Vue.js binding attribute with v-model [duplicate] - vuejs2

I have form and select components.
In fact things are simple: I need two binding model.
The parent component:
Vue.component('some-form', {
template: '#some-form',
data: function() {
return {
countryNameParent: ''
The child component with items:
Vue.component('countries', {
template: '#countries',
data: function () {
return {
items: {
"0": {
"id": 3,
"name": "Afghanistan"
"1": {
"id": 4,
"name": "Afghanistan2"
"2": {
"id": 5,
"name": "Afghanistan3"
countryName: ''
props: ['countryNameParent'],
created: function() {
var that = this;
this.countryName = this.countryNameParent;
methods: {
onChange: function (e) {
this.countryNameParent = this.countryName;
I'm using v-model to incorporate components above.
Templates like this:
<template id="some-form">
{{ countryNameParent }}
<countries v-model="countryNameParent"></countries>
<template id="countries">
<label for="">
<select name="name" #change="onChange" v-model="countryName" id="">
<option value="0">Select the country!</option>
<option v-for="item in items" v-bind:value="">{{ }}</option>
My target is getting data in parent component to send it to server (real form is much bigger), however I can't get the value of the countryName in countryNameParent. Moreover, Parent should setting data in successor if not empty.
Here you go link where I've been attempting to do it several ways (see commented part of it).
I know that I need to use $emit to set data correctly, I've even implemented model where I get image as base64 to send it by dint of the same form, hence I think solution is approaching!
Also: reference where I've built sample with image.

Here is your countries component updated to support v-model.
Vue.component('countries', {
template: `
<label for="">
<select v-model="countryName">
<option value="0">Select the country!</option>
<option v-for="item in items" v-bind:value="">{{ }}</option>
data: function () {
return {
items: {
"0": {
"id": 3,
"name": "Afghanistan"
"1": {
"id": 4,
"name": "Afghanistan2"
"2": {
"id": 5,
"name": "Afghanistan3"
props: ['value'],
countryName: {
get() { return this.value },
set(v) { this.$emit("input", v) }
v-model is just sugar for setting a value property and listening to the input event. So to support it in any component, the component needs to accept a value property, and emit an input event. Which property and event are used is configurable (documented here).


How can I get a specifc selection in select vue.js?

How are you?
I'm studying Vue and I'm stuck on the current task not knowing where to go.
I have a select that when I click I need to show on screen only what corresponds to that selection. For example, when placing the "to do" option in the select, only the tasks with a concluded=false should appear on the screen. I've only gotten this far and I need help to continue. Can you help me? Thanks
This is my App.vue
<div id="app">
<h1>Lista de Tarefas</h1>
<List :data="list" #remove="handleRemove"/>
<Form #add="addNewTask" #onChange="handleN"/>
import List from "./components/List.vue";
import Form from "./components/Form.vue";
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
list: [],
methods: {
addNewTask(newTask) {
handleRemove(item) {
const index = this.list.findIndex(i => ===
this.list[index].excluded = true
handleN(item) {
const index = this.list.findIndex(i => ===
this.list[index].concluded = true
This is my List.vue
<select v-model="selected" #change="onChange($event)">
<option disabled value="">Escolha a visualização</option>
<option v-for="option in options" :key="option.text">
{{ option.text }}
<li v-for="item in itens" :key="">
<input type="checkbox" id="checkbox" v-model="item.concluded" />
<label for="checkbox"> {{ item.description }} </label>
<button #click="() => $emit('remove', item)">Excluir</button>
export default {
props: {
data: {
type: Array,
default: () => {},
data() {
return {
selected: "",
options: [
{ text: "Todos", value: "1" },
{ text: "A fazer", value: "2" },
{ text: "Concluído", value: "3" },
{ text: "Deletado", value: "4" },
computed: {
itens() {
return => item.excluded === false);
methods: {
onChange(event) {
return => item.concluded === false);
This is my Form.vue
<form #submit.prevent="handleNewTask">
<input type="text" v-model="newTask" placeholder="Insira a tarefa"/>
<input type="submit" value="Adicionar"/>
import Task from '../types/Task.js'
export default {
data() {
return {
newTask: "",
methods: {
handleNewTask() {
this.$emit('add', new Task(this.newTask))
this.newTask = ''
And this is my Task.js
export default class {
constructor(description) {
this.description = description, = Math.random(),
this.concluded = false,
this.excluded = false
I watch some tutorials, read the documentation and some StackOverflow questions but I really can't get out of here
Thanks in advance for the help
Based on how you have structured your app, our only concern should be with the List.vue file.
Your goal is to filter the results based on the selection (selected property). However, your issue is that you are not even using that anywhere.
I know you are hard coding the filter on the onChange method but that is, first of all wrong because you aren't really changing anything (you are returning an array), and secondly it's inefficient.
A better way to do it is to update the computed itens function like so:
itens() {
return => {
if (this.selected === '1'){
return item.concluded === false
} else if (this.selected === '2'){
// filter another way
} else if (... // so on and so forth
Also, I would filter out the excluded items before sending them to the component. If you aren't going to use it, don't send it.
Remove the onChange event on the <select> and the associated method since they are now unused.

