Tensorflow Combining Two Models End to End - tensorflow

In tensorflow it is fairly easy to load trained models back into tensorflow through the use of checkpoints. However, this use case seems oriented towards users that want to either run evaluation or additional training on a checkpointed model.
What is the simplest way in tensorflow to load a pre-trained model and use it (without training) to produce results which will then be used in a new model?
Right now the methods that seem most promising are tf.get_tensor_by_name() and tf.stop_gradient() in order to get the input and output tensors for the trained model loaded from tf.train.import_meta_graph().
What is the best practices setup for this sort of thing?

The most straightforward solution would be to freeze the pre-trained model variables using this function:
def freeze_graph(model_dir, output_node_names):
"""Extract the sub graph defined by the output nodes and convert
all its variables into constant
model_dir: the root folder containing the checkpoint state file
output_node_names: a string, containing all the output node's names,
comma separated
if not tf.gfile.Exists(model_dir):
raise AssertionError(
"Export directory doesn't exist")
if not output_node_names:
print("You need to supply the name of the output node")
return -1
# We retrieve our checkpoint fullpath
checkpoint = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(model_dir)
input_checkpoint = checkpoint.model_checkpoint_path
# We precise the file fullname of our freezed graph
absolute_model_dir = "/".join(input_checkpoint.split('/')[:-1])
# We clear devices to allow TensorFlow to control on which device it will load operations
clear_devices = True
# We start a session using a temporary fresh Graph
with tf.Session(graph=tf.Graph()) as sess:
# We import the meta graph in the current default Graph
saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph(args.meta_graph_path, clear_devices=clear_devices)
# We restore the weights
saver.restore(sess, input_checkpoint)
# We use a built-in TF helper to export variables to constants
frozen_graph = tf.graph_util.convert_variables_to_constants(
sess, # The session is used to retrieve the weights
tf.get_default_graph().as_graph_def(), # The graph_def is used to retrieve the nodes
output_node_names.split(",") # The output node names are used to select the usefull nodes
return frozen_graph
Then you'd be able to build your new-model on top of the pre-trained model:
# Get the frozen graph
frozen_graph = freeze_graph(YOUR_MODEL_DIR, YOUR_OUTPUT_NODES)
# Set the frozen graph as a default graph
# Get the output tensor from the pre-trained model
pre_trained_model_result = frozen_graph.get_tensor_by_name(OUTPUT_TENSOR_NAME_OF_PRETRAINED_MODEL)
# Let's say you want to get the pre trained model result's square root
my_new_operation_results = tf.sqrt(pre_trained_model_result)


How do I load the two stages of a saved Faster R-CNN separately in TF Object Detection 2.0?

I trained a Faster R-CNN from the TF Object Detection API and saved it using export_inference_graph.py. I have the following directory structure:
I would like to load the first and second stages of the model separately. That is, I would like the following two models:
A model containing each variable in the scope FirstStageFeatureExtractor which accepts an image (or serialized tf.data.Example) as input, and outputs the feature map and RPN proposals.
A model containing each variable in the scopes SecondStageFeatureExtractor and SecondStageBoxPredictor which accepts a feature map and RPN proposals as input, and outputs the bounding box predictions and scores.
I basically want to be able to call _predict_first_stage and _predict_second_stage separately on my input data.
Currently, I only know how to load the entire model:
model = tf.saved_model.load("weights/saved_model")
model = model.signatures["serving_default"]
EDIT 6/7/2020:
For Model 1, I may be able to extract detection_features as in this question, but I'm still not sure about Model 2.
This was more difficult when Object Detection was only compatible with TF1, but is now pretty simple in TF2. There's a good example in this colab.
from object_detection.builders import model_builder
from object_detection.utils import config_util
# Set path names
model_name = 'centernet_hg104_512x512_kpts_coco17_tpu-32'
pipeline_config = os.path.join('models/research/object_detection/configs/tf2/',
model_name + '.config')
model_dir = 'models/research/object_detection/test_data/checkpoint/'
# Load pipeline config and build a detection model
configs = config_util.get_configs_from_pipeline_file(pipeline_config)
model_config = configs['model']
detection_model = model_builder.build(model_config=model_config,
# Restore checkpoint
ckpt = tf.compat.v2.train.Checkpoint(
ckpt.restore(os.path.join(model_dir, 'ckpt-0')).expect_partial()
From here one can call detection_model.predict() and associated methods such as _predict_first_stage and _predict_second_stage.

