I am download Simple Java example project
Run SimpleTest
I see error
Error:(12, 17) java: cannot find symbol symbol: method domain()
location: #interface
Error:(12, 1) java: annotation
is missing a default value for the element 'value'
I'm changing #JSite(**domain** = "https://epam.github.io/JDI/") to #JSite(**value** = "https://epam.github.io/JDI/")
In the end, I got an error
"ERROR: Can't download latest driver for CHROME. Exception null"
I changed the value driver=${driver} to driver=chrome in file test.properties,
commented on the line chrome in pom.xml
I see the same mistake
I saw the answers on the query
"ERROR: Can't download latest driver for CHROME. Exception null"
But I can not imagine where you can still specify the property of the path to the driver
System.setProperty("webdriver.chrome.driver", System.getProperty("C:\\Users\\xxxxxx\\chromedriver_win32_2.1"));
ChromeDriver d1 = new ChromeDriver();
I found the answer.
In file JDIExampleSite changing #JSite(value = "https://epam.github.io/JDI") (Remove the last slash)
In file HomePage changing #JPage(url = "/index.html", title = "Index Page") (We add "L" to htm and we get html)
In file test.properties remove the comment "drivers.folder=C:\" (I have a root chrome driver, If you are different, specify your path)
I also removed the comment from "drivers.version=2.23" in file test.properties and changed "driver=chrome" here
I'm attempting to replicate this code:
from selenium import webdriver
browser = webdriver.Firefox()
elem = browser.find_element_by_class_name(' cover-thumb')
print('Found <%s> element with that class name!' % (elem.tag_name))
print('Was not able to find an element with that name.')
But it keeps returning the exception. I'm running this on mac w. vscode and there are few things off.
find_element_by_class_name method doesn't seem to register as a method.
Everytime I run this Intellicode prompts get disabled
I can't run this at all on Chrome as it crashes the chrome browsers
I've also searched online for driver issues and have done webdriver with the chrome driver path. Didn't work either
This is the error I'm getting if run it without try and except.
elem = browser.find_element_by_class_name(' cover-thumb') ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ AttributeError: 'WebDriver' object has no attribute 'find_element_by_class_name'
Selenium removed that method in version 4.3.0. See the CHANGES: https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/blob/a4995e2c096239b42c373f26498a6c9bb4f2b3e7/py/CHANGES
Selenium 4.3.0
* Deprecated find_element_by_* and find_elements_by_* are now removed (#10712)
* ...
You now need to use:
driver.find_element("class name", "VALUE_OF_CLASS_NAME")
driver.find_element("class name", "cover-thumb")
But if a class name has multiple segments, use the dot notation from a CSS Selector:
driver.find_element("css selector", "img.cover-thumb")
Expected [object Undefined] undefined to be a string,
The code I am using is following:
WebDriver wd= new FirefoxDriver();
WebElement e1= wd.findElement(By.xpath("//input[#id='identifierId']"));
error log
error log
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState(ZLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;)V
at org.openqa.selenium.remote.service.DriverService.checkExecutable(DriverService.java:136)
at org.openqa.selenium.firefox.GeckoDriverService.access$000(GeckoDriverService.java:41)
at org.openqa.selenium.firefox.GeckoDriverService$Builder.usingFirefoxBinary(GeckoDriverService.java:108)
at org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver.toExecutor(FirefoxDriver.java:204)
at org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver.(FirefoxDriver.java:108)
at org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver.(FirefoxDriver.java:104)
at register_prctc.gmail.main(gmail.java:15)
Here is the solution to your Question:
To work with Selenium 3.4.0, geckodriver v0.16.1 & latest Mozilla Firefox 53.x you need to set the absolute path of the geckodriver in your code as:
As per best practices you should not use Thread.sleep(6000), instead use ImplicitlyWait or ExplicitWait.
The xpath .//[#id='gbw']/div/div/div[1]/div[1]/a you used doesn't identifies any unique element. To find the element Gmail link you can use the linkText locator as:
For sending text into Email or Phone field provide a unique xpath as:
WebElement e1= wd.findElement(By.xpath("//input[#id='identifierId']"));
The xpath to click on Next button looks vulnerable to me, you may like to change it to : wd.findElement(By.xpath("//div[#id='identifierNext']/content/span[text()='Next']")).click();
Here is the working set of your own code with some simple tweaks:
WebDriver wd= new FirefoxDriver();
WebElement e1= wd.findElement(By.xpath("//input[#id='identifierId']"));
Let me know if this Answers your Question.
