Python - Use %s in value of config file - sql

I use a config file (type .ini) to save my SQL queries, then i get a query by its key. All work fine, until creating a query with parameters, example :
;the ini file
product_by_cat = select * from products where cat =%s
I use :
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
args= ('cat1')
query= config.get(section_where_are_stored_thequeries,key_of_the_query)
complete_query= query%args
I get the error :
TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting
So it try to format the string at retrieving the value from the ini file.
Any proposition of my problem.

You can use format function like this
ini file
product_by_cat = select * from products where cat ={}
complete_query= query.format(args)

depending on the versions of ConfigParser (Python 2 or Python 3) you may need to double the % like this or it throws an error:
product_by_cat = select * from products where cat =%%s
Although a better way would be to use the raw version of the config parser, so the % char isn't interpreted
config = configparser.RawConfigParser()


How to write specific data from JMeter execution output to CSV / Notepad using beanshell scripting

We are working on web services automation project using JMeter 4.0 In our response, JMeter returns data in json format but we would like to store only specific data (Account ID, Customer ID or Account inquiry fields) from that json into csv file but it stores data in csv file in unformatted format.
Looking for a workaround on this.
We are using following code:
Result = "FAIL";
Responce = prev.getResponseDataAsString():
Result = "PASS";
f = new FileOutputStream("C:/Users/Amar.pawar/Desktop/testoup.csv",true);
p = new PrintStream(f);
p.println(vars.get("/ds1odmc") + "," + Result):
Following error is getting encountered:
Error invoking bsh method: eval In file: inline evaluation of: ``import; import; Result = "FA . . . '' Encountered ":" at line 5, column 42.
We are looking for saving specific data in CSV (or txt) instead of complete output in unformatted format. Please look into the matter & suggest.
Looks like a typo. You use : instead of ; in three lines:
Responce = prev.getResponseDataAsString():
p.println(vars.get("/ds1odmc") + "," + Result):
And if problem does not solved it may be useful to check the article about testing complex logic with JMeter beanshell

