VBA Excel: Retrieve/display email using Gmail API on excel - vba

I research regarding retrieving or displaying emails from gmail without using outlook and it led me here on using Gmail API. I'm confused because I don't have idea on how to solve my problem.
Here's the code:
Attribute VB_Name = "Gmail"
' Setup client and authenticator (cached between requests)
Private pGmailClient As WebClient
Private Property Get GmailClient() As WebClient
If pGmailClient Is Nothing Then
' Create client with base url that is appended to all requests
Set pGmailClient = New WebClient
pGmailClient.BaseUrl = "https://www.googleapis.com/gmail/v1/"
' Use the pre-made GoogleAuthenticator found in authenticators/ folder
' - Automatically uses Google's OAuth approach including login screen
' - Get API client id and secret from https://console.developers.google.com/
' - https://github.com/timhall/Excel-REST/wiki/Google-APIs for more info
Dim Auth As New GoogleAuthenticator
Auth.Setup CStr(Credentials.Values("Google")("id")), CStr(Credentials.Values("Google")("secret"))
Auth.AddScope "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.readonly"
Set pGmailClient.Authenticator = Auth
End If
Set GmailClient = pGmailClient
End Property
' Load messages for inbox
Function LoadInbox() As Collection
Set LoadInbox = New Collection
' Create inbox request with userId and querystring for inbox label
Dim Request As New WebRequest
Request.Resource = "users/{userId}/messages"
Request.AddUrlSegment "userId", "me"
Request.AddQuerystringParam "q", "label:inbox"
Dim Response As WebResponse
Set Response = GmailClient.Execute(Request)
If Response.StatusCode = WebStatusCode.Ok Then
Dim MessageInfo As Dictionary
Dim Message As Dictionary
For Each MessageInfo In Response.Data("messages")
' Load full messages for each id
Set Message = LoadMessage(MessageInfo("id"))
If Not Message Is Nothing Then
LoadInbox.Add Message
End If
Next MessageInfo
End If
End Function
' Load message details
Function LoadMessage(MessageId As String) As Dictionary
Dim Request As New WebRequest
Request.Resource = "users/{userId}/messages/{messageId}"
Request.AddUrlSegment "userId", "me"
Request.AddUrlSegment "messageId", MessageId
Dim Response As WebResponse
Set Response = GmailClient.Execute(Request)
If Response.StatusCode = WebStatusCode.Ok Then
Set LoadMessage = New Dictionary
' Pull out relevant parts of message (from, to, and subject from headers)
LoadMessage.Add "snippet", Response.Data("snippet")
Dim Header As Dictionary
For Each Header In Response.Data("payload")("headers")
Select Case Header("name")
Case "From"
LoadMessage.Add "from", Header("value")
Case "To"
LoadMessage.Add "to", Header("value")
Case "Subject"
LoadMessage.Add "subject", Header("value")
End Select
Next Header
End If
End Function
Sub Test()
Dim Message As Dictionary
For Each Message In LoadInbox
Debug.Print "From: " & Message("from") & ", Subject: " & Message("subject")
Debug.Print Message("snippet") & vbNewLine
Next Message
End Sub
I'm using the blank file from this GitHub Link that enables this code above. I was stuck on this error:
Still I don't have the idea what's the output of this API because it's my first time using this one. I have my id and secret already from Gmail API i just removed it from the code. I guess it was really hard if I don't have someone I can do brainstorming regarding on this matter.
Hoping someone have encountered this problem or anyone is interested. Thanks.


Catch the POST Request Response and the Redirected URL from XMLHTTP request with VBA