Remove Selenium-java-2.53.1.jar file and update all jars
Kindly help.
i have created a runnable jar for my Selenium webDriver suite. now i have to test this in multiple environment( QA , Demo box, Dev ). But my manager doesnt what it to be hard coded like below
As the baseURl will change according to the need. My script is given to the build team. So all they will do in the command prompt is
java -jar myproject-1.0.1.jar
So my manager has asked me to send the baseUrl as a command line argument so that build team do not have to go to my script and manually change the baseUrl. They should be able to change the URL every time they run the script from the command line itself. Something like this
java -jar myproject-1.0.1.jar ""
Can somebody please guide me through this. Is it possible to send command line arguments to Selenium Web Driver driver.get(baseUrl)
Thanks in advance
From your question above I recon you want pass URL at runtime, means your URL changes time to time so beside hardcoded URL , you want pass at the time your automation code runs. So, let me give you 2 simple solutions.
You can send URL dynamically or at Run time by using javascript executor:
JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor)driver;
js.executeScript("var pr=prompt('Enter your URL please:',''); alert(pr);");
String URL = driver.switchTo().alert().getText();
}catch(Throwable e)
Use this code in place of driver.get(); , so that a prompt box will appear when you run your code and within 15 secs or it will throw a error(you can change the time in Thread.Sleep) you will give the current Valid URL and hit Enter, the navigation will go to the URL. So that you can use different URL for same set of testscripts.
By using Scanner Class:
String url = "";
System.out.println("Enter the URL :");
Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in);
url = s.next();
By using this you can give needed URL in your Console (If you are using Eclipse).
I recommend try Javascript excutor in your code and then create a runnable jar file and just run the Jar file, you will know and it will be the better solution than commandline URL passing . Let me know :)
Another way is to supply arguments this way -Durl=foobar.com and extract them in runtime like this
String URL= System.getProperty("url")
How can I read the current value of Base URL in Selenium IDE 2.8.0?
Please suggest a working version of following selenese:
echo ${BASEURL}
Take your instance of the IWebDriver and put .Url after it. This gets the current URL that the driver is associated with. Then you can use whatever output mechanism you want to use. So if you go with the echo...
echo ${driver.URL}
where driver equals your active selenium WebDriver instance. If you want just the root of the URL then you need to do a regex expression on the returned URL and look for the .com/.net/.org and chop anything after that off.
If you are using php you might want to look here: http://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/175838-extract-base-url-from-entire-url/
1) Create IWebDriver instance
IwebDriver driver = new FireFoxDriver();
2) navigate to URL
3) Print the URL
printline("The base URL is " + driver.URL);
(please ignore syntactical and language specific errors)
I'm running Selenium with TestNG using Eclipse and Selenium RC. I used the command:
but got the following error:
com.thoughtworks.selenium.SeleniumException: ERROR: Command execution failure. Please search the forum at http://clearspace.openqa.org for error details from the log window. The error message is: Component returned failure code: 0x80520001 (NS_ERROR_FILE_UNRECOGNIZED_PATH) [nsILocalFile.initWithPath]
Can someone please suggest why this error is occuring? I have already tried the following:
1)Replaced "" (String kwargs parameter) with "background=#CCFFDD"
2)Running in Firefox in chrome mode
3)Changed the path to the following values and I'm still getting the error:
"c:\folder1\test.png", (folder1 exists)
4)Tried with - selenium.captureScreenshot("\test.png"); and it works fine but it does not solve my purpose and I dont want to use awt.
Can someone please suggest what could be wrong?
Better yet...
I ran into a similar issue, where I only had access to a relative path instead of an absolute one. Here is the solution I came up with:
public void saveScreenshot(String methodName) {
if (methodName == null) {
methodName = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());
File f = new File("reports" + File.separator + methodName + ".jpg");
selenium.captureEntirePageScreenshot(f.getAbsolutePath(), "");
Which will put a screen shot of the entire page into the reports directory that is relative to the project. I am using the method name as the file name, or the current time if null is sent to the method.
Try this:
String path = System.getProperty("user.dir");
selenium.captureEntirePageScreenshot(path + "\\test.png", "");
To whomsoever it may concern,. the problem was solved after I kept fiddling with the code for a while and restarted my system. I came to know that captureEntirePageScreenshot works only on absolute paths so I made sure I kept trying with just that.
I got it working after looking at this page.