< video poster="Some URL">
This is basic implementation in code. But when I refresh the page, I see poster image first, then in fraction of seconds I see actual video jumping back. Which creates jump back and forth like visual.
Any suggestions on fixing this?
I think I understand the WCAG 1.2.5 Audio Description (Prerecorded) rule, but what I can't find a straight answer on is if what if the per-recorded background video provides no real value, like if it's just a short video of someone walking on a loop with no talking/audio. Does this rule still apply?
Short Answer
Assuming the video serves no purpose other than decoration then you are safe to hide it with aria-hidden="true".
Longer Answer
While the above is perfectly valid for accessibility, there are other considerations from an accessibility perspective.
Do you provide a way to pause the video? If someone has an anxiety disorder then the video can be distracting so you must provide a way to pause the video. (or you could use the Prefers Reduced Motion media query and use that to stop the video auto playing, however the support is not fantastic at 80%.)
You should also add the muted attribute to indicate that the video has no sound to screen readers.
If the video does provide a purpose (i.e. it emphasises what the company does) then you should add a description to the video using aria-describedby and pointing that to a hidden <div> with a description of the video contents as a minimum.
Final Thoughts
If the video is purely decorative, has no meaning within the page and is there just to 'look cool' perhaps consider replacing it with an image. It will massively help your page load times and so can only help with conversions, video backgrounds hurt more than they help as they take focus away from your call to action.
I have some code that used CreateJS /EaselJS to create a MovieClip that contains a Tween that contains an mp4 video. In MovieClip there is a method called 'gotoAndPlay' that you can use to change the timeline position of the playhead to a certain frame number. When using this method to change the play position of the video the tweens work but not the Tween that contains the mp4 movie...this object does not load is result in a blank video tag on the page except for the first play through of the clip. Once the mp4 video has been played it didn't play again if the position was set to it through gotoAndPlay...any ideas on how to fix this or if something wrong might be happening?
In ActionScript animations, FLV movies can be locked to the timeline. But in HTML Canvas animations, MP4 movies are not really fully-fledged "Animate" objects. They look the same for the most part but the integration is not as tight as in Flash.
Since the videos exist outside of the Canvas, you'll need to use jQuery or JavaScript to address them. This can be done by using the Code Snippets in the HTML5 Canvas - Components - Video folder.
As an advance warning, "seeking" to different locations in an MP4 video the way you described is not as reliable as it was in Flash. Browsers like Internet Explorer don't handle seeking well and will likely crash. If frame -by-frame accuracy is important, you may find the best visual results by avoiding the video component and converting your movie to an actual MovieClip in Animate CC, which will increase your file size significantly.
I'm working on an iOS movie editor project. For this editor, i use MPMoviePlayer to show the video file selected by the user.
I use custom controls, and I have a UISlider that enables the user to move the player's currentTime position. When the user touches the slider, movie is paused and its currentTime changes along with the UISlider's value.
Everything works perfectly, but now i need to let the user hear the sound at this currentTime position.
For those who know iMovie, when you move your mouse over a movie event, you see the image and hear the sound at this position, and that's what i'd like in my editor.
I've tried to call player's play method with à NSTimer to stop after 0.2 seconds, but the result is kind of messy.
Has anyone already achieved to do something like this ?
Thanks !
Best regards.
Seeking takes time; that's why you've ended up using a timer. The real problem here is that MPMoviePlayerController, while convenient because it gives you controls, is a blunt instrument; it's just a massive simplified convenience built on top of AVFoundation. But you don't need the built-in controls, so I would suggest throwing away your entire implementation and getting down to the real stuff, using AVFoundation instead (AVPlayer etc). Now you have a coherent way to seek and get a notification when the seek has completed (seekToTime:completionHandler:), so you'll be able to start playing as soon as possible. Plus, AVFoundation is the level where you'll be doing all your "editing" anyway.
I have a problem regarding a video that is not displayed correctly in the video.js player:
As you can see from the page source the dimensions of the player are set to 640x480. The video has the same dimensions which I verified by loading it into my local player and displaying the properties. But: At the left and the right of the video there is a gap of some pixels. The poster is displayed correctly without these gaps. This results in an ugly skip when the player switches from the video to the poster. The poster image is the last frame of the video.
Other videos like this one
are playing fine without a skip but I can't find any difference between these and the faulty one.
My browser is Firefox 23.0.1 thus the ogv video is used.
Can anybody help?
Best regards - Ulrich
I have a situation where I'd like to play 2 video clips back to back using an MPMoviePlayerViewController displayed using presentMoviePlayerViewControllerAnimated.
The problem is that the modal view automatically closes itself as soon as the first movie is complete.
Has anyone found a way to do this?
Three options:
You may use MPMoviePlayerController and start the playback of the 2nd (Nth) item after the previous is complete. This however will introduce a small gap between the videos cause by identification and pre buffering of the content.
You may use AVQueuePlayer; AVQueuePlayer is a subclass of AVPlayer you use to play a number of items in sequence. See its reference for more.
You may use AVComposition for at runtime composing one video out of the two (or N) you need to play back. Note, this works only on locally stored videos and not on remote (streaming or progressive download). Then use AVPlayer for the playback.
It's not possible. If the video assets are in local file system, consider AVComposition.