Different PrepublishScript for different publish profiles - asp.net-core

I have an asp.net core web appication (Visual Studio 2017) and in the .csproj file there is a PrepublishScript Target that is being executed when (before) I publish the application to a location.
I have two different publish profiles, each one publishing the application to a different location and with different settings.
How can I have different PrepublishScript Targets for each publish profile (or at least have conditional execution in this target depending on the publish profile I am publishing)? I don't want to execute the same steps for all publish profiles.
Is there a way to set a variable from each publish profile, that can be read from msbuild and execute tasks conditionally depending on that value?

There are a few different options:
Move the targets to the publish profile.
Publish profiles are just MSBuild files and contain everything that a project file can. If the profiles are so different that you can't really share logic between profiles or managing conditions will get messy, adding the targets to the publish profiles is a good way to maintain profile-specific logic.
Define properties in the publish profiles
Since they are MSBuild files and already contain a PropertyGroup element, you can define any custom property inside this file and use it inside a target or as a condition on the target.
E.g. in the my.pubxml file:
Then this can be used in the main csproj file:
<Target Name="IncludeFooConfig" AfterTargets="ComputeFilesToPublish" Condition="'$(PublishFooConfigFile)' == 'true'">
<ResolvedFileToPublish Include="config" RelativePath="%(Identity)" CopyToPublishDirectory="PreserveNewest" />
Use the PublishProfile property as condition
When you are building with e.g. /p:PublishProfile=Foo, you could also use $(PublishProfile) for MSBuild conditions, but this is a bad practice because it hard-codes a profile name that might not have to do anything with the actual logic and there are additional ways to specify a publish profile which would break this logic.


MSBuild Exclude Project when DeployOnBuild flag is set to true

I have the following msbuild arguments:
/m /p:DeployOnBuild=true;PublishProfile="$(PublishProfile).pubxml"
I've added a project that is a shared .NET Web Application that should not be deployed, and does not need publish profiles. However when my build agent runs, it fails because my project does not have publish profiles.
Is there a way to exclude a project or somehow work around this without having to specify individual projects to include?
Is there a way to exclude a project or somehow work around this without having to specify individual projects to include?
AFAIK, I am afraid there is no such way or property we could exclude a project to be deployed on the Azure DevOps directly.
If you do not want to specify individual projects to include.
As a workaround, you could define the property DeployOnBuild in the projects that you want to publish, and pass a value to the property in msbuild arguments to make only this(those) project(s) can be built.
Edited project(s) which you want to publish and added the following property group before the Import statements in the .csproj file:
<DeployOnBuild Condition=" '$(DeployProjOrNot)'!='' ">$(DeployProjOrNot)</DeployOnBuild>
Then the msbuild arguments:
/m /p:DeployProjOrNot=true /p:PublishProfile="$(PublishProfile).pubxml"
In this case, those projects will be published, and the shared .NET Web Application (should not add above Property) will not be published due to the value of the property DeployOnBuild is not set to be true.
Hope this helps.

Include additional files in build using MSBuild

In the past we have used a combination of TeamCity and MsDeploy to deploy our projects. We've recently moved into using Octopus deploy, and TeamCity purely for the Build. This meant changing the build process in TeamCity and removing any references to MsDeploy.
In the past we've used confiiguration such as the below in our project file which included additional files and directories:
<Target Name="CustomCollectFiles" BeforeTargets="BeforeBuild">
<UCommerceAssemblies Include="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)..\..\Resources\UCommerce\ucommerce\*" />
<FilesForPackagingFromProject Include="%(UCommerceAssemblies.Identity)">
However this now doesnt seem to get invoked whatsoever. It appears (to me anyhow) that these pipelines were created for use with Publishing from Visual Studio, or using MSDeploy, however we need to just include these files in the directory either before or after the build has taken place. There seems to be tons of references across the web about doing this, however they all refer to using MSDeploy.
Can anyone shed any light on how I can include additional files/directories in the build without using MSDeploy?
Thanks for your time in advance
As you are using Octopus for deployment you only need to include additional files (reference assemblies, etc.) into code package sent to Octopus.
To do this one needs to use OctoPack for project packaging. Then add .nuspec file into the project, for example this line in .nuspec will add all files from some different location into the .nupkg package under "bin\additional" and will be deployed correctly by octopus.
Nuspec docs
Similar solution is discuses here.

Preventing MSBuild from building a project in a .sln without using Solution Configurations

