Use Math.NET library for plotting polynomial in -

I have equations that I need to plot in VB.Net. I found this library, MATH.Net. It has a lot of examples with C#.
Can I use this library to plot polynomial functions in VB.NET?
If so, then how? As I couldn't find any examples on the Internet.
If not, then can anyone please guide me on how to plot polynomials on a graph in VB.Net?
I'm using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, and have very little experience in visual basic (I have made so simple applications like calculators, etc).

Generate some data points and add them to a series on the chart.
For example,
Imports System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting
Public Class Form1
Function Polynom(x As Double) As Double
Return Math.Pow(x, 3) + Math.Pow(x, 2) + x
End Function
Function Polynom2(x As Double) As Double
Return 3 * Math.Pow(x, 2) + 2 * x + 1
End Function
Sub CreateChart()
Dim xMin = -2.0
Dim xMax = 2.0
Dim nPoints = 21
Dim xInc = (xMax - xMin) / (nPoints - 1)
Dim c As New Chart
c.Size = New Size(Me.Width * 0.9, Me.Height * 0.9)
Dim ca As New ChartArea With {.Name = "ChartArea1"}
ca.AxisX.Title = "variable"
ca.AxisY.Title = "dependent variable"
ca.AxisX.Minimum = xMin
ca.AxisX.Maximum = xMax
Dim s1 As New Series
s1.Name = "Polynomial"
s1.MarkerStyle = MarkerStyle.Circle
Dim s2 As New Series With {
.Name = "Derivative",
.MarkerStyle = MarkerStyle.Diamond,
.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line
For i = 0 To nPoints - 1
Dim x = xMin + i * xInc
s1.Points.AddXY(x, Polynom(x))
s2.Points.AddXY(x, Polynom2(x))
c.Series("Polynomial").ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line
Dim lgnd As New Legend With {.Name = "Legend"}
lgnd.DockedToChartArea = "ChartArea1"
lgnd.Docking = Docking.Top Or Docking.Left
s1.Legend = "Legend"
s2.Legend = "Legend"
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Me.Size = New Size(640, 480)
Me.Text = "Simple polynomial plot"
End Sub
End Class


The cropping area has an x and y offset in the new bitmap, but only if the original has been scaled

