How to mock a top-level-function in kotlin with jmockit - kotlin

Assuming the I have a function to be test below, declare at the file named "Utils.kt"
fun doSomething() = 1
Then we create a test class to test it
class UtilsTest {
fun testDoSomething() {
object : Expectation() {
init {
result = 2
assertEquals(2, doSomething())
I want to mock doSomething, make it return 2, but it won't work, actual result is 1
Is there any workaround for this purpose?

A workaround mock it in Java side as you cannot reference the UtilsKt class from Kotlin files.
public final class UtilsFromJavaTest {
public final void testDoSomething(#Mocked #NotNull final UtilsKt mock) {
new Expectations() {
this.result = 2;
Assert.assertEquals(2, UtilsKt.doSomething());

Thanks to #aristotll, we can simply extends the workaround to make it more easier to use.
first, declare a java class that return the UtilsKt class
public class TopLevelFunctionClass {
public static Class<UtilsKt> getUtilsClass() {
return UtilsKt.class
then, mock this class in expectation using partial mock
class UtilsTest {
fun testDoSomething() {
object : Expectation(TopLevelFunctionClass.getUtilsClass()) {
init {
result = 2
assertEquals(2, doSomething())


get Not enough information to infer type variable T when initializing kotlin raw types

I tried to write raw types for. kotlin in a class and initialized the raw type
class RawType {
interface I<T : RawType?> {
fun f(t: T) {}
class RawSubclass: I<T: RawType?> {
override fun f(t: RawType?) {}
fun test() {
val unbound = Unbound<T: RawType?>()
the java I can write
class RawType {
interface I<T extends RawType> {
default void f(T t) {}
class BoundRecursively<T extends BoundRecursively<T>> {}
static class RawSubclass implements I {
public void f(RawType t) {}
test() {
Unbound unbound = new Unbound();
but it gives error Expecting a '>' Expecting member declaration for line class RawSubclass: I<T: RawType?> and Not enough information to infer type variable T for val unbound = Unbound<T: RawType?>(). Any suggestion why the error occurs and how to fix it? Thanks

Hiding base class constructor parameters in Kotlin

I am trying to understand how to hide a base constructor parameter in a subclass in kotlin. How do you put a facade over a base constructor? This doesn't work:
class MyCustomRequest(url: String)
: Request<String>(Request.Method.POST, url, hiddenListener) {
private fun hiddenListener() = Response.ErrorListener {
/* super secret listener */
I think I understand the problem:
During construction of a new instance of a derived class, the base
class initialization is done as the first step (preceded only by
evaluation of the arguments for the base class constructor) and thus
happens before the initialization logic of the derived class is run.
I'm trying to solve this problem for Volley, where I need my custom request to be be a Request so that it can be passed into a RequestQueue. It would be easier of RequestQueue took in some kind of interface but since it doesn't I have to subclass. There are other ways I can hide these complexities from the caller, but this limitation has come up for me other times in Kotlin and I'm not sure how to solve it.
I am not familiar with volley but I tried to come up with an example that should give you some insight how to solve your problem. What you can do is use a companion object:
interface MyListener {
fun handleEvent()
open class Base<T>(anything: Any, val listener: MyListener) { // this would be your Request class
fun onSomeEvent() {
class Derived(anything: Any) : Base<Any>(anything, hiddenListener) { // this would be your MyCustomRequest class
private companion object {
private val hiddenListener = object : MyListener {
override fun handleEvent() {
// do secret stuff here
So if you apply this to your problem, the result should look something like this:
class MyCustomRequest(url: String)
: Request<String>(Request.Method.POST, url, hiddenListener) {
private companion object {
private val hiddenListener = Response.ErrorListener {
/* super secret listener */
A different way would be to use a decorator, create your Request withing that decorator and just delegate the calls to it:
class Decorator(anything: Any) {
private var inner: Base<Any>
private val hiddenListener: MyListener = object : MyListener {
override fun handleEvent() { }
init {
inner = Base(anything, hiddenListener)
And once again for your example that would look like this:
class MyCustomRequest(url: String) {
private var inner: Request<String>
private val hiddenListener = Response.ErrorListener {
/* super secret listener */
init {
inner = Request<String>(Request.Method.POST, url, hiddenListener)

