Octave printf does not output when followed by ginput - printf

I am trying to make a prompt for the user to select from the figure (plot).
When I run it with the code below, the prompt doesnt display until i click on the figure, after which the prompt displays and the code continues. In fact, no call to printf (or disp) that is called before the ginput call displays until i select the figure.
printf("Select part\n"); % (disp also doesnt work properly)
[xinput,yinput] = ginput(1);
The purpose of the prompt is to alert the user to move to the figure, so naturally it needs to display before selecting the figure.
I can add an extra redundant input call between the two which forces the printf to display in the console. eg input("Press Enter"). but this is an inconvenient solution.
Strangely, if you run just the code above it does work normally. But when running in the remainder of the program it displays the issue. So it may be a difficult one to debug. Also, running it one line at a time in the full code using the debugger works properly, displaying the prompt before selecting the figure.
Just to add to the confusion. When running this part of the program in a loop, the first instance doesnt display the prompt correctly, but every other instance it works.
The following code reliably fails (for me) in the same way my full program fails; (edited again to simplify)
input_test = input("press 1: ");
switch input_test
case 1
while true
printf("Left click to get coords or right click to finish\n");
[xinput,yinput,mouse_button] = ginput(1)
if mouse_button == 3
It appears it has something to do with the line;
input_test = input("press 1: ");
If I replace this with
input_test = 1;
it works properly.
I dont know what is the reason for this, and I cannot remove the input request from this location.

Thanks Roger, you were correct, I did find a solution.
before the 'ginput' call solves the problem.
Found this in the 'input' help;
"Because there may be output waiting to be displayed by the pager,
it is a good idea to always call 'fflush (stdout)' before calling
'input'. This will ensure that all pending output is written to
the screen before your prompt."


How to solve duplicate output by using search bar in ionic 4

I am using ionic 4. I want to do search function in my apps. I am using search bar and get the result from API.
My problem is it always output duplicate result.
One problem is I haven't typing the word finish it already match the result that I want to search, then it will output the result.
Another problem is when I finish typing it output again the result.
How can I solved or avoid this problem?
Here is my html code:
<ion-searchbar [(ngModel)]="name" (ionCancel)="onCancel($event)" (ionChange)="Search($event)"></ion-searchbar>
Here is my home.page.ts
Search() {
The second one sounds like you are not wiping the data in your this.myService.getSearch call - check what it does in there, is it starting from a new list or just returning more results? If that doesn't solve that issue then post the code for that section.
The first issue is by design.
You can slow this down with the debounce option:
<ion-searchbar debounce="1500"></ion-searchbar>
There are two input events you can experiment with ionChange and ionInput - they act differently but I cannot remember exactly which does which, you will have to try them both. A third option would be to handle neither of them and just use a submit button.

openlayers error on draw/modify (in vuejs)

The code I am using is in my previous question (resolved)
The interaction works perfectly and my goal is to get an array of coordinates, also works perfectly. Although everything works, I am getting an error in console every time I move the mouse in the display area. It doesn't affect functioning, but obviously I need to solve it... any ideas?
Draw.js?ac29:579 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getGeometry' of null
at Draw.modifyDrawing_ (Draw.js?ac29:579)
at Draw.handlePointerMove_ (Draw.js?ac29:479)
at Draw.handleEvent (Draw.js?ac29:871)
at Map.handleMapBrowserEvent (PluggableMap.js?fe37:924)
at MapBrowserEventHandler.boundListener (events.js?1e8d:41)
at MapBrowserEventHandler.dispatchEvent (Target.js?0ec0:101)
at MapBrowserEventHandler.handlePointerMove_ (MapBrowserEventHandler.js?2ad6:260)
at PointerEventHandler.boundListener (events.js?1e8d:41)
at PointerEventHandler.dispatchEvent (Target.js?0ec0:101)
at PointerEventHandler.fireNativeEvent (PointerEventHandler.js?b114:397)
I'm trying something quite random, but you maybe want to add some condition in you current code:
var modify = new Modify({source: source});
if(e.features && e.features.getArray().length) { //add this line
console.log("feature id is",e.features.getArray()[0].getGeometry().getCoordinates()[0]);