I'm trying to catch a Response to a POST Request using XMLHTTP using the code below
Dim HTMLDoc As New MSHTML.HTMLDocument
Dim htmlEle1 As MSHTML.IHTMLElement
Dim htmlEle2 As MSHTML.IHTMLElement
Dim URL As String
Dim elemValue As String
URL = "https://www.informadb.pt/pt/pesquisa/?search=500004064"
XMLPage.Open "GET", URL, False
HTMLDoc.body.innerHTML = XMLPage.responseText
For Each htmlEle1 In HTMLDoc.getElementsByTagName("div")
Debug.Print htmlEle1.className
If htmlEle1.className = "styles__SCFileModuleFooter-e6rbca-1 kUUNkj" Then
elemValue = Trim(htmlEle1.innerText)
If InStr(UCase$(elemValue), "CONSTITU") > 0 Then
'Found Value
Exit For
End If
End If
Next htmlEle1
The problem is that I can't find the ClassName "styles__SCFileModuleFooter-e6rbca-1 kUUNkj", because I notice that when I manually insert the value (500004064) in the search box of the URL : https://www.informadb.pt/pt/pesquisa/, the Web Page generates addicinal traffic and turns up at an end point URL : https://www.informadb.pt/pt/pesquisa/empresa/?Duns=453060832, where that className can be found in the Request ResponseText.
My goal is to use the First URL to retrieve the Duns number '453060832', to be able to access the information in the ResponseText of the EndPoint URL. And to catch Duns Number, I need to find a way to get the Endpoint URL, or try to get The POST request response below, and get that value using JSON parser:
{'TotalResults': 1,
'NumberOfPages': 1,
'Results': [{'Duns': '453060832',
'Vat': '500004064',
'Locality': 'ÉVORA',
'OfficeType': 'HeadOffice',
'FoundIn': None,
'Score': 231.72766,
'PageUrl': '/pt/pesquisa/empresa/?Duns=453060832'}]}
I'm not being able to capture what is really happening using the XMLHTTP Browser request, that seems to be the below steps:
navigate to https://www.informadb.pt/pt/pesquisa/?search=500004064
Webpage generates additional traffic
Amongst that additional traffic is an API POST XHR request which
returns search results as JSON. That request goes to
https://www.informadb.pt/Umbraco/Api/Search/Companies and includes
the 500004064 identifier amongst the arguments within the post body
Based on the API results the browser ends up at the following URI
Can someone help me please, I have to do it using VBA.
Thanks in advance.
A small example how to POST data to your website using VBA, and how to use bare-bones string processing to extract data from the result, as outlined in my comments above.
Function GetVatId(dunsNumber As String) As String
.open "POST", "https://www.informadb.pt/Umbraco/Api/Search/Companies", False
.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"
.send "{""Page"":0,""PageSize"":5,""SearchTerm"":""" & dunsNumber & """,""Filters"":[{""Key"":""districtFilter"",""Name"":""Distrito"",""Values"":[]},{""Key"":""legalFormFilter"",""Name"":""Forma Jurídica"",""Values"":[]}],""Culture"":""pt""}"
If .status = 200 Then
MsgBox "Response: " & .responseText, vbInformation
GetVatId = Mid(.responseText, InStr(.responseText, """Vat"":""") + 7, 9)
MsgBox "Repsonse status " & .status, vbExclamation
End If
End With
End Function
Dim vatId As String
vatId = GetVatId("453060832") ' => "500004064"
For a more robust solution, you should use a JSON parser and -serializer, something like https://github.com/VBA-tools/VBA-JSON.