Select first option by default using v-model

Can someone help with this problem? I have a dynamic select dropdown. The first default option of "Choose your location" is not visible by default. This is because of v-model. How can I get that working?
My parent component:
<Segments #select-segment-location-event="updateSegmentLocation" :segmentLocation="segmentLocation" />
My child component:
<div class="container">
<select v-model="segmentLocation" #change="selectSegmentLocation">
<option selected disabled>Choose your location...</option>
<option v-for="(segLoc, index) in segmentLocations"
:value="segLoc">{{ }}</option>
export default {
data() {
return {
segmentLocations: [
{ value: "Residential", name: 'Residential building' },
{ value: "Workplace", name: 'Workplace' },
{ value: "Hospitality", name: 'Hospitality or Retail' },
{ value: "Real Estate", name: 'Real Estate' },
{ value: "Commercial Parking", name: 'Commercial Parking' },
{ value: "Fleets", name: 'Fleets' },
{ value: "Cities & Governments", name: 'Cities & Governments' },
{ value: "Corridor", name: 'Highway, Corridor or Petrol Station' }
methods: {
selectSegmentLocation() {
this.$emit('select-segment-location-event', this.segmentLocation);
From what I see, the segmentLocation variable is passed as a prop to the Segments component.
You should avoid mutating a prop with v-model in the child component, because each component should only mutate it's own state.
I propose a few changes, add a new selectedSegmentLocation variable in your data method, with a default value of "NOT_SELECTED" :
data() {
return {
selectedSegmentLocation: "NOT_SELECTED",
segmentLocations: []
Then, in your template, update the Choose your location... option to have a value attribute:
<option selected value="NOT_SELECTED" disabled>Choose your location...</option>
Now, update the v-model and the selectSegmentLocation method to use the new variable:
<select v-model="selectedSegmentLocation" #change="selectSegmentLocation">
selectSegmentLocation() {
this.$emit('select-segment-location-event', this.selectedSegmentLocation);
If you still want to use the passed prop segmentLocation as a default value, use it in the created() hook, but you should have 'NOT_SELECTED' as the default value if you want to show the 'Choose your location' option.
created() {
this.selectedSegmentLocation = this.segmentLocation ? this.segmentLocation : "NOT_SELECTED";
And, if you want to be able to change the selected value from the parent, you can watch the segmentLocation property:
watch: {
segmentLocation() {
if (this.segmentLocation) {
this.selectedSegmentLocation = this.segmentLocation;

"prop" is undefined though it's being passed correctly

I've been following VueJS official documentation on passing data to child components with props; though I'm not working with a string template. I'm aware about what happens when your prop is camel case; you should write it as kebab case.
Nevertheless, this is not the case since it's all lowercase and won't work.
I'm using nuxt and I've separated my work into files, which are:
<div class="row">
<input type="text" name="" id="" placeholder="Write your question" v-model="text">
<select v-model="selectedField">
<option v-for="option in options" :key="" :value="option.value">
{{ option.text }}
<button class="btn btn-sm btn-primary" #click="$emit('add-field')"
v-bind:class="{ disabled: ($parent.count <= 1 && $parent.count == identifier) }">
<button class="btn btn-sm btn-danger" #click="$emit('delete-field')">-</button>
Now for its JS file:
export default {
data () {
return {
options: [
id: 1,
value: 1,
text: "Radio"
id: 2,
value: 2,
text: "Rate"
id: 3,
value: 3,
text: "Text"
props: ['identifier'],
selectedField: 1,
text: "",
Now, for my parent component:
<div class="offset-md-3" id="qz">
v-for="item in questions" :key="item._id"
v-bind:identifier="item._id" <<--What I want to set
<button #click="saveForm" class="btn btn-large btn-success">SAVE</button>
var vm = null;
export default {
layout: 'admin',
components: {
data() {
return {
count: 1,
questions: [{
_id: 1//static
What I'm trying to do is, to use the prop for some validations, nevertheless it throws the next error:
Property or method "identifier" is not defined on the instance but
referenced during render. Make sure that this property is reactive,
either in the data option, or for class-based components, by
initializing the property.
Thank you.
Here is where you go wrong. Props should not be in data(). See the code snippet below
export default {
props: ['identifier'],
data() {
return {
options: [
id: 1,
value: 1,
text: "Radio"
id: 2,
value: 2,
text: "Rate"
id: 3,
value: 3,
text: "Text"
selectedField: 1,
text: "",

Why does the change in this property not trigger a watch in Vuejs?

