Getting chips data in Materialize css through Post - materialize

I am trying to get the data using the Materilize css's chips. But no data is received when I try to submit it using a form.
I checked that the input fields value was null once I added the chips.
I wrote a jquery code to verify this
$('#showvalues').on('click', function(){
and my chips code looks like
<div class="chips chips-autocomplete col s4 offset-s3">
<input placeholder="You Emotions" id="emotiontags" type="text"
<button class="btn waves-effect waves-light" id="showvalues">
Show values
<i class="material-icons right">send</i>
Here is its out with normal text
and here is the output when I try to add chips

Well it has been 6 months but I wanted to give an answer for people encountering this question. According to the documentation of MaterializeCSS, chipsData is the property that stores an array of the current chips data.
After getting the instance of your chips elements by something like this;
var chipInstance = M.Chips.getInstance($(".chips"));
Chips array can be accessed and logged to the console via


How display my errors default for Stripe?

I use this vue-stripe-checkout (Vue.js), all works fine but if i write a fake number of card a automatic message is display and say "you'r number is incorrect".
Is what i want but i don't know how to add style on that, because is as 0 style and is very ugly.
The style object don't work on that, i found in documentation a Slots for "card-errors" but i don't know what means.
If someone can help me ?
#loading="loading = $event"
<button class="btn btn-success px-5" #click="submit">Payer</button>

How to create an Xpath in a tricky section of document (for me) for the purpose of using with Selenium Basic in VBA

OK, so I mentioned Selenium Basic as that is the use of the XPath and I believe Selenium Basic uses Selenium version 2 so maybe it won't be able to understand some/all answers that might require the latest Selenium. But someone might take that into account if necessary.
There are dynamic classes at play here.
Criteria for selection.
1. Class starting with 'NextToJump__eventWrapper' (the outer one) must be used.
2. Class starting with 'NextToJump__venue' must contain text = 'Ballarat'
3. Class starting with 'NextToJump__race' (and/or span) must contain text = 'Race 2'
I need to be able to click on the <a> tag that contains Points 2 and 3.
The best that I've been able to do (and checked) using ChroPath in Chrome Devtools is...
But note that there are 2 cases of Point 2 in the HTML but only 1 case that satisfies Points 2 and 3.
<div class="NextToJump__eventWrapper--13zZJ">
<div class="NextToJump__raceEvent--bfMON" data-testid="next-to-jump-item">
<a class="Link__link--9x4YY" href="/racing-betting/greyhound-racing/crayford-am/20200708/race-1-1801951-58544404">
<div class="NextToJump__iconWrapper--1yG60"></div>
<div class="NextToJump__eventDetail--CUzdX">
<div class="NextToJump__venue--1jwWA">Ballarat</div>
<div class="NextToJump__race--3JydR"><span>Race 1</span></div>
<div class="NextToJump__countdown--EG8mR"><span class="Countdown__countdown--4vRpD Countdown__imminent--2yc2K">52s</span></div>
<div class="NextToJump__raceEvent--bfMON" data-testid="next-to-jump-item">
<a class="Link__link--9x4YY active" href="/racing-betting/greyhound-racing/rockhampton/20200708/race-4-1799474-58466521" aria-current="page">
<div class="NextToJump__iconWrapper--1yG60"></div>
<div class="NextToJump__eventDetail--CUzdX">
<div class="NextToJump__venue--1jwWA">Rockhampton</div>
<div class="NextToJump__race--3JydR"><span>Race 4</span></div>
<div class="NextToJump__countdown--EG8mR"><span class="Countdown__countdown--4vRpD Countdown__imminent--2yc2K">2m 52s</span></div>
<div class="NextToJump__raceEvent--bfMON" data-testid="next-to-jump-item">
<a class="Link__link--9x4YY" href="/racing-betting/greyhound-racing/ballarat/20200708/race-4-1799454-58465201">
<div class="NextToJump__iconWrapper--1yG60"></div>
<div class="NextToJump__eventDetail--CUzdX">
<div class="NextToJump__venue--1jwWA">Ballarat</div>
<div class="NextToJump__race--3JydR"><span>Race 2</span></div>
<div class="NextToJump__countdown--EG8mR"><span class="Countdown__countdown--4vRpD Countdown__imminent--2yc2K">5m 52s</span></div>
The xpath expression you need to use to select your target <a> tag is long and convoluted, but that's life....
[formatted for ease of reading, but you can use that in one line]
[./following-sibling::div[.="Race 2"]
In "plain English":
Find an <a> node which meets ALL these conditions (i) has an ancestor (not a parent) node which is a <div>, which <div> has a class attribute with an attribute name which starts with NextToJump__eventWrapper; and (ii) it has <div>descendant (not just a child) node, which has Ballarat as a text node AND which has a class attribute with an attribute name which starts with NextToJump__venue-, where that <div>descendant itself has a following sibling which is a <div> which itself has a Race 2 text node AND which has a class attribute with an attribute name which starts with NextToJump__race-...
Yes, the word "plain" doesn't really fit here, but that's the closest I could get. I like xpath, and it's very powerful, but sometimes it's very hard to follow... As an aside, it would have been somewhat less cryptic if xquery was used instead of straight xpath.