Protractor sendKeys issue with scripted input fields

I'm automating e2e tests with Protractor on an angular app.
However, I have an issue when sending keys on input fields.
The sendKeys would miss few characters everytime so I found a workaround :
static sendKeys(value, element){
value.split('').forEach((c) => element.sendKeys(c));
This works well but it takes more than 3 times the time the original sendKeys function would.
Well no problem my tests are still functionnal right ?
My app now has new fields with scripts behind them.
One of them is a datepicker input, you can either choose from the datePicker or type it manually. However, for today's date you would type 09022018 and the slashes are automatically appended at the right place (like so 09/02/2018). If you were to enter a wrong date the field is cleared.
Now back to the problem : it seems that both my implementation of sendKeys and the original one loose focus after each submitted key. This means that I can't enter a valid date in the input field as it's cleared after each simulated keypress.
I could use browser.executeScript to fix it but I wouldn't be able to test the functionnality adding slashes. Also, as you type, the datepicker is still open and refreshes after each keypress, you can select a date from it at any time and that is also a feature I want to test.
Thanks in advance
Use executeScript to set the date in backgrond, then use sendKeys to enter a space or Tab at the end to trigger the Keyborad event which will check the input and format the input with slash
function enterDate(date) {
var script = 'arguments[0].value=arguments[1]';
// input box for date
var dateBox = element(by.xxx(yyy));
browser.executeScript(script, dateBox, date);
dateBox.sendKeys(" ");
// or try send Tab
You can try this solution on other fields you fixed but take 3 more time.

Codeception- "Failed asserting that two strings are equal." when using $I->canSeeInField

I am going to a field, entering text, saving it, then going back to verify the value is still in the field.
$I->waitForText is not working. Not sure why. I am trying the following but getting the error below:
$I->canSeeInField("//form[#id='Foo']/table/tbody/tr[3]/td[3]/textarea", "123");
Sorry, I couldn't see in field "//form[#id='Foo']/table/tbody/tr[3]/td[3]/textarea","123":Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
Any ideas?
If you are using WebDriver, you can just debug your page using makeScreenshot()
You can just use:
$value = $I->grabFromField('//form[#id='Foo']/table/tbody/tr[3]/td[3]/textarea');
and fill other fill with your value:
$I->fillField('#your_field_id', $value);
and than, just make a screenshot:
Now check your debug folder with your image.

web2py SQLFORM accepting too fast

I have a web2py SQLFORM that gets generated and returned by an AJAX call and the form is put in a DIV I defined.. I want that SQLFORM to be an update form, not an insert form. The problem is the form immediately runs it's accept function once it is written to that DIV. This doesn't happen if the form is for inserting, only updating. That initial accept fails and hitting the submit button does not allow for a second accept.
I don't know why the accept fails or why it happens immediately.
heres the JavaScript function that makes the AJAX call
function displayForm(currID){
//Remove everything from the DIV we want to use
//Call the ajax to bring down the form to update the series
[], 'window');
And here is the newForm controller
def newSerForm():
record = db.myTable(request.args[0])
form = SQLFORM(db.myTable, record, fields=['series_name','image_thumbnail'])
if form.accepts(request.vars,session):
print 'Series update successful!'
print 'Series update Failed...'
return form
displayForm is fired by clicking a button and once you do the form accepts and fails and the submit button doesn't work again. Is there a way to make an SQLFORM do this? The weird thing is if I change this to make inserts into myTable, it works fine. It behaves exactly as it should. But doing it this way doesn't work.
Ok now this is where it gets weird.
I tried to achieve the same functionality here with a totally different approach, an iFrame. I made new functions in my controllers that create the form based on request.args[0]. looks like this
def editEntry():
print request.args[0]
record = db.myTable(request.args[0])
form = SQLFORM(db.CC_user_submission, record, fields=['series_name', 'image_thumbnail']).process()
return dict(form=form)
And then a corresponding HTML page that just displays form. What could be simpler right? I go to that page based on a link that gives the correct argument. Take me to a page with a form for updating. Updating works perfect. Great, now lets put it in an iFrame instead of linking to it. I put it in an iFrame on the original page. Open up the iFrame. Doesn't work. I have no idea what is going is there any part of an explanation to this?
By using the iFrame method I actually got this one to work. Since it required an iFrame to be appended with jQuery which needs quotes and the iFrame URL which also needs quotes, the notation got pretty confusing but it's doable. Looked like this:
var myURL = "{{=URL('editEntry')}}/"+idArg.toString();
$('#window').append("<iframe src = " + myURL + " width='450' height='400'> </iframe>");
It's not pretty but it works.