How to define own WebElement in JDI test framework - jdiframework

I need to define own UI WebElement in JDI test automation framework. For example I need the following elements:
table with Sortable columns
table with pagination
Dropdown with items filtering
How to define them using JDI style and approach?

See examples here
Generally you just extends existing element e.g. dropdown and add your actions or override actions that have new behavior
If you have more details on it. Fill free to ask


Pass value to xpath at runtime

Please read the whole Q before disliking or commenting something. I have searched on internet before posting it here. I'm having the below project structure.
Inside i have declared all the WebElements using POM Page Factory methods and created respective method to click on Electronics link.
#FindBy(xpath = '//input[#title='Electronics']')
private WebElement lnkElectronics;
Inside I'm calling the Electronics click method.
My doubt over here is the declared WebElement is specifically for Electronics.
Is there a way i can create a WebElement with type like mentioned below and pass value for %s dynamically from main method?
#FindBy(xpath = '//input[#title='%s']')
private WebElement lnkElectronics;
Answer referenced from Page Object Model in Selenium
You cannot create a FindBy with Variable, FindBy accepts only constants.
In case if you want to achieve that variability then you should write or find the element using normal findElement method
As per the Test Design Consideration following Page Object Design Pattern :
A Page Object is an object-oriented class that serves as an interface to a page of the Application Under Test. Your #Tests uses the methods of this Page Object class whenever they need to interact with the User Interface of that page. The benefit is that if the UI changes for the page your #Tests themselves don’t needs to be changed. Only the code within the Page Object needs to be changed.
Advantages :
Clean separation between test code and page specific code such as locators, methods and layout.
A single repository for the operations offered by the page rather than having these services scattered throughout the tests.
Based on these Page Factory features you won't be able to create any generic WebElement for which you can pass value dynamically from main() or #Test annotated method e.g.
#FindBy(xpath = '//input[#title='%s']')
private WebElement lnkElectronics;
You can find almost a similar discussion in Where should I define modal specific code in Selenium Page Object Model pattern
WorkAround : on page class you can define a method, and can pass the text on the fly from the calling class to click on specific tab
if you want to click any common text on the page. You can create a method as given below and can pass the text on the fly to click on that specific tab on that page
public void clickTab(String tabText){
String tabxpath = "//div[contains(text(), '" + tabText + "')]";

Selenium Out of focus element

I have a scenario in selenium where I have a web element which is available on the page but to reach out to that web element sometimes we have to scroll down depending upon some business logic.
I don't want to use javascript executor and css selector. Is there any other way we can check if element is not clickable I can try to see if there is a scroll down scroller available? And my driver should scroll down and try to check that element once before it actually throw exception.
Let me try to answer your Questions one by one.
we have to scroll down : When you think of scroll its worth mentioning that scroll method is not a method of Webdriver, this is a method of JavaScript. JavascriptExecutor is an Interface which is available in package org.openqa.selenium.JavascriptExecutor. Inside this Interface we have a method called executeScript() – so whatever script you will pass as a string it will be executed by JavascriptExecutor.
I don't want to use javascript executor : We are not using anything separate stuff by the name JavascriptExecutor. We are using the same instance of WebDriver i.e. driver, but we need to downcast it so that it can act as a JavascriptExecutor to perform whatever script you will pass as a string.
css selector : Using css selector is not mandatory. Selenium provides you the flexibility to use any of the properties of a particular element available like id/name/linkText/xpath.
Let me know if this answers your Question.

