Convert Legacy SQL Outer JOIN *=, =* to ANSI - sql

I need to convert a legacy SQL outer Join to ANSI.
The reason for that being, we're upgrading from a legacy DB instance (2000/5 ?) to SQL 2016.
Legacy SQL query :-
--My Data to Select--
FROM counterparty_alias ca1,
counterparty_alias ca2,
counterparty cp,
party p
WHERE cp.code *= ca1.counterparty_code AND
ca1.alias = 'Party1' AND
cp.code *= ca2.counterparty_code AND
ca2.alias = 'Party2' AND
cp.code *= p.child_code AND
cp.category in ('CAT1','CAT2')
Here, Party1 and Party2 Are the party type codes and CAT1 and CAT2 are the category codes. They're just data; I have abstracted it, because the values don't really matter.
Now, when I try to replace the *= with a LEFT OUTER JOIN, I get a huge mismatch on the Data, both in terms of the number of rows, as well as the Data itself.
The query I'm using is this :
What am I doing wrong ?
--My Data to Select--
counterparty cp
LEFT OUTER JOIN counterparty_alias ca1 ON cp.code = ca1.counterparty_code
LEFT OUTER JOIN counterparty_alias ca2 ON cp.code = ca2.counterparty_code
LEFT OUTER JOIN party p ON cp.code = p.child_code
ca1.alias = 'Party1' AND
ca2.alias = 'Party2' AND
cp.category in ('CAT1','CAT2')
Clearly , in all the three legacy joins , the cp (counterparty) table is on the Left hand Side of the *=. So that should translate to a LEFT OUTER JOIN WITH all the three tables. However, my solution doesn't seem to to be working
How can I fix this ? What am I doing wrong here ?
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance :)
I also have another query like this :
--My Data to Select--
dbo.deal_ccy_option dvco,
dbo.deal_valuation dv,
dbo.strike_modifier sm
WHERE d.deal_id = dvco.deal_id
AND d.deal_id = dv.deal_id
AND dvco.base + dvco.quoted *= sm.ccy_pair
AND d.maturity_date *= sm.expiry_date
In this case, both the dvco and d tables seem to be doing a LEFT OUTER JOIN on the same table sm. How do I proceed about this ?
Maybe join in on the same table and use an alias sm1 and sm2 ?
Or should I use sm as the central table and change the join to RIGHT OUTER JOIN on dvco and d tables ?

I think the problem with your translation is that you are using conditions on the right tables in the where clause instead of in the on clause.
When I tried to translate it, this is the translation I've got:
FROM counterparty cp
LEFT JOIN counterparty_alias ca1 ON cp.code = ca1.counterparty_code
AND ca1.alias = 'Party1'
LEFT JOIN counterparty_alias ca2 ON cp.code *= ca2.counterparty_code
AND ca2.alias = 'Party2'
LEFT JOIN party p ON cp.code = p.child_code
WHERE cp.category in ('CAT1','CAT2')
However, it's hard to know if I'm correct since you didn't provide sample data, desired results, or even a complete query.

If you're doing a conversion, it has been my experience that *= is a RIGHT OUTER JOIN and =* is a LEFT OUTER JOIN in terms of a straight conversion.
I am converting hundreds of stored procs and views now and through testing this is what matches. I run the query as the original first, then make the changes and re-run it with the ANSI compliant code.
The data returned needs to be the same for consistency in our application.
So for your second query I think it would look something like this:
INNER JOIN dbo.deal_ccy_option dvco ON d.deal_id = dvco.deal_id
INNER JOIN dbo.deal_valuation dv ON d.deal_id = dv.deal_id
RIGHT OUTER JOIN dbo.strike_modifier sm ON d.maturity_date = sm.expiry_date
AND (dvco.base + dvco.quoted) = sm.ccy_pair

