Are VS code keybindings available for IntelliJ Idea? - intellij-idea

I'm used to VS code shortcuts, is there anything way I can import vscode shortcuts for IntelliJ Idea.

Intellij officially launched the plugin VSCode Keymap for IntelliJ IDEs
You can download it or add by going to Settings > Plugins and searching for VS Code

In my case,
VScode plugin was already installed.
So I just changed default keymap(windows) to vscode by going through:
settings -> keymap -> updated keymap selection to vscode.
hope it helps someone.


Missing project level settings

I am running 2018.3 CE of IntelliJ on MacOS Mojave. For some reason I when I pick Preferences -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Gradle I don't see any of the "Project-level settings". Any help will be very much appreciated.
Do you have a project open that was imported from build.gradle? Some options become available only with the open project and not from the Welcome Screen. Some options are also hidden if the project was not imported from Gradle.

Configuring Intellij to behave as Eclipse

As i recently switched to Intellij from eclipse, i was looking for a way a way i can make Intellij shortcuts to behave same as Eclipse.
I found that there are individual shortcuts available to be edited, But that is too much time taking.
Any help on locating the easy way out?
If you go to File -> Settings -> Keymap you can choose Eclipse from the dropdown list.
More information regarding keyboard shortcut configuration you could find here.
Personally I would advise to learn the default shortcuts from Intellij IDEA.
There is Eclipse predefined keymap in "Keymap" list at Settings | Keymap.
Also check this article:

Text editor that mimics the same hotkeys as those found in JetBrains WebStorm, IntelliJ, PyCharm etc

I would love to just replicate the same hot keys as I'm used to in WebStorm and IntelliJ, Android Studio, but just in a text editor.
Anyone knows if there is a project open source or not for this?
You can do this for both Atom and Sublime. You'll have to change the default keybindings for either editor but this is easy to do.
For Atom here is a link that will show you how to change the default keybindings to intellij.
For Sublime, this link contains the intellij keybindings.
If you want to use another IDE's keybindings besides intellij, just google sublime <IDE that you want> keybinding map.
I hope that helps!
Take a look at Visual Studio Code. It's a great editor with loads of available extensions. You'll be able to configure the key bindings yourself or install something like IntelliJ IDEA Key Bindings for Visual Studio Code.

Is there a keyboard shortcut in IntelliJ IDEA to synchronize all Gradle projects?

Since I need to refresh Gradle quite often I wish to use a shortcut for this. Under
Settings > Keymaps
I just find the Gradle Tool Windows.
I use IntellJ IDEA 13.1.
There's an action in the IDE to "Refresh all external projects" which should kick off a refresh for the Gradle project.
You can allocate this action with your own keybinding. Open Settings -> Keymap and type "refresh" in the search field. Now you should see some refresh actions and the "ExternalSystem.RefreshAllProjects" as well.
In the keymap setting, there's Sync Project with Gradle Files. Assign your own keymap for it.
Bringing you smoothly programming by directly using the hotkey to sync.

Autoscroll in IntelliJ IDEA

I'm using version 12 community edition. Is there a way to enable "autoscroll" feature in settings or add it through some plugin?
Picture of "autosroll" (not really sure if I'm calling it right) addon from VS:
There is no such feature in IntelliJ IDEA, and I'm not aware of any plugin that does that.