Are the sources for the pre-defined plugins available for further use? I couldn't find anything in the bitbucket repo where the ui-examples are.
I'd like to implement a more complex plugin than the examples provide based on the Device Management "Software"-Tab of the device details view.
Therefore the sources would help!
I am using mongoDB with play framework for my project.I want to use morphia for my project and found two difference source for morphia one from org and other from google, that is org.mongodb.morphia and anyone suggest me which source for morphia I should use and generally which one will me more trust worthy and stable org source or google source for any plugin.
You can download the source either from maven central alongside the binary jars (your IDE should help facilitate this) or you can download the source jar from the github releases page. Or you could, of course, check out the github project.
I would like to build a custom component and share it with my team. I don't want to online upload the new component. Is there an offline way to share components?
I can define my github account instead of Mule's when creating a project. Will then it be private?
Adding details:
I created jars which I want to use in my Mule project. I added 2 Java classes in my project that uses the jars. I also have 3 apps on different computers that needs the jars.
Instead of duplicating these jars and the Java code, I would like to wrap it in a component/ connector and share the component between apps/developers in my team. As far as I understood from reading I can use both connector and component for my needs. However, I couldn't understand how can I share offline what I built.
The best option is to Maven-deploy your common JARs to a private Maven repository. This can be a simple as an S3 bucket or as refined as Nexus server.
This way, your different Mule projects will be able to pull these common JARs in their builds by simply adding them to their pom.xml files.
IBM has this big 200+ Mb Eclipse plugin where I'm given access to everything and all functionality of Eclipse.
Is there a smaller more lightweight Eclipse plugin available that just gives access to the information a developer needs. Basically just a list of the workitems assigned to me or my team.
Yes, I can configure the big existing IBM plugin to just display that info, but then I'd still have this massive behemoth installed in my Eclipse.
I am aware of Tasktop Dev that allows me to import the workitems into my mylyn tasklist, but I'm looking for something cheaper.
No, because that plugin would have to manage work items and change sets (the list of versioned files), that is the planning and the source control part.
Plus you would need the EMF - GMF dependencies, part of the 200+ MB bundle, as described in "Tip: Installing the Rational Team Concert client into Eclipse 3.5.x".
Which is basically 75% of what the RTC plugin is (the rest being a link to the JBE: Jazz Build Engine).
IDEA has many plugins to use. I.e. IDEtalk is one of them which I use. How can I code a simple plugin that just connects to Internet and shows a web page? (no need for an address bar but it is not a problem to be). I want my plugin's shortcut's button locate at my IDE as like IDEtalk, Commander, Maven Projects etc.
Any ideas?
Check the documentation and the source code of the other plug-ins available in the public git repository of the Community Edition.
There is a Creating Your First Plugin guide on JetBrains web site. It covers all the needed steps from plugin creation to deployment to the plugin repository.
You might also want take a look in the source code of a simple plugin like Twitter Integration Plugin which I recently implemented. Or check a more complex one like this one.
I have some basic questions in eclipse plugin development, can anyone give clarification of the following questions,
When should we have to add features in our plugin development ?
What is the difference between feature and plugin.xml ?
As mentioned in this thread:
A plugin is the eclipse "unit of work". An OSGi bundle that supplies a classpath and can contribute to eclipse through extensions.
A fragment points to a host plugin, and anything it provides (classpath, extensions, etc) are "sucked" into the host plugin. A fragment is also a more specialized OSGi bundle.
A feature represents a versioned collection of plugins, and is used for configuration management in eclipse. They can be deployed manually or through the update manager. If you want to deploy through the update manager, then you need to use features to represent your plugins.
So if you want to manage your plugin or plugins through the update manager, a feature is in order.
You can find more in the Eclipse Help:
Features do not contain any code.
They merely describe a set of plug-ins that provide the function for the feature and information about how to update it.
Features are packaged in a feature archive file and described using a feature manifest file, feature.xml.
While features are organized for the purposes of distributing and updating products, plug-ins are organized to facilitate the development of the product function among the product team. The development team determines when to carve up program function into a separate plug-in.
Plug-ins are packaged in a plug-in archive file and described using a plug-in manifest file, plugin.xml.