Thanks for the help and sorry for the late post, but I got it to work with a quick hack, using the Query Designer Tool inbuilt in SSMS. It simply refactored all my queries and put in the correct Join, Either Left or Right , and the Where condition as an AND condition on the Join itself, so I was getting the correct data result set for both pre and post, only sometimes the data sorting/ordering was a little off.
I got lost with deadlines and couldnt update with the solution earlier. Thanks again for the help. Hope this helps someone else too !!
Still a little bit unsure though why the ordering/sorting was a little off if the Join condition was the same and the filters as well, because data was a 100 % match.
To get the query Designer to Work , just select your legacy SQL, and
open the Query Designer by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Q or Goto Main Menu
ToolBar => Query => Design Query in Editor.
Thats it. This will refactor your legacy code to new ANSI standards. You wll get the converted query with the new Joins that you can copy and test. Worked 100% of the time for me, except in some cases where the sorting was not matching, which you can check by adding a simple order by clause to both pre and post to compare the data.
For reference, I cross checked with this post :


How to do multiple left joins in SQL Server SQL Query

I'm trying to perform the query below on SQL Server:
[dbo].[Machine].[IMP_Machine Reference],
[dbo].[Machine], [dbo].[Company], [dbo].[SalesType], [dbo].[LeasingCompany], [dbo].[ContractType]
[dbo].[Machine] as A ON A.[CompanyID] = [dbo].[Company].[CompanyID]
[dbo].[Machine] as B ON B.[SalesTypeID] = [dbo].[SalesType].[SalesTypeID]
[dbo].[Machine] as C ON C.[LeasingCompanyID] = [dbo].[LeasingCompany].[LeasingCompanyID]
[dbo].[Machine] as D ON D.[ContractTypeID] = [dbo].[ContractType].[ContractTypeID] ;
But for some reason that i cannot see for the life of me, the destination column name in the bottom 3 join statements is reporting "The multi part identifier could not be bound".
Could anyone assist please?
Many Thanks,
You were pretty close, for readability, you dont need the extensive [dbo].[table] all over. You can define it once in the from clause with an alias, then use that alias the rest of the way through. Also, make the alias make sense to the context of the table as you will see in this below. LeasingCompany lc, SalesType st, etc.
Also, I try to have indented so I always know the first table of the join relationship and the JOIN indented on where it is being joined to. Then I keep the orientation of the from/to table aliases the same context.
Since the machine table is used once and joined to 4 different lookup tables, you can reuse the same "m" alias to each underlying. Think of a tree and branches. The root tree is your "Machine", and all the branches are the lookups.
m.IMP_Machine Reference,
Machine m
LEFT JOIN Company c
ON m.CompanyID = c.CompanyID
LEFT JOIN SalesType st
ON m.SalesTypeID = st.SalesTypeID
LEFT JOIN LeasingCompany lc
ON m.LeasingCompanyID = lc.LeasingCompanyID
LEFT JOIN ContractType ct
ON m.ContractTypeID = ct.ContractTypeID ;

