How to show same field based on an or condition on alpaca by binding a field to multiple dependencies - conditional-statements

I am using alpacajs to render an HTML form. My requirement is to show certain fields based on a checkbox. there are three checkboxes in my form and I want to show some fields if any of the checkboxes are checked.
I went through alpaca documentation on conditional dependencies and couldn't find a soution to my problem. I can solve this by creating same fields with different names but that's against dry principle.
My code looks like below.
"myCheckBox1": {
"type": "boolean"
"myCheckBox2": {
"type": "boolean"
"usernameField": {
"label": "Username *",
"order": 6,
"type": "string"
"disallowOnlyEmptySpaces": true,
"showMessages": false,
"disallowEmptySpaces": true,
I want to show usernameField if either of myCheckBox1 or myCheckBox2 is checked. I altered schema to show conditional dependencies.
"dependencies": {
"usernameField": [
"usernameField": [
But that consider only last given condition ie, it will display usernameField only if myCheckBox2 is checked and does not consider myCheckBox1. I tried below code also:
"dependencies": {
"usernameField": [
"myCheckBox1", "myCheckBox2"
But that evaluates to an and condition. Is there a way to show same field using different dependencies?

Why you don't use a group of checkboxes using enum type like the following :
// schema
"check": {
"title": "Select...",
"type": "string",
"enum": ["First", "Second"]
// options
"check": {
"type": "checkbox"
Then you use conditional dependencies like this:
"username": {
"dependencies": {
"check": [
'First', // if First is selected
'Second', // if Second is selected
'First,Second' // if both First and Second are selected
Here's a working fiddle for this.
Please tell me if this isn't what you're looking for.


JSON SCHEMA Adding dependant element with optional property

I have a JSON SCHEMA problem related to dependant elements.
Here is an basic example of elements who depends on "droplist", if you choose "Option1", both "example1" and "example2" are activated. If you choose "Option2", only "example2" is activated.
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"droplist": {
"title": "Choose one",
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"example1": {
"title": "Example field 1",
"type": "string",
"options": {
"dependencies": {
"droplist": "Option1"
"example2": {
"title": "Example field 2",
"type": "string",
"options": {
"dependencies": {
"droplist": ["Option1", "Option2"]
Well, I want to achieve the following:
Keep the dependant fields, but if I choose "Option1" and both elements "example1" and "example2" appear, I want "example2" with additional {"minLength": 3} property.
If I Choose "Option2", I expect the original element "example2" WITHOUT minLength property.
Is this possible? Adding an extra property to a dependant element.
Summing up, I want element "example2" to appear with or without a property (minLength in this case), like a dynamic one.
Thanks guys.
You can do this by splitting off your definitions to a place where they can be reused -- this is under definitions in versions up to draft7, and $defs thereafter. You are using the dependencies keyword, which was split into dependentSchemas and dependentRequired in draft2019-09, so I assume you are using draft7 (or earlier).
- $ref: '#/definitions/option2_without_minLength'
- minLength: 3
... things using $ref: '#/definitions/option1' etc

Deeply nested unevaluatedProperties and their expectations

I have been working on my own validator for JSON schema and FINALLY have most of how unevaluatedProperties are supposed to work,... I think. That's one tricky piece there! However I really just want to confirm one thing. Given the following schema and JSON, what is the expected outcome... I have tried it with a and gotten an answer, but I was hoping I could get a more definitive answer.
The focus is the faz property is in fact being evaluated, but the command to disallow unevaluatedProperties comes from a deeply nested schema.
Here is the schema...
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"foo": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"bar": {
"type": "string"
"unevaluatedProperties": false
"anyOf": [
"properties": {
"foo": {
"properties": {
"faz": {
"type": "string"
Here is the JSON...
"foo": {
"bar": "test",
"faz": "test"
That schema will successfully evaluate against the provided data. The unevaluatedProperties keyword will be aware of properties evaluated in subschemas of adjacent keywords, and is evaluated after all other applicator keywords, so it will see the annotation produced from within the anyOf subschema, also.
Evaluating this keyword is easy if you follow the specification literally -- it uses annotations to decide what to do. You just need to make sure that all keywords either produce annotations correctly or propagate annotations correctly that were produced by other keywords, and then all the information is available to generate the correct result.
The result produced by my implementation is:
"annotations" : [
"annotation" : [
"instanceLocation" : "/foo",
"keywordLocation" : "/anyOf/0/properties/foo/properties"
"annotation" : [
"instanceLocation" : "",
"keywordLocation" : "/anyOf/0/properties"
"annotation" : [
"instanceLocation" : "/foo",
"keywordLocation" : "/properties/foo/properties"
"annotation" : [],
"instanceLocation" : "/foo",
"keywordLocation" : "/properties/foo/unevaluatedProperties"
"annotation" : [
"instanceLocation" : "",
"keywordLocation" : "/properties"
"valid" : true
This is not an answer but a follow up example which I feel is in the same vein. I feel this guides us to the answer.
Here we have a single object being validated. But the unevaluated command resides in two different schemas each a part of a different "adjacent keyword subschemas"(from the core spec
How should this be resolved. If all annotations must be evaluated then in what order do I evaluate? The oneOf first or the anyOf? According the spec an unevaluated command(properties or items) generate annotation results which means that that result would affect any other unevaluated command.
"The annotation result of this keyword is the set of instance property names validated by this keyword's subschema."
This is as far as I am understanding the spec.
According to the two validators I am using this fails.
"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"foo": {
"type": "string"
"oneOf": [
"properties": {
"faz": {
"type": "string"
"unevaluatedProperties": true
"anyOf": [
"properties": {
"bar": {
"type": "string"
"unevaluatedProperties": false
"bar": "test",
"faz": "test",

