How to get parents by IDs when using polymorphic associations - activejdbc

I have a many-to-many relation table site_sections with the following columns:
which is used a join table between sections and sites tables. So one site has many sections and a section is available in many sites.
Sites table has the following columns:
The sites_sections table is used in a polymorphic association with parameters table.
I'd like to find all the parameters corresponding to the site sections for a specific site by its store_number. Is it possible to pass in an array of to SQL using the IN clause, something like that:
Parameter.where("parent_id IN (" + [1, 2, 3, 4] + ") and parent_type ='com.models.SiteSection'");
where [1, 2, 3, 4] should be an array of IDs from sites_sections table or there is a better solution ?

Your solution is correct:
Site aSite = Site.findFirst("store_number=?", STORE_NUMBER);
List<SiteSection> siteSections= SiteSection.where("site_id=?", aSite.getId()).include(Parameter.class);
for (SiteSection siteSection : siteSections) {
List<Parameter> siteParams = siteSection.getAll(Parameter.class);
for (Parameter siteParam : siteParams) { ... }
In addition, by using the include(), you are also avoiding an N+1 problem:
However there can be a catch. If you have a very large number of parameters, you will be using a lot of memory, since include() loads all results into heap at once. If your result sets are relatively small, you are saving resources by running a single query. If your result sets are large, you are wasting heap space.
See docs: LazyList#include()
Side note: use aSite.getId() or aSite.getLongId() instead of aSite.get("id")


How to sort connection type into only 2 rows in Qlik sense

I have a column named Con_TYPE in which there are multiple types of connections such as fiberoptic, satellite, 3g etc.
And I want to sort them only into 2 rows:
Can anybody help me?
Thanks in advance
You can use Calculated dimension or Mapping load
Lets imagine that the data, in its raw form, looks like this:
dimension: Con_TYPE
measure: Sum(value)
Calculated dimension
You can add expressions inside the dimension. If we have a simple if statement as an expression then the result is:
dimension: =if(Con_TYPE = 'fiberoptic', Con_TYPE, 'other')
measure: Sum(Value)
Mapping load
Mapping load is a script function so we'll have to change the script a bit:
// Define the mapping. In our case we want to map only one value:
// fiberoptic -> fiberoptic
// we just want "fiberoptic" to be shown the same "fiberoptic"
Load * inline [
Old, New
fiberoptic, fiberoptic
// --> this is where the mapping is applied
// using the TypeMapping, defined above we are mapping the values
// in Con_TYPE field. The third parameter specifies what value
// should be given if the field value is not found in the
// mapping table. In our case we'll chose "Other"
ApplyMap('TypeMapping', Con_TYPE, 'Other') as Con_TYPE_Mapped
Load * inline [
Con_TYPE , value
fiberoptic, 10
satellite , 1
3g , 7
// No need to drop "TypeMapping" table since its defined with the
// "Mapping" prefix and Qlik will auto drop it at the end of the script
And we can use the new field Con_TYPE_Mapped in the ui. And the result is:
dimension: Con_TYPE_Mapped
measure: Sum(Value)
calculated dimension
+ easy to use
+ only UI change
- leads to performance issues on mid/large datasets
- have to be defined (copy/paste) per table/chart. Which might lead to complications if have to be changed across the whole app (it have to be changed in each object where defined)
mapping load
+ no performance issues (just another field)
+ the mapping table can be defined inline or loaded from an external source (excel, csv, db etc)
+ the new field can be used across the whole app and changing the values in the script will not require table/chart change
- requires reload if the mapping is changed
P.S. In both cases selecting Other in the tables will correctly filter the values and will show data only for 3g and satellite

Solr: indexing nested JSON files + some fields independent of UniqueKey (need new core?)

