Can't read files inside native service app - Gear Fit 2 - native

I have very strange issue on Gear Fit 2. I have native service in hybrid app (web app + native service in one package) and can't access to files. I got error message: Permission denied.
The code stops at getting folder attributes - line: if(stat(path,$st) == -1).
I don't know what is wrong. The code read files without problem when it is inside UI app but doesn't want to work in hybrid native service. Are there any constraints about reading files from service app on Gear Fit 2?
Of course I added privileges to tizen-manifes.xml.
char *path;
storage_get_root_directory(STORAGE_TYPE_INTERNAL, &path); // works OK
// path contains now: /opt/usr/media
struct stat st;
if (stat(path, &st) == -1) { // STOP HERE, stat() returns -1
return; // code enter here and ending
if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
... // not enter here
after calling
stat(path, &st); // it sets errno if fail
strerror(errno) returns message: Permission denied.


File Uploading service gets failed from android whereas works with IOS

I had created the WCF service for file uploading. Its working fine when the service hits from web application or from IOS device. But its throwing an exception when it comes from Android device.
I tried to multiparse the streamdata. Its throwing an exception as like file unavailable.
public OASIS.Entity.Shared.UserFileUpload FileUpload(Stream data, string UploadMode)
OASIS.Entity.Shared.UserFileUpload userFileUpload = new Entity.Shared.UserFileUpload();
MultipartParser parser = new MultipartParser(data);
string fileName = string.Empty;
string filePath = string.Empty;
string allowedExtensions = string.Empty;
int allowedFileSizeMB = 0;
if (parser.FileAvailable)
// File Available for IOS / Web application.
// userFileUpload
// From android device file is getting not available.
catch (Exception exp)
userFileUpload = null;
return userFileUpload;
Expecting it should get work for android device too.
By default, WCF does not support form data files, so it looks like you are using MultipartParser to convert form data (data from a file stream uploaded through a form-data).
If this class can handle data submitted in IOS, it should also be able to handle data submitted through forms in Andriod, after all, the HTTP protocol is cross-platform.
thereby I would like to know, how do you upload data in the Andriod system?
By adding breakpoint debugging, can you use this class to parse form data properly?
I suggest you handle the form-data by creating the service with WebAPI.
Feel free to let me know if there is anything I can help with.

Unable to Register IOS device to Mobile First 8

I am able to see the iOS device under devices tab in MF, registered to my application. but pushing a notification fails with the below error:
An error occurred while the notification was sent. Internal server error. No devices found.
Upon reviewing IOS code, I noticed the below issue while invoking MFPPush.sharedInstance.registerDevice(nil)
Cannot retrieve a valid authorization header for header. Check resource and authorization server configuration.
I am using the code from the git sample. Below is the snippet throwing the error:
#IBAction func registerDevice(_ sender: AnyObject) {
print("Attempting Device registration with Mobile First")
WLAuthorizationManager.sharedInstance().obtainAccessToken(forScope: "push.mobileclient") { (token, error) -> Void in
if (error != nil) {
print("Did not recieve an access token from server: " + error.debugDescription)
} else {
WLClient.sharedInstance()?.setDeviceDisplayName("White Ipad", withCompletionHandler: { (error) in
if error == nil{
print("device display name is set")
print("error setting device name: " + error.debugDescription)
print("Recieved the following access token value: " + (token?.value ?? "no token"))
MFPPush.sharedInstance().registerDevice(nil) { (response, error) -> Void in
if error == nil {
self.showAlert("Registered successfully with Mobile First")
print(response?.description ?? "")
} else {
self.showAlert("Registration failed with Mobile First. Error \(error?.localizedDescription)")
print(error?.localizedDescription ?? "")
Mobile First Config: I have followed the documentation and configured the UserLogin security check from the sample git project and have removed scope to push.mobileclient under security.
Reading the OAuth Security in MF, i understand the that token is necessary to access resources, but I am unable to figure out how to attach the token in registerDevice().
It seems to be you haven't configured Push Notifications properly in MobileFirst Server.
Make sure that you have added push.mobileclient scope in Security tab of your application. If you are not using any security check, you can add scope like below.
Check whether your application is configured valid iOS provisioning profile enabled with Push Capability
Make sure that you have uploaded valid sandbox/production certificates in Push tab of your particular app in MFP Operations Console.
More details : here
Make sure your app is enabled Push Capability in the project setting and also check you sending device token to MF Server using MFPPush.sharedInstance().sendDeviceToken(deviceToken) API in didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken method of AppDelegate file

