Tagging in gogs not triggering build with drone.io - drone.io

I'm using drone 0.8.1 with gogs. When I commit to master a build is triggered. When I tag the repo in gogs, no build is triggered and no docker image built like I would expect. Here is my .drone.yml file:
image: plugins/docker
repo: larktech/mirror-repos
default_tags: true
event: [ push, tag ]
Using gogs's release functionality, I tagged the repo v1.0.1, however no build ensued. Committing to master triggered the latest build as expected. What am I missing?

Currently drone does not support the release event webhook, which is what is called when I tag a release in the gogs release tab.
With help from https://discourse.drone.io/t/tags-not-building-for-me/1236 I learned that pushing tags manually will trigger my build:
git tag -a v1.0.6 -m 'another test'
git push origin v1.0.6


Executing reckonTagCreate from gitlab ci with authentication failure

I have setup my CI so that I can manually create a release-tag when all tests succeeds for a new commit on master branch. For this I have created a manual step in the CI config like so:
- assemble
- ./gradlew reckonTagPush -Preckon.scope=$scope -Preckon.stage=$stage -Dorg.ajoberstar.grgit.auth.username=$GIT_USER -Dorg.ajoberstar.grgit.auth.password=$GIT_PASSSWORD
- master
extends: .release-template
scope: major
stage: final
extends: .release-template
scope: minor
stage: final
extends: .release-template
scope: patch
stage: final
This setup fails with an authentication error.
Execution failed for task ':reckonTagPush'.
> org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.TransportException: https://gitlab-ci-token#gitlab.com/<group>/<project>.git: not authorized
I am running this on gitlab.com on a shared runner.
The username and password are configured in gitlab ci variables for the project. When running this locally inside the same docker image that is used in the gitlab runner, it works fine. So there must be something special about the way the gitlab runner is executing the gradle tasks, or communicating with the gitlab git repo.
Solved the issue with access to pushing to the git repo by adding the following script :
- url_host=`git remote get-url origin | sed -e "s/https:\/\/gitlab-ci-token:.*#//g"`
- git remote set-url origin "https://gitlab-ci-token:$GIT_TOKEN#$url_host"
- ./gradlew reckonTagPush -Preckon.scope=$scope -Preckon.stage=$stage -Dorg.ajoberstar.grgit.auth.username="$GIT_USER" -Dorg.ajoberstar.grgit.auth.password="$GIT_TOKEN"
The notably changes here are setting the git remote url, as well as surrounding the gitlab ci variables with " when passing them to the reckon plugin

Packer build from a Gitlab pipeline

I am trying to execute my packer build into a Gitlab pipeline, i didn't find examples on the internet but i have seen there is a docker image, so i was hoping this yaml would do the job:
image: hashicorp/packer
- build
stage: build
- echo "Hello world"
- packer build ./definition.json
- master
But i don't understand the behavior, the CI pull the image, clone the repo, then it ends up like this:
Skipping Git submodules setup
Usage: packer [--version] [--help] <command> [<args>]
Available commands are:
build build image(s) from template
console creates a console for testing variable interpolation
fix fixes templates from old versions of packer
inspect see components of a template
validate check that a template is valid
version Prints the Packer version
Usage: packer [--version] [--help] <command> [<args>]
Available commands are:
build build image(s) from template
console creates a console for testing variable interpolation
fix fixes templates from old versions of packer
inspect see components of a template
validate check that a template is valid
version Prints the Packer version
ERROR: Job failed: exit code 127
It doesn't even print my echo Hello World, and it prints 2 times how i should iterract with the CLI, why this behavior?
I found how to fix it, i had to change:
image: hashicorp/packer
name: hashicorp/packer
- '/usr/bin/env'
- 'PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin'

Drone CI get and use build metadata

I'm using Drone CI (0.7) in a self-hosted system. It's hooked up to GitLab and my private registry and working great!
However, I'd like to do more with the .drone.yml file. Especially when publishing images to the registry.
The docs show how to do substitution, but doesn't explain how those variables are set. Below is an example from the docs:
image: plugins/docker
+ tags: ${DRONE_TAG}
This is exactly what I'd like to do. Create a git tag on the repo (on the release branch) and have that tag become the tag for my Docker image.
I've tried git tag -a v1.0 -m "Initial release" then git push origin v1.0. The Drone CI build kicks off as I've set the Tag Hooks for the repository, but when the build completes, and publishes the image to the registry, the tag is set to latest. This also happens when pushing a regular code change commit.
Is this something that needs to be done with the CLI, or am I missing something in my .drone.yml file (posted below)? It looks like an environment variable I would need to set, but that seems strange to have to set that (I'm assuming) just before committing code to start a build...
Any and all help is appreciated!
image: node:latest
- npm install
- npm test
image: plugins/docker
repo: private.registry.com/tester
registry: private.registry.com
secrets: [ docker_username, docker_password ]
tags: ${DRONE_TAG}
branch: release
Actually your docker step is only being triggered when you push a new commit to the branch release, you should use the tag event.
Yo should have some similar configuration
- latest
- ${DRONE_TAG##v}
event: tag
note ${DRONE_TAG##v} will strip the prefix v, since you are naming your tag v1.0 drone will parse this into
- latest
- 1.0
event: tag