I am working on an NLP project and I have a large amount of text data to index with Solr. I have already created an initial index (Solr core) with fields title, authors, publication date, authors, abstract. The is an ID that is unique to each article (PMID). Since then, I have extracted more information from the dataset and I am stuck with how to incorporate this new info into the existing index. I don't know how to approach the problem and I would appreciate suggestions.
The new information is currently stored in JSON files that look like this:
{id: {entity: [[33, 39, 0, subj], [103, 115, 1, obj], ...],
another_entity: [[88, 95, 0, subj], [444, 449, 1, obj], ...],
another id,
where the integers are the character span and the index of the sentence the entity appears in.
Is there a way to have something like subfields in Solr? Since the id is the same as the unique key in the main index I was thinking of adding a field entities, but then this field would need to have its own subfields start character, end character, sentence index, dependency tag. I have come across Nested Child Documents and I am considering changing the structure of the extracted information to:
{id: {entity: [{start:33, end:39, sent_idx:0, dep_tag:'subj'},
{start:103, end:115, sent_idx:1, dep_tag:'obj'}, ...],
another_entity: [{}, {}, ...],
another id,
Having keys for the nested values, I should be able to use the methods linked above - though I am still unsure if I am on the right track here. Is there a better way to approach this? All fields should be searchable. I am familiar with Python, and so far I have been using the library subprocess to post documents to Solr via Python script
sp.Popen(f"./post -c {core_name} {json_path}", shell=True, cwd=SOLR_BIN_DIR)
Additionally, I want to index some information that is not linked to a specific PMID (does not have the same unique key), so I assume I need to create a new Solr core for it? Does it mean I have to switch to SolrCloud mode? So far I have been using a simple, single core.
Example of such information (abbreviations and the respective long form - also stored in a JSON file):
{"IEOP": "immunoelectroosmophoresis",
"ELISA": "enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay",
"GAGs": "glycosaminoglycans",
I would appreciate any input - thank you!