Create a Reusable method to Verify list elements by Selenium WebDriver

I am new to this site and don't know how things show up here. I was reading the post from below where String array is being used to ListwebElements.
Verify list elements by Selenium WebDriver
String[] expected = {"GRAM", "OUNCE", "POUND", "MILLIMETER", "TSP", "TBSP", "FLUID_OUNCE"};
I am trying to do something similar using String Array trying to get different buttons on a UI page. I want to make this method reusable by changing the "expected" list per test. Does anyone know how you would make this method Reusable?
In my case, "expected" list is different each time depending on a page.
I would suggest to use the custom annotation for reusing purpose. Please see the example here.
If you are using JUnit you can also use parameterized test

How to find XPath of an ExtJS element with dynamic ID

All the elements in the application which i am testing have dynanic ID's . The test always passes when i replay it without refreshing the page but as soon as i refresh the page, The Test Fails because Id's of all the elements changes randomly and selenium cannot match the recorded id's with the new ones .
I tried to use Xpath-position, It works for some objects but in case of Dropdown list and Buttons, it dosent work!
Can anyone please tell me how to find the Xpath (Meathods in JAVA or S*elence*) of an object OR How to create a new Locator Finder for Dropdown list and Buttons
I can show the properties (Inspected by Firebug) of the dropdown which is teasing me.
properties of Dropdown :
<div id="ext-gen1345" class="x-trigger-index-0 x-form-trigger x-form-arrow-trigger x-form-trigger-last x-unselectable" role="button" style="-moz-user-select: none;"></div>
properties of Dropdown*Choice*:
<li class="x-boundlist-item" role="option">Rescue</li>
Please search before posting, I have been answering this over and over.
ExtJS pages are hard to test, especially on finding elements.
Here are some of the tips I consider useful:
Don't ever use dynamically generated IDs. like (:id, 'ext-gen1345')
Don't ever use absolute/meaningless XPath, like //*[#class='someclass']/li/ul/li[2]/ul/li[2]/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div
Take advantage of meaningful auto-generated partial ids and class names. (So you need show more HTML in your example, as I can make suggestions.)
For example, this ExtJS grid example: (:css, '.x-grid-view .x-grid-table') would be handy. If there are multiple of grids, try index them or locate the identifiable ancestor, like (:css, '#something-meaningful .x-grid-view .x-grid-table'). In your case, (:css, '#something-meaningful .x-form-arrow-trigger')
Take advantage of button's text.
For example, this ExtJS example: you can use XPath .//li[contains(#class, 'x-boundlist-item') and text()='Rescue']. However, this method is not suitable for CSS Selector or multi-language applications.
The best way to test is to create meaningful class names in the source code. If you don't have the access to the source code, please talk to your manager, using Selenium against ExtJS application should really be a developer's job. ExtJS provides cls and tdCls for custom class names, so you can add cls:'testing-btn-foo' in your source code, and Selenium can get it by (:css, '.x-panel .testing-btn-foo').
Other answers I made on this topic:
How to find ExtJS elements with dynamic id
How to find unique selectors for elements on pages with ExtJS for use with Selenium?
How to click on elements in ExtJS using Selenium?
Using class names in Watir
how to click on checkboxes on a pop-up window which doesn't have name, label
I would suggest you build a xpath from any of the parent of your DIV. you may get messed if there is no immediate parent node has such one.
//*[#id='parentof div']/div
//*[#class='grand parent of div']/div/div
i did even something like this,
But still, its not encouraged to do so.

Test case automation

I am new to test automation and I need help of experts who can help me in proceeding with the current difficulties.
Currently there is a web browser application which is tested manually based on the test cases in an excel.
There is also an automation framework also which uses Selenium and uses WebDriver and runs on Google Chrome.
The test cases(in excel) used for manual are taken up and another set of test cases(in excel) are written which is nothing but the div elements and the action which the framework should do like click or find which the framework will understand.
1.First I need to manually find out each div id for all the elements and put it in excel which the framework understands.How can I avoid this?
2.Also a new version of the application has come in which all the div id for the elements differ.Hence its pain to note the div id again and put them in excel.
How can I write the test cases only once for each case even if the div changes?
Please help.
Follow a design pattern, e.g. Page Objects
If ids will be changed try to use css and xpath selectors that do not stick to ids. The main idea is to specify such selectors that allow tests to find elements on the page using knowledge by their parents, tag names, other attributes that won't change (class and so on).