Iterating with v-for on dynamic item - vue.js

I'm trying to iterate through a db object I fetch during created(), I get the values in a console.log but the v-for template part remains empty. My sub-question is : is this good practice ? I'm quite new to Vue and my searches on this issue make me think it's a lifecycle issue.
Thanks for the help.
.content(v-for="(content, key, index) in contents")
h3 {{key}}
| {{getValue(content)}} // this is blank
getValue(value) {
id: value
}).then((response) => {
const test =[0].value
console.log(test) //this is working and gives the right value
return test
getPage() {
id: this.$
}).then((response) => { =
this.langs =
this.project =
this.contents =
console.log(this.contents) result :
{__ob__: Observer}
footer: "5a29943b719236225dce6191"
header: "5a29a9f080568b2484b31ee1"
which is the values I want to send when v-for iterates on contents so the getValue can process it to fetch corresponding values

I wouldn't recommend attempting to output the value of an asynchronous method. It's highly unlikely that it will work correctly.
Instead, populate your contents array / object fully during the created hook. For example, this can replace the contents hash value with whatever comes back from fetchDataWrap...
getPage () {
id: this.$
}).then(response => { =
this.langs =
this.project =
let contents =
Promise.all(Object.keys(contents).map(key => {
// map each key to a "fetchDataWrap" promise
return PageService.fetchDataWrap({
id: contents[key]
}).then(res => {
// replace the hash with the resolved value
contents[key] =[0].value
}).then(() => {
// all done, assign the data property
this.contents = contents
Then you can trust that the content has been loaded for rendering
.content(v-for="(content, key, index) in contents")
h3 {{key}}
| {{content}}


How can I access to each element inside of a grid element with Cypress?

I have a Grid component which includes 24 divs and inside of each div I need to take the value.
This value actually arrives in <p>, so which is the best way to do this?
Below is the app image. I would appreciate an example.
You could probably do something like storing the data in an object or array outside of the Cypress chain. Without a code example, here's my best guess.
cy.get('grid').within(() => { // cy.within() searches only within yielded element
const data = {}; // create data object
cy.get('div').each(($div, index) => { // cy.each() allows us to iterate through yielded elements
data[index] = $div.text() // or possibly some other JQuery command to get the value
// additionally, could go without the index at all and make `data` an array.
}).then(() => {
// whatever needs to be done with `data`, wrapped in `then` to make sure data is populated correctly.
You can add use each for this to loop through the elements and then do further operations:
.each(($ele) => {
cy.log($ele.text().trim()) //Logs all the texts one by one
Just add the p selector to your cy.get() command
cy.get('div.chakra-stack p') // access <p> within <div>
.each($el => {
.then(text => {
To get the value before the text
cy.get('div.chakra-stack p') // access <p> within <div>
.each($el => {
.prev() // element with value
.then(value => {
Accessing values by text label like this
const values = {}
cy.get('div.chakra-stack p')
.each($el => {
const frase = $el.text()
.then(value => values[frase] = +value)
.then(() => {
// values = {'shield': 1, 'session': 2, ...}

Vuex passing different arrays

Making a filter:
export default {
state: {
filteredBrands: []
mutations: {
showFilteredList(state, payload) {
loadProducts(item) {
axios.get('/api', {
params: {
per_page: 20,
filter_machinery_brands: [ item ]
.then((response) => {
item this is an input with a checkbox, when clicked, a request is made to the server for this category
For some reason, the push does not work, why?
And I would like there to be a check, if the array is the same, then delete, otherwise add. Is it possible?
If you can se an array comes in as payload. Then you are trying to push an array into an array. Which cant be done in either js or ts.
You can try set the value:
state.filteredBrands = payload;
otherwise you would have to do something like this:
If you wanna control for existing items in array, and assuming your are not always setting value, but pushing new values into your array. You can do something like this:
if (state.filteredBrands.indexOf(payload[0]) === -1) {
// Not in array
} else {
// is allready in array
state.filteredBrands.forEach((item, index) => {
if (item === payload[0]) {
state.filteredBrands.splice(index, 1)
My assumption was right.
Your payload is an array
Your state is an array
-------> You are trying to push payload(array) into state(array) - which cant be done i js - This solution would after my suggestion be more clean:
payload.forEach((value, index) => { // Looping payload
if (state.filteredBrands.indexOf(value) === -1) {
state.filteredBrands.push(value) // push if value not allready in array
} else {
state.filteredBrands.splice(index, 1) // if value is in array -> remove
Yes, you can push an array into an array.
I guess the problem here is your vuex config.
Vuex state is a function, so it needs to be:
state () {
return {
filteredBrands: []
And if you are using Nuxt:
export const state = () => ({
filteredBrands: []

dynamically add new fields to b-table [ Vue.js ]

