Is there some difference between .is-prime and is-prime() in Perl 6? - raku

It seems is-prime and .is-prime treat their arguments differently:
> is-prime('11')
> '11'.is-prime
No such method 'is-prime' for invocant of type 'Str'
in block <unit> at <unknown file> line 1
> is-prime(2.5)
> (2.5).is-prime
No such method 'is-prime' for invocant of type 'Rat'
in block <unit> at <unknown file> line 1

Here's the routine definition from the Int class
proto sub is-prime($) is pure {*}
multi sub is-prime(Int:D \i) {
nqp::p6bool(nqp::isprime_I(nqp::decont(i), nqp::unbox_i(100)));
multi sub is-prime(\i) {
i == i.floor
&& nqp::p6bool(nqp::isprime_I(nqp::decont(i.Int), nqp::unbox_i(100)));
In the second multi the isprime_I converts its argument with .Int. Anything that has that method can then return an integer that might be prime.
This unbalance one of the things I don't like about Perl 6. If we have a routine that can do it this way we should move the method higher up in the class structure.


Using a default value for a function parameter which depends of other parameter

I'd like to create an script which takes an input file and optionally an output file. When you don't pass an output file, the script uses the same filename as the input but with the extension changed. I don't know how to write a default parameter which changes the extension.
#!/usr/bin/env raku
unit sub MAIN(
Str $input where *.IO.f, #= input file
Str $output = $input.IO.extension("txt"), #= output file
Bool :$copy, #= copy file
Bool :$move, #= move file
Unfortunately that doesn't work:
No such method 'IO' for invocant of type 'VMNull'
in block <unit> at ./copy.raku line 5
How can I do something like that?
error message is less than awesome but program not working is expected because you have in the signature
Str $output = $input.IO.extension("txt")
but the right hand side returns an IO::Path object with that extension but $output is typed to be a String. That is an error:
>>> my Str $s := "file.csv".IO.extension("txt")
Type check failed in binding; expected Str but got IO::Path ("file.t...)
in block <unit> at <unknown file> line 1
>>> sub fun(Str $inp, Str $out = $inp.IO.extension("txt")) { }
>>> fun "file.csv"
Type check failed in binding to parameter '$out'; expected Str but got IO::Path ("file.t...)
in sub fun at <unknown file> line 1
in block <unit> at <unknown file> line 1
Sometimes compiler detects incompatible default values:
>>> sub yes(Str $s = 3) { }
===SORRY!=== Error while compiling:
Default value '3' will never bind to a parameter of type Str
------> sub yes(Str $s = 3⏏) { }
expecting any of:
but what you have is far from a literal, so runtime detection.
To fix it, you can either
change to Str() $output = $inp.IO.extension("txt") where Str() means "accept Any object and then cast it to Str". So $output will end up being a string like "file.txt" available in MAIN.
similar alternative: Str $output = $inp.IO.extension("txt").Str but it's repetitive in Str.
change to IO::Path() $output = $inp.IO.extension("txt"). Similarly, this casts to whatever recieved to an IO::Path object, so, e.g., you'll have "file.txt".IO available in $output. If you do this, you might want to do the same for $input as well for consistency. Since IO::Path objects are idempotent to .IO (in eqv sense), no other part of the code needs changing.

Raku: How do I assign values to CArray[WCHAR]?

$ raku -v
This is Rakudo version 2019.07.1 built on MoarVM version 2019.07.1
The following was done on Raku REPL. What am I doing wrong here? How do I assign values to CArray[WCHAR]?
I want $lpData[0] to be 0xABCD and $lpData[1] to be 0xEF12.
> use NativeCall;
> constant WCHAR := uint16;
> my $ValueData = 0xABCDEF12;
> my CArray[WCHAR] $lpData;
> $lpData[ 0 ] = ( $ValueData +& 0xFFFF0000 ) +> 0x10;
Type check failed in assignment to $lpData; expected NativeCall::Types::CArray[uint16] but got Array ($[])
in block <unit> at <unknown file> line 1
> $lpData[ 1 ] = $ValueData +& 0x0000FFFF;
Type check failed in assignment to $lpData; expected NativeCall::Types::CArray[uint16] but got Array ($[])
in block <unit> at <unknown file> line 1
Many thanks,
The problem is stated clearly in the error message: in the way you declare it, it's expecting every item to be a CArray[WCHAR]. Declare it this way, as is indicated in the documentation:
use NativeCall;
constant WCHAR = uint16; # No need to bind here also
my $native-array = CArray[WCHAR].new();
$native-array[0] = 0xABCDEF12 +& 0x0000FFFF;
say $native-array.list; # OUTPUT: «(-4334)␤»
CArray is not exactly a Positional, but it does have AT-POS defined so you can use square brackets to assign values. The error arises when, you try to assign to an non-initialized Scalar (which contains any) as if it were an array. The minimal change from your program is just initializing to a CArray[WCHAR]:
use NativeCall;
constant WCHAR = uint16; # No need to bind here also
my CArray[WCHAR] $native-array .= new;
$native-array[0] = 0xABCDEF12 +& 0x0000FFFF;
say $native-array.list; # OUTPUT: «(-4334)␤»