How to extract Tensorflow trained weights from graph.pbtxt to raw data

I have trained a custom neural network with the function:
After correct training, it contains the following files:
model.ckpt-10.index eval
Now I need to export the weights and biases of every layer, into a raw data structure, e.g. an array, numpy.
I have read multiple pages on TensorFlow, and on other topics, but neither can find this question. The first thing I would assume to put the fils together into graph.pd with the freeze.py as suggested here:
Tensorflow: How to convert .meta, .data and .index model files into one graph.pb file
But then still the main question is unsolved.
If you wish to evaluate tensors alone, you can check out this question. But if you wish to e.g. deploy your network, you can take a look at TensorFlow serving, which is probably the most performant one right now. Or if you want to export this network to other frameworks and use them there, you can actually use ONNX for this purpose.
If saving weights and biases in a numpy array is your strict requirement, you can follow this example:
# In a TF shell, define all requirements and call the model function
y = model(x, is_training=False, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE) # For example
Once you call this function, you can see all the variables in the graph by running
You need to restore all these variables from the latest checkpoint (say ckpt_dir) and then execute each of these variables to get the latest values.
checkpoint = tf.train.latest_checkpoint('./model_dir/')
fine_tune = tf.contrib.slim.assign_from_checkpoint_fn(checkpoint,
sess = tf.Session()
gv = sess.run(tf.global_variables())
Now gv will be a list of all the values of your variables (weights and biases); You can access any individual component via indexing - gv[5] etc. Or you can convert the entire thing into an array and save using numpy.
np.save('my_weights', np.array(gv))
This will save all your weights and biases in your current working directory as a numpy array - 'my_weights.npy'.
Hope this helps.

Embedding feature vectors in Tensorflow

In text processing there is embedding to show up (if I understood it correctly) the database words as vector (after dimension reduction).
now, I am wondering, is there any method like this to show extracted features via CNN?
for example: consider we have a CNN and train and test sets. we want to train the CNN with train set and meanwhile see the extracted features (from dense layer) corresponding class labels via CNN in the embedding section of tensorboard.
the purpose of this work is seeing the features of input data in every batch and understand how close or far are they from together. and finally, in the trained model, we can find out accuracy of our classifier (like softmax or etc.).
thank you in advance for your help.
I have taken help of Tensorflow documentation.
For in depth information on how to run TensorBoard and make sure you are logging all the necessary information, see TensorBoard: Visualizing Learning.
To visualize your embeddings, there are 3 things you need to do:
1) Setup a 2D tensor that holds your embedding(s).
embedding_var = tf.get_variable(....)
2) Periodically save your model variables in a checkpoint in LOG_DIR.
saver = tf.train.Saver()
saver.save(session, os.path.join(LOG_DIR, "model.ckpt"), step)
3) (Optional) Associate metadata with your embedding.
If you have any metadata (labels, images) associated with your embedding, you can tell TensorBoard about it either by directly storing a projector_config.pbtxt in the LOG_DIR, or use our python API.
For instance, the following projector_config.ptxt associates the word_embedding tensor with metadata stored in $LOG_DIR/metadata.tsv:
embeddings {
tensor_name: 'word_embedding'
metadata_path: '$LOG_DIR/metadata.tsv'
The same config can be produced programmatically using the following code snippet:
from tensorflow.contrib.tensorboard.plugins import projector
# Create randomly initialized embedding weights which will be trained.
vocabulary_size = 10000
embedding_size = 200
embedding_var = tf.get_variable('word_embedding', [vocabulary_size,
# Format: tensorflow/tensorboard/plugins/projector/projector_config.proto
config = projector.ProjectorConfig()
# You can add multiple embeddings. Here we add only one.
embedding = config.embeddings.add()
embedding.tensor_name = embedding_var.name
# Link this tensor to its metadata file (e.g. labels).
embedding.metadata_path = os.path.join(LOG_DIR, 'metadata.tsv')
#Use the same LOG_DIR where you stored your checkpoint.
summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(LOG_DIR)
# The next line writes a projector_config.pbtxt in the LOG_DIR. TensorBoard will
# read this file during startup.
projector.visualize_embeddings(summary_writer, config)

How to save a trained tensorflow model for later use for application?