Best way to optimize this SQL Query

I have to optimize this query and I am really in a hurry here. The following query searches by client. The input value RIF.keyvaluechar
LIKE 'V%10553790 ' is because in some old registers in the database some IDs when missing characters it used to be V0012345678 but it should have been V12345678 as that's the maximum amount of characters the ID can have. I know 12345678 should have been numeric and the V a char and then compare, but that's another issue.
Anyway, the query is this one:
SELECT DISTINCT idata.itemnum AS [ID],
LTRIM(RTRIM(ISNULL(CONTRATO.keyvaluechar,'N/A'))) AS [Contrato],
idata.datestored AS [Fecha],
NUMERO.keyvaluesmall AS [Numero],
TIPO.keyvaluechar AS [Tipo],
LTRIM(RTRIM(ISNULL(LC.lifecyclename,'N/A'))) AS [Flujo],
LTRIM(RTRIM(ISNULL(LC.lcnum,-1))) AS [FlujoID],
LTRIM(RTRIM(ISNULL(LCS.statename,'N/A'))) AS [Cola],
LTRIM(RTRIM(ISNULL(LCS.statenum,-1))) AS [ColaID],
WHEN PC.NombreProceso IN('PTD','PV2','PV3') THEN 1
END AS [Portada]
FROM OnBase.hsi.itemdata idata WITH (NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN OnBase.hsi.keyitem109 TIPO WITH (NOLOCK) ON TIPO.itemnum = idata.itemnum
INNER JOIN OnBase.hsi.keyitem113 NUMERO WITH (NOLOCK) ON NUMERO.itemnum = idata.itemnum
LEFT JOIN OnBase.hsi.keyitem132 CONTRATO WITH (NOLOCK) ON CONTRATO.itemnum = idata.itemnum
LEFT JOIN OnBase.hsi.keyitem114 CLIENTE WITH (NOLOCK) ON CLIENTE.itemnum = idata.itemnum
LEFT JOIN OnBase.hsi.keyitem111 RIF WITH (NOLOCK) ON RIF.itemnum = idata.itemnum
INNER JOIN OnBase.hsi.doctype DOC WITH (NOLOCK) ON DOC.itemtypenum = idata.itemtypenum
INNER JOIN BD_WorkFlow.dbo.BBVA_ProcesosConfig PC WITH (NOLOCK) ON PC.ID_Documento = idata.itemtypenum
LEFT JOIN Onbase.hsi.itemlc ILC WITH (NOLOCK) ON ILC.itemnum = idata.itemnum
LEFT JOIN Onbase.hsi.lcstate LCS WITH (NOLOCK) ON LCS.statenum = ILC.statenum
LEFT JOIN Onbase.hsi.lifecycle LC WITH (NOLOCK) ON LC.lcnum = ILC.lcnum
WHERE PC.NombreProceso <> 'XXX' AND
PC.NombreProceso NOT IN('PTD','PV2','PV3') AND
TIPO.keyvaluechar = 'CCD' AND
RIF.keyvaluechar LIKE 'V%10553790 '
As you can see it is this way so it finds V0012345678 or V12345678 but this is not the right way or I feel it is the best optimization, although I am no expert in databases.
Anyways, I've though about something like this instead of last line
AND LEFT ('RIF.Keyvaluechar, 1) ="V"
AND SUBSTRING (RIF.Keyvaluechar, 2, LEN(RIF.Keyvaluechar)) = "12345678"
What do you guys think? Is there any other better way to improve upon this?
First, your query has a logic problem. You have this:
LEFT JOIN OnBase.hsi.keyitem111 RIF WITH(NOLOCK) ON RIF.itemnum = idata.itemnum
and then this in your where clause:
AND RIF.keyvaluechar LIKE 'V%10553790 '
Putting that filter in your where clause effectively changes your left join to an inner join. To fix this, move the filter to the join.
In terms of optimizing it, I assume that means to make it run faster. What you were thinking about will probably slow things down because you are filtering on function results instead of fields. A better approach, no matter how much of a hurry you are in, is to look at the indexes in your database and try to filter on those. In fact, it might be appropriate to add new ones.
Is the Keyvaluechar always a number from the second character onwards and you want to treat it as a number (=remove leading zeros). You could try to add a persisted column convert(int, SUBSTRING (Keyvaluechar, 2, 10)) to the table, then index that, and use it as a search criteria. At least I would assume that should help a lot.
In addition to that, looking at statistics IO output might be a good idea too, to see what table is actually responsible for the biggest I/O amounts.
Just a note, I hope you also know the problems using NOLOCK can cause you.

