Appium iOS can't inspect notification layer - selenium

Im using Appium to test my notifications in my iOS app.
Im sending with another device a notification while the iOS app is in BG. Then I swipe down using :
((IOSDriver) wd).swipe(500,0,500,1000,1000);
The above works, the screen get scrolled down and I can physically see the notification. The issue is that the appium still inspects the screen below.
I checked appium inspector and it verified that it doesn't recognize nothing but the elemnts of the layer below the notifications one.
Any approach ??

As long as I know it is known limitation for iOS now.
You can get notification bar elements on Android only
But based on top comment it should be possible to wrap up with Appium since Xcode 9 introduced interaction with multiple apps, so its matter of time.

I found a workaround that fits my needs.
I found out that if I click the home button and then swipe down the notification are visible to Appium.
Because Appium not having key events for iOS, iPhone has the an accessibility option for home button, I toggled that on and I can simply click it during the test and swipe down the notification center.
I know it's not ideal but its working.
Thanks for the help.


ReactNative doesn't respond to OrientationChanges

I'm trying to implement a navigation that pushes the user to a different screen when switching to landscape mode. I've tried for several hours now to implement an event listener to respond to an orientation change, which didn't work (I tried different examples from different websites).
Now, I took a full code example from here and here which also didn't work at all. (The first one just changes the text on the screen depending on the orientation, even that didn't work for me -.- )
I also tried to look into ScreenOrientation from Expo-Cli directly (expo-screen-orientation), but don't really get the documentation tbh.
I tried the orientation change on both an android emulator and my android phone (both Android 10).
Is there something I'm terribly missing here? How come that my app not respond to orientation changes?
Have you checked that the Device Orientation is not forced to Portrait in Xcode ? To check this go in Project -> General -> Device Orientation
Had the Device Orientation locked inside the app.json -.-

Does Earlgrey for iOS support UI elements outside of the test app?

I am totally new to iOS, Xcode and automated test frameworks.
I would like to confirm 3 things about iOS testing using EarlGrey:
It cannot access elements outside of the test app. For example, the test app cannot press the 'HOME' key
It does not support the 'swipe up' gesture to bring up the control centre
It cannot not put a test app in background and then bring it to the foreground
If I understand correctly, EarlGrey only allows control of the UI elements defined inside the test app.
Is this correct?
Yup, you are right but Out-of-app interaction is being worked on please follow along here.

Disable launch transition in WP 8.1 app

I wonder if it's possible delete the transition that leads to my WP8.1 universal app when it's launched. So, when my app is launched, I want it to just show the SplashScreen without any animation. I've already read this and this questions, but since I'm not navigating between pages within my app, I can't just set "ContentTransitions" of my frame to null.
Does anybody have any information on this? Or is it just not possible, since these "launching" transitions are managed by the OS?
Disable the animations on the Frame, hook up the Frame`s navigated event and enable them back after first navigation. I have a post about this here.
The initial splash screen is displayed by the OS until you call Window.Current.Activate(). You cannot disable/modify this transition, and you should also not try to do so as your app will lose parity with the rest of OS ecosystem.

How to get notification badge in actionbar item using Titanium

I am developing application using Titanium and want feature to have a badge of notification in the action bar in Android as shown in attached image.
From Android native we can achieve the same using actionLayout property from the menu >> item tag.
But not clear how can we do the same using Titanium.
At least I need suggestion or guidance from where I can move ahead.
Check Android Notification tutorial from Titanium documentation.
There should be all you need. However, I'm not sure what do you mean by badge. There is appBadge property but it works only for iOS system.

Customizing iPhone app taskbar

I thought that it was not allowed to customize the taskbar on the iPhone. However, I noticed this app called iHandy Tip Calculator which replaces the battery icon with a fast switch icon, that pops up a view as shown. How is this allowed, and if so how can I be doing something different?
If you run the app on an iPad, you'll see, how they do it: they are overlaying the normal status bar. Also note, that the screenshots in the app store don't show this feature. I assume, they were fearing to get rejected and disabled the overlay for the screenshots.
Apps from this developer iHandy incorporate this into the status bar, but I've never seen another company do this. I am surprised that the status bar is able to be modified in this way in any event.
My question on apple.stackexchange is posted over here:
It is possible to create your own statusbar and "simulate" the network status and battery life etc in a 'full-screen' app. But apple doesn't allow it, but this might be one that 'slipped through' just like Gaz_Edge said.
You are correct. You are not suppose to be able to modify the 'springboard'. Apple normally refuse apps that do anything that modifies it. Maybe this one slipped through the net?
I just downloaded the latest version of iHandy Level (version 1.62.0) on an iPhone 5 running iOS 6 but don't see the icon (it's within the app rather than in the status bar). (And the status bar is hidden.)
I was curious to see if they actually hid the status bar and created their own custom status bar. If that was the case, you'd be able to tell because when you swipe down from the top for notification center, it would first show a little tab and then you'd have to swipe again to pull down the menu.
Guessing maybe they removed this functionality at Apple's request.
If anyone still has a version that shows it, please let us know if it shows the tab when you swipe for notification center. If not, they likely found some private api to allow them to replace the battery icon (which would be interesting).