PUT inventory custom fragment

This is my device inventory with the custom tasks array:
"c8y_IsDevice": {},
"tasks": [
"task_status" : "NEW",
"task_id" : "1",
"task_data" : {
"task_status" : "DONE",
"task_id" : "2",
"task_data" : {
I want to create a MQTT/SMARTREST PUT template to update a task by id and status.
For example: 800,[task_id],[task_status]
I am not able to find a way for this, especially it's an json array and all my attempts end up in overwriting the complete json array.
Maybe there's sth. like a condition, if task_id = x -> set task_status = y
Thank you.
You can only replace the whole fragment. There is no way to partially modify fragments.
one way to do it is get the whole array, using it for create a new one locally with the changes to want to do and finally put it again into the database. It is not a kind of solution but have been working for me.
Thanks for the info, but I still got a question about updating an array.
Concerning your answers I want to update the whole fragment.
This is my inventory:
"tasks": [
"address": {
"street": "Street",
"street_number": "1"
"description": "Test Description",
"id": "1",
"status": "NEW"
"address": {
"street": "Street2",
"street_number": "2"
"description": "Test Description 2",
"id": "2",
"status": "DONE"
My template:
Template screenshot
Now I publish:
Of course, this will overwrite the array and just set a json object tasks.
"tasks": {
"address": {
"street": "2",
"street_number": "3"
"description": "1",
"status": "NEW"
So I tried tasks[*]/tasks[] in my template (like in response templates), but this won't work too. I don't get it, maybe you can give me a small solution about putting a complete fragment with an array inside.

reusing an object for multiple JSON schemas

I have two separate JSON schemas (used to validate HTTP request endpoints for a REST API) where they both accept the same exact object, but have different required fields (this is a create vs update request). Is there a way I can reuse a single definition of this object and only change the required fields? I know how to use $ref for reusing an object as a property of another object, but I cannot figure out how to reuse an entire object as the top-level object in a schema. My failed attempt so far:
"id": "event",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string"
"start_date": {
"type": "integer"
"end_date": {
"type": "integer"
"description": {
"type": "string"
"additionalProperties": false
"id": "event-create",
"type": "object",
"$ref": "event",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [ "name", "description" ]
Obviously that doesn't work. It seems like it tries to insert the entirety of 'event' into the definition of 'event-create', including the ID and such. I tried referincing event#/properties to no avail. I can't seem to do a $ref as the sole value inside a properties property either. Any ideas?
Any members other than "$ref" in a JSON Reference object SHALL be ignored.
This is why your example doesn't work. Anything other than the $ref field is supposed to be ignored.
Support for $ref is limited to fields whose type is a JSON Schema. That is why trying to use it for properties doesn't work. properties is a plain object whose values are JSON Schemas.
The best way to do this is with allOf. In this case allOf can sort-of be thought of as a list of mixin schemas.
"id": "event-create",
"type": "object",
"allOf": [{ "$ref": "event" }],
"required": ["name", "description"]
I found some syntax that seems to work, but I'm not terribly happy with it:
"id": "event-create",
"allOf": [
{ "$ref": "event" },
{ "required": [ "name", "description" ] }
Seems like an abuse of the allOf operator, particularly for another case where there are no required fields (thus only one element insid the allof). But it works, so I'm going with it unless someone has a better idea.

Dredd (gavel) : Begin a Json Schema with an array (bug ?)

I am using Markdown for Generate documentation (aglio), generate mocks (api-mock) and check the integrity constraints (dredd).
With Dredd, no problem for check an object, no problem for PUT or POST, but I have a problem with lists.
My lists are arrays, but when I write this schema :
"title": "Videos List",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"properties": {
"id": {
"type": "string",
"required": true
"required": true
I get same error all the time: body: JSON schema is not valid! invalid type: object (expected [object Object]/array) at path "/items"
I've tried, again and again, 3 hours, but I failed.
Please help!
PS : sorry for my English, I'm french.
Yes, your data is correct again that schema.
It might be a specific problem of the validator your are using (you did not mention which). You can try to enclose your data with {}. I guess it is expecting allways a JSON like this:
"id": "ninon-retrouve-rudy",
"title": "Ninon retrouve Rudy edited"
"id": "ninon-retrouve-rudy-1",
"title": "Ninon retrouve Rudy"
Be aware also that your are using Draft03 of Json-schema. I suggest you to use Draft04 (your validator might be obsolete).