Debugging SQL Query

So I've researched this question but the solutions I've found are for debugging syntax errors, whereas I am encountering logic errors. I have a query in Access that is joining a table to a query, and the query is working almost perfectly. It runs, it's displaying exactly what I want where I want it to. The only problem is that the data it is showing is wrong. It has a group by field, and then the other fields are sums of fields based on the query joins. However the sums are wrong for some groupbys and right for others, and I'm unsure why. Is there a way to get into my code and see where some of these queries are grabbing the numbers?
Here is query I'm working with:
SELECT m.Bldg, Sum([e].[TotCost]*IIf([e].[Utility]="E",1,0)) AS ECost, Sum(g.TotCost*Switch(g.Utility='G',1,True,0)) AS GCost, Sum(h.TotCost*Switch(h.Utility='H',1,True,0)) AS HCost, Sum(c.TotCost*Switch(c.Utility='C',1,True,0)) AS CCost, Sum(w.TotCost*Switch(w.Utility='W',1,True,0)) AS WCost, Sum(s.TotCost*Switch(s.Utility='S',1,True,0)) AS SCost
FROM (((((tblBldgMeters AS m LEFT JOIN qryCurrentMonthMtrHis AS e ON m.EMeters = e.MeterID) LEFT JOIN qryCurrentMonthMtrHis AS g ON m.GMeters = g.MeterID) LEFT JOIN qryCurrentMonthMtrHis AS h ON m.HMeters = h.MeterID) LEFT JOIN qryCurrentMonthMtrHis AS c ON m.CMeters = c.MeterID) LEFT JOIN qryCurrentMonthMtrHis AS w ON m.WMeters = w.MeterID) LEFT JOIN qryCurrentMonthMtrHis AS s ON m.SMeters = s.MeterID
GROUP BY m.Bldg;
The problem is that the Cost fields will sometimes be right and sometimes be wrong, and I can't understand why. It can be anywhere from a hundred to a million dollars off. Each building has several meters that have separate costs that have to be added together, and so I have a query with just the current months costs for each meter, and then a table that lists all the buildings and the corresponding meters with it.
The best approach is to isolate a data set that works and one that doesn't . Then break the aggregate and verify the data. See what the query is actually doing... Without data samples or even a copy of access I could shoot from the hip with something like:
SELECT m.Bldg,
[e].[TotCost]*IIf([e].[Utility]="E",1,0) AS ECost,
e.Utility as e_Utility
g.TotCost*Switch(g.Utility='G',1,True,0) AS GCost,
g.Utility as g_Utility,
h.TotCost*Switch(h.Utility='H',1,True,0) AS HCost,
h.Utility as h_Utility,
c.TotCost*Switch(c.Utility='C',1,True,0) AS CCost,
c.utility as c_Utility,
w.TotCost*Switch(w.Utility='W',1,True,0) AS WCost,
w.Utility as w_Utility
s.TotCost*Switch(s.Utility='S',1,True,0) AS SCost
s.Utility as s_Utility
(((((tblBldgMeters AS m
LEFT JOIN qryCurrentMonthMtrHis AS e ON m.EMeters = e.MeterID)
LEFT JOIN qryCurrentMonthMtrHis AS g ON m.GMeters = g.MeterID)
LEFT JOIN qryCurrentMonthMtrHis AS h ON m.HMeters = h.MeterID)
LEFT JOIN qryCurrentMonthMtrHis AS c ON m.CMeters = c.MeterID)
LEFT JOIN qryCurrentMonthMtrHis AS w ON m.WMeters = w.MeterID)
LEFT JOIN qryCurrentMonthMtrHis AS s ON m.SMeters = s.MeterID
You might want to separate out the TotCost fields as well. This should give you decent insight into what is actually happening in the query. That's always my go to in troubleshooting though... Break the aggregate, check the data. If the data set is to large, isolate a test group and narrow it down.