Get companion class in companion object

Is there a way to get the javaClass of the companion class inside a companion object without knowing it's name?
I suppose I could get it by doing something like this:
open class TestClass {
companion object {
init {
val clazz = Class.forName(".Companion"))
However, this does not work for class InheritingClass : TestClass(). It would still give me TestClass, not InheritingClass.
I was hoping for something more straightforward like this::class.companionClass.
Getting the class of the companion object of a given class will look like this:
Here's an example:
class TestClass {
companion object {
fun sayHello() = "Hello world"
If you want to get the class that contains the companion, since the latter is always an inner class of the former,
class TestClass {
companion object {
fun whichIsMyParentClass() = // It'll return TestClass
And to further simplify, you'll also want to create an extension property:
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
val <T : Any> KClass<T>.companionClass get() =
if (isCompanion)
So, whenever you want to get the parent class of the companion object,
class TestClass {
companion object {
fun whichIsMyParentClass() = this::class.companionClass // It'll return TestClass
The companion class itself has no reference to the actual class as you can see in this bytecode
public final class TestClass$Companion {
private TestClass$Companion() { // <init> //()V
<localVar:index=0 , name=this , desc=LTestClass$Companion;, sig=null, start=L1, end=L2>
L1 {
aload0 // reference to self
invokespecial java/lang/Object <init>(()V);
L2 {
public TestClass$Companion(kotlin.jvm.internal.DefaultConstructorMarker arg0) { // <init> //(Lkotlin/jvm/internal/DefaultConstructorMarker;)V
<localVar:index=0 , name=this , desc=LTestClass$Companion;, sig=null, start=L1, end=L2>
<localVar:index=1 , name=$constructor_marker , desc=Lkotlin/jvm/internal/DefaultConstructorMarker;, sig=null, start=L1, end=L2>
L1 {
aload0 // reference to self
invokespecial TestClass$Companion <init>(()V);
L2 {
The reference is only the other way around (see decompiled kotlin class)
public final class TestClass {
public static final Companion companion = ...
So you can either do it as you just did by cutting off the .Companion part of the class name or you reference it by hard with (what is in my opinion no problem and the best solution)
If you need to print the class name, you can add simpleName, such as

What is the reason for twitter4j.StreamListner IllegalAccessError in Kotlin?