a strange phenomenon occurs.
With my edge detection program, I can transfer the inside of the GraphicsPath to a new image.
It always works great – except when I scale the original image with GIMP and Word (aspect ratio remains, only the dimensions are changed). Then the area is shifted. To the left and up. See attachement. In line 68, I looked what is in rectCutout. Everything OK.
Does this have anything to do with GIMP? The dots per inch are the same (72). The compression quality of the JPEG also (100%).
I just realized: if I scale an image larger, the result is completely black.
The strange thing is: I'm not saying: the picture that is drawn on is larger than the picture that is saved. Then it would be logical that the path is not in the same position. It's about the fact that the loaded image is just smaller.
I would be happy if someone could tell me why. 😄
this is the scaled image which is loaded
Here you see the GUI, ready to save
cropped image, area has x and y offset
#Disable Warning CA1707 ' Bezeichner dürfen keine Unterstriche enthalten
Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D
Imports Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs
Public NotInheritable Class AllesGrafische
Public Shared Sub Paint_the_Rectangle(ByVal g As Graphics, ByVal recta As Rectangle)
If g IsNot Nothing Then
g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias
g.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality
g.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality
g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBilinear
Using Pen_Hellblau As Pen = New Pen(Color.FromArgb(0, 200, 255), 1.0F)
g.DrawRectangle(Pen_Hellblau, recta)
End Using
End If
End Sub
Public Shared Sub Draw_Curve(ByVal g As Graphics, ByVal theList As List(Of Point))
If theList IsNot Nothing AndAlso theList.Count > 0 AndAlso g IsNot Nothing Then
g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias
g.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality
g.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality
g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBilinear
Dim theList_neu As New List(Of Point)
Using gp As New GraphicsPath
For i As Integer = 1 To theList.Count - 1 Step 1
Dim a As Integer = theList(i).X
Dim b As Integer = theList(i).Y
Dim c As Integer = theList(i - 1).X
Dim d As Integer = theList(i - 1).Y
Dim Entfernungsbetrag As Double = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(a, 2) + Math.Pow(b, 2) + Math.Pow(c, 2) + Math.Pow(d, 2) - 2 * a * c - 2 * b * d)
If Entfernungsbetrag < Form1.erlaubte_Entfernung Then
End If
If theList_neu.Count = 0 Then Return
Using Pen_hellrosa As Pen = New Pen(Color.FromArgb(255, 64, 239), 1.0F)
g.DrawPath(Pen_hellrosa, gp)
End Using
If Form1.ClosePath Then
End If
If Form1.CheckBox1.Checked Then
Dim Speicherpfad As String
Using SFD1 As New CommonSaveFileDialog
SFD1.Title = "Wo soll das Bild gespeichert werden?"
SFD1.Filters.Add(New CommonFileDialogFilter("PNG", ".png"))
If System.IO.Directory.Exists("C:\Users\...\source\repos\VB.NET\Get mouse position and draw rectangle on screen") Then
SFD1.InitialDirectory = "C:\Users\...\source\repos\VB.NET\Get mouse position and draw rectangle on screen"
SFD1.InitialDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop)
End If
If SFD1.ShowDialog = CommonFileDialogResult.Ok Then
Speicherpfad = SFD1.FileName & ".png"
End If
End Using
Using bmpSource As Bitmap = New Bitmap(Form1.Pfad_Bild)
Dim rectCutout As RectangleF = gp.GetBounds()
Using m As Matrix = New Matrix()
m.Translate(-rectCutout.Left, -rectCutout.Top)
End Using
Using bmpCutout As Bitmap = New Bitmap(CInt(Math.Round(rectCutout.Width, 0)), CInt(Math.Round(rectCutout.Height, 0)))
Using graphicsCutout As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bmpCutout)
graphicsCutout.Clip = New Region(gp)
graphicsCutout.DrawImage(bmpSource, CInt(-rectCutout.Left), CInt(-rectCutout.Top))
bmpCutout.Save(Speicherpfad, Imaging.ImageFormat.Png)
Form1.CheckBox1.Checked = False
End Using
End Using
End Using
End If
End Using
End If
End Sub
End Class
#Enable Warning CA1707 ' Bezeichner dürfen keine Unterstriche enthalten
The solution is to use .SetResolution()
Using Original As Bitmap = New Bitmap(Form1.Pfad_Bild)
Dim rectCutout As RectangleF = gp.GetBounds()
Using m As System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix = New System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix()
m.Translate(-rectCutout.Left, -rectCutout.Top)
End Using
Using bmpCutout As Bitmap = New Bitmap(CInt(Math.Round(rectCutout.Width, 0)), CInt(Math.Round(rectCutout.Height, 0)))
bmpCutout.SetResolution(Original.HorizontalResolution, Original.VerticalResolution)

