when we can see the latest version of IBM websphere commerce WCS9 - e-commerce

IBM eCommerce, WebSphere Commerce Suite 8 is the current available version. When will IBM release their latest version of IBM WCS9?


How To Install Atlassian Connector On Eclipse Photon 4.8.x Version

I can not download Atlassian connector for eclipse photon 4.8.0 version.
It support Installation via the Eclipse Marketplace for Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo), 4.2 (Juno), 4.3 (Kepler), 4.4 (Luna) But not Photon.
This site is supporting download
How can I plugin it to Photon?
Although the development of the plug-in has been discontinued, the Atlassian connector can still be installed as follows:
In Help > Install New Software... work with the update site http://update.atlassian.com/atlassian-eclipse-plugin/rest/e3.7/

IBM MobileFirst 8.0 developer toolkit - "JaxRsWebModuleInfoBuilder" and "AnalyticsRESTDataStore" error in start of local WAS Liberty instance

After installing developer toolkit, when I'm trying to start the development server by "run" command. Following errors are consistently being reported by the server.
FFDC1015I: An FFDC Incident has been created: "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: AnalyticsConsole com.ibm.ws.jaxrs20.server.component.JaxRsWebModuleInfoBuilder 333" at ffdc_16.12.27_20.11.09.0.log
0000006f com.ibm.mfp.server.core.internal.ilmt.MFPILMTLogger E FWLSE0367E: Missing License Report data. Failed to create an ILMT record.
00000065 com.ibm.mobile.analytics.sdk.AnalyticsRESTDataStore E MSAN020E: Non-success response code received in AnalyticsRESTDataStore: 404.
Environment details:
IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation V8.0
IBM MobileFirst Platform Developer Kit for Windows (Release date
02 September 2016)
OS: Windows 7
The development team is aware of these errors during the startup of the development server. As mentioned in the comments, these are considered of benign nature and should not trouble you.
Of course, you may open a PMR.

What is the latest supported version of MySQL that works with IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation 7.0?

I'd like to update MySQL due to security vulnerabilities, however I cannot find a compatibility matrix from IBM showing which versions of MySQL are officially supported for 7.0/7.1 etc
Currently using:
MySQL 5.6.240
Worklight Server
The latest supported version of MySQL is 5.6

install MobileFirst 7.0 server (for test and production environment) with IBM Installation Manager

While I'm following the IBM Knowledge Center' guide to install a IBM MobileFirst 7.0 Server for production environment but that document is too simple for any newbees to handle it.
Can someone provide a more detailed guide and a MF 7.0 server download link so that I can use it as the local repository. Thanks in advance.
Only IBM Customers and Business Partners can download the server components.
These components can be download from either the IBM Passport Advantage website or the IBM Fix Central website.
Download IBM Installation Manager
Download the GM version of the release you'd like to install
Download the latest iFix version of the release you'd like to install
Download the latest supported version of WebSphere Full profile or WebSphere Liberty profile or Tomcat for the release you'd like to install
Use the IBM Installation Manager to install the above components (4, 2 and 3 in that order)
In the IBM Installation Manager go to File > Repositories and add them (consult the documentation how)
Start with installing WebSphere
Use again the IBM Installation Manager to install ontop of the previously installed application server (Tomcat, WebSphere or Liberty) the MobileFirst Server components; you will be going through a wizard
This step is not containable here as it varies and depends a lot on what you intend to use. Review the documentation.

What version of MobileFirst Platform Test Workbench is compatible with Worklight

I downloaded Rational Test Workbench Mobile Test Edition 8.6.0.
What is a compatible version of MobileFirst Platform Test Workbench for Worklight ?
I have downloaded the test Workbench found in the Eclipse Market place. When I try to upload .apk file for testing in workbench it is not uploading.
It is showing an error but I am unable to know what the error is as I am unable to see it. My initial guess is that it is a version issue of Mobile Test Bench or any other issue?
Eclipse Marketplace always contains the latest versions of MobileFirst Platform Studio and MobileFirst Platform Test Workbench (6.3 and, respectively). Ideally you should move up to the latest versions of both. However, if you cannot and need to get an older version of Test Workbench, you'll need to download a zip file.
For Worklight 6.2.0 (datestamp June 2014), download Mobile Test Workbench for Worklight
For Worklight (datestamp Oct 2014), download Mobile Test Workbench for Worklight 8.6.