Ignore null values in select statement

I'm trying to retrieve a list of components via my computer_system, BUT if a computer system's graphics card is set to null (I.e. It has an onboard), the row isn't returned by my select statement.
I've been trying to use COALESCE without results. I've also tried with and OR in my WHERE clause, which then just returns my computer system with all different kinds of graphic cards.
Relevant code:
public.computer_case ,
computer_system.cs_ram = ram.ram_id AND
computer_system.cs_cpu = cpu.cpu_id AND
computer_system.cs_mb = motherboard.mb_id AND
computer_system.cs_case = computer_case.case_id AND
computer_system.cs_gfx = gfx.gfx_id; <-- ( OR computer_system.cs_gfx IS NULL)
1;"Computer1";"Fractal Design"; 721.00; "MSI Z87"; 982.00; "Core i7 I7-4770K "; 2147.00; "Crucial Gamer"; 1253.00; "ASUS GTX780";3328.00
Should I use Joins? Is there no easy way to say return the requested row, even if there's a bloody NULL value. Been struggling with this for at least 2 hours.
Tables will be posted if needed.
EDIT: It should return a second row:
2;"Computer2";"Fractal Design"; 721.00; "MSI Z87"; 982.00; "Core i7 I7-4770K "; 2147.00; "Crucial Gamer"; 1253.00; "null/nothing";null/nothing
First, clean up your code so you use ANSI joins so it's readable:
INNER JOIN public.computer_case ON computer_system.cs_case = computer_case.case_id
INNER JOIN public.cpu ON computer_system.cs_cpu = cpu.cpu_id
INNER JOIN public.gfx ON computer_system.cs_gfx = gfx.gfx_id
INNER JOIN public.motherboard ON computer_system.cs_mb = motherboard.mb_id
INNER JOIN public.ram ON computer_system.cs_ram = ram.ram_id;
Then change the INNER JOIN on public.gfx to a LEFT OUTER JOIN:
LEFT OUTER JOIN public.gfx ON computer_system.cs_gfx = gfx.gfx_id
See PostgreSQL tutorial - joins.
I very strongly recommend reading an introductory tutorial to SQL - at least the PostgreSQL tutorial, preferably some more material as well.
It looks like it's just a bracket placement issue. Pull the null check and the graphics card id comparison into a clause by itself.
computer_system.cs_case = computer_case.case_id AND
(computer_system.cs_gfx IS NULL OR computer_system.cs_gfx = gfx.gfx_id)
Additionally, you ask if you should use joins. You are in fact using joins, by virtue of having multiple tables in your FROM clause and specifying the join criteria in the WHERE clause. Changing this to use the JOIN ON syntax might be a little easier to read:
FROM sometable A
JOIN someothertable B
ON A.somefield = B.somefield
JOIN somethirdtable C
ON A.somefield = C.somefield
You also likely want to make the join where you expect the null value to be a left outer join:
first_table a
LEFT OUTER JOIN second_table b
ON a.someValue = b.someValue
If there is no match in the join, the row from the left side will still be returned.