Giving Dynamically Created Shapes a Name

I'm designing a hexagon grid and I need to be able to name each hexagon, so I can refer to them later. Below is my class, it generates the hexagon grid, and I've labeled the code throughout so you can understand what's happening.
I've been searching for a while now reading a lot about Graphics, but I can't get a working design with the answers I've seen offered. Perhaps, I'm going about this wrong by using Graphics, but my plan is to be able to click on each hexagon and do something with it.
Note: If you see a way to improve my code let me know. It's appreciated!
' Generate Hexagon Grid
Private Sub Form1_Paint(sender As Object, e As PaintEventArgs) Handles Me.Paint
' Hexagon Grid Parameters
Dim HexagonRadius As Integer = 20 ' Fix "Position Hexagon Grid Columns" Before Changing Hexagon Radius
Dim GridSize As Integer = 10
' Generate Hexagon Grid
Dim HexagonX As Integer = HexagonRadius
Dim HexagonY As Integer = HexagonRadius
For i As Integer = 1 To GridSize
For j As Integer = 1 To GridSize
' Hexagon Vertex Coordinates
Dim point1 As New Point((HexagonX - HexagonRadius), (HexagonY))
Dim point2 As New Point((HexagonX - (HexagonRadius / 2)), (HexagonY + ((HexagonRadius / 2) * Math.Sqrt(3))))
Dim point3 As New Point((HexagonX + (HexagonRadius / 2)), (HexagonY + ((HexagonRadius / 2) * Math.Sqrt(3))))
Dim point4 As New Point((HexagonX + HexagonRadius), (HexagonY))
Dim point5 As New Point((HexagonX + (HexagonRadius / 2)), (HexagonY - ((HexagonRadius / 2) * Math.Sqrt(3))))
Dim point6 As New Point((HexagonX - (HexagonRadius / 2)), (HexagonY - ((HexagonRadius / 2) * Math.Sqrt(3))))
Dim hexagonPoints As Point() = {point1, point2, point3, point4, point5, point6}
' Create Hexagon
e.Graphics.FillPolygon(Brushes.Green, hexagonPoints)
' Hexagon Outline
e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Black, point1, point2)
e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Black, point2, point3)
e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Black, point3, point4)
e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Black, point4, point5)
e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Black, point5, point6)
e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Black, point6, point1)
' Position Hexagon Grid Columns
HexagonY += 34 ' Specific to Hexagon Radius: 20
If i Mod 2 > 0 Then
HexagonY = 36.75 ' Specific to Hexagon Radius: 20
HexagonY = 20 ' Specific to Hexagon Radius: 20
End If
HexagonX += 30 ' Specific to Hexagon Radius: 20
End Sub
You'll need to create some Hexagon class with it's coordinates and (maybe name, if really needed). And save them to some suitable collection (2-dimensional array maybe?)
This should happen somewhere outside your Paint event and might be recalculated on grid SizeChanged event.
Inside your Paint event you'll just iterate throught existing collection and render according to pre-computed coordinates.
OnClick event will loop throught the same collection to find specific Hexagon for updating (changing background color for example) and forcing form to repaint to take effect.
For large rendering you should consider rendering to bitmap first and drawing that final bitmap to e.Graphics for faster work. Your bitmap could be cached as well to speed up even more.
EDIT: Code sample added
Turn Option Strict On in your project properties to avoid many problems in your code that you're not aware of.
Public Class frmTest
Private Const HexagonRadius As Integer = 20
Private Const GridSize As Integer = 10
Private fHexagons As New List(Of Hexagon)
Private fCache As Bitmap
Private fGraphics As Graphics
Private Sub ResetHexagons() 'Call when some parameter changes (Radius/GridSize)
End Sub
Private Function EnsureHexagons() As List(Of Hexagon)
Dim X, Y As Single, xi, yi As Integer
If fHexagons.Count = 0 Then
X = HexagonRadius : Y = HexagonRadius
For xi = 1 To GridSize
For yi = 1 To GridSize
fHexagons.Add(New Hexagon(HexagonRadius, X, Y))
Y += 34
'Do your math to get theese values from HexagonRadius value
If xi Mod 2 > 0 Then
Y = 36.75
Y = 20
End If
X += 30
fCache = New Bitmap(GridSize * HexagonRadius * 2, GridSize * HexagonRadius * 2)
fGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(fCache)
For Each H As Hexagon In fHexagons
End If
Return fHexagons
End Function
Private Sub frmTest_Paint(sender As Object, e As PaintEventArgs) Handles Me.Paint
e.Graphics.DrawImageUnscaled(fCache, Point.Empty)
End Sub
Private Sub frmTest_MouseClick(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles Me.MouseClick
Dim H As Hexagon = EnsureHexagons.FirstOrDefault(Function(X) X.Contains(e.Location))
If H IsNot Nothing Then
H.Checked = Not H.Checked
H.Render(fGraphics) 'Update cache without repainting all
End If
End Sub
End Class
Public Class Hexagon
Public ReadOnly Radius, X, Y As Single
Public ReadOnly Points() As PointF
Public Property Checked As Boolean
Public Sub New(Radius As Single, X As Single, Y As Single)
Me.Radius = Radius : Me.X = X : Me.Y = Y
Points = {New PointF((X - Radius), (Y)),
New PointF((X - (Radius / 2)), CSng(Y + ((Radius / 2) * Math.Sqrt(3)))),
New PointF((X + (Radius / 2)), CSng(Y + ((Radius / 2) * Math.Sqrt(3)))),
New PointF((X + Radius), (Y)),
New PointF((X + (Radius / 2)), CSng(Y - ((Radius / 2) * Math.Sqrt(3)))),
New PointF((X - (Radius / 2)), CSng(Y - ((Radius / 2) * Math.Sqrt(3.0!))))}
End Sub
Public Sub Render(G As Graphics)
' Create Hexagon
G.FillPolygon(If(Checked, Brushes.Blue, Brushes.Green), Points)
' Hexagon Outline
For i As Integer = 0 To Points.Length - 1
G.DrawLine(Pens.Black, Points(i), Points((i + 1) Mod Points.Length))
End Sub
Public Function Contains(P As Point) As Boolean
'Do your math here, this is just simplified estimation
Return X - Radius <= P.X AndAlso P.X <= X + Radius AndAlso Y - Radius <= P.Y AndAlso P.Y <= Y + Radius
End Function
End Class