.NET Google API access token failing with no refresh token specified

I am trying to set up a class that can wrap around the .NET Google API so that I can use an Access Token that I have previously obtained to access a user's Google Drive. As of right now, I am just trying to get it to work so that I do not require a Refresh Token (more on that in a second). The ultimate goal is for somebody to go through a web page I have set up to authenticate where I obtain both an Access Token and a Refresh Token by directly calling to the Google Rest API (which I store in a database). They can then request to upload/download files onto their Drive on a different page which will first obtain the appropriate information from the database and then use the .NET Google API Library when accessing Drive.
However, when I attempt to access their Drive I get the the following error:
The access token has expired and could not be refreshed. Errors: refresh error, refresh error, refresh error
I know that the Access Token is valid because I obtain it only seconds earlier during my testing. Here is my code for setting up the Drive Service:
' NOTE: Code altered for brevity
Public Sub Initialize(accessToken As String)
' Set up the client secret information based on the default constants
Dim clientSecrets As New ClientSecrets()
clientSecrets.ClientId = DEFAULT_CLIENT_ID
clientSecrets.ClientSecret = DEFAULT_CLIENT_SECRET
' Set up a token based on the token data we got
' NOTE: Is it OK to leave some strings as NULL?
Dim token As New Responses.TokenResponse()
token.AccessToken = accessToken
token.RefreshToken = ""
token.TokenType = "Bearer"
token.IssuedUtc = DateTime.Now
token.ExpiresInSeconds = 3600
token.Scope = "drive"
token.IdToken = ""
' Set up a flow for the user credential
Dim init As New GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow.Initializer()
init.ClientSecrets = clientSecrets
init.Scopes = New String() {DriveService.Scope.Drive}
init.Clock = Google.Apis.Util.SystemClock.Default
' Set up everything else and initialize the service
Dim baseInit As New BaseClientService.Initializer()
baseInit.HttpClientInitializer = New UserCredential(New GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow(init), "user", token)
baseInit.ApplicationName = APP_NAME
_service = New DriveService(baseInit)
End Sub
Shortly after that, I then use the following code to request a folder so I can check to see if it exists or not.
Private Function GetDriveFolder(folderPath As String, ByRef folderIds As String(), Optional createMissingFolders As Boolean = False, Optional parentFolderId As String = "root") As Data.File
Dim creatingFolderPath As Boolean = False
Dim currentFolder As Data.File = Nothing
Dim folderPathSplit As String() = folderPath.Replace("/", "\").Trim("\").Split("\")
Dim folderIdList As New List(Of String)
folderIds = {}
' Loop through each folder in the path and seek each out until we reach the end
For x As Integer = 0 To folderPathSplit.Length - 1
Dim result As FileList = Nothing
If Not creatingFolderPath Then
' Build a list request which we will use to seek out the next folder
Dim request As FilesResource.ListRequest = _service.Files.List()
request.Q = "mimeType='application/vnd.google-apps.folder' and name='" & folderPathSplit(x) & "'"
If currentFolder Is Nothing Then
request.Q &= " and '" & EscapeDriveValue(parentFolderId) & "' in parents"
request.Q &= " and '" & EscapeDriveValue(currentFolder.Id) & "' in parents"
End If
request.Spaces = "drive"
request.Fields = "files(id, name)"
' Execute the search, we should only get a single item back
' NOTE: Error thrown on this request
result = request.Execute()
End If
' So on.....
So, I'm just trying to get it to work with only the Access Token for the time being because if it ends up getting refreshed I'll need to know so that I can update my database. However, if I do include the Refresh Token I get the following error:
Error:"unauthorized_client", Description:"Unauthorized", Uri:""
I'm guessing this has something to do with the way I have configured my application through the Dev Console but if I authenticate through the Google API Library by having it launch a browser to get my credentials everything works fine. So, I'm really not sure where to go from here as I haven't found anybody having similar problems and the guides don't cover specifying your own Access Token.
Also, as a quick note this is the URL I am using when having the user authenticate:
String.Format("https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/v2/auth?client_id={0}&state={1}&redirect_uri={2}&scope=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.googleapis.com%2Fauth%2Fdrive&access_type=offline&include_granted_scopes=true&prompt=select_account%20consent&response_type=code", GOOGLEAPI_CLIENTID, validateState, redirectUri)
Thanks for the help!
If you have an access-token then the simplest way to create a google credential is to use the GoogleCredential.FromAccessToken() method passing in your access token.
This returns you a GoogleCredential instance which you can use to set the HttpClientInitializer property when building the DriveService.
If you then still get an error when accessing the drive service, then it's likely there's something incorrect in how you are asking for the access-token.

How do I upload data to a server with valid SSL certificate using a client vb.net program?

