Linq to SQL include related table - sql

Been trying for a while now, but just can't get it to work the way I want. Referring to the code snippet below, I want to include a related table to Bricks (BrickColors). As of now BrickColors are not included and is lazy loaded.
var query = (from ul in DbContext.UserLocs
join l in DbContext.Locs on ul.LocId equals l.Id
join lb in DbContext.LocBricks on l.Id equals lb.LocId
join b in DbContext.Bricks on lb.BrickId equals b.Id
join bc in DbContext.BrickColors on b.ColorId equals bc.Id
where ul.UserId == userId
group new { LocQty = ul.Quantity, LocBrickQty = lb.Quantity, Brick = b } by new { b.BrickId, b.ColorId }
into data
orderby data.Key
select new
Brick = data.FirstOrDefault().Brick,
Quantity = data.Sum(d => d.LocBrickQty * d.LocQty)
If I remove .AsNoTracking() the performance is quite good, because it keeps the BrickColors table in memory, but I want it to be included in the query from the start.
I have tried DbContext.Bricks.Include(b => b.BrickColorAccessor) in the query, but that doesn't work. I think my group new { } is messing something up since I don't include BrickColors there...


How to write join query with multiple column - LINQ

I have a situation where two tables should be joined with multiple columns with or condition. Here, I have a sample of sql query but i was not able to convert it into linq query.
select cm.* from Customer cm
inner join #temp tmp
on cm.CustomerCode = tmp.NewNLKNo or cm.OldAcNo = tmp.OldNLKNo
This is how i have write linq query
await (from cm in Context.CustomerMaster
join li in list.PortalCustomerDetailViewModel
on new { OldNLKNo = cm.OldAcNo, NewNLKNo = cm.CustomerCode } equals new { OldNLKNo = li.OldNLKNo, NewNLKNo = li.NewNLKNo }
select new CustomerInfoViewModel
CustomerId = cm.Id,
CustomerCode = cm.CustomerCode,
CustomerFullName = cm.CustomerFullName,
OldCustomerCode = cm.OldCustomerCode,
IsCorporateCustomer = cm.IsCorporateCustomer
But this query doesn't returns as expected. How do I convert this sql query into linq.
Thank you
You didn't tell if list.PortalCustomerDetailViewModel is some information in the database, or in your local process. It seems that this is in your local process, your query will have to transfer it to the database (maybe that is why it is Tmp in your SQL?)
Requirement: give me all properties of a CustomerMaster for all CustomerMasters where exists at least one PortalCustomerDetailViewModel where
customerMaster.CustomerCode == portalCustomerDetailViewModel.NewNLKNo
|| customerMaster.OldAcNo == portalCustomerDetailViewModel.OldNLKNo
You can't use a normal Join, because a Join works with an AND, you want to work with OR
What you could do, is Select all CustomerMasters where there is any PortalCustomerDetailViewModel that fulfills the provided OR:
I only transfer those properties of list.PortalCustomerDetailViewModel to the database that I need to use in the OR expression:
var checkProperties = list.PortalCustomerDetailViewModel
.Select(portalCustomerDetail => new
NewNlkNo = portalCustomerDetail.NewNlkNo,
OldNLKNo = portalCustomerDetail.OldNLKNo,
var result = dbContext.CustomerMasters.Where(customerMaster =>
checkProperties.Where(checkProperty =>
customerMaster.CustomerCode == checkProperty.NewNLKNo
|| customerMaster.OldAcNo == checkProperty.OldNLKNo)).Any()))
.Select(customerMaster => new CustomerInfoViewModel
Id = customerMaster.Id,
Name = customerMaster.Name,
In words: from each portalCustomerDetail in list.PortalCustomerDetailViewModel, extract the properties NewNKLNo and OldNLKNo.
Then from the table of CustomerMasters, keep only those customerMasters that have at least one portalCustomerDetail with the properties as described in the OR statement.
From every remaining CustomerMasters, create one new CustomerInfoViewModel containing properties ...
select cm.* from Customer cm
inner join #temp tmp
on cm.CustomerCode = tmp.NewNLKNo or cm.OldAcNo = tmp.OldNLKNo
You don't have to use the join syntax. Adding the predicates in a where clause could get the same result. Try to use the following code:
await (from cm in Context.CustomerMaster
from li in list.PortalCustomerDetailViewModel
where cm.CustomerCode == li.NewNLKNo || cm.OldAcNo = li.OldNLKNo
select new CustomerInfoViewModel
CustomerId = cm.Id,
CustomerCode = cm.CustomerCode,
CustomerFullName = cm.CustomerFullName,
OldCustomerCode = cm.OldCustomerCode,
IsCorporateCustomer = cm.IsCorporateCustomer
var result=_db.Customer
.groupjoin(_db.#temp ,jc=>jc.CustomerCode,c=> c.NewNLKNo,(jc,c)=>{jc,c=c.firstordefault()})
.groupjoin(_db.#temp ,jc2=>jc2.OldAcNo,c2=> c2.OldNLKNo,(jc2,c2)=>{jc2,c2=c2.firstordefault()})
.select(x=> new{
//as you want

how to convert left join SQL script to Linq script?

