Core JWT SSO Implementation -

Good day everyone,
I have a conceptual question regarding the feature in the title. I've been searching around but cannot find any useful information because I am either missing the concept completely or there is an overflow of examples on the internet.
The problem is fairly simple:
We have three web applications. All of these are aspnet core based and use IdentityFramework along with JWT for authentication as well as authorization. Each have their own database. Recently, a request has come up to rip out the JWT token issuing code and place it in a single separate application to be able to implement SSO. All fine and dandy.
But: each application has an extended user object that is app specific, along with claims that are app specific and stored in each individual database. We'd like to keep the basic info on the new login server (email, password, phone number... the standard IdentityUser model), while the extended info would need to come from each individual app. This way (I suspect) we could enable google log on our apps as well.
Could someone kindly either explain to me the core concept of SSO using JWT for multiple apps or at least direct me to a book/extensive article about the subject? I need a starting point.
Thank you in advance.


How to get OAuth 2.0 right for consuming external APIs in my Custom API .net core

I want to create a custom API that behind the scenes, call number of other APIs which use OAuth 2.0 for authentication. I want to manage this internally so that my custom endpoint somewhat abstract this.
Or to begin with I want to do what app like buffer ( do - where you connect to different social services and than post your status.
How can I achieve this in .NetCore ?? I don't want to login with these (a lot of samples are catering this scenario), user login is different than this. I just want to establish these connections (like API Connections if you look at Azure API Management) and then perform some operations against those endpoints.
I hope i convey my point. please let me know if this isn't clear.
OAuth2 systems are all based on the same workflow.
here's an authorization url, you pass some ids in an authorization header, if everything is correct you get a token, you then use the token to do whatever you are allowed to do. What changes are the credentials you use for authentication and the urls you hit for the various parts of this workflow.
You could write your own OAuth2 library which deals with all this, that's pretty much what I did and simply changed the details for every specific system I had to interact with.
This being said you can always use one of the existing implementations to connect to the various systems you care about, they all have an API you could use, all you have to do is make sure you follow the OAuth2 flow correctly.

Associating clients with users

I'm attempting to build an ASP.NET Core API with authentication/authorization handled by IdentityServer4. IdentityServer4 is being backed by both Identity and Entity Framework Core. My goal is a fairly standard and familiar set up, where users can login into a API developer portal where they can add "applications" (clients) and have a client id and client secret generated that they can then use to access the API, similar to how Facebook, Google, etc. handle API access.
My mental block is coming with the way IdentityServer handles Entity Framework integration. Their entities are attached to two different contexts, ConfigurationDbContext and PersistedGrantDbContext. I'm at a loss for a good way to associate one or more Client entities from IdentityServer4.EntityFramework with one or more ApplicationUser entities from my Identity context.
This seems like it would be a fairly common usage scenario, but the documentation is strangely silent on it. I've also been unable to find anything online after various and sundry searches. I'm hoping someone else has needed this same setup and can give me some advice on how to proceed.
There is no association between users and clients. IdentityServer authenticates users regardless of which client they are trying to access.
If you want to implement something like "which user is allowed to use which client" semantics, that is beyond authentication. This is typically implemented in the application itself since this is application specific logic.

Symfony 2 API authentication method

I have a JSON REST API written in Symfony 2.7, and I want to authenticate & authorize users. This is my first time doing this, so I have some doubts/questions.
For that, I thought several methods:
User & password, and then save a session in the back end
Same as 1), but add an "apiToken" (randomly generate when user register) and then sending back & forth the apiToken in every single request to check user identity.
Use OAuth (which I'm currently reading about it).
I read that using OAuth for a simple API is like an "overkill", but on the safe side it sticks to standards and also allows me to use it when using my API with mobile devices and different platforms.
Also, I don't know too much about security flaws of using method 1) or 2).
I know this is maybe based on opinions, but I don't know any other site to post this question, as Symfony official mailing was shut down and migrate here it seems.
As you seems to know, your question is too opinion based.
If I can give you some advices (too long for a 600chars comment),
OAuth is powerful, but so much free.
I mean that you can easily implement it sort as everything works well while having a set of potential security issues without being aware of their existence.
Libraries and bundles providing OAuth are hard to maintain because of the new security issues regularly found.
On the other hand, if you need the benefits of OAuth (be a client and/or a server, compatible with the most part of social networks), go learn OAuth and do your experience with it.
Otherwise, use a simple credentials/request token two-step authentication.
See the JWT Authentication tutorial by KnpLabs,
Symfony Guard Authentication by Ryan Weaver,
and the great LexikJWTAuthenticationBundle, easy to implement and to use.

authentication with web api 2

I am using web api 2 and developing an app which is to be hosted on intranet. So the authentication needs are very basic / minimal. I have some custom table where I store registered user's username/password. Using that I need to validate user.
As far as I understand OAuth is for using authentication from google/facebook/etc. Forms authentication is used with mvc. So what kind of authentication should I implement.
I have googled around but all I found are OAuth example. But how can I do very basic/minimal authentication implementation.
I know its a duplicate question, but it would be great, if someone can guide me to a link which can start from basics like how to read Authorize header, how to create/when to set IPrincipal, etc...
there is no legal/regulatory requirement. also single sign on or windows login is not a choice. so just need to stick with a simple table with username/password fields.
just want to know the most basic way to include authentication/authrization in web-api app.
I recently answered a simliar question, see here:
Since you already have your own table with username and password, the first two parts are for you. You can ignore the angular parts.
for the future users, if you are looking at the most basic & simple implementation, please have a look at SimpleOAuthProvider as shown in here. Its the most basic and simplest one to implements and uses token auth, which is good enough of most of the use cases.
Please do replace the AccountsController and AuthRepository with your custom implementations.

How DotNetOpenAuth works

I am just getting started using DotNetOpenAuth with an MVC app and I am having it a bit difficult understanding how it actually works.
As far as I understand, DotNetOpenAuth will take care of authenticating a user with Google/Twitter/Facebook (probably after some modification).
What happens afterwards? Is the user authenticated per request? Is the user information saved in a session using IPrincipal, IIdentity? How does it fit together with an MVC application which will store all user information in the application database (custom tables and not the default .NET membership provider ones)?
Also, if you know any good tutorials, documentation on the subject, please share this as well.
DotNetOpenAuth only deals with the authentication step -- how you decide to store and recall that authentication ticket is up to you. It is very common to use FormsAuthentication to log the user in:
Using this approach, a cookie is sent to the browser and comes in with every request -- just like if you had used the older username/password approach.
You can download a bunch of samples from SourceForge.