I am working on a program and uploads a shipping manifest to a the shippers website. When I try to upload, I get a nondescript error back from their server, and when checking with the shipper, they tell me that "there is an issue with the SSL" I am using.
I've spent quite a bit of time piecing together code that, from what I seem to understand, is supposed to work, but I'm not making any progress. As far as I know everything else is fine with the upload, but there is a problem with my SSL certificate
If I understand what this code is supposed to do correctly, I should get a certificate from the shippers website, which allows certification to my program for a space of time during which I can upload the data. I'm really not sure that this is what my code is doing at all, but the only code examples I have seen show it something like this.
Here's my code with the URLs changed:
'This references a custom class that compiles the manifest I'm going to upload
Dim StringToUpload As String = Compile_Manifest(MyDate, UseTestDB)
Dim webClient As New System.Net.WebClient
webClient.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials
'From what I understand,
'this is supposed to set up properties used in next section of code
System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = Net.SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3
System.Net.ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = _
AddressOf AcceptAllCertifications
'I can see that this reaches the server,
'but I don't know how it relates to the next section of code
'that actually uploads the manifest
Dim ServerRequest As System.Net.WebRequest = _
Dim ServerResponse As System.Net.WebResponse
ServerResponse = ServerRequest.GetResponse()
'This code works for the upload of the manifest,
'and it seems the above code is unrelated and does not use a SSL certificate.
'When this code runs I get the same error back from the shippers server,
'indicating an issue with my SSL, with or without the two sections of code above.
Dim StrResult As String = ""
Dim WrappedString As String = TransmitPLD.WrapPldFile(StringToUpload)
'This references a custom class that wraps the data to upload
'in information from the shipper.
Dim ByesToUpload As Byte() = _
System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncodeToBytes(WrappedString, _
Dim Result As Byte() = _
webClient.UploadData("https://www.certify.some-shippper.com:443/somefolder", _
StrResult = System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Result, _
So it turns out I went about it the wrong way. I needed to upload my data through System.Net.WebRequest and it takes care of the certificates for me. Not implementing all the parts of the code I needed, it didn't handle the retrieval of the shipper's certificate.
In case anyone else gets confused about the matter like I did, here's my working code for anyone to see, adapt and use. My resource for fixing the code (and by that I mean starting from scratch) was the MSDN page for the WebRequest class, and it has code examples much the same as what I have below in C++, C#, and VB.NET and here is the link.
First there are some global variables that need to be set and class that needs to be created for to store the upload response:
' This is set in the function that Upload function
' and uploads the data in the ReadCallback sub
Private Shared WrappedString As String
' This is used to wait for the callback in the Upload function
Private Shared allDone As New Threading.ManualResetEvent(False)
Friend Class RequestState
' This class stores the request state of the request.
Public request As Net.WebRequest
Public Sub New()
request = Nothing
End Sub ' New
End Class ' RequestState
Then there is a sub needed for the upload part web request which will be called further below in the upload function:
Private Shared Sub ReadCallback(asynchronousResult As IAsyncResult)
Dim myRequestState As RequestState = CType(asynchronousResult.AsyncState, RequestState)
Dim myWebRequest As Net.WebRequest = myRequestState.request
' End the request.
Dim streamResponse As IO.Stream = myWebRequest.EndGetRequestStream(asynchronousResult)
' Convert the string into a byte array.
Dim byteArray As Byte() = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(WrappedString)
' Write the data to the stream.
streamResponse.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length)
' Allow the main thread to resume.
Catch ex As Exception
Throw New Exception("Error in " & Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod.Name.ToString & " **" & ex.Message, ex)
End Try
End Sub ' ReadCallback
Finally, this is the function that should be called to upload the data, which uses all the code above:
Public Shared Function Upload(ByVal MyDate As Date) As String
Dim StrResult As String = ""
UploadSucess = False
' This is my code that builds the manifest that I want to upload
Dim StringToUpload As String = Compile_PLD200(MyDate)
WrappedString = TransmitPLD.WrapPldFile(StringToUpload)
Dim myWebRequest As Net.WebRequest
myWebRequest = Net.WebRequest.Create("https://www.some.website.com:443/someplace")
' Create an instance of the RequestState and assign
' myWebRequest to it's request field.
Dim myRequestState As New RequestState()
myRequestState.request = myWebRequest
myWebRequest.ContentType = "multipart/mixed; boundary=BOUNDARY"
myRequestState.request.Method = "POST"
' Start the asynchronous 'BeginGetRequestStream' method call.
Dim r As IAsyncResult = CType(myWebRequest.BeginGetRequestStream(AddressOf ReadCallback, myRequestState), IAsyncResult)
' Pause the current thread until the async operation completes.
' Send the Post and get the response.
Dim myWebResponse As Net.WebResponse = myWebRequest.GetResponse()
Dim streamResponse As IO.Stream = myWebResponse.GetResponseStream()
Dim streamRead As New IO.StreamReader(streamResponse)
Dim readBuff(256) As [Char]
Dim count As Integer = streamRead.Read(readBuff, 0, 256)
While count > 0
Dim outputData As New [String](readBuff, 0, count)
count = streamRead.Read(readBuff, 0, 256)
StrResult += outputData
End While
' Close the Stream Object.
' Release the HttpWebResponse Resource.
Catch ex As Exception
Throw New Exception("Error in " & Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod.Name.ToString & " **" & ex.Message, ex)
End Try
Return StrResult
End Function ' Upload
Again here is the MSDN page for the WebRequest class which has a code example too.
Hope this helps anyone who was stuck like I was. And any criticisms as to the implementation of the code are welcome. This just happen to do what I want, I can't say it is the most efficient implementation.

