Xamarin XAML x:Static reference to property in a nested class - xaml

I'm writing a mobile app using Xamarin and I have a static class called Strings that wraps my RESX resources. I want to use x:Static to bind to these in my XAML files. This is working if I have a single static class with static properties to bind to.
I'm cutting out some comments and other non-essential bits, but it basically looks like this:
namespace MyCompany.Resources
public static partial class Strings
public static string LabelUsername { get { return Resources.LabelUsername; } }
Then in my XAML, I bind to it like this:
<Entry Placeholder="{x:Static resources:Strings.LabelUsername}"
where resources is defined as
That all works fine. It breaks down when I add a nested class to Strings. The class looks like this:
namespace MyCompany.Resources
public static partial class Strings
public static partial class Label
public static string Username { get { return Resources.Label_Username; } }
If I do that, then I would bind to it in my XAML like this:
<Entry Placeholder="{x:Static resources:Strings.Label.Username}"
Notice how after "resources:" we now have three levels (Strings.Label.Username). This seems to be what fails. When I do this, I get the compile error:
Type Strings.Label not found in xmlns clr-namespace:MyCompany.Resources;assembly=MyCompany
Also, I can access the nested class and its properties just fine from my ViewModels. Is there any way to make this work from the XAML? I know I could bind to a variable in the VM and then have that reference Strings.Label.Username, but I don't want to do that for every resource binding.

Your static property's name in the binding should be
Not only did you have a typo, but you tried to use the dot notation to reference the nested class, which won't work.
Bindings use standard .net reflection notation for referencing properties and classes by name (they either use a parser on the string or use reflection directly, can't be arsed to check the codebase). Nested class names use a + to separate the containing class name and the inner class name. You can read more about that here:
C# : having a "+" in the class name?


AOP - Injecting a property with a dynamically computed value

(or "Using LocationInterceptionAspect and IInstanceScopedAspect together")
Using Postsharp I'm trying to inject a property into a target class using 'IntroduceMember' and then using the 'OnGetValue' functionality of LocationInterceptionAspect dynamically give it a value on inspection.
Originally I thought that I'd need two separate aspects, one for the field injection and one for the location interception but managed to combine the two by implementing the IInstanceScopedAspect interface and inheriting from LocationInterceptionAspect.
The problem is that if I set a breakpoint I will see the property that's been injected, but if I set another breakpoint in the OnGetValue method (that gets fired for each property on the class) I can't see it...
Here's some sample code:
class DALDecoratorWrapper : LocationInterceptionAspect, IInstanceScopedAspect
public override void OnGetValue(LocationInterceptionArgs args)
if (args.LocationName == "Type")
args.Value = "computed value here";
[IntroduceMember(OverrideAction = MemberOverrideAction.OverrideOrFail)]
public String Type { get; set; }
I was also hoping there was a better way of doing this than overriding OnGetValue as that's called for each getter where really I want to only target the getter of the property that's been injected

Declaring ViewModel using Constructor Injection in XAML

I'm trying out Unity and I'm having problems declaring my viewmodel in XAML. Can you help me out?
<search:SearchBoxViewModel />
public SearchBoxViewModel(IRegionManager regionManager, IEventAggregator eventAggregator)
this.regionManager = regionManager;
this.eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
When I try to execute I get a resolutionfailedexception.
This worked when the viewmodel had an empty constructor. It seems as if it's having problems with the constructor injection.
If I load the module like this:
var searchView = Container.Resolve<SearchBoxView>();
searchView.DataContext = Container.Resolve<SearchBoxViewModel>();
//RegionManager.RegisterViewWithRegion(RegionNames.SearchRegion, typeof(SearchBoxView));
It works.
Is there any possibility to do this with xaml ( with I personally think is better )?
By the way: I'm creating an application with wpf that primarily communicates with a webservice. What should I rather user: unity or MEF and what are the big differences between the two?
Requirements for a Custom Class as a XAML Element
In order to be able to be instantiated as an object element, your
class must meet the following requirements:
Your custom class must be public and support a default
public constructor. (See following section for notes regarding
So, if you want to use dependencies, you should right something like:
var searchView = Container.Resolve<SearchBoxView>();
public class SearchBoxView: UserControl
public SearchBoxViewModel ViewModel
get { return (SearchBoxViewModel)DataContext; }
set { DataContext = value; }

struts2: select tag doesn't like beans with "parameters" property?