How to rotate an image on key press in

I am making a lunar lander game, and want the spaceship to rotate when the left and right arrow keys are pressed.
I know how to move an image using a picture box and the keydown event, but there isn't anyway to directly rotate a picture box. Do i need to use the image a different way to be able to achieve what I want? Any help is much appreciated.
Make a new class inheriting from picturebox. Use that. You can edit the designer.vb to change the type.
This is pseudocode, untested, so it certainly won't run.
class RotateablePictureBox
inherits picturebox
public property RotationAngle as single
overrides onpaint(e as ...)
That's the idea that Hans Passant is talking about (might have to do the DrawImage yourself too and skip the mybase.onpaint - it's done like,dimensions etc...))
This is my first time posting code so let me know how I can improve it for the group. I developed this class using code from code here
I hope this helps. This is the button code
Private Sub btnRotateLeft_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnRotateLeft.Click
End Sub
This is the class
Imports System.Math
Public Class clsImage
Private wid As Single
Private hgt As Single
Public Function RotateLeft(ByVal picSource As PictureBox) As PictureBox
Dim bm_in = New Bitmap(picSource.Image)
wid = bm_in.Width
hgt = bm_in.Height
Dim corners As Point() = {New Point(0, 0), New Point(wid, 0), New Point(0, hgt), New Point(wid, hgt)}
Dim cx As Single = wid / 2
Dim cy As Single = hgt / 2
Dim i As Long
For i = 0 To 3
corners(i).X -= cx
corners(i).Y -= cy
Next i
Dim theta As Single = Single.Parse(90) * PI / 180.0
Dim sin_theta As Single = Sin(theta)
Dim cos_theta As Single = Cos(theta)
Dim X As Single
Dim Y As Single
For i = 0 To 3
X = corners(i).X
Y = corners(i).Y
corners(i).X = X * cos_theta + Y * sin_theta
corners(i).Y = -X * sin_theta + Y * cos_theta
Next i
Dim xmin As Single = corners(0).X
Dim ymin As Single = corners(0).Y
For i = 1 To 3
If xmin > corners(i).X Then xmin = corners(i).X
If ymin > corners(i).Y Then ymin = corners(i).Y
Next i
For i = 0 To 3
corners(i).X -= xmin
corners(i).Y -= ymin
Next i
Dim bm_out As New Bitmap(CInt(-2 * xmin), CInt(-2 * ymin))
Dim gr_out As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bm_out)
ReDim Preserve corners(2)
gr_out.DrawImage(bm_in, corners)
picSource.Image = bm_out
Return picSource
End Function
Public Function RotateRight(ByVal picSource As PictureBox) As PictureBox
Dim bm_in = New Bitmap(picSource.Image)
wid = bm_in.Width
hgt = bm_in.Height
Dim corners As Point() = {New Point(0, 0), New Point(wid, 0), New Point(0, hgt), New Point(wid, hgt)}
Dim cx As Single = wid / 2
Dim cy As Single = hgt / 2
Dim i As Long
For i = 0 To 3
corners(i).X -= cx
corners(i).Y -= cy
Next i
Dim theta As Single = Single.Parse(-90) * PI / 180.0
Dim sin_theta As Single = Sin(theta)
Dim cos_theta As Single = Cos(theta)
Dim X As Single
Dim Y As Single
For i = 0 To 3
X = corners(i).X
Y = corners(i).Y
corners(i).X = X * cos_theta + Y * sin_theta
corners(i).Y = -X * sin_theta + Y * cos_theta
Next i
Dim xmin As Single = corners(0).X
Dim ymin As Single = corners(0).Y
For i = 1 To 3
If xmin > corners(i).X Then xmin = corners(i).X
If ymin > corners(i).Y Then ymin = corners(i).Y
Next i
For i = 0 To 3
corners(i).X -= xmin
corners(i).Y -= ymin
Next i
Dim bm_out As New Bitmap(CInt(-2 * xmin), CInt(-2 * ymin))
Dim gr_out As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bm_out)
ReDim Preserve corners(2)
gr_out.DrawImage(bm_in, corners)
picSource.Image = bm_out
Return picSource
End Function
End Class