When implementing a twitter4j.StatusListner in Kotlin, I get the following IllegalAccessError and associated stack trace:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access class twitter4j.StreamListener from class rxkotlin.rxextensions.TwitterExampleKt$observe$1
at rxkotlin.rxextensions.TwitterExampleKt$observe$1.subscribe(TwitterExample.kt:50)
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.observable.ObservableCreate.subscribeActual(
at io.reactivex.Observable.subscribe(
at io.reactivex.Observable.subscribe(
at io.reactivex.Observable.subscribe(
at rxkotlin.rxextensions.TwitterExampleKt.main(TwitterExample.kt:8)
Produced by the following code:
val twitterStream = TwitterStreamFactory().instance
// See
twitterStream.addListener(object : StatusListener {
override fun onStatus(status: Status?) {
if (emitter.isDisposed) {
} else {
override fun onException(e: Exception?) {
if (emitter.isDisposed) {
} else {
// Other overrides.
emitter.setCancellable { twitterStream::shutdown }
If I don't use Rx, it makes the exception a bit simpler:
twitterStream.addListener(object: twitter4j.StatusListener {
override fun onStatus(status: Status) { println("Status: {$status}") }
override fun onException(ex: Exception) { println("Error callback: $ex") }
// Other overrides.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access class twitter4j.StreamListener from class rxkotlin.rxextensions.TwitterExampleKt
at rxkotlin.rxextensions.TwitterExampleKt.main(TwitterExample.kt:14)
However, if I implement a Java wrapper function, no error is thrown and the behaviour is as expected:
Wrapper -
public class Twitter4JHelper {
public static void addStatusListner(TwitterStream stream, StatusListener listner) {
Revised implementation -
val twitterStream = TwitterStreamFactory().instance
val listner = object: StatusListener {
override fun onStatus(status: Status?) {
if (emitter.isDisposed) {
} else {
override fun onException(e: Exception?) {
if (emitter.isDisposed) {
} else {
// Other overrides.
Twitter4JHelper.addStatusListner(twitterStream, listner)
emitter.setCancellable { twitterStream::shutdown }
This revised solution comes from a blog post, which I think tries to explain the cause but Google translate is not being my friend. What is causing the IllegalAccessError? Is there a purely Kotlin based solution, or will I have to live with this workaround?
Yep that's not going to work.
addListener method takes a StreamListener param and StreamListener is non-public (package private). I would definitely raise a bug against Kotlin compiler for this.
The code Kotlin compiler generates is:
TwitterStream twitterStream = (new TwitterStreamFactory()).getInstance();
twitterStream.addListener((StreamListener)(new StatusListener() {
// ..overrides ...
StatusListener already implements StreamListener so I don't see why the cast is required.
I worked around this by using a java utility class:
public class T4JCompat {
public static void addStatusListener(TwitterStream stream, StatusListener listener) {
public static void removeStatusListener(TwitterStream stream, StatusListener listener) {
You can call these methods from Kotlin and things work as expected.

Method and mock with same class

I have class with 2 methods
class A
void Fun()
if(FunRet()>0){///} else {///}
int FunRet()
{ return 4;}
I want to test Fun() method depend on what FunRet returns. So i want to mock FunRet.
I rather don't want make FunRet as virtual. How I can do that?
You can inject intra-class dependencies. In this case, make Fun accept a value instead of computing it:
class A
void Fun(int x)
if(x>0){///} else {///}
int FunRet()
{ return 4;}
Then your tests can pass arbitrary values into Fun(). If you need to enforce correct use, write a public version to expose in your API and a private version for testing:
class A {
void Fun() { return Fun(FunRet()); }
void Fun(int x); // for testing.
You could extract the Fun method into a calculator class that implements an interface. You should pass an instance of that interface to class A at constructor.
In testing you could have other classes implementing that interface, that return other values.
This method also have the big advantage, that you seperate the concerns of calculating a value and using the calculated value.
class A {
A (IFunCalc calc) { m_calc = calc; }
void Fun { if calc.FunRet() > 4 ... }
IFunCalc m_calc;
class FunCalc : IFunCulc {
int FunRet { return 4; }
class FunCalc4Test : IFunCalc {
int FunRet { return 27; }
I think you're missing the this pointer.
... if ( this->FunRet() > 0 ) { ...
If you use dependency injection and template your object under test, you can use mock objects without having to use virtual functions.
class AParameters
int FunRet()
{ return 4;}
class MockAParameters
MOCK_METHOD0(FunRet, int());
template<class Parameters>
class AImpl
AImpl(Parameters& parameters):parameters(parameters){}
void Fun()
if(parameters.FunRet()>0){///} else {///}
Parameters& parameters;
typedef AImpl<AParameters> A;
typedef AImpl<MockAParameters> ATestObject;
void Test::funUsesFunRet()
MockAParameters params;
EXPECT_CALL(params, FunRet());
ATestObject object(params);
I believe FunRet is an internal implementation detail of Fun. As a result, Fun does not need to be tested in isolation from FunRet. Just test Fun and don't worry about the fact it calls FunRet.