How can I convert left join to linq script. I have a T-SQL like this:
COUNT(DISTINCT esc.StandardCourseID) AS CourseIDCount,
COUNT(DISTINCT esp.StandardPostID) AS PostIDCount
FROM EduStandards AS es
LEFT JOIN EduStandardCourses AS esc
ON es.StandardID = esc.StandardID
LEFT JOIN EduStandardPosts AS esp
ON es.StandardID = esp.StandardID
GROUP BY es.StandardID
That I want to convert this to linq.
Following is the query with left join that is replica of your query in linq.
var query = (from es in dbContext.EduStandards
join esc in dbContext.EduStandardCourses on es.StandardID equals esc.StandardID into ssc
from esc in ssc.DefaultIfEmpty()
join esp in dbContext.EduStandardPosts on es.StandardID equals esp.StandardID into ssp
from esp in ssp.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new { StandardId = es.StandardID, CourseCount = ssc.Count(), PostCount = ssp.Count() }).Distinct().ToList();
But I think we need not to apply left join in linq to calculate count. Following optimized linq query will return same result.
var query2 = (from es in dbContext.EduStandards
join esc in dbContext.EduStandardCourses on es.StandardID equals esc.StandardID into ssc
join esp in dbContext.EduStandardPosts on es.StandardID equals esp.StandardID into ssp
select new { StandardId = es.StandardID, CourseCount = ssc.Count(), PostCount = ssp.Count() });
This is what I've come up with
var query = from es in db.EduStandards
join esc1 in db.EduStandardCourses
on es.StandardId equals esc1.StandardId into esc
from c in esc.DefaultIfEmpty()
join esp1 in db.EduStandardPosts
on es.StandardId equals esp1.StandardId into esp
from p in esp.DefaultIfEmpty()
group new { es.StandardId, Course = c, Post = p } by es.StandardId into g
select new
StandardId = g.Key,
CourseIdCount = g.Where(x => x.Course != null).Count(),
PostIdCount = g.Where(x => x.Post != null).Count(),
However, I'm not entirely sure if it'll work for EF.
You could always do something like this:
var query = from es in db.EduStandards
select new
CourseIdCount = db.EduStandardCourses.Where(esc => esc.StandardId == es.StandardId).Distinct().Count(),
PostIdCount = db.EduStandardPosts.Where(esp => esp.StandardId == es.StandardId).Distinct().Count()
Also, I can't attest to the performance of either one of these queries due to the lack of knowledge of your database.

linq to sql , can not solve big sql statement into linq

I am trying very hard but cannot reach my result. I am new to linq. What should be the proper linq query for this sql query. Please help me out of this.
update Teacher set RemainingCredit = RemainingCredit- Course.Credit
join Course on CourseAssignTeacher.CourseId = Course.Id
join Teacher on CourseAssignTeacher.TeacherId = Teacher.Id
where CourseAssignTeacher.Id = 1
Write a query that selects what you want to update, then use a foreach loop and context.SubmitChanges:
using (DBDataContext db = new DBDataContext())
var toUpdate = from cat in db.CourseAssignTeacher
join c in db.Course on cat.CourseId equals c.Id
join t in db.Teacher on cat.TeacherId equals t.Id
where cat.Id = 1
select new { Teacher = t, Course = c, CourseAssignTeacher = cat };
foreach (var x in toUpdate)
x.Teacher.RemainingCredit = x.Teacher.RemainingCredit - x.Course.Credit;

JOIN and LEFT JOIN equivalent in LINQ with Method Syntax

I am converting a SQL query to LINQ that creates a left join with 1-to-1 mapping, and it has to be in Method Syntax. I have been pulling off my hair trying to accomplish this to no veil. I can do it in Lambda Syntax. Below is the example query I am trying to run. They are not actual code. Would someone point out what I am doing wrong?
SELECT item.*, item_status.*
FROM item
LEFT JOIN item_status
ON item.ID = item_status.itemID
AND item_status.FLAGGED = true
WHERE item.published_date > "2008-06-19"
var linq_query = (
from selected_item in item
join selected_item_status in item_status
on selected_item.ID equals item_status.itemID into joined
from item_status in joined.DefaultIfEmpty()
where item_status.FLAGGED = true
select new {selected_item, selected_item_status}).ToList();
The join ... into becomes a GroupJoin and the second from becomes a SelectMany:
var linq_query = Item
item_status.Where(x => x.selected_item_status.FLAGGED), // EDIT: Where clause moved here.
selected_item => selected_item.ID,
selected_item_status => selected_item_status.itemID,
(selected_item, joined) => new
statuses = joined.DefaultWithEmpty(),
.SelectMany(x => x.statuses.Select(selected_item_status => new
// EDIT: Removed where clause.
It looks like the Where makes the left outer join unnecessary, as null statuses will be filtered out anyway.
EDIT: No, upon reviewing the SQL it looks like your LINQ query is slightly incorrect. It should be:
var linq_query = (
from selected_item in item
join selected_item_status
in (
from status in item_status
where status.FLAGGED
select status)
on selected_item.ID equals item_status.itemID into joined
from item_status in joined.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new {selected_item, selected_item_status}).ToList();

SQL Query in LINQ to Entities

Can anyone tell me,how to write this query in LINQ?
select a.UTP_NAME, b.UPS_NAME, c.USS_NAME from
on a.USS_ID = c.USS_ID and a.UPS_ID = c.UPS_ID /* IMPORTANT LINE! */
Creating a new anonymous type allows you to join with multiple criteria
var query = from a in context.TB_UTILIDADE_PUBLIC_UTP
on a.UPS_ID equals b.UPS_ID
on new { a.USS_ID, a.UPS_ID } equals new { c.USS_ID, c.UPS_ID }
select new