I need to figure out why a property that is changed is not triggering a watch in Vue.
I have 2 components Parent and Child.
Child has as 1 Prop (item) and item has 4 properties: id, text, isImportant, isCool.
The Parent has 2 lists that are populated using two computed properties which return arrays, one where the items's "isImportant" == TRUE and the other where "isImportant" is FALSE.
In the Child, isImportant and isCool are both bound to input[type=checkbox] elements.
I have a watch (deep) set to respond to changes in the item prop of the Child.
Changing "isCool" triggers the watch while "isImportant" does not.
Changing isImportant does update the collection and the property is updated but it does not trigger the "watch".
It seems to be related to the computed property but not sure why?
Vue.component('todo', {
props: {
item: Object
template: `
{{ item.text }}
<input type="checkbox"
Is Important?
<input type="checkbox"
Is Cool?
watch: {
item: {
handler: function (a, b) {
deep: true
'item.isImportant': function (a, b) {
new Vue({
el: '#app',
template: `
<div id="app">
<li v-for="item in important">
<todo :item="item" :key=""></todo>
<h2>Not Important:</h2>
<li v-for="item in notImportant">
<todo :item="item" :key=""></todo>
data: {
todos: [
{ id: 1, text: "Learn JavaScript", isImportant: false, isTicked: false },
{ id: 2, text: "Learn Vue", isImportant: true, isTicked: false },
{ id: 3, text: "Play around in JSFiddle", isImportant: true, isTicked: false },
{ id: 4, text: "Build something awesome", isImportant: true, isTicked: false }
computed: {
important: function () {
return this.todos.filter(function(todo) {
return (todo.isImportant == true);
notImportant: function () {
return this.todos.filter(function(todo) {
return (todo.isImportant != true);
The reason that the change to isImportant isn't caught by the component, is that when you change isImportant, the component is removed, because the todo-item is moved from one list to the other.
If you have just one list of all todo's (<li v-for="item in todos">), both listeners trigger just fine.

Vue.js - Select / dropdown selected item vm binding is not working (bootstrap-vue)

I'm trying to create a simple vue that binds the selected item from a select/dropdown to a property in the vm.
I haven't been able to find a clear and simple example of how this is down when using an options collection that is also in the view model.
<h1>Select box</h1>
<b-dropdown id="ddCommodity"
text="Select Item"
class="m-md-2" v-on:change="changeItem">
<b-dropdown-item disabled value="0">Select an Item</b-dropdown-item>
<b-dropdown-item v-for="option in ddTestVm.options":selected="option.value == 'LME/ST_TNI_ALL'":value="option.value">{{option.text}}</b-dropdown-item>
</b-dropdown> <span>Selected: {{ ddTestVm.ddTestSelectedOption }}</span>
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
someOtherProperty: null,
ddTestVm: {
originalValue: [],
ddTestSelectedOption: "Value1",
disabled: false,
readonly: false,
visible: true,
color: "",
options: [
"value": "Value1",
"text": "Value1Text"
"value": "Value2",
"text": "Value2Text"
"value": "Value3",
"text": "Value3Text"
methods: {
changeItem: async function () {
//grab some remote data
try {
let response = await this.$http.get('' + this.ddTestVm.ddTestSelectedOption + '.json');
this.someOtherProperty =;
} catch (error) {
watch: {
async created() {
Regardless of what i've tried i cannot get the selected value in the dropdown to change the ddTestSelectedOption property of the vm.
Could anyone assist on this issue?
b-dropdown in bootstrap-vue does not support v-model. As the documentation states:
Dropdowns are toggleable, contextual overlays for displaying lists of
links and actions in a dropdown menu format.
In other words, b-dropdown is essentially a UI component for displaying a menu or similar set of options.
I expect what you want is b-form-select.
That said, you could add a click handler to the options that sets the value.
<b-dropdown-item v-for="option in ddTestVm.options"
#click="ddTestVm.ddTestSelectedOption = option.value">
Here is a working example.
I thing you need b-form-select
<b-form-select v-model="selected" :options="options"></b-form-select>
<b-form-select v-model="selected" :options="options" size="sm" class="mt-3"></b-form-select>
<div class="mt-3">Selected: <strong>{{ selected }}</strong></div>
export default {
data() {
return {
selected: null,
options: [
{ value: null, text: 'Please select an option' },
{ value: 'a', text: 'This is First option' },
{ value: 'b', text: 'Selected Option' },
{ value: { C: '3PO' }, text: 'This is an option with object value' },
{ value: 'd', text: 'This one is disabled', disabled: true }
Only b-form-select can achieve the selected value behaviour.
Non-Selected Value Preview:
Selected Value Preview:
Sample Code:
<b-form-select v-model="selected" :options="options"></b-form-select>
export default {
data() {
return {
selected: null,
options: [
{ value: 1, text: 'Please select an option' },
{ value: 2, text: 'This is First option' },
{ value: 3, text: 'Selected Option' }
Wanted to leave a comment, but code example looks pale there :)
Yes, b-dropdown does not properly support Vue model, but it doesn't have to.
For those still interested in exactly dropdown (f.e. because it looks fancier), consider:
<b-dropdown :text="$i18n.locale" >
<b-dropdown-item v-for="(lang, i) in $i18n.availableLocales" :key="`Lang${i}`" :value="lang" v-on:click="$i18n.locale = lang;" >{{lang}}</b-dropdown-item>
Slecifically v-on:click, which can handle the model value change for you.