Inserting a file into a Postgres bytea column using perl/SQL

I'm working with a legacy system and need to find a way to insert files into a pre-existing Postgres 8.2 bytea column using Perl.
So far my searching has lead me to believe the following:
there is no consensus best approach for this.
lo_import looks promising, but I'm apparently too perl-tarded to get it to work.
I was hoping to do something like the following
my $bind1 = "foo"
my $bind2 = "123"
my $file = "/path/to/file.ext"
my $q = q{
INSERT INTO generic_file_table
(?, ?, lo_import(?))
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($q);
$sth->execute($bind1, $bind2, $file);
My script works w/o the lo_import/bytea part. But with it I get this error:
DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR: column "contents" is of type bytea but expression is >of type oid at character 176
HINT: You will need to rewrite or cast the expression.
What I think I'm doing wrong is that I'm not passing the actual binary file to the DB properly. I think I'm passing the file path, but not the file itself. If that's true then what I need to figure out is how to open/read the file into a tmp buffer, and then use the buffer for the import.
Or am I way off base here? I'm open to any pointers, or alternative solutions as long as they work with Perl 5.8/DBI/PG 8.2.
Pg offers two ways to store binary files:
large objects, in the pg_largeobject table, which are referred to by an oid. Often used via the lo extension. May be loaded with lo_import.
bytea columns in regular tables. Represented as octal escapes like \000\001\002fred\004 in PostgreSQL 9.0 and below, or as hex escapes by default in Pg 9.1 and above eg \x0102. The bytea_output setting lets you select between escape (octal) and hex format in versions that have hex format.
You're trying to use lo_import to load data into a bytea column. That won't work.
What you need to do is send PostgreSQL correctly escaped bytea data. In a supported, current PostgreSQL version you'd just format it as hex, bang a \x in front, and you'd be done. In your version you'll have to escape it as octal backslash-sequences and (because you're on an old PostgreSQL that doesn't use standard_conforming_strings) probably have to double the backslashes too.
This mailing list post provides a nice example that will work on your version, and the follow-up message even explains how to fix it to work on less prehistoric PostgreSQL versions too. It shows how to use parameter binding to force bytea quoting.
Basically, you need to read the file data in. You can't just pass the file name as a parameter - how would the database server access the local file and read it? It'd be looking for a path on the server.
Once you've read the data in, you need to escape it as bytea and send that to the server as a parameter.
Update: Like this:
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.16.3;
use DBI;
use DBD::Pg;
use DBD::Pg qw(:pg_types);
use File::Slurp;
die("Usage: $0 filename") unless defined($ARGV[0]);
die("File $ARGV[0] doesn't exist") unless (-e $ARGV[0]);
my $filename = $ARGV[0];
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Pg:dbname=regress","","", {AutoCommit=>0});
CREATE TABLE byteatest( blah bytea not null );
my $filedata = read_file($filename);
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO byteatest(blah) VALUES (?)");
# Note the need to specify bytea type. Otherwise the text won't be escaped,
# it'll be sent assuming it's text in client_encoding, so NULLs will cause the
# string to be truncated. If it isn't valid utf-8 you'll get an error. If it
# is, it might not be stored how you want.
# So specify {pg_type => DBD::Pg::PG_BYTEA} .
$sth->bind_param(1, $filedata, { pg_type => DBD::Pg::PG_BYTEA });
undef $filedata;
Thank you to those who helped me out. It took a while to nail this one down. The solution was to open the file and store it. then specifically call out the bind variable that is type bytea. Here is the detailed solution:
##some variables
my datum1 = "foo";
my datum2 = "123";
my file = "/path/to/file.dat";
my $contents;
##open the file and store it
open my $FH, $file or die "Could not open file: $!";
local $/ = undef;
$contents = <$FH>;
close $FH;
print "$contents\n";
##preparte SQL
my $q = q{
INSERT INTO generic_file_table
(?, ?, ?)
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($q);
##bind variables and specifically set #3 to bytea; then execute.
$sth->bind_param(3,$contents, { pg_type => DBD::Pg::PG_BYTEA });

Jython - importing a text file to assign global variables

I am using Jython and wish to import a text file that contains many configuration values such as:
QManager = MYQM
.. and then I am reading the file line by line.
What I am unable to figure out is now that as I read each line and have assigned whatever is before the = sign to a local loop variable named MYVAR and assigned whatever is after the = sign to a local loop variable MYVAL - how do I ensure that once the loop finishes I have a bunch of global variables such as QManager & ProdDBName etc.
I've been working on this for days - I really hope someone can help.
Many thanks,
See other question: Properties file in python (similar to Java Properties)
Automatically setting global variables is not a good idea for me. I would prefer global ConfigParser object or dictionary. If your config file is similar to Windows .ini files then you can read it and set some global variables with something like:
def read_conf():
global QManager
import ConfigParser
conf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()'my.conf')
QManager = conf.get('QM', 'QManager')
print('Conf option QManager: [%s]' % (QManager))
(this assumes you have [QM] section in your my.conf config file)
If you want to parse config file without help of ConfigParser or similar module then try:
my_options = {}
f = open('my.conf')
for line in f:
if '=' in line:
k, v = line.split('=', 1)
k = k.strip()
v = v.strip()
print('debug [%s]:[%s]' % (k, v))
my_options[k] = v
print('-' * 20)
# this will show just read value
print('Option QManager: [%s]' % (my_options['QManager']))
# this will fail with KeyError exception
# you must be aware of non-existing values or values
# where case differs
print('Option qmanager: [%s]' % (my_options['qmanager']))

How can I incorporate the current input filename into my Pig Latin script?