Not finding the Correct xpath

I'm trying write a Python script to get some information from Google's products listed on the top right of the screen. (Usual 6 pictures with price and seller)
I am using Python, PhantomJS and Selenium
Doing a google search for "red shoe" I want my script to return the prices. I get stuck in the step where I try to even find the element containing the products. Am I missing something with my xpath?
def getTopSongs(object):
print "Working YETI"
browser = webdriver.PhantomJS('c:/projects/phantomjs/phantomjs.exe')
title = browser.find_element_by_xpath('//div[contains#class, "pla-unit")]/text()[contains(., "red")]/following::b').text
From Google's webpage I element under a few nested
<div id="rhs">
<div class="_Pwb">
<div class="_Ohb">
<div style="width:109px" class="pla-unit">
<div class="_PD">
<div class="pla-unit-img-container">
<div class="_Z5">
<div class="_vT"><a href="">
<span class="rhsl4">Nina 'Forbes' Peep Toe Pump <b>Red</b> R...</span>
<span class="rhsg3 rhsl5">Nina 'Forbes' Peep Toe Pum...</span>
<span class="rhsg4">Nina 'Forbes' Peep Toe Pu...</span></a>
<div class="_QD"><b>$78.95</b></div>
<div class="_mC">
<span class="rhsl4 a">Nordstrom</span>
<span class="rhsg3 rhsl5 a">Nordstrom</span>
<span class="rhsg4 a">Nordstrom</span>
I added more HTML. In this example I am looking to get the text from ($78.95) annd (Norstrom)
To clarify,
<div id="rhs">
is an unique element
There are however multiple (6) elements of:
<div style="width:109px" class="pla-unit">
The elements under each category have the same name and follow the same structure and substructures
ie, there are 6
<div class="_PD">
<div class="pla-unit-img-container">
<div class="_Z5">
<div class="_vD">
<div class="_QD">
<div class="_mC">
and so on.
The main objective is to get all of the elements but for purposes of debugging I was asking help to get the first one.
The xpath for a price unit using XPathChecker on Firefox is:
You can use ancestor:: to go back up then following-sibling:: to get elements at the same level that follow it.
I haven't tried this but give it a shot:
title = browser.find_element_by_xpath('//div[contains#class, "pla-unit")]/text()[contains(., "red")]/ancestor::div/following-sibling::div[1]').text
Then to get to your div class ='mC' you just change:
and get the text from the spans under that.

Soundcloud waveform nodes

I was reading a article on soundcloud today about their waveforms and how they generate them by converting the highest volume point into a INT between 0 - 1.
After that I opened the console on chrome and then a track on Soundcloud, going through the networks tab (all files) there was no file returning a array of data to generate the html5 waveform, so my question is how do they do it without requesting the data?
Interesting question :) I'm no expert at HTML5's canvas, but I'm sure it has to do with that.
If you look at the DOM you'll see a structure like this:
<div class="sound__body">
<div class="sound__waveform">
<div class="waveform loaded">
<div class="waveform__layer waveform__scene">
<canvas aria-hidden="true" class="g-box-full sceneLayer" width="453" height="60"></canvas>
<canvas aria-hidden="true" class="g-box-full sceneLayer waveformCommentsNode loaded" width="453" height="60"></canvas>
<canvas aria-hidden="true" class="g-box-full sceneLayer" width="453" height="60"></canvas>
<div class="commentPlaceholder g-z-index-content">...</div>
<div class="commentPopover darkText smallAvatar small">...</div>
On my page I have four sounds. In my networkpanel I also have four of these:
They are being sent as JSON, not as PNG!
And contain stuff like:
...much more
...much more
I'm pretty sure this is the data being used to draw the waveform using canvas.
As far as i understand this process.
SoundCloud creates an image directly after the upload.
You can access it via the tracks endpoint.
SC.get('/tracks/159966669', function(sound) {
$('#result').append('<img src="' +sound.waveform_url+'"/>' );
Then they use a script like that, written by (former) SoundCloud devs, - which converts the image into floats.
Example call:
Example response (extract)
See example here, more detailed on waveform.js
<div class="example-waveform" id="example2">
<canvas width="550" height="50"></canvas>
SC.get('/tracks/159966669', function(sound) {
var waveform = new Waveform({
container: document.getElementById("example2"),
innerColor: "#666666"
See docs here:
I hope this will help you a bit.

Unable to get radio button value in Bootstrap

NOTE: Please see edit below. Primary issue is that I did something dumb.
This question is a duplicate, but the accepted answer didn't actually address the problem, and the listed workaround didn't work for me.
My HTML looks like this:
<div class="row checkbox_row">
<div class="col-xs-1 checkbox_cell">
<input type="radio" class="answerCheckbox assessmentQuestion" name="currently_employed_select" value="yes" id="currently_employed_select_1"/>
<div class="col-xs-11">Yes</div>
<div class="row checkbox_row">
<div class="col-xs-1 checkbox_cell">
<input type="radio" class="answerCheckbox assessmentQuestion" name="currently_employed_select" value="no" id="currently_employed_select_2"/>
<div class="col-xs-11">No</div>
Neither this jQuery:
var name = $(this).attr('name');
var value = $('input[name=' + name + ']:radio:checked').val();
Nor this Javascript:
var radios = document.getElementsByTagName(name);
for(var x = 0; x < radios.length; x++){
return radios[x].value;
... are getting a value out of the radio button.
Is there something obvious and stupid I'm overlooking here? Is there some Bootstrap formatting that's mandatory when using radio buttons?
EDIT: I've figured out what piece of code is killing me, and it has bugger-all to do with Bootstrap.
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.answerCheckbox').val(function() {
... is meant to highlight the container rows of any checked boxes (including radio buttons) on page load. Which it does, admirably, but apparently at the expense of nuking the values of said radio buttons.
... which, given that val() overwrites the value when you give it a parameter, should not come as a surprise to me.
That'll teach me to do cargo cult programming.
Right, so, need to figure out some other way to run that function on all my answerCheckbox elements on page load, and I'm all set.