Drawing an array of PictureBoxes in

I'm trying to draw an array of PictureBoxes, for testing I use the same picture for each picturebox.
But instead of showing the picture, it shows the color blue.
I would show you a picture, but I dont have 10 reputation..
Dim teren(120) As PictureBox
Dim x_locatie As Integer = 1, y_locatie As Integer = 0
For i = 0 To 10
x_locatie = 210
For j = 0 To 12
teren(i * j) = New PictureBox()
teren(i * j).Size = New Size(61, 61)
teren(i * j).Name = "x" + i.ToString + "y" + j.ToString
teren(i * j).Location = New Point(x_locatie, y_locatie)
Dim locatie As String = folder + "\harta\test.png"
teren(i * j).ImageLocation = locatie
teren(i * j).Show()
y_locatie += 61
I also tried another method , but same result.
Sub PictureBox1_Paint(sender1 As Object, er As PaintEventArgs)
If myImage IsNot Nothing Then
Dim r As New Rectangle(x, y, xlatime, ylungime)
er.Graphics.DrawImage(myImage, r)
End If
End Sub
Sub deseneaza(ByVal poza As String, ByRef x_perm As Integer, ByRef y_perm As Integer, ByRef lungime As Integer, ByRef latime As Integer)
myImage = Image.FromFile(poza)
x = x_perm
y = y_perm
xlatime = latime
ylungime = lungime
End Sub
'this part of code is in body of another function
Dim x_locatie As Integer = 1, y_locatie As Integer = 0
For i = 0 To 10
x_locatie = 210
For j = 0 To 12
Dim locatie As String = folder + "\harta\test.png"
deseneaza(locatie, x_locatie, y_locatie, 61, 61)
y_locatie += 61
I saw in other threads that their problem solution was something like that Dim teren() As PictureBox {teren1, teren2 , ... , teren n} But the problem in my case is that I need 120 PictureBoxes, and I think that it must be a way to do this without writing 120 pictureboxes.
Please try will generate 16 picture box, size 20x20, in a row. I put it under "FormLoading" event.
Dim Shapes(16) As PictureBox
For i = 1 To 16
Shapes(i) = New PictureBox
With Shapes(i)
.BackColor = SystemColors.Control 'Color.Green
.BackgroundImage = New Bitmap(My.Resources.led_blk)
.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Zoom
.Size = New Size(20, 20)
.Visible = True
.Location = New Point( 23 * i, 50)
End With
I think GDI+ will be the way to go. I think you need a custom class that has a rectangle structure as a member with other properties that help you with further logic with the character intersecting with them. Paint should be done in the Paint event of the surface control you are using - PictureBox has the best rendering - IMO.
Public Class Tile
Public Property Bounds As New Rectangle
Public Property IsImpassable As Boolean
'others you think of
End Class
Dim iTop = 325
Dim pBox(48) As PictureBox
Dim pinColor = Color.SkyBlue
Dim leftStart = 50
For j = 0 To 3
For i = 0 To 11
pBox(i) = New PictureBox
'pBox(i).Image = Image.FromFile("\NoTest.bmp")
pBox(i).Visible = True
pBox(i).BackColor = pinColor
pBox(i).Top = iTop + (j * 40)
pBox(i).Width = 20
pBox(i).Height = 20
pBox(i).Left = leftStart + (35 * i)
If i > 9 Then
pBox(i).Left = leftStart + (35 * i) + 15
pBox(i).Width = 25
End If
pBox(i).SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage

Runtime error message Index was outside the bounds of the array. for Visual Basic 2010

I am computing the ROI with a moving rectangle and extracting the ROI to compute the standard deviation, mean, area and Pixel value coordinates X and Y in a seperate form2 by clicking the mouse. At this juncture I am trying to pass a function from the main Form that loads the Image and displays the rectangle to another Form that has the displayed properties of the mean and standard deviation etc. However, I'm receiving errors in runtime in the function that contains the standard deviation. The error displayed is
Index was outside the bounds of the array.
It is displayed at the end of this portion of the code in the function StD, i.e at the end of the mean part'
SD(count) = Double.Parse(pixelcolor.R) + Double.Parse(pixelcolor.G) + Double.Parse(pixelcolor.B) - mean
what is this actually saying and how can I fix this situation. Any tips and ideas, thanks.
My code is at the bottom
enterPublic Function StD(ByVal image As Bitmap, ByVal mean As Double, ByVal meancount As Integer) As Double
Dim SD(SquareHeight * SquareWidth) As Double
Dim count As Integer = 0
For i = 0 To SquareWidth
For j = 0 To SquareHeight
Dim pixelcolor As Color = image.GetPixel(i, j)
SD(count) = Double.Parse(pixelcolor.R) + Double.Parse(pixelcolor.G) + Double.Parse(pixelcolor.B) - mean
count += 1
Dim SDsum As Double = 0
For i = 0 To count
SDsum = SDsum + SD(i)
SDsum = SDsum / (SquareHeight * SquareWidth)
SDsum = ((SDsum) ^ (1 / 2))
Return SDsum
End Function code here
I would like to pass this using the code below
enterPrivate Sub PictureBox1_MouseDown(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles PictureBox1.MouseDown
Dim mean As Double = 0
Dim meancount As Integer = 0
Dim bmap As New Bitmap(400, 400)
bmap = PictureBox1.Image
Dim colorpixel As Color = bmap.GetPixel(e.X, e.Y)
' Dim pixels As Double = colorpixel.R + colorpixel.G + colorpixel.B
If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left AndAlso Rect.Contains(e.Location) Then
If (PictureBox1.Image Is Nothing) Or (PictureBox1.Height - (e.Y + SquareHeight) < 0) Or (PictureBox1.Width - (e.X + SquareWidth) < 0) Then
Dim ROI As New Bitmap(400, 400)
Dim x As Integer = 0
Dim countx As Integer = 0
Dim county As Integer = 0
For i = e.X To (e.X + SquareWidth)
For j = (e.Y + x) To (e.Y + SquareHeight)
Dim pixelcolor As Color = bmap.GetPixel(i, j)
ROI.SetPixel(countx, county, pixelcolor)
mean = mean + pixelcolor.R + pixelcolor.G + pixelcolor.B
county += 1
meancount += 1
county = 0
countx += 1
x = x + 1
mean = mean / (meancount * 3)
Dim SD = mean - 75
Dim area As Integer = (SquareHeight * SquareWidth)
Dim anotherForm As Form2
anotherForm = New Form2(mean, StD(bmap, mean, meancount), area, 34)
End If
End If
' Catch ex As Exception
' MessageBox.Show(ex.Message())
' End Try
End Sub code here
To be displayed with this code
enter Public Sub New(ByVal mean As Double, ByVal StD As Double, ByVal Area As Integer, ByVal pixel As Double)
TextBox1.Text = mean.ToString()
TextBox2.Text = StD.ToString()
TextBox3.Text = Area.ToString()
TextBox4.Text = pixel.ToString()
End Sub code here
The problem probably is because of these lines:
For i = 0 To SquareWidth
For j = 0 To SquareHeight
Try using this instead:
For i = 0 To SquareWidth - 1
For j = 0 To SquareHeight - 1