I am trying to create a table using bootstrap table with fields dynamically added. The fields that will be added will be taken from my api (see code below).
vue.js (jade) - The 2nd template will be the one to render the dynamically added fields but the problem is I can't access the row.item.members because I am not in the row scope. If there is a way to access the row data in the template tag it would be great but I already spent a day and found no luck
b-table(small v-bind:items="plans" v-bind:fields="fields" fixed responsive)
template(slot='bg_action', slot-scope='row')
nuxt-link(:to="'/supply_and_demand/master/'+selected+'/'")'sm', variant="primary")
| {{ }}
template(v-for="member_info in row.item.members" :slot="id_+ ''" )
| {{ }}
my api call (which adds new fields to the table and get the data)
async fetchData(){
let params = {
"q[balancing_group_id_eq]": this.selected
this.$restApi.index('bg_members', {params})
.then( (result)=>{
this.fields = [
{ key: 'date', label: '' },
{ key: 'bg_action', label: 'BG' }
for(let i = 1; i <= result.length; i++){
this.fields.push({ key: 'id_' + result[i-1], label: result[i-1] })
params = {
"q[balancing_group_id_eq]": this.selected,
"q[date_gteq]": this.from,
this.$axios.$get('/v1/occto/plans', { params })
.then( (result)=>{
this.plans = result
tldr:I want to access the row data inside the template tag so I can dynamically set the slot which will result to data being displayed properly.

Why "Error in render: TypeError: Cannot read property 'filter' of undefined" returned even data already available?

I already initialize the data.
data () {
return {
current_product: {},
current_ID: '',
Then, I fetch data from a REST API on lifecycle created hook.
created () {
var skuID = this.$store.state.selected_productSKU.productSKU_ID
.then(response => {
this.current_ID =
this.current_product =
.catch(e => {
And finally, I use computed property to get some value
focusedProduct_SKUS_NoDupSizes () {
var newArr = this.current_product.product_SKU.filter((sku, index, self) =>
index === self.findIndex(t => (
t.productSKU_size === sku.productSKU_size
var x = => a.productSKU_size)
return x
The vue instance show expected result
But if i call {{ focusedProduct_SKUS_NoDupSizes }} in template.
It doesn't rendered.
The browser return error Error in render: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'filter' of undefined"
What is happening? My first guess is the computed property using the initial structure of current_product which is {} empty object. But isn't that how to initialize an object?
Because of:
// ...
focusedProduct_SKUS_NoDupSizes () {
var newArr = this.current_product.product_SKU.filter((sku, index, self) =>
You should initialize product_SKU with an empty array:
data () {
return {
current_product: {product_SKU: []}, // changed here
current_ID: '',
This is needed because the computed property will be executed right away, even before your Ajax gets a chance to return.
Declare it as empty so the computed doesn't throw an error. When the Ajax fulfills, it will recompute automatically.
Even though the Ajax is started at the created(), it won't return before the computed is executed for the first time. More details about this here.

Lodash reduce array of objects from array of objects

I'm trying to get a list of all guideScenes in all sections via
let combinedScenes = _.reduce(sections,
(prev, section) => {return {...prev, ...section.guideScenes}},
It's only returning the first section list, how do I get all of them in there?
const sections = [{guideScenes: ['hello']}, {guideScenes: ['world']}, {guideScenes: ['hi', 'yo']}]
let combinedScenesObj = _.reduce(sections, (prev, section, index) => {
return {...prev, [index]: [...section.guideScenes]}
}, {})
console.log('object:', combinedScenesObj)
<script src=""></script>
You were close you needed a key to be added to each array because you were trying to add to an object
//dummy data
const sections = [{guideScenes: ['hello']}, {guideScenes: ['world']}, {guideScenes: ['hi', 'yo']}]
if you're wanting to resolve to an object you should give the item a key, for instance, I've used the index in this example
let combinedScenesObj = _.reduce(sections, (prev, section, index) => {
return {...prev, [index]:[...section.guideScenes]};
}, {})
// { 0: ["hello"], 1: ["world"], 2: ["hi", "yo"] }