I want to inhibit the building of certain projects within a solution from building (within a TeamCity Build Configuration in order to optimize the speed of my Commit Build feedback if you must know).
I'm aware of the Solution Configurations mechanism but don't want to have to force lots of .sln files to end up with every permutation of things I want to be able to switch off. I have Convention based rule where I want to say "If I'm doing the Commit Build, I dont want to do the final installer packaging". (And I don't want to break it out into a separate solution).
I'd prefer not to use a solution involving find and replace in the .sln file or in a .proj file created via [MsBuildEmitSolution][1]. I'm aware of questions here which cover the out of the box solution and this slightly related question.
I see MSBuild /v:diag is saying:
2>Target "Build" in file "Z.sln.metaproj" from project "Z.sln" (entry point):
Using "MSBuild" task from assembly "Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v4.0, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a".
Task "MSBuild"
Global Properties:
<ProjectConfiguration Project="{C83D035D-169B-4023-9BEE-1790C9FE22AB}" AbsolutePath="X.csproj" BuildProjectInSolution="True">Debug|AnyCPU</ProjectConfiguration>
<ProjectConfiguration Project="{15E7887D-F1DB-4D85-8454-E4EF5CBDE6D5}" AbsolutePath="Y.csproj" BuildProjectInSolution="True">Debug|AnyCPU</ProjectConfiguration>
So the question is:
Is there a neat way of me getting to do an XPath replace or similar to have the effect of changing BuildProjectInSolution="True" to BuildProjectInSolution="False" for Project Y above
Failing that, is there a relatively simple edit I can do within a .ccproj (An Azure 1.4 Package) or a .csproj (a general project) file to cause the effects (including triggering of dependent projects) of the project being enabled within a commandline msbuild Z.sln solution build to be nullified?
Not sure it qualifies as neat, but you can set CustomAfterMicrosoftCommonTargets to import an msbuild file to over-ride the BuildDependsOn property, pointing it to your own custom build task. Basically, by setting CustomAfterMicrosoftCommonTargets you get msbuild to import an msbuild file containing the following:
<Target Name="OldBuild" DependsOnTargets="$(OldBuildDependsOn)" />
<Target Name="MyBuild">
<CallTarget Targets="OldBuild" Condition="<IfIWantThis>" />
You can use the following MyBuild target to Include/Exclude projects based on regular expressions passed in as IncludeInBuild and ExcludeFromBuild properties. (If you want complex regexes, you may fall foul of MSBuild special character escaping, but this works well enough for simple matching)
> msbuild /p:ExcludeFromBuild="Tests|Install|Azure"
<Target Name="MyBuild">
<CallTarget Targets="OldBuild" Condition="('$(IncludeInBuild)'=='' OR
System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))'=='True') AND
('$(ExcludeFromBuild)'=='' OR
System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))'=='False')" />
You could always pass the particular projects you want to build as parameters to the MSBuild.
The MSBuild command line would look like this:
MSBuild /t:<Project Name>:Rebuild;<Another Project Name>:Rebuild
In TeamCity, you would put <Project Name>:<Target Action> in the target field in the MSBuild runner.
I add a system parameter under Parameters
Name: system.ExcludeFromBuild
Kind: System property (system.)
Value: path to your csproj

How to aggregate outputs from a dynamically generated set of projects into a single folder

I need to collect into a single folder all test assemblies, with their dependencies, and configuration files. The process should preserve the directory structure from the output of each test project. We have a solution that requires manually attaching test projects to a master project, but our solution has far too many projects for this to be maintainable. These should be located automatically based on naming convention (x.UnitTest.csproj, y.IntegrationTest.csproj).
For background, we are working with a build system that passes artifacts (binaries, etc) between agents. We are compiling on one agent, and testing on other agents. The massive duplication of assemblies between test projects is slowing the build process down.
What I have done:
1) I have a csproj that references most of the test projects. This gets binaries and dependencies into one folder.
2) I am able to identify all files to copy using this
<Output TaskParameter="Include" ItemName="TestConfigurationFiles"/>
I've attempted most obvious things, such as
MsBuild task: RebaseOutputs attribute, overriding the OutDir property. I can provide the msbuild task with a dynamically generated set of outputs, but can only build them in their default folder.
Hooking into the TargetOutputs of
msbuild task gives only the primary
output assembly (without
I experimented with "Copy Always" for
configuration files. This puts them
in the output directory of the
dependent project as "app.config" not
"dllname.config", and not in the
final project.
Solutions that could make this better might include
Provide an example of adding to the projectreference item array dynamically, before compilation.
Use msbuild TargetOutputs to create a list of all files in the folder (instead of just the primary output) and copy to a destination folder.
Today I'm using msbuild 3.5. Ideally the solution would work with msbuild 3.5. We are transitioning to .NET 4 / MsBuild 4 soon, so, if must be done in .Net 4, that is fine.
Have you considered flattening the folder structure when you export your artifacts?
Something like:
src/*.UnitTest*/bin/**/*.* -> /testlibs
src/*.IntegrationTest*/bin/**/*.* -> /testlibs

Make a target run once at the Solution level in MSBuild

I need a set of tasks that need to be executed exactly once for the entire solution. This will run tasks that will modify each project to run a separate set of tasks for each project. We had done this earlier using a separate project to the solution which had the solution level tasks, but we want to move away from that. Has anyone done this or does anyone have any suggestions on how to implement this?
Since Solution files are not in MSBuild format they are not easily extended or customized. If you want more control over the build process you would have to create a "driver" msbuild file which would replace your solution file. Inside this driver file you would build all the projects that you needed and perform some additional tasks. You would do this using the MSBuild task. Here is a sample showing how to build more than 1 project.
<Project ...>
<Projects Include="proj01.csproj"/>
<Projects Include="proj02.csproj"/>
<Projects Include="proj03.csproj"/>
<Target Name="BuildAll">
<MSBuild Projects="#(Projects)" BuildInParallel="true" />
So in your case you would just execute the tasks before you build the projects. Also note that I specified the value true for the BuildInParallel indicating that MSBuild can try and build more than one project at once.
An alternative solution is to have a single target that dispatches to an MSBuild invoked target with as many Global properties removed as possible. My team have a target in the InitialTargets of a Directory.Build.props Import'ed props file - something like:
<Target Name="Prebuild">
<MSBuild Projects="$(MSBuildThisFileFullPath)"
RemoveProperties="Configuration;Platform;TargetFramework;BuildProjectReferences" />
Since MSBuild appears to synchronize parallel builds on the {project file, global properties, target} set, then by removing all of the properties you can synchronize the build and run it once for all projects being built. The downside: you have to maintain the RemoveProperties attribute - MSBuild doesn't have a way to remove all global properties. If something in the build issues a new MSBuild task with a custom property specified, then you'll get a second instance of the Target invoked.
And - of course - your build will be synchronized on this target. You could try hooking the target up by setting, say, CompileDependsOn to depend on the Prebuild target, to allow independent progress in the build. But to have the target run early and ubiquitously using InitialTargets seems like the better option.