I am processing data from a set of files which contain a date stamp as part of the filename. The data within the file does not contain the date stamp. I would like to process the filename and add it to one of the data structures within the script. Is there a way to do that within Pig Latin (an extension to PigStorage maybe?) or do I need to preprocess all of the files using Perl or the like beforehand?
I envision something like the following:
-- Load two fields from file, then generate a third from the filename
rawdata = LOAD '/directory/of/files/' USING PigStorage AS (field1:chararray, field2:int, field3:filename);
-- Reformat the filename into a datestamp
annotated = FOREACH rawdata GENERATE
REGEX_EXTRACT(field3,'*-(20\d{6})-*',1) AS datestamp,
field1, field2;
Note the special "filename" datatype in the LOAD statement. Seems like it would have to happen there as once the data has been loaded it's too late to get back to the source filename.
You can use PigStorage by specify -tagsource as following
A = LOAD 'input' using PigStorage(',','-tagsource');
B = foreach A generate INPUT_FILE_NAME;
The first field in each Tuple will contain input path (INPUT_FILE_NAME)
According to API doc
The Pig wiki as an example of PigStorageWithInputPath which had the filename in an additional chararray field:
A = load '/directory/of/files/*' using PigStorageWithInputPath()
as (field1:chararray, field2:int, field3:chararray);
// Note that there are several versions of Path and FileSplit. These are intended:
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.RecordReader;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileSplit;
import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.PigSplit;
import org.apache.pig.builtin.PigStorage;
public class PigStorageWithInputPath extends PigStorage {
Path path = null;
public void prepareToRead(RecordReader reader, PigSplit split) {
super.prepareToRead(reader, split);
path = ((FileSplit)split.getWrappedSplit()).getPath();
public Tuple getNext() throws IOException {
Tuple myTuple = super.getNext();
if (myTuple != null)
return myTuple;
-tagSource is deprecated in Pig 0.12.0 .
Instead use
-tagFile - Appends input source file name to beginning of each tuple.
-tagPath - Appends input source file path to beginning of each tuple.
A = LOAD '/user/myFile.TXT' using PigStorage(',','-tagPath');
will give you the full file path as first column
( hdfs://myserver/user/blo/input/2015.TXT,439,43,05,4,NAVI,PO,P&C,P&CR,UC,40)
A way to do this in Bash and PigLatin can be found at: How Can I Load Every File In a Folder Using PIG?.
What I've been doing lately though, and find to be much cleaner is embedding Pig in Python. That let's you throw all sorts of variables and such between the two. A simple example is:
# explicitly import Pig class
from org.apache.pig.scripting import Pig
# COMPILE: compile method returns a Pig object that represents the pipeline
P = Pig.compile(
"a = load '$in'; store a into '$out';")
input = '/path/to/some/file.txt'
output = '/path/to/some/output/on/hdfs'
# BIND and RUN
results = P.bind({'in':input, 'out':output}).runSingle()
if results.isSuccessful() :
print 'Pig job succeeded'
else :
raise 'Pig job failed'
Have a look at Julien Le Dem's great slides as an introduction to this, if you're interested. There's also a ton of documentation at

