EigenvalueDecomposition returns wrong eigenvectors - eigenvalue

I'm using the apache.commons.math3 library to calculate eigenvectors of a 3x3 matrix, but the EigenDecomposition methods for calculating eigenvectors return wrong results: here's my code:
double[][] matrix = {
{1 ,3 ,2},
{1 ,4 ,3},
{2 ,1 ,0}
RealMatrix realMatrix = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(matrix);
EigenDecomposition decomposition = new EigenDecomposition(realMatrix);
for(int i = 0; i<3; i++){
RealVector eigenvector = decomposition.getEigenvector(i);
System.out.println(eigenvector.getEntry(0)+" "+eigenvector.getEntry(1)+" "+eigenvector.getEntry(2));
The printed results are:
-0.5760517243311052 -0.7536997812678066 -0.31638750072027233
0.22370947445236325 -0.6030287282098593 0.770086088626364
0.293925829450875 1.583437114738283 -2.642858652367182
while the correct ones should be
0.29050, -0.78307, 1
1.82072, 2.38220, 1
What is the problem? Is it a precision error? It seems to me impossible such a wrong result

If v is an eigenvector of a matrix, then a non-zero real multiple of v is also an eigenvector. The vector
(-0.5760517243311052 -0.7536997812678066 -0.31638750072027233)
is a multiple of
(1.82072, 2.38220, 1).
The difference is just that the first one has norm 1, whereas the second one has third component 1. Your library seems to choose the normalization by norm 1, which is better, since it is always possible.


How to optimize the linear coefficients for numpy arrays in a maximization function?

I have to optimize the coefficients for three numpy arrays which maximizes my evaluation function.
I have a target array called train['target'] and three predictions arrays named array1, array2 and array3.
I want to put the best linear coefficients i.e., x,y,z for these three arrays which will maximize the function
roc_aoc_curve(train['target'], xarray1 + yarray2 +z*array3)
the above function would be maximum when prediction is closer to the target.
i.e, xarray1 + yarray2 + z*array3 should be closer to train['target'].
The range of x,y,z >=0 and x,y,z <= 1
Basically I am trying to put the weights x,y,z for each of the three arrays which would make the function
xarray1 + yarray2 +z*array3 closer to the train['target']
Any help in getting this would be appreciated.
I used pulp.LpProblem('Giapetto', pulp.LpMaximize) to do the maximization. It works for normal numbers, integers etc, however failing while trying to do with arrays.
import numpy as np
import pulp
# create the LP object, set up as a maximization problem
prob = pulp.LpProblem('Giapetto', pulp.LpMaximize)
# set up decision variables
x = pulp.LpVariable('x', lowBound=0)
y = pulp.LpVariable('y', lowBound=0)
z = pulp.LpVariable('z', lowBound=0)
score = roc_auc_score(train['target'],x*array1+ y*array2 + z*array3)
prob += score
coef = x+y+z
prob += (coef==1)
# solve the LP using the default solver
optimization_result = prob.solve()
# make sure we got an optimal solution
assert optimization_result == pulp.LpStatusOptimal
# display the results
for var in (x, y,z):
print('Optimal weekly number of {} to produce: {:1.0f}'.format(var.name, var.value()))
Getting error at the line
score = roc_auc_score(train['target'],x*array1+ y*array2 + z*array3)
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'int' and 'LpVariable'
Can't progress beyond this line when using arrays. Not sure if my approach is correct. Any help in optimizing the function would be appreciated.
When you add sums of array elements to a PuLP model, you have to use built-in PuLP constructs like lpSum to do it -- you can't just add arrays together (as you discovered).
So your score definition should look something like this:
score = pulp.lpSum([train['target'][i] - (x * array1[i] + y * array2[i] + z * array3[i]) for i in arr_ind])
A few notes about this:
[+] You didn't provide the definition of roc_auc_score so I just pretended that it equals the sum of the element-wise difference between the target array and the weighted sum of the other 3 arrays.
[+] I suspect your actual calculation for roc_auc_score is nonlinear; more on this below.
[+] arr_ind is a list of the indices of the arrays, which I created like this:
# build array index
arr_ind = range(len(array1))
[+] You also didn't include the arrays, so I created them like this:
array1 = np.random.rand(10, 1)
array2 = np.random.rand(10, 1)
array3 = np.random.rand(10, 1)
train = {}
train['target'] = np.ones((10, 1))
Here is my complete code, which compiles and executes, though I'm sure it doesn't give you the result you are hoping for, since I just guessed about target and roc_auc_score:
import numpy as np
import pulp
# create the LP object, set up as a maximization problem
prob = pulp.LpProblem('Giapetto', pulp.LpMaximize)
# dummy arrays since arrays weren't in OP code
array1 = np.random.rand(10, 1)
array2 = np.random.rand(10, 1)
array3 = np.random.rand(10, 1)
# build array index
arr_ind = range(len(array1))
# set up decision variables
x = pulp.LpVariable('x', lowBound=0)
y = pulp.LpVariable('y', lowBound=0)
z = pulp.LpVariable('z', lowBound=0)
# dummy roc_auc_score since roc_auc_score wasn't in OP code
train = {}
train['target'] = np.ones((10, 1))
score = pulp.lpSum([train['target'][i] - (x * array1[i] + y * array2[i] + z * array3[i]) for i in arr_ind])
prob += score
coef = x + y + z
prob += coef == 1
# solve the LP using the default solver
optimization_result = prob.solve()
# make sure we got an optimal solution
assert optimization_result == pulp.LpStatusOptimal
# display the results
for var in (x, y,z):
print('Optimal weekly number of {} to produce: {:1.0f}'.format(var.name, var.value()))
Optimal weekly number of x to produce: 0
Optimal weekly number of y to produce: 0
Optimal weekly number of z to produce: 1
Process finished with exit code 0
Now, if your roc_auc_score function is nonlinear, you will have additional troubles. I would encourage you to try to formulate the score in a way that is linear, possibly using additional variables (for example, if you want the score to be an absolute value).