In Perl 6, is there a way to get the Pod declarator block that is attached to a specific multi sub candidate?

Perl 6 has a cool feature which allows one to get any Pod declarator block that is attached to a subroutine (or class, role, etc.), using the WHY method:
#|(Some enlightening words about myfunc.)
sub myfunc (Int $i) { say "You provided an integer: $i"; };
#=(Some more words about myfunc.)
say &myfunc.WHY;
This displays:
Some enlightening words about myfunc.
Some more words about myfunc.
Unfortunately, when one has multiple candidates for a subroutine, one can't just invoke .WHY on the subroutine name:
#|(myfunc accepts an integer.)
multi myfunc (Int $i) { say "You provided an integer $i"; };
#|(myfunc accepts a string.)
multi myfunc (Str $s) { say "You provided a string $s"; };
say &myfunc.WHY;
The result:
No documentation available for type 'Sub'.
Perhaps it can be found at
Is there a way to get the Pod declarator block that is attached to a specific multi sub candidate? Is there a way to do so for all a subroutine's candidates?
You look up the multi with candidates or cando.
When initially posted I couldn't find a canned method for looking up a multi sub by signature but Christoph remedied that.
#| Initiate a specified spell normally
multi sub cast(Str $spell) {
say "casting spell $spell";
#= (do not use for class 7 spells)
#| Cast a heavy rock etc in irritation
multi sub cast(Str $heavy-item, Int $n) {
say "chucking $n heavy $heavy-item";
say "doc for cast spell";
say &cast.candidates[0].WHY;
say "doc for throwing rocks";
say &cast.candidates[1].WHY;
say "find doc for throwing things";
for &cast.candidates {
if .signature ~~ :( Str, Int ) {
say .WHY;
# more advanced
say &cast.cando(\(Str, Int))>>.WHY; # thanks to Christoph
&cast.candidates.first: { .signature ~~ :(Str, Int) } andthen .WHY.say;
doc for cast spell
Initiate a specified spell normally
(do not use for class 7 spells)
doc for throwing rocks
Cast a heavy rock etc in irritation
find doc for throwing things
Cast a heavy rock etc in irritation
... repeated for variants ...
Get all documentation via candidates:
Get documentation of narrowest matching candidate via cando:
This does not really answer your question, but tries to explain why using WHY on a multi does not work; it's mainly because it points to the proto of the multi
#|(my-multi-func accepts either an integer or a string)
proto my-multi-func (|) {*}
#|(myfunc accepts an integer.)
multi my-multi-func (Int $i) { say "You provided an integer $i"; };
#|(myfunc accepts a string.)
multi my-multi-func (Str $s) { say "You provided a string $s"; };
say "my-multi-func is a {&my-multi-func.perl} and does {&my-multi-func.WHY}";
I attach the {&my-multi-func.perl} here because that is what gave me the hint. If you don't define a proto, it returns
my-multi-func is a sub my-multi-func (;; Mu | is raw) { #`(Sub|59650976) ... }
, which is none of the defined multis, ergo the proto. Of course if you want to access those particular definitions of the candidates, #Christopher Bottoms answer is just perfect.
This is a little indirect, but ...
You can store each multi myfunc in a variable and call WHY on that variable, yet still call myfunc as before:
#!/bin/env perl6
#|(myfunc accepts an integer.)
my $func_int = multi myfunc (Int $i) { say "You provided an integer $i"; }
#=(More about Int version of myfunc)
#|(myfunc accepts a string.)
my $func_string = multi myfunc (Str $s) { say "You provided a string $s"; }
#=(More about Str version of myfunc)
myfunc(10); # myfunc works as normal
say $func_int.WHY; # show POD declarator block
say ''; # Blank line to separate output into two groups
say $func_string.WHY;
Resulting in this output:
You provided an integer 10
myfunc accepts an integer.
More about Int version of myfunc
You provided a string bar
myfunc accepts a string.
More about Str version of myfunc
This is using Rakudo Star 2018.01 on CentOS 6.7.