Put a VBA Class into Action

My question relates to the question: JSON import to Excel
I understand most of what this post is saying, but I don't understand how to put it together in an excel module or class module. Would someone please help me to understand how I can assemble this beast to achieve my purpose?
EDIT 29-5-14 # 7.44AM -
Here is the try which I have done so far:
Installed as ClassModule syncWebRequest
'BEGIN CLASS syncWebRequest
Private Const REQUEST_COMPLETE = 4
Private m_xmlhttp As Object
Private m_response As String
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set m_xmlhttp = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set m_xmlhttp = Nothing
End Sub
Property Get Response() As String
Response = m_response
End Property
Property Get Status() As Long
Status = m_xmlhttp.Status
End Property
Public Sub AjaxPost(Url As String, Optional postData As String = "")
m_xmlhttp.Open "POST", Url, False
m_xmlhttp.setRequestHeader "Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
m_xmlhttp.setRequestHeader "Content-length", Len(postData)
m_xmlhttp.setRequestHeader "Connection", "close"
m_xmlhttp.send (postData)
If m_xmlhttp.readyState = REQUEST_COMPLETE Then
m_response = m_xmlhttp.responseText
End If
End Sub
Public Sub AjaxGet(Url As String)
m_xmlhttp.Open "GET", Url, False
m_xmlhttp.setRequestHeader "Connection", "close"
If m_xmlhttp.readyState = REQUEST_COMPLETE Then
m_response = m_xmlhttp.responseText
End If
End Sub
'END CLASS syncWebRequest
Installed as Module Test
Sub Test()
Dim request As New syncWebRequest
request.AjaxGet "http://crimson/php/SiteEnquiryAjax.php?action=aisFeed&brandCode=s&siteID=0625?format=json"
Dim json As String
json = request.Response
End Sub
I'm used to working with normal modules, but have not had to work with a class module before. I am therefore trying to understand this and translate it to meet my requirements, but forgive me if I am making it a chunkier job than one would expect.
I'm trying to query data from a local webservice that returns JSON. The webservice returns data based on an ID (e.g. 0656) in the form of:
{"total":"1","results":[{"brandName":"ABC","brandingName":"Cat","siteCategory":"Production","siteName":"Scrubbed","streetAddress":"ABC RD, SUBURB, VIC 3000","siteState":"VIC","phoneNumber":"03 0909 0909","mobileNumber":"0409 090 909","faxNumber":"03 9090 9090","applicationServer":"CAT0656ABC001","dateOpened":"1979-08-21","siteNotice":"","lastContact":"2014-05-19 04:36:31",}]}
My objective is to put this in a spreadsheet where the user can enter the sites ID (e.g. 0656) and the spreadsheet will then be able to pull and respond with data as exampled above.
EDIT 29-5-14 # 8.42AM -
Updated Module Test - my intention here was to test the parser exampled in the linked question, however when I now run the macro I receive an error. My understanding is that this may be the missing piece of what I'm trying to achieve. I have now commented out the added items to stop error occurring.
Sub Test()
Dim request As New syncWebRequest
request.AjaxGet "http://crimson/php/SiteEnquiryAjax.php?action=aisFeed&brandCode=s&siteID=0625"
Dim json As String
json = request.Response
'Set clients = parser.Parse(request.Response)
'For Each client In clients
'Name = client("Name")
'State = client("siteState")
'street = client("Address")("Street")
'suburb = client("Address")("Suburb")
'city = client("Address")("City")
End Sub
EDIT 29-5-14 # 9.40AM -
To put it another way... I want to turn this: HTTP Result of "url/SiteEnquiryAjax.php?action=aisFeed&brandCode=s&siteID=0656"
{"total":"1","results":[{"brandName":"ABC","brandingName":"Cat","siteCategory":"Production","siteName":"Scrubbed","streetAddress":"ABC RD, SUBURB, VIC 3000","siteState":"VIC","phoneNumber":"03 0909 0909","mobileNumber":"0409 090 909","faxNumber":"03 9090 9090","applicationServer":"CAT0656ABC001","dateOpened":"1979-08-21","siteNotice":"","lastContact":"2014-05-19 04:36:31",}]}
Into this: Excel Output
Without knowing the exact details of the error you are receiving, I've used vba-json before and I think you're not instantiating the parser before using it:
Dim parser As New JSONLib
Set clients = parser.parse(Request.Response)
As far as the design of the project goes, I think you've done well to separate the Request as a Class and then making the request from a Module. I ran into many similar problems accessing Salesforce from Excel and created a library that I think may help: Excel-REST. It follows a similar idea, but separates it into three classes: Client, Request, and Response. Here's an example:
Sub RetrieveJSONSimple
Dim Client As New RestClient
Dim Response As RestResponse
Set Response = Client.GetJSON("url...")
If Response.Status = Ok Then
' Response.Data is parsed json
For Each Client in Response.Data
Name = Client("Name")
State = Client("siteState")
Street = Client("Address")("Street")
Suburb = Client("Address")("Suburb")
City = Client("Address")("City")
Next Client
End If
End Sub
Sub RetrieveJSONAdvanced
Dim Client As New RestClient
Client.BaseUrl = "http://crimson/php/"
' Can also setup authentication with HTTP Basic, OAuth, and others
Dim Request As New RestRequest
Request.Resource = "SiteEnquiryAjax.php?action=aisFeed&brandCode=s&siteID={SiteId}"
Request.AddUrlSegment "SiteId", "0625"
' GET and json are default, but can be set
Request.Method = httpGET
Request.Format = json
Dim Response As RestResponse
Set Response = Client.Execute(Request)
' Process as before
End Sub

