I am using DataStax Enterprise 5.1.5 on Linux Platform and created a test schema on Cassandra DB. Created a search index integrated with Solr and now trying to edit the Solr schema file(schema.xml) using Solr Rest API:
While editing schema file I am facing following error
errorMessages: schema is not editable
Need some suggestion on this. Found some clues while searching but no help yet.
Divya Garg
You need to make all changes in core/schema using the dsetool, because DSE manages all cores.
You need to do 2 steps before:
Get core configuration with dsetool get_core_config keyspace.table > solrconfig.xml
Get schema with dsetool get_core_schema keyspace.table > schema.xml
Then make changes to any of these files & recreate a core:
Unload core with dsetool unload_core keyspace.table
Create core with dsetool create_core keyspace.table schema=schema.xml solrconfig=solrconfig.xml (add reindex=true if you want to load existing data from table)
As of DSE 5.1, you can also alter and reload the schema for your search index directly from CQL. (See https://docs.datastax.com/en/dse/5.1/dse-dev/datastax_enterprise/search/indexMgmt.html)
I'm trying to create a new Odoo instances using data that exists in the postgres database of an already running instance.
I'm planning on using an SQL dump from the existing DB or setting a template DB in odoo configurations.
The problem is that I get an internal server error when odoo starts because the database contains information on installed modules, but the new instance would not have those modules installed.
What's a good way to get around this?
Would it be possible to remove that data from the database or sql dump file beforehand and would that make the issue go away?
If you are setting up running Odoo database with same version, then make sure you have same addons / module version, postgres version and mentioned addons-path in same sequence as in production/running system. Like addons, custom-addons, oca-addons, link-addons etc
If you are setting up running Odoo database with upper version, then you have to migrate the database and source code.
I'm creating cubes (xml schemas) via schema-workbench or ivy schema editor.
When I'm publishing it, I would like to know where the schemas (mondrian.xml files) are actually saved,What is the location of these files?
Which version of Pentaho BA server are you using? Pre or Post 5.0?
Pre 5.0: you choose the file path when publishing. The path is under you ${BISERVER}/pentaho-solutions.
5.0 and beyond: there's no physical file, it's stored in Pentaho's Jackrabbit repository only.
If you create any Analysis in Mondrian 5.*, and you have a test server and prod server, don't export Mondrian schemas from one to another. For a mystical reason you won't be able to get rid of them later.
This was my case, when I started searching for the pentaho-solutions/system/olap/datasources.xml in order to delete the problematic mondrian scheme. This source just doesn't exist anymore.
All data is now saved with the help of Jackrabbit. Jackrabbit stores your Mondrian Schemas together with all other Reports and Analysis to the database (the path is given in the jackrabbit preference file). But in the database you can only see their IDs. So there is no chance to get rid of one object - you leave everything or delete everything by truncating the table. The main problem is, that in the same table are saved not only schemas, but also all other reports, which you have downloaded to the server.
I have a question, in pentaho 5.1, how can I deploy a cube without using the schema workbench? I'm kind of newbie in Pentaho.
Is there a cmd line? Java code? Or something like...
Thanks a lot!
You can do that in the User Console.
There is a menu Manage Data source... There you can upload your xml and refer to a database connection for it.
First, I suppose you have installed BA Server and have made at least fact table.
In case you don't know what the fact table is, or someone else is reading this answer, you can find brief explanation here.
Of course, it's better to have full Star Schema. You cannot create Snow Flake inside Pentaho User Console. You can create it with Pentaho Schema Workbench or by manually edit mondarian.xml.
Make sure that your JDBC driver is inside BA Server driver directory. Look! Open Pentaho User Console. It's by default at localhost:8080/pentaho or yourdomain.name:8080/pentaho and login as administrator
File -> New -> Data Source
Choose Data source
Type Choose fact table and define connections to dimensions (if exists)
Choose to modify cube on the end of data source wizard
I have an AppFuse struts 2 app. I am trying to deploy it on cloudbees. I have created a database and bound it with the DB but I am not sure how to add tables to the database on cloudbees. Is there a way I can run .sql script on database created in cloudbees?
Also when I try to run the app using link it gives error Requested resource not available. I am guessing its because of lack of DB . Can anyone help me on adding tables and data to DB? and also execute the app smoothly on cloudbees?
Thanks a ton for your help.
You can add the tables and populate the data using different ways. You have here an article which explains you how to do it.
From your application, using Spring, you can use something like this. You need to figure it out for other frameworks.
<!-- Database initializer. If any of the script fails, the initialization stops. -->
<jdbc:initialize-database data-source="dataSource">
<jdbc:script location="${jdbc.initLocation}"/>
<jdbc:script location="${jdbc.dataLocation}"/>
If you plan to use a MySQL client, then you should take a look at this, which explains it step by step.
Regarding how to deploy and to bind a Tomcat 7 app with your database, you can take a look at this blog post.
You can find info about all the containers we support here.
I just try yii last version.
In doctrine the models generated easly by shell comand, I want to do the same with yii.
maybe its something like?:
yiic migrate create *
Thanks in advance
Start gii, go to the Model Generator and type '*' in the table name.
Yii provides a graphical too called Gii to auto generate models, CRUD functionality, controllers and many other things.
You don't need to care about SQL code, just import all your tables in database using PHPMyAdmin or whatever tool you use. then configure the database settings in /protected/config/main.php. sample code is provided in same file.
Then enable Gii tool with these guidlines Automated code generation
then start with creating models. type in name of your table click preview and then generate, your are done.