I have a base class ReportElement which has type property:
public abstract class ReportElement {
private ReportElementType type;
public ReportElementType getType() {
return type;
public void setType(ReportElementType type) {
this.type = type;
ReportElementType is just an enum with specified code and i18nKey properties for each element. I have a couple of subclasses of ReportElement, each of them introducing their own properties. One of them is Plot:
public class Plot extends ReportElement {
public Plot() {
private Collection<Parameter> parameters = new ArrayList<Parameter>();
public Collection<Parameter> getParameters() {
return parameters;
On some page I needed to display a collection of different ReportElement instances, so I just used struts2 select tag:
<s:select list="myElements" listKey="type.code" listValue="type.i18nKey" size="20"/>
This worked like a charm for every element except for Plot instaces. Instead of invoking getType().getCode() or getType().getI18nKey() plain toString() was invoked on every instance of Plot! After several hours of fun debugging I noticed that during tag evaluation Plot's getParameters() method is called! So it seems struts was trying to evaluate type.code and type.i18nKey using getParameters() method! Failing to do that it ignored the existence of the properties, that I have clearly specified for usage!
After renaming getParameters to a kind of odd name like getParamms the problem gone. Also the problem hasn't occured when using iterator tag together with property tag instead of select tag.
Does anyone have an idea WHY struts select tag uses parameters property of my bean, when I have clearly specified what property should be used? Is it some "cool" feature or a bug?
P.S. I use struts
The argument used in all the FreeMarker templates representing a tag's parameters is called parameters. By providing a parameters property that takes precedence, S2 was unable to get to the object on the stack containing the tag's parameters.
It's neither a cool feature nor a bug, it's just how the templates are implemented. Checking the template source may have saved the few hours of debugging.
Found corresponding issue in struts JIRA: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WW-3268
2.3 is specified as fix version.

Populating a property of type ObservableCollection in XAML with static resources

I have created a class that contains a property of type ObservableCollection. I am trying to create an instance of the class in XAML and fill this property with members. I keep getting an exception that class T can not be converted to ObservableCollection, but this exception only occurs when I am trying to populate the list with elements that were declared as static resources.
Anybody has an idea why?
The code is as follows:
<mseg:Dot xKey="d1"/>
<mseg:Dot xKey="d2"/>
<mseg:Dot xKey="d3"/>
<mseg:Dot xKey="d4"/>
<mseg:Segment xKey="seg1">
<StaticResource ResourceKey="d1"/>
<StaticResource ResourceKey="d2"/>
<StaticResource ResourceKey="d3"/>
<StaticResource ResourceKey="d4"/>
The Class definition is:
public class Segment : Part
public ObservableCollection<Dot> Dots { get; set; }
public Segment()
Dots = new ObservableCollection<Dot>();
And the exception says:
Object of type bla.bla.bla.Dot can not
be converted to type
Any ideas?
As is your code, each element of the collection must be a Dot, not a resource...
Each entry of the list in your xaml code must be something like
or perhaps try
{staticResource xxx }
But there is still a problem. The 1st syntax is ok, the second can work if there is a simple content for Dot, but the 3rd can't run : tag means "create an instance of Dot". And a StaticResource means "create an instance of.. and give it a key".
So last syntax will certainly not work cause you can replace the instance created by the tag with the instance coming from the resource...
But give it a try. The main problem in your code is than you're trying to feel a collection of Dot with Resource, that can't work and the compiler is not ok.. try using tag to create entry. And then play a bit to see if you can refer the resources somewhere in these tags..
In order to use collections XAML syntax change your property and remove it's setter:
public class Segment : DependencyObject
private readonly ObservableCollection<Dot> _dots = new ObservableCollection<Dot>();
public ObservableCollection<Dot> Dots
get { return _dots; }

Mef, passing parameters to a module

I'm studying MEF and I'm not able to resolve a problem.
I have a main application, called MainMEF, and a simple module, called SimpleModule. This one consists of a single UserControl which is loaded dynamically.
When MainMEF starts up, I would be able to pass to the module a reference to main application contained into MainMEF.
How could I fix this?
Lots of questions regarding this already.
You could pass it after initialisation using a property:
How do I populate a MEF plugin with data that is not hard coded into the assembly?
Or use MEF constructor parameters:
MEF Constructor Parameters with Multiple Constructors
The export looks something like this:
class Test : ITest
void Test()
{ }
[ImportingConstructor] //<- This is the key bit here
void Test(object parameter)
{ }
Then when composing your catalog do this:
catalog.ComposeExportedValue( /* parameter here */);