Issue with SSH.NET UWP

I am having issues using in a UWP App. This app will run on Win10.
I get the following error:
An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions. I have looked online and there is no one actually dealing with this.The exact same code works in a standard Desktop App (WPF)
The key is the key string and I had to replace \r with \n because the PrivateKeyFile creation gave an error message and I tracked this down to carriage return placed instead of new line (by the textbox).
key = key.Replace("\r", "\n");
client = new SshClient(ip, port, username, pkf);
if (!client.IsConnected)
connected = true;
catch (Exception ex)
exception = ex.Message.ToString();
connected = false;
Finally resolved this issue - Look here: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions
Go down to the following line:
If you're getting the same error in Windows 8 development, it could be that you haven't enabled access over Private Networks in your Package.appxmanifest file:
Select the Private Networks (Client & Server) option as shown on the image.
Click here for the image

PNAccessDeniedCategory for sending the message in pubnub objective c

I am trying to send the message by using pubnub.
But it gives me error for : PNAccessDeniedCategory
I am not finding any solution how to solve this.
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
PNConfiguration *configuration = [PNConfiguration configurationWithPublishKey:#"pub-c-..."subscribeKey:#"sub-c-..."];
self.client = [PubNub clientWithConfiguration:configuration];
//Subscription process results arrive to listener which should adopt to PNObjectEventListener protocol and registered using:
[self.client addListener:self];
//Listeners callbacks:
[self.client subscribeToChannels: #[#"test123"] withPresence:YES];
configuration.uuid = #"test123";
- (void)client:(PubNub *)client didReceiveStatus:(PNSubscribeStatus *)status {
if (status.category == PNUnexpectedDisconnectCategory) {
// This event happens when radio / connectivity is lost
else if (status.category == PNConnectedCategory) {
// Connect event. You can do stuff like publish, and know you'll get it.
// Or just use the connected event to confirm you are subscribed for
// UI / internal notifications, etc
else if (status.category == PNReconnectedCategory) {
// Happens as part of our regular operation. This event happens when
// radio / connectivity is lost, then regained.
else if (status.category == PNDecryptionErrorCategory) {
// Handle messsage decryption error. Probably client configured to
// encrypt messages and on live data feed it received plain text.
}else if (status.category == PNAccessDeniedCategory) {
Nslog(#"It gives me this error");
Please advice. Whether this error is because my account is expired and that is the reason it is not allowing me to access ?
Do i have to create another free account ? or have to create new key ?
Please help.
PubNub Access Manager
You have Access Manager add-on enabled on your keys and so it is just doing its job - denying un-granted access to your keys. You must grant all access to use your keys once this is enabled. When you enable Access Manager a dialog pops up with a warning:
Warning: This action will enable Access Manager on your keyset. If you
are already using this keyset in a production application, please be
aware you will need to grant access to all existing channels in order
to continue use without interruptions.
Here is a snapshot of that dialog:
You can disable Access Manager until you are ready to implement the proper granting logic on your server and you will no longer get this error.
Before you go live with your app, you should implement the necessary granting logic and enable Access Manager to protect your keys from being wrongfully used.

RavenDB in embedded mode - Raven Silverlight Studio (Raven.Studio.xap) not working

I have a small console application doing some persistence with Raven which is working fine, but I just can't get the Raven Studio Web-App working.
I think I have read every article/blog post on the web which is around, but I haven't got it working.
The project is referencing the Raven.Client.Embedded, Raven.Client.Lightweight and Raven.Storage.Esent assemblies)
Here is the really simple code starting up my console app:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
EmbeddableDocumentStore store = new EmbeddableDocumentStore { DataDirectory = #"C:\temp\ravendata", UseEmbeddedHttpServer = true };
while (true)
string line = Console.ReadLine();
if (line == "w")
Changeset cs = CreateChangeset();
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
The question is: Where to put the Raven.Studio.xap in order to get it running in the browser (http://localhost:8080/Raven/studio.html)?
It's not working in the bin/debug output folder of my console app (which would be the most logical area where it should be), as well as it isn't if I put it in the root of my console application.
Sorry to ask this thing again, but it seems there is some point I am missing on this to get it up and running. ;)
Thanks for your help, R's, Rene
You are right, I've tried it using a new console application project and had the same issues, altough I copied the file Raven.Studio.xap into the \bin\debug AFTER I had seen the error message for the first time.
I found out, that the reason for this has to do with browser-caching. Even though the file would be available now, the embedded http-server returns 304 Not Modified, because it had sent the If-None-Match header into the request. Therefore, the cached "not-found" page in the browser cache will be used.
I fixed it and sent a patch to Ayende. However the solution now is:
1) make sure Raven.Studio.xap is under \bin\debug
2) clear the browsers cache