Need help optimizing this tSQL Query

I'm definitely not a DBA and unfortunately we don't have a DBA to consult within at our company. I was wondering if someone could give me a recommendation on how to improve this query, either by changing the query itself or adding indexes to the database.
Looking at the execution plan of the query it seems like the outer joins are killing the query. This query only returns 350k results, but it takes almost 30 seconds to complete. I don't know much about DB's, but I don't think this is good? Perhaps I'm wrong?
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
As a side note this is obviously being create by an ORM and not me directly. We are using Linq-to-SQL.
[t12].[value] AS [DiscoveryEnabled],
[t12].[value2] AS [isConnected],
[t12].[Description] AS [InterfaceDescription],
[t12].[value3] AS [Duplex],
[t12].[value4] AS [IsEnabled],
[t12].[value5] AS [Host],
[t12].[value6] AS [HostIP],
[t12].[value7] AS [MAC],
[t12].[value8] AS [MACadded],
[t12].[value9] AS [PortFast],
[t12].[value10] AS [PortSecurity],
[t12].[value11] AS [ShortHost],
[t12].[value12] AS [SNMPlink],
[t12].[value13] AS [Speed],
[t12].[value14] AS [InterfaceStatus],
[t12].[value15] AS [IsUserPort],
[t12].[value16] AS [VLAN],
[t12].[value17] AS [Code],
[t12].[Description2] AS [Description],
[t12].[Host] AS [DeviceName],
[t12].[DisplayName] AS [Net_OU],
[t1].[DiscoveryEnabled] AS [value],
[t1].[IsConnected] AS [value2],
[t2].[Duplex] AS [value3],
[t0].[IsEnabled] AS [value4],
[t3].[Host] AS [value5],
[t6].[Address] AS [value6],
[t3].[MAC] AS [value7],
[t3].[MACadded] AS [value8],
[t2].[PortFast] AS [value9],
[t2].[PortSecurity] AS [value10],
[t4].[Host] AS [value11],
[t0].[SNMPlink] AS [value12],
[t2].[Speed] AS [value13],
[t2].[InterfaceStatus] AS [value14],
[t0].[IsUserPort] AS [value15],
[t2].[VLAN] AS [value16],
[t9].[Code] AS [value17],
[t9].[Description] AS [Description2],
[t7].[Host], [t7].[NET_OUID],
FROM [dbo].[IDB_Interface] AS [t0]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[IDB_InterfaceLayer2] AS [t1] ON [t0].[IDB_Interface_ID] = [t1].[IDB_Interface_ID]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[IDB_LANinterface] AS [t2] ON [t1].[IDB_InterfaceLayer2_ID] = [t2].[IDB_InterfaceLayer2_ID]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[IDB_Host] AS [t3] ON [t2].[IDB_LANinterface_ID] = [t3].[IDB_LANinterface_ID]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[IDB_Infrastructure] AS [t4] ON [t0].[IDB_Interface_ID] = [t4].[IDB_Interface_ID]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[IDB_AddressMapIPv4] AS [t5] ON [t3].[IDB_AddressMapIPv4_ID] = ([t5].[IDB_AddressMapIPv4_ID])
LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[IDB_AddressIPv4] AS [t6] ON [t5].[IDB_AddressIPv4_ID] = [t6].[IDB_AddressIPv4_ID]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[ART_Asset] AS [t7] ON [t7].[ART_Asset_ID] = [t0].[ART_Asset_ID]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[NSD_InterfaceType] AS [t8] ON [t8].[NSD_InterfaceTypeID] = [t0].[NSD_InterfaceTypeID]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[NSD_InterfaceCode] AS [t9] ON [t9].[NSD_InterfaceCodeID] = [t0].[NSD_InterfaceCodeID]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[NET_OU] AS [t10] ON [t10].[NET_OUID] = [t7].[NET_OUID]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[NET_Enclave] AS [t11] ON [t11].[NET_EnclaveID] = [t10].[NET_EnclaveID]
) AS [t12]
WHERE ([t12].[Enclave] = 'USMC') AND (NOT ([t12].[Decommissioned] = 1))
return from t in db.IDB_Interfaces
join v in db.IDB_InterfaceLayer3s on t.IDB_Interface_ID equals v.IDB_Interface_ID
join u in db.ART_Assets on t.ART_Asset_ID equals u.ART_Asset_ID
join c in db.NET_OUs on u.NET_OUID equals c.NET_OUID
join w in
(from d in db.IDB_InterfaceIPv4s
select new { d.IDB_InterfaceIPv4_ID, d.IDB_InterfaceLayer3_ID, d.IDB_AddressMapIPv4_ID, d.IDB_AddressMapIPv4.IDB_AddressIPv4.Address })
on v.IDB_InterfaceLayer3_ID equals w.IDB_InterfaceLayer3_ID
join h in db.NET_Enclaves on c.NET_EnclaveID equals h.NET_EnclaveID into enclaveLeftJoin
from i in enclaveLeftJoin.DefaultIfEmpty()
join m in
(from z in db.IDB_StandbyIPv4s
select new
on w.IDB_InterfaceIPv4_ID equals m.IDB_InterfaceIPv4_ID into standbyLeftJoin
from k in standbyLeftJoin.DefaultIfEmpty()
where t.ART_Asset.Decommissioned == false
select new NetIDBGridDataResults
DeviceName = u.Host,
Host = u.Host,
Interface = t.Interface,
IPAddress = w.Address,
ACLIn = v.InboundACL,
ACLOut = v.OutboundACL,
VirtualAddress = k.Address,
VirtualPriority = k.Priority,
VirtualPreempt = k.Preempt,
InterfaceDescription = t.Description,
Enclave = i.Enclave
As a rule (and this is very general), you want an index on:
JOIN fields (both sides)
Common WHERE filter fields
Possibly fields you aggregate
For this query, start with checking your JOIN criteria. Any one of those missing will force a table scan which is a big hit.
Looking at the execution plan of the query it seems like the outer joins are killing the query.
This query only returns 350k results, but it takes almost 30 seconds to complete. I don't know
much about DB's, but I don't think this is good? Perhaps I'm wrong?
A man has got to do waht a mana has got to do.
The joins may kill you, but when you need them YOU NEED THEM. Some tasks take long.
Make sure you ahve all indices you need.
Make sure your sql server is not a sad joke hardware wise.
All you can do.
I woudl bet someone has no clue about SQL and needs to be enlighted to the power of indices.