Execute SQL from file in SQLAlchemy

How can I execute whole sql file into database using SQLAlchemy? There can be many different sql queries in the file including begin and commit/rollback.
sqlalchemy.text or sqlalchemy.sql.text
The text construct provides a straightforward method to directly execute .sql files.
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy import text
# or from sqlalchemy.sql import text
engine = create_engine('mysql://{USR}:{PWD}#localhost:3306/db', echo=True)
with engine.connect() as con:
with open("src/models/query.sql") as file:
query = text(
SQLAlchemy: Using Textual SQL
I was able to run .sql schema files using pure SQLAlchemy and some string manipulations. It surely isn't an elegant approach, but it works.
# Open the .sql file
sql_file = open('file.sql','r')
# Create an empty command string
sql_command = ''
# Iterate over all lines in the sql file
for line in sql_file:
# Ignore commented lines
if not line.startswith('--') and line.strip('\n'):
# Append line to the command string
sql_command += line.strip('\n')
# If the command string ends with ';', it is a full statement
if sql_command.endswith(';'):
# Try to execute statement and commit it
# Assert in case of error
# Finally, clear command string
sql_command = ''
It iterates over all lines in a .sql file ignoring commented lines.
Then it concatenates lines that form a full statement and tries to execute the statement. You just need a file handler and a session object.
You can do it with SQLalchemy and psycopg2.
file = open(path)
engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(db_url)
escaped_sql = sqlalchemy.text(
Unfortunately I'm not aware of a good general answer for this. Some dbapi's (psycopg2 for instance) support executing many statements at a time. If the files aren't huge you can just load them into a string and execute them on a connection. For others, I would try to use a command-line client for that db and pipe the data into that using the subprocess module.
If those approaches aren't acceptable, then you'll have to go ahead and implement a small SQL parser that can split the file apart into separate statements. This is really tricky to get 100% correct, as you'll have to factor in database dialect specific literal escaping rules, the charset used, any database configuration options that affect literal parsing (e.g. PostgreSQL standard_conforming_strings).
If you only need to get this 99.9% correct, then some regexp magic should get you most of the way there.
If you are using sqlite3 it has a useful extension to dbapi called conn.executescript(str), I've hooked this up via something like this and it seemed to work: (Not all context is shown but it should be enough to get the drift)
def init_from_script(script):
# HACK ALERT: we can do this using sqlite3 low level api, then reopen session.
f = open(script)
script_str =
global db_session
import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect(db_file_name)
db_session = Session()
Is this pure evil I wonder? I looked in vain for a 'pure' sqlalchemy equivalent, perhaps that could be added to the library, something like db_session.execute_script(file_name) ? I'm hoping that db_session will work just fine after all that (ie no need to restart engine) but not sure yet... further research needed (ie do we need to get a new engine or just a session after going behind sqlalchemy's back?)
FYI sqlite3 includes a related routine: sqlite3.complete_statement(sql) if you roll your own parser...
You can access the raw DBAPI connection through this
raw_connection = mySqlAlchemyEngine.raw_connection()
raw_cursor = raw_connection() #get a hold of the proxied DBAPI connection instance
but then it will depend on which dialect/driver you are using which can be referred to through this list.
For pyscog2, you can just do
but pysqlite you would need to do
and in line with that you would need to check the documentation of whichever DBAPI driver you are using to see if multiple statements are allowed in one execute or if you would need to use a helper like executescript which is unique to pysqlite.
Here's how to run the script splitting the statements, and running each statement directly with a "connectionless" execution with the SQLAlchemy Engine. This assumes that each statement ends with a ; and that there's no more than one statement per line.
engine = create_engine(url)
with open('script.sql') as file:
statements = re.split(r';\s*$',, flags=re.MULTILINE)
for statement in statements:
if statement:
In the current answers, I did not found a solution which works when a combination of these features in the .SQL file is present:
Comments with "--"
Multi-line statements with additional comments after "--"
Function definitions which have multiple SQL-queries ending with ";" butmust be executed as a whole statement
A found a rather simple solution:
# check for /* */
with open(file, 'r') as f:
assert '/*' not in, 'comments with /* */ not supported in SQL file python interface'
# we check out the SQL file line-by-line into a list of strings (without \n, ...)
with open(file, 'r') as f:
queries = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()]
# from each line, remove all text which is behind a '--'
def cut_comment(query: str) -> str:
idx = query.find('--')
if idx >= 0:
query = query[:idx]
return query
# join all in a single line code with blank spaces
queries = [cut_comment(q) for q in queries]
sql_command = ' '.join(queries)
# execute in connection (e.g. sqlalchemy)
Code bellow works for me in alembic migrations
from alembic import op
import sqlalchemy as sa
from ekrec.common import get_project_root
def upgrade():
path = f'{get_project_root()}/migrations/versions/fdb8492f75b2_.sql'
I had success with David's answer here, with two slight modifications:
Use get_bind() as I was working with a Session rather than an Engine
Call cursor() on the raw connection
raw_connection = myDbSession.get_bind().raw_connection()
raw_cursor = raw_connection.cursor()