I am a bit of a beginner with tensorflow so please excuse if this is a stupid question and the answer is obvious.
I have created a Tensorflow graph where starting with placeholders for X and y I have optimized some tensors which represent my model. Part of the graph is something where a vector of predictions can be calculated, e.g. for linear regression something like
y_model = tf.add(tf.mul(X,w),d)
y_vals = sess.run(y_model,feed_dict={....})
After training has been completed I have acceptable values for w and d and now I want to save my model for later. Then, in a different python session I want to restore the model so that I can again run
## Starting brand new python session
import tensorflow as tf
## somehow restor the graph and the values here: how????
## so that I can run this:
y_vals = sess.run(y_model,feed_dict={....})
for some different data and get back the y-values.
I want this to work in a way where the graph for calculating the y-values from the placeholders is also stored and restored - as long as the placeholders get fed the correct data, this should work transparently without the user (the one who applies the model) needing to know what the graph looks like).
As far as I understand tf.train.Saver().save(..) only saves the variables but I also want to save the graph. I think that tf.train.export_meta_graph could be relevant here but I do not understand how to use it correctly, the documentation is a bit cryptic to me and the examples do not even use export_meta_graph anywhere.
From the docs, try this:
# Create some variables.
v1 = tf.Variable(..., name="v1")
v2 = tf.Variable(..., name="v2")
# Add an op to initialize the variables.
init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer()
# Add ops to save and restore all the variables.
saver = tf.train.Saver()
# Later, launch the model, initialize the variables, do some work, save the
# variables to disk.
with tf.Session() as sess:
# Do some work with the model.
# Save the variables to disk.
save_path = saver.save(sess, "/tmp/model.ckpt")
print("Model saved in file: %s" % save_path)
You can specify the path.
And if you want to restore the model, try:
with tf.Session() as sess:
saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph('/tmp/model.ckpt.meta')
saver.restore(sess, "/tmp/model.ckpt")
Saving Graph in Tensorflow:
import tensorflow as tf
# Create some placeholder variables
x_pl = tf.placeholder(..., name="x")
y_pl = tf.placeholder(..., name="y")
# Add some operation to the Graph
add_op = tf.add(x, y)
with tf.Session() as sess:
# Add variable initializer
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
# Add ops to save variables to checkpoints
# Unless var_list is specified Saver will save ALL named variables
# in Graph
# Optionally set maximum of 3 latest models to be saved
saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=3)
# Run variable initializer
for i in range(no_steps):
# Feed placeholders with some data and run operation
sess.run(add_op, feed_dict={x_pl: i+1, y_pl: i+5})
saver.save(sess, "path/to/checkpoint/model.ckpt", global_step=i)
This will save the following files:
1) Meta Graph
.meta file:
MetaGraphDef protocol buffer representation of MetaGraph which saves the complete Tf Graph structure i.e. the GraphDef that describes the dataflow and all metadata associated with it e.g. all variables, operations, collections, etc.
importing the graph structure will recreate the Graph and all its variables, then the corresponding values for these variables can be restored from the checkpoint file
if you don't want to restore the Graph however you can reconstruct all of the information in the MetaGraphDef by re-executing the Python code that builds the model n.b. you must recreate the EXACT SAME variables first before restoring their values from the checkpoint
since Meta Graph file is not always needed, you can switch off writing the file in saver.save using write_meta_graph=False
2) Checkpoint files
.data file:
binary file containing VALUES of all saved variables outlined in tf.train.Saver() (default is all variables)
.index file:
immutable table describing all tensors and their metadata checkpoint file:
keeps a record of latest checkpoint files saved
Restoring Graph in Tensorflow:
import tensorflow as tf
latest_checkpoint = tf.train.latest_checkpoint("path/to/checkpoint")
# Load latest checkpoint Graph via import_meta_graph:
# - construct protocol buffer from file content
# - add all nodes to current graph and recreate collections
# - return Saver
saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph(latest_checkpoint + '.meta')
# Start session
with tf.Session() as sess:
# Restore previously trained variables from disk
print("Restoring Model: {}".format("path/to/checkpoint"))
saver.restore(sess, latest_checkpoint)
# Retrieve protobuf graph definition
graph = tf.get_default_graph()
print("Restored Operations from MetaGraph:")
for op in graph.get_operations():
# Access restored placeholder variables
x_pl = graph.get_tensor_by_name("x_pl:0")
y_pl = graph.get_tensor_by_name("y_pl:0")
# Access restored operation to re run
accuracy_op = graph.get_tensor_by_name("accuracy_op:0")
This is just a quick example with the basics, for a working implementation see here.
In order to save the graph, you need to freeze the graph.
Here is the python script for freezing the graph : https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/master/tensorflow/python/tools/freeze_graph.py
Here is a code snippet for freezing graph:
from tensorflow.python.tools import freeze_graph
freeze_graph.freeze_graph(input_graph_path, input_saver_def_path,
input_binary, checkpoint_path, output_node
restore_op_name, filename_tensor_name,
output_frozen_graph_name, True, "")
where output node corresponds to output tensor variable.
output = tf.nn.softmax(outer_layer_name,name="output")

TensorFlow: load checkpoint, but only parts of it (convolutional layers)

Is it possible to only load specific layers (convolutional layers) out of one checkpoint file?
I've trained some CNNs fully-supervised and saved my progress (I'm doing object localization). To do auto-labelling I thought of building a weakly-supervised CNNs out of my current model...but since the weakly-supervised version has different fully-connected layers, I would like to select only the convolutional filters of my TensorFlow checkpoint file.
Of course I could manually save the weights of the corresponding layers, but due to the fact that they're already included in TensorFlow's checkpoint file I would like to extract them there, in order to have one single storing file.
TensorFlow 2.1 has many different public facilities for loading checkpoints (model.save, Checkpoint, saved_model, etc), but to the best of my knowledge, none of them has filtering API. So, let me suggest a snippet for hard cases which uses tooling from the TF2.1 internal development tests.
checkpoint_filename = '/path/to/our/weird/checkpoint.ckpt'
model = tf.keras.Model( ... ) # TF2.0 Model to initialize with the above checkpoint
variables_to_load = [ ... ] # List of model weight names to update.
from tensorflow.python.training.checkpoint_utils import load_checkpoint, list_variables
reader = load_checkpoint(checkpoint_filename)
for w in model.weights:
name=w.name.split(':')[0] # See (b/29227106)
if name in variables_to_load:
print(f"Updating {name}")
# (Optional) Handle variable renaming
# ... and so on
Note: model.weights and list_variables may help to inspect variables in Model and in the checkpoint
Note also, that this method will not restore model's optimizer state.