I work for a CPG company and need to create a report that compares the previous month's delivered units to the next month's forecast. (Simply, our forecasting tool screws up occasionally and this will help identify when the forecast is off.)
My issue is my SQL query is summing forecast sales correctly, but the sum of total delivered is not respecting the dates I have in my WHERE clause -- it's summing total delivered for as far back as the query can reach.
Here is my query:
DelUnits.Customer, DelUnits.ObsText01,
FinalFcst.SKU, FinalFcst.Customer,
SUM(DelUnits.Value) AS TotalDelivered,
SUM(FinalFcst.FinalFcst) AS ForecastSales
FinalFcst ON DelUnits.Customer = FinalFcst.Customer
(FinalFcst.DT >= '2018-01-01' and FinalFcst.DT <= '2018-01-31')
AND (DelUnits.Date >= '2017-12-01' and DelUnits.Date <= '2017-12-31')
AND DelUnits.ObsText01 = '10_LB'
AND FinalFcst.SKU = '10_LB'
DelUnits.Customer, DelUnits.ObsText01, FinalFcst.SKU, FinalFcst.Customer
Again, the query seems to work correctly for the final forecast (summing the forecast between 1/1/18 - 1/31/18) but sums the entire delivery history for a customer. I don't understand why it won't sum the delivery history for just 12/1/17 - 12/31/17.
Thank you for your help!
Presumably, there is only one row for FinalFcst. So, either include it in the GROUP BY clause or use MAX() instead of SUM():
max(FinalFcst.FinalFcst) as ForecastSales
One way to achieve this is to calculate TotalDelivered and ForecastSales in 2 different queries and then join them together.
Try this:
SELECT DelUnits.customer,
FROM (SELECT customer,
Sum(value) AS TotalDelivered
FROM delunits
WHERE date >= '2017-12-01'
AND date <= '2017-12-31'
AND obstext01 = '10_LB'
GROUP BY customer,
obstext01) DelUnits
Sum(finalfcst) AS ForecastSales
FROM finalfcst
WHERE dt >= '2018-01-01'
AND dt <= '2018-01-31'
AND sku = '10_LB'
GROUP BY customer,
sku) FinalFcst ON DelUnits.customer = FinalFcst.customer
You have a many to many relationship between the tables. Ultimately you need to SUM() one table before joining to the other to create a one to many relationship, or you end up duplicating records.
My favorite approach is a derived table:
SELECT C.Customer,
SUM(FC.FinalFcst) ForecastSales
FROM (SELECT SUM(Value) TotalDelivered, Customer, ObsText01
FROM DelUnits
WHERE Date >= '2017-12-01' AND Date <= '2017-12-31'
AND ObsText01 = '10_LB'
GROUP BY Customer) C
LEFT JOIN FinalFcst FC ON C.Customer = FC.Customer
AND FC.DT >= '2018-01-01'
AND FC.DT <= '2018-01-31'
AND FC.SKU = '10_LB'
GROUP BY C.Customer, C.ObsText01, FC.SKU, C.TotalDelivered
A couple things: Added your forecast table filters to the join predicate, since having those in the WHERE will create an INNER JOIN out of your LEFT JOIN. Also removed FC.Customer from the select and the group since it is redundant with C.Customer.
Maybe you could try to create a temp table to calculate the delivery history. I am not sure of the SQL Server verbiage, but something like this:
(SELECT DelUnits.Customer,
sum(DelUnits.Value) as TotalDelivered,
FROM DelUnits
Where(DelUnits.Date >= '2017-12-01' and DelUnits.Date <= '2017-12-31')
and DelUnits.ObsText01 = '10_LB'
Group By DelUnits.Customer, DelUnits.ObsText01)
sum(FinalFcst.FinalFcst) as ForecastSales
left join FinalFcst ON DelUnits.Customer = FinalFcst.Customer
Where (FinalFcst.DT >= '2018-01-01' and FinalFcst.DT <= '2018-01-31')
and FinalFcst.SKU = '10_LB'
Group By DelUnits.Customer, DelUnits.ObsText01, FinalFcst.SKU, FinalFcst.Customer
The following query gives me the MRR (monthly recurring revenue) for my customer:
with dims as (
select distinct subscription_id, country_name, product_name from revenue
where site_id = '18XLsHIVSJg' and subscription_id is not null
select to_date('2022-07-01') as occurred_date,
count(distinct srm.subscription_id) as subscriptions,
count(distinct srm.receiver_contact) as subscribers,
sum(srm.baseline_mrr) as mrr_srm
from subscription_revenue_mart srm
join dims d on d.subscription_id = srm.subscription_id
where srm.site_id = '18XLsHIVSJg'
-- MRR as of the day before ie June 30th
and to_date(srm.creation_date) < '2022-07-01'
-- Counting the subscriptions active after July 1st
and ((srm.subscription_status = 'SUBL.A') or
-- Counting the subscriptions canceled/deactivated after July 1st
(srm.subscription_status = 'SUBL.C' and (srm.deactivation_date >= '2022-07-01') or (srm.canceled_date >= '2022-07-01')) ) group by 1;
I get a total of $5922.15 but I need to add data from another table to capture upgrades/downgrades a customer makes on a product subscription. Using the same approach as above, I can query my "change" table thusly:
select subscription_id, sum(mrr_change_amount) mrr_change_amount,max(subscription_event_date) subscription_event_date from subscription_revenue_mart_change srmc
where site_id = '18XLsHIVSJg'
and to_date(srmc.creation_date) < '2022-07-01'
and ((srmc.subscription_status = 'SUBL.A')
or (srmc.subscription_status = 'SUBL.C' and (srmc.deactivation_date >= '2022-07-01') or (srmc.canceled_date >= '2022-07-01')))
group by 1;
I get a total of $3635.47
When I combine both queries into one, I get an inflated result:
with dims as (
select distinct subscription_id, country_name, product_name from revenue
where site_id = '18XLsHIVSJg' and subscription_id is not null
change as (
select subscription_id, sum(mrr_change_amount) mrr_change_amount,
-- there can be multiple changes per subscription
max(subscription_event_date) subscription_event_date from subscription_revenue_mart_change srmc
where site_id = '18XLsHIVSJg'
and to_date(srmc.creation_date) < '2022-07-01'
and ((srmc.subscription_status = 'SUBL.A')
or (srmc.subscription_status = 'SUBL.C' and (srmc.deactivation_date >= '2022-07-01') or (srmc.canceled_date >= '2022-07-01')))
group by 1
select to_date('2022-07-01') as occurred_date,
count(distinct srm.subscription_id) as subscriptions,
count(distinct srm.receiver_contact) as subscribers,
-- See comment RE: LEFT OUTER join
sum(coalesce(c.mrr_change_amount,srm.baseline_mrr)) as mrr
from subscription_revenue_mart srm
join dims d
on d.subscription_id = srm.subscription_id
-- LEFT OUTER join required for customers that never made a change
left outer join change c
on srm.subscription_id = c.subscription_id
where srm.site_id = '18XLsHIVSJg'
and to_date(srm.creation_date) < '2022-07-01'
and ((srm.subscription_status = 'SUBL.A')
or (srm.subscription_status = 'SUBL.C' and (srm.deactivation_date >= '2022-07-01') or (srm.canceled_date >= '2022-07-01'))) group by 1;
It should be $9557.62 ie (5922.15 + $3635.47) but the query outputs $16116.91, which is wrong.
I think the explode-implode syndrome may cause this.
I had designed my "change" CTE to prevent this by aggregating all the relevant fields but it's not working.
Can someone provide pointers on the best way to work around this issue?
It would help if you gave us sample data too, but I see a problem here:
sum(coalesce(c.mrr_change_amount,srm.baseline_mrr)) as mrr
Why COALESCE? That will give you one of the 2 numbers, but I guess what you want is:
sum(ifnull(c.mrr_change_amount, 0) + srm.baseline_mrr) as mrr
That's the best I can offer with what you've given us.
Q) Write a query to return Territory and corresponding Sales Growth (compare growth between periods Q4-2019 vs Q3-2019).
Tables given-
Cust_Sales: -Cust_id,product_sku,order_date,order_value,order_id,month
Cust_Territory: cust_id,territory_id,customer_city,customer_pincode
Use tables FCT_CUSTOMER_SALES (which has sales for each Customer) and MAP_CUSTOMER_TERRITORY (which provides Territory-to-Customer mapping) for this question.
Output format-
My solution-
Select ((q2.claims - q1.claims)/q1.claims * 100) AS SALES_GROWTH , c.territory_id
(select sum(s.order_value) from FCT_CUSTOMER_SALES s inner join MAP_CUSTOMER_TERRITORY c on s.customer_id=c.customer_id where s.order_datetime between 1/07/2019 and 30/09/2019 group by c.territory_id) as q1.claims,
(select sum(s.order_value) from FCT_CUSTOMER_SALES s inner join MAP_CUSTOMER_TERRITORY c on s.customer_id=c.customer_id where s.order_datetime between 1/10/2019 and 31/12/2019 group by c.territory_id) as q2.claims
Group by c.territory_id
My solution is showing up as incorrect I would request anyone who can help me out with the solution and let me know where my mistake is
One option uses conditional aggregation. The idea is to filter the table on the two quarters at once, then use case expressions within the sum() aggregate function to compute the sales of each of them:
( sum(case when s.order_date >= date '2020-01-01' then s.order_value end)
- sum(case when s.order_date < date '2020-01-01' then s.order_value end)
) / (sum(case when s.order_date < date '2020-01-01' then s.order_value end)) * 100.0 as sales_growth
from fct_customer_sales s
inner join map_customer_territory c on s.customer_id = c.customer_id
where s.order_datetime >= date '2020-01-07' and s.order_datetime < '2020-01-01'
group by c.territory_id
You did not tell which database you are using, while date features are highly vendor-dependent. This uses the standard DATE syntax to declare the literal dates - you might need to adapat that if your database does not support it.