How to publish docker images to docker hub from gitlab-ci

Gitlab provides a .gitlab-ci.yml template for building and publishing images to its own registry (click "new file" in one of your project, select .gitlab-ci.yml and docker). The file looks like this and it works out of the box :)
# This file is a template, and might need editing before it works on your project.
# Official docker image.
image: docker:latest
- docker:dind
stage: build
- docker build --pull -t "$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE" .
- docker push "$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE"
- master
stage: build
- docker build --pull -t "$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG" .
- master
But by default, this will publish to gitlab's registry. How can we publish to docker hub instead?
No need to change that .gitlab-ci.yml at all, we only need to add/replace the environment variables in project's pipeline settings.
1. Find the desired registry url
Using hub.docker.com won't work, you'll get the following error:
Error response from daemon: login attempt to https://hub.docker.com/v2/ failed with status: 404 Not Found
Default docker hub registry url can be found like this:
docker info | grep Registry
Registry: https://index.docker.io/v1/
index.docker.io is what I was looking for.
2. Set the environment variables in gitlab settings
I wanted to publish gableroux/unity3d images using gitlab-ci, here's what I used in Gitlab's project > Settings > CI/CD > Variables
CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE is important to set.
It defaults to registry.gitlab.com/<username>/<project>
regsitry url needs to be updated so use index.docker.io/<username>/<project>
Since docker hub is the default registry when using docker, you can also use <username>/<project> instead. I personally prefer when it's verbose so I kept the full registry url.
This answer should also cover other registries, just update environment variables accordingly. 🙌
To expand on the GabLeRoux's answer,
I had issues on the pushing stage of the GitLab CI build:
denied: requested access to the resource is denied
By changing my CI_REGISTRY to docker.io (remove the index.) I was able to successfully push.

Whether drone.io support reusing docker container for build

I have setup drone.io locally and created a .drone.yml for CI build. But I found drone removes the docker container after finishing the build. Whether it support reusing the docker container? I am working on gradle project and the initial build takes a long time to download java dependencies.
I used below command to set the admin user on running drone-server container.
docker run -d \
-e DRONE_GITHUB=true \
-e DRONE_SECRET="xxxx" \
-e DRONE_OPEN=true \
-e DRONE_DATABASE_DATASOURCE="root:root#tcp(mysql:3306)/drone?parseTime=true" \
-e DRONE_ADMIN="joeyzhao0113" \
--restart=always \
--name=drone-server \
--link=mysql \
After doing this, I use the user joeyzhao0113 to login drone server but failed to enable the Trusted flag on the setting page. The popup message dialog shows setting successfully see below screenshot. But the flag keep showing disabled always.
No, it is not possible to re-use a Docker container for your Drone build. Build containers are ephemeral and are destroyed at the end of every build.
That being said, it doesn't mean your problem cannot be solved.
I think a better way to phrase this question would be "how do I prevent my builds from having to re-download dependencies"? There are two solutions to this problem.
Option 1, Cache Plugin
The first, recommended solution, is to use a plugin to cache and restore your dependencies. Cache plugins such as the volume cache and s3 cache are community contributed plugins.
# restores the cache from a local volume
image: drillster/drone-volume-cache
restore: true
mount: [ /drone/.gradle, /drone/.m2 ]
- /tmp/cache:/cache
image: maven
- M2_HOME=/drone/.m2
- MAVEN_HOME=/drone/.m2
- GRADLE_USER_HOME=/drone/.gradle
- mvn install
- mvn package
# rebuild the cache in case new dependencies were
# downloaded during your build
image: drillster/drone-volume-cache
rebuild: true
mount: [ /drone/.gradle, /drone/.m2 ]
- /tmp/cache:/cache
Option 2, Custom Image
The second solution is to create a Docker image with your dependencies, publish to DockerHub, and use this as your build image in your .drone.yml file.
image: some-image-with-all-my-dependencies
- mvn package