Neo4j: How to pass a variable to Neo4j Apoc (apoc.path.subgraphAll) Property

Am new to Neo4j and trying to do a POC by implementing a graph DB for Enterprise Reference / Integration Architecture (Architecture showing all enterprise applications as Nodes, Underlying Tables / APIs - logically grouped as Nodes, integrations between Apps as Relationships.
Objective is to achieve seamlessly 'Impact Analysis' using the strength of Graph DB (Note: I understand this may be an incorrect approach to achieve whatever am trying to achieve, so suggestions are welcome)
Let me come brief my question now,
There are four Apps - A1, A2, A3, A4; A1 has set of Tables (represented by a node A1TS1) that's updated by Integration 1 (relationship in this case) and the same set of tables are read by Integration 2. So the Data model looks like below
I have the underlying application table names captured as a List property in A1TS1 node.
Let's say one of the app table is altered for a new column or Data type and I wanted to understand all impacted Integrations and Applications. Now am trying to write a query as below to retrieve all nodes & relationships that are associated/impacted because of this table alteration but am not able to achieve this
Expected Result is - all impacted nodes (A1TS1, A1, A2, A4) and relationships (INT1, INT2)
Option 1 (Using APOC)
MATCH (a {TCName:'A1TS1',AppName:'A1'})-[r]-(b)
WITH a as STRTND, Collect(type(r)) as allr
CALL apoc.path.subgraphAll(STRTND, {relationshipFilter:allr}) YIELD nodes, relationships
RETURN nodes, relationships
This faile with error Failed to invoke procedure 'apoc.path.subgraphAll': Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.ArrayList cannot be cast to java.lang.String
Option 2 (Using with, unwind, collect clause)
MATCH (a {TCName:'A1TS1',AppName:'A1'})-[r]-(b)
WITH a as STRTND, Collect(r) as allr
UNWIND allr as rels
MATCH p=()-[rels]-()-[rels]-()
This fails with error "Cannot use the same relationship variable 'rels' for multiple patterns" but if I use the [rels] once like p=()-[rels]=() it works but not yielding me all nodes
Any help/suggestion/lead is appreciated. Thanks in advance
Trying to give more context
Showing the Underlying Data
MATCH ()-[r]-() RETURN distinct r.relname
"FINREP" │ (runs between A1 to other apps)
"UPFRNT" │ (runs between A2 to different Salesforce App)
"INVOICE" │ (runs between A1 to other apps)
With this, here is what am trying to achieve
Assume "TBL3" is getting altered in App A1, I wanted to write a query specifying the table "TBL3" in match pattern, get all associated relationships and connected nodes (upstream)
May be I need to achieve in 3 steps,
Step 1 - Write a match pattern to find the start node and associated relationship(s)
Step 2 - Store that relationship(s) from step 1 in a Array variable / parameter
Step 3 - Pass the start node from step 1 & parameter from step 2 to apoc.path.subgraphAll to see all the impacted nodes
This may conceptually sound valid but how to do that technically in neo4j Cypher query is the question.
Hope this helps
This query may do what you want:
WHERE $table IN tc.Tables
MATCH p=(tc)-[:Foo*]-()
WITH tc,
REDUCE(s = [], x IN COLLECT(NODES(p)) | s + x) AS ns,
REDUCE(t = [], y IN COLLECT(RELATIONSHIPS(p)) | t + y) AS rs
UNWIND rs AS rel
RETURN tc, nodes, COLLECT(DISTINCT rel) AS rels;
It assumes that you provide the name of the table of interest (e.g., "TBL3") as the value of a table parameter. It also assumes that the relationships of interest all have the Foo type.
It first finds tc, the TBLCON node(s) containing that table name. It then uses a variable-length non-directional search for all paths (with non-repeating relationships) that include tc. It then uses COLLECT twice: to aggregate the list of nodes in each path, and to aggregate the list of relationships in each path. Each aggregation result would be a list of lists, so it uses REDUCE on each outer list to merge the inner lists. It then uses UNWIND and COLLECT(DISTINCT x) on each list to produce a list with unique elements.
If you differentiate between your relationships by type (rather than by property value), your Cypher code can be a lot simpler by taking advantage of APOC functions. The following query assumes that the desired relationship types are passed via a types parameter:
WHERE $table IN tc.Tables
CALL apoc.path.subgraphAll(
tc, {relationshipFilter: apoc.text.join($types, '|')}) YIELD nodes, relationships
RETURN nodes, relationships;
WIth some lead from cybersam's response, the below query gets me what I want. Only constraint is, this result is limited to 3 layers (3rd layer through Optional Match)
CALL apoc.path.subgraphAll(TC, {maxLevel:1}) YIELD nodes AS invN, relationships AS invR
WITH TC, REDUCE (tmpL=[], tmpr IN invR | tmpL+type(tmpr)) AS impR
MATCH FLP=(TC)-[]-()-[FLR]-(SL) WHERE type(FLR) IN impR
This works for my needs, hope this might also help someone.
Thanks everyone for the responses and suggestions
Enhanced the query to get rid of Optional Match criteria and other given limitations
WITH Reduce(O="",OO in Reduce (I=[], II in collect(apoc.node.relationship.types(initTC)) | I+II) | O+OO+"|") as RF
CALL apoc.path.subgraphAll(TC,{relationshipFilter:RF}) YIELD nodes, relationships
RETURN nodes, relationships
Thanks all (especially cybersam)