DocuSign SOAP API Update (Correct) Envelope Expiration

I'm using vb.net (4.0) to interact with the DocuSign API. I'm trying to make a process that allows a user to add 30 days to the current expiration date instead of logging into DocuSign.net to correct the envelope. The code seems to work fine (doesn't throw any errors) but the correction doesn't happen on DocuSign's side.
Me.EnvelopeID is the Envelope's ID
DocuService is the namespace of the DocuSign API Service Reference.
Me.AuthorizationString is the Username, Password, Account# and Integrator Key to send as HTTP headers.
Private Sub UpdateExpiration()
'Get envelope details
Dim orig As DocuService.Envelope = ExecuteSoap(Function(client) client.RequestEnvelope(Me.EnvelopeID, False), Me.AuthorizationString)
Dim cor As New DocuService.Correction
cor.EnvelopeID = Me.EnvelopeID
cor.Reminders = orig.Notification.Reminders
cor.Expirations = orig.Notification.Expirations
cor.Expirations.ExpireAfter = (Integer.Parse(orig.Notification.Expirations.ExpireAfter) + 30)
'Execute Correction
Dim cord As DocuService.CorrectionStatus = Me.ExecuteSoap(Function(client) client.CorrectAndResendEnvelope(cor), Me.AuthorizationString)
'If I add a break point on the next line and check the values of cord,
'there is a returned CorrectionStatus object but every property in the object is "Nothing"
Dim check As DocuService.Envelope = ExecuteSoap(Function(client) client.RequestEnvelope(Me.EnvelopeID, False), Me.AuthorizationString)
Console.WriteLine(check.Notification.Expirations.ExpireAfter & " " & (Integer.Parse(orig.Notification.Expirations.ExpireAfter) + 30))
If check.Notification.Expirations.ExpireAfter = (Integer.Parse(orig.Notification.Expirations.ExpireAfter)) Then
'Success :)
'Failure :(
End If
End Sub
Private Function ExecuteSoap(Of TResult)(func As Func(Of DSAPIServiceSoapClient, TResult), authorizationString As String) As TResult
Using client As New DocuService.DSAPIServiceSoapClient(My.Settings.DocusignMode)
Using scope As OperationContextScope = New System.ServiceModel.OperationContextScope(client.InnerChannel)
Dim hp As HttpRequestMessageProperty = New HttpRequestMessageProperty
hp.Headers.Add("X-Docusign-Authentication", authorizationString)
OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageProperties(HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name) = hp
Return If(func IsNot Nothing, func(client), Nothing)
End Using
End Using
End Function
We use the same ExecuteSOAP function and AuthorizationString to create & send envelops, and do recipient updates so I know these are correct. I'm not sure whats wrong!
This is most likely 1 of 3 possibilities.
I'm surprised its not error-ing out, but you should not be putting your accountId in the http auth header. See page 19 the SOAP PDF guide:
There is something else not configured correctly with your SOAP API call. Inspect your raw outgoing request and ensure the xml is what you expect. Post the raw request here if not sure.
A bug with DocuSign. First rule out the other two options and if no dice still post a comment here and I can get a bug logged on DocuSign's side. Also a good test would be to make the correction call through the REST api to see if you can get that to work.