, and enable it. (I do not believe you can disable a trigger during creation.)
Part of the problem may also be the trigger itself. Could your trigger accidentally be updating all rows of the table? There is a big differnce between 100 rows in a test database and 13,000,000. It is a very bad idea to develop code against such a small set when you have such a large dataset as you can have no way to predict performance. SQL that works fine for 100 records can completely lock up a system with millions for hours. You really want to know that in dev, not when you promote to prod.
Calling a stored proc in a trigger is usually a very bad choice. It also means that you have to loop through records which is an even worse choice in a trigger. Triggers must alawys account for multiple record inserts/updates or deletes. If someone inserts 100,000 rows (not unlikely if you have 13,000,000 records), then looping through a record based stored proc could take hours, lock the entire table and cause all users to want to hunt down the developer and kill (or at least maim) him because they cannot get their work done.
I would not even consider putting this trigger on prod until you test against a record set simliar in size to prod.
My friend Dennis wrote this article that illustrates why testing a small volumn of information when you have a large volumn of information can create difficulties on prd that you didn't notice on dev:
Run DISABLE TRIGGER triggername ON tablename before altering the trigger, then reenable it with ENABLE TRIGGER triggername ON tablename