Django ORM Cross Product

I have three models:
class Customer(models.Model):
class IssueType(models.Model):
class IssueTypeConfigPerCustomer(models.Model):
class Meta:
unique_together=[('customer', 'issue_type')]
How can I find all tuples of (custmer, issue_type) where there is no IssueTypeConfigPerCustomer object?
I want to avoid a loop in Python. A solution which solves this in the DB would be preferred.
Background: for every customer and for every issue-type, there should be a config in the DB.
If you can afford to make one database trip for each issue type, try something like this untested snippet:
def lacking_configs():
for issue_type in IssueType.objects.all():
for customer in Customer.objects.filter(
yield customer, issue_type
missing = list(lacking_configs())
This is probably OK unless you have a lot of issue types or if you are doing this several times per second, but you may also consider having a sensible default instead of making a config object mandatory for each combination of issue type and customer (IMHO it is a bit of a design-smell).
I updated the question: I want to avoid a loop in Python. A solution which solves this in the DB would be preferred.
In Django, every Queryset is either a list of Model instances or a dict (values querysets), so it is impossible to return the format you want (a list of tuples of Model) without some Python (and possibly multiple trips to the database).
The closest thing to a cross product would be using the "extra" method without a where parameter, but it involves raw SQL and knowing the underlying table name for the other model:
missing = Customer.objects.extra(
select={"issue_type_id": ''},
As a result, each Customer object will have an extra attribute, "issue_type_id", containing the id of one IssueType. You can use the where parameter to filter based on NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM appname_issuetypeconfigpercustomer WHERE AND Using the values method you can have something close to what you want - this is probably enough information to verify the rule and create the missing records. If you need other fields from IssueType just include them in the select argument.
In order to assemble a list of (Customer, IssueType) you need something like:
cross_product = [
(customer, IssueType.objects.get(pk=customer.issue_type_id))
for customer in
select={"issue_type_id": ''},
FROM appname_issuetypeconfigpercustomer
Not only this requires the same number of trips to the database as the "generator" based version but IMHO it is also less portable, less readable and violates DRY. I guess you can lower the number of database queries to a couple using something like this:
missing = Customer.objects.extra(
select={"issue_type_id": ''},
FROM appname_issuetypeconfigpercustomer
issue_list = dict(
(, issue)
for issue in
pk__in=set(m.issue_type_id for m in missing)
cross_product = [(c, issue_list[c.issue_type_id]) for c in missing]
Bottom line: in the best case you make two queries at the cost of legibility and portability. Having sensible defaults is probably a better design compared to mandatory config for each combination of Customer and IssueType.
This is all untested, sorry if some homework was left for you.

How to create a view against a table that has record fields?

We have a weekly backup process which exports our production Google Appengine Datastore onto Google Cloud Storage, and then into Google BigQuery. Each week, we create a new dataset named like YYYY_MM_DD that contains a copy of the production tables on that day. Over time, we have collected many datasets, like 2014_05_10, 2014_05_17, etc. I want to create a data set Latest_Production_Data that contains a view for each of the tables in the most recent YYYY_MM_DD dataset. This will make it easier for downstream reports to write their query once and always retrieve the most recent data.
To do this, I have code that gets the most recent dataset and the names of all the tables that dataset contains from the BigQuery API. Then, for each of these tables, I fire a tables.insert call to create a view that is a SELECT * from the table I am looking to create a reference to.
This fails for tables that contain a RECORD field, from what looks to be a pretty benign column-naming rule.
For example, I have this table:
For which I issue this API call:
'tableReference': {
'projectId': 'redacted',
'tableId': u'AccountDeletionRequest',
'datasetId': 'Latest_Production_Data'
'view': {
'query': u'SELECT * FROM [2014_05_17.AccountDeletionRequest]'
This results in the following error:
HttpError: returned "Invalid field name "__key__.namespace". Fields must contain only letters, numbers, and underscores, start with a letter or underscore, and be at most 128 characters long.">
When I execute this query in the BigQuery web console, the columns are renamed to translate the . to an _. I kind of expected the same thing to happen when I issued the create view API call.
Is there an easy way I can programmatically create a view for each of the tables in my dataset, regardless of their underlying schema? The problem I'm encountering now is for record columns, but another problem I anticipate is for tables that have repeated fields. Is there some magic alternative to SELECT * that will take care of all these intricacies for me?
Another idea I had was doing a table copy, but I would prefer not to duplicate the data if I can at all avoid it.
Here is the workaround code I wrote to dynamically generate a SELECT statement for each of the tables:
def get_leaf_column_selectors(dataset, table):
schema = table_service.get(
return ",\n".join([
_get_leaf_selectors("", top_field)
for top_field in schema["fields"]
def _get_leaf_selectors(prefix, field):
if prefix:
format = prefix + ".%s"
format = "%s"
if 'fields' not in field:
# Base case
actual_name = format % field["name"]
safe_name = actual_name.replace(".", "_")
return "%s as %s" % (actual_name, safe_name)
# Recursive case
return ",\n".join([
_get_leaf_selectors(format % field["name"], sub_field)
for sub_field in field["fields"]
We had a bug where you needed to need to select out the individual fields in the view and use an 'as' to rename the fields to something legal (i.e they don't have '.' in the name).
The bug is now fixed, so you shouldn't see this issue any more. Please ping this thread or start a new question if you see it again.