I have a query which show datewise pass issued by agency. I wanted to get top 20 agency who have most pass issued here is my query
Nothing in your data id identifies "agency". If I assume you mean "agent", you can get the top 20 by aggregating and then limiting the result. In Oracle 12C+, you can use:
SELECT gp.agent_id, a.agent_name, COUNT(*)
FROM eofficeuat.gatepass gp INNER JOIN
eofficeuat.cnf_agents a
ON gp.agent_id = a.agent_id INNER JOIN
eofficeuat.cardprintlog_user u
ON gp.agent_id = u.agent_id
WHERE gp.issuedatetime BETWEN DATE '2019-09-28' AND DATE '2019-09-29'
GROUP BY gp.agent_id, a.agent_name
In earlier versions, a subquery is needed:
FROM (SELECT gp.agent_id, a.agent_name, COUNT(*)
FROM eofficeuat.gatepass gp INNER JOIN
eofficeuat.cnf_agents a
ON gp.agent_id = a.agent_id INNER JOIN
eofficeuat.cardprintlog_user u
ON gp.agent_id = u.agent_id
WHERE gp.issuedatetime BETWEEN DATE '2019-09-28' AND DATE '2019-09-29'
GROUP BY gp.agent_id, a.agent_name
) a
WHERE rownum <= 20;
Obviously, if you do mean "agency" and that is identified by different columns, you would just adjust the SELECT and GROUP BY clauses.
Also, I would advise you never to use BETWEEN on dates in Oracle. There is a time component that might cause issues.
If you intend only times on '2019-09-28', then:
gp.issuedatetime >= DATE '2019-09-28' AND
gp.issuedatetime < DATE '2019-09-29'
If you intend both the 28th and 29th:
gp.issuedatetime >= DATE '2019-09-28' AND
gp.issuedatetime < DATE '2019-09-30'
You can use LIMIT clause(12c or higher version) with TOP 20 records as following:
SELECT eofficeuat.gatepass.agent_id, eofficeuat.cnf_agents.agent_name, COUNT(1) as cnt
FROM eofficeuat.gatepass INNER JOIN
ON eofficeuat.gatepass.agent_id = eofficeuat.cnf_agents.agent_id INNER JOIN
ON eofficeuat.gatepass.agent_id = eofficeuat.cardprintlog_user.agent_id
WHERE eofficeuat.gatepass.issuedatetime BETWEN DATE '2019-09-28' AND DATE '2019-09-29'
GROUP BY eofficeuat.gatepass.agent_id, eofficeuat.cnf_agents.agent_name
FETCH FIRST 20 ROWS ONLY; -- this will fetch top 20 agents
I am trying to create a query that retrieves only the ten companies with the highest number of pickups over the six-month period, this means pickup occasions, and not the number of items picked up.
I have done this
FROM customer
JOIN (SELECT manifest.pickup_customer_ref reference,
DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY manifest.pickup_customer_ref ORDER BY COUNT(manifest.trip_id) DESC) rnk
FROM manifest
INNER JOIN trip ON manifest.trip_id = trip.trip_id
WHERE trip.departure_date > TRUNC(SYSDATE) - interval '6' month
GROUP BY manifest.pickup_customer_ref) cm ON customer.reference = cm.reference
WHERE cm.rnk < 11;
this uses dense_rank to determine the order or customers with the highest number of trips first
Hmm well i don't have Oracle so I can't test it 100%, but I believe your looking for something like the following:
Keep in mind that when you use group by, you have to narrow down to the same fields you group by in the select. Hope this helps at least give you an idea of what to look at.
select TOP 10
count(*) as 'count'
from customer c
inner join mainfest m on m.pickup_customer_ref = c.reference
inner join trip t on t.trip_id = m.trip_id
where t.departure_date < DATEADD(month, -6, GETDATE())
group by c.company_name, m.pickup_customer_ref
order by 'count', c.company_name, m.pickup_customer_ref desc
The SQL below give me the columns for Account, Name and the Total Sale for the year of 2015.But how, if possible, can I add another column for the previous year of 2014 ?
select a.AcctNo, b.Name, Sum(a.TotSold) as [ Total Sold ]
from Orders as A
Join Accounts as b on a.AcctNo = b.AcctNo
where (a.PurchaseDate between '1/1/2015' and '12/31/2015' )
Group by a.AcctNo, b.Name
You can use conditional aggregation:
select o.AcctNo, a.Name,
Sum(case when year(PurchaseDate) = 2015 then TotSold else 0 end) as tot_2015,
Sum(case when year(PurchaseDate) = 2014 then TotSold else 0 end) as tot_2014
from Orders o Join
Accounts a
on a.AcctNo = o.AcctNo
where PurchaseDate >= '2014-01-01'
PurchaseDate < '2016-01-01'
Group by o.AcctNo, a.Name ;
Use ISO standard formats for date constants.
When using dates, try not to use between. It doesn't work as expected when there is a time component. The above inequalities work regardless of a time component.
Use table aliases that are abbreviations of the table name. That makes the query easier to follow.