How can I test if a method is defined in a Perl 6 class?

I often want to test that I've defined a method in a particular class. This has caught many problems where I've renamed a method or otherwise rearranged things in the architecture.
I know I can use .^lookup but that still feels weird to me like I'm eventually going to run into a case where it returns things in a different order than I expect (ignore signatures for now). This is what I came up with:
use Test;
class Foo is Str {}
class Bar is Str { method Str { 'Hello' } }
can-ok Str, 'Str';
can-ok Foo, 'Str';
can-ok Bar, 'Str';
is Foo.^lookup( 'Str' ).package.^name, 'Foo', 'Foo defines Str';
is Bar.^lookup( 'Str' ).package.^name, 'Bar', 'Bar defines Str';
It does what I want in this simple case and I haven't made it fail so far:
ok 1 - The type 'Str' can do the method 'Str'
ok 2 - The type 'Foo' can do the method 'Str'
ok 3 - The type 'Bar' can do the method 'Str'
not ok 4 -
ok 5 -
# Failed test at /Users/brian/Desktop/hello.p6 line 12
# expected: 'Foo'
# got: 'Mu'
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 5
You should not be comparing types by name.
my \Foo = anon class Foo {}
my \Bar = anon class Foo {}
say Foo.^name eq Bar.^name; # True
say Foo eqv Bar; # False
In fact is checks for object identity if you give it a type object as the second argument.
is Bar.^lookup( 'Str' ).package, Bar, 'Bar defines Str'
You could always add a subroutine to add clarity.
sub defines-method (
Mu:U $class,
Str:D $method,
Str:D $desc = "$class.^name() defines $method"
) {
is $class.^lookup( $method ).?package, $class, $desc
defines-method Foo, 'Str';
You could alias it to an operator
sub &infix:<defines-method> = &defines-method;
Bar defines-method 'Str';
(Note that I used .?package in case .^lookup doesn't return anything.)
.^lookup gives you the Method object that will be called; so I don't know why you are talking about it giving you them in a different order when there is only one value returned. If there are multi methods it returns the proto method (possibly implicitly created).
If you want the individual multi methods you would call .candidates on it.
(There is also .^find_method, and off the top of my head I don't remember the difference)
I believe you are thinking of .can which gives you the Method objects in the order they would be called if you used .*Str or .+Str, which is the same as the method resolution order. Which means it would only change if you change the inheritance tree.
> class Bar is Str { method Str { 'Hello' } }
> quietly .perl.say for Bar.+Str;
> .perl.say for
> quietly .(Bar).perl.say for Bar.can('Str')
> .( for Bar.can('Str')

What does the second colon in "List:D:" mean in Perl 6?

In the, i've seen many methods like this:
method sum(List:D: --> Numeric:D)
I konw List:D is a type of List that is defined, but what does the colon after the D mean (i.e. the second one in List:D:)?
I found some explain in S12-objects:
=head2 Invocants
Declaration of the invocant is optional. You may always access the
current invocant using the keyword self.
To mark an explicit invocant, just put a colon after it:
method doit ($x: $a, $b, $c) { ... }
but I don't understand, it's somewhat strange at first glance.
By default methods have an invocant of self
So both of these would be equivalent:
method foo ( $a ){…}
method foo ( \self: $a ){…} # generates warning
So expanding the first example out to what it is sort-of short for
method sum( List:D \self: --> Numeric:D ){…} # generates warning
Basically you write it that way if you want to specify the type of the invocant (first argument) to a method, but just want to use self rather than specify a new variable.
The reason it uses the : to split up the invocant from the rest of the parameters is to simplify the common case where you don't specify the invocant, or type of the invocant.
When you define a sub with a basic type constraint like this:
sub testB (Str $b) { say $b; }
then you can call it with an actual instance of the type in question as well as with the type object itself:
> testB("woo")
> testB(Str)
The :D is an additional type constraint, so you can only pass a "defined" instance:
sub testC (Str:D $c) { say $c; }
> testB(Str)
> testC("hoo")
> testC(Str)
Parameter '$c' of routine 'testC' must be an object instance of type 'Str', not a type object of type 'Str'. Did you forget a '.new'?
in sub testC at <unknown file> line 1
in block <unit> at <unknown file> line 1
More details can be found here