Tensorflow symmetric matrix

I want to create a symmetric matrix of n*n and train this matrix in TensorFlow. Effectively I should only train (n+1)*n/2 parameters. How should I do this?
I saw some previous threads which suggest do the following:
X = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([d,d], minval=-.1, maxval=.1, dtype=tf.float64))
X_symm = 0.5 * (X + tf.transpose(X))
However, this means I have to train n*n variables, not n*(n+1)/2 variables.
Even there is no function to achieve this, a patch of self-written code would help!
You can use tf.matrix_band_part(input, 0, -1) to create an upper triangular matrix from a square one, so this code would allow you to train on n(n+1)/2 variables although it has you create n*n:
X = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([d,d], minval=-.1, maxval=.1, dtype=tf.float64))
X_upper = tf.matrix_band_part(X, 0, -1)
X_symm = 0.5 * (X_upper + tf.transpose(X_upper))
Referring to answer of gdelab: in Tensorflow 2.x, you have to use following code.
X_upper = tf.linalg.band_part(X, 0, -1)
gdelab's answer is correct and will work, since a neural network can adjust the 0.5 factor by itself. I aimed for a solution, where the neural network actually only has (n+1)*n/2 output neurons. The following function transforms these into a symmetric matrix:
def create_symmetric_matrix(x,n):
x_rev = tf.reverse(x[:, n:], [1])
xc = tf.concat([x, x_rev], axis=1)
x_res = tf.reshape(xc, [-1, n, n])
x_upper_triangular = tf.linalg.band_part(x_res, 0, -1)
x_lower_triangular = tf.linalg.set_diag( tf.transpose(x_upper_triangular, perm=[0, 2, 1]), tf.zeros([tf.shape(x)[0], n], dtype=tf.float32))
return x_upper_triangular + x_lower_triangular
with x as a vector of rank [batch,n*(n+1)/2] and n as the rank of the output matrix.
The code is inspired by tfp.math.fill_triangular.

Tensorflow stack vectors out of loop to create a matrix

I have a for loop that creates vectors (tf tensors) of equal length, say
a1 = [0, 2, 4 ... ]
a2 = [1, 4, 6 ... ]
and I want to concatenate these vectors into a matrix, along the 0th axis
matrix = [[0,2,4...] , [1,4,6...] ... ]
I can do a
matrix = tf.concat(0, [matrix, a])
inside the for loop. However the first iteration does not work, since matrix does not exist and if I initialize it to a vector, I'm stuck with that vector at the top of the end matrix. Is there a quick way of doing this?
You can use tf.stack:
matrix = tf.stack([a1, a2, ...])

numpy concatenate function not works when handling with large matrix

I was trying to concatenate a 3-by-n 3d coordinate matrix called VTrans with a 1-by-n all one value vector called lr to augment the coordinate matrix to the 4-by-n homogeneous matrix. n in my case is the vertex Number 141669, which is pretty big.
The code below is not working while it does work in a very small dataset.
lr = np.ones(vertexNum).reshape((1, vertexNum))
VtransAppend = np.concatenate((VTrans, lr), axis=0)
Just found the problem, my vertexNum is wrong! IT is actually 47223 instead of 141669. 141669 is its size! All solution work and I will accept the first one. Thank you all!
The error says "all the input array dimensions except for the concatenation axis must match exactly"
I further verify lr and VtransAppend has the same length by printing the size out.
print lr.size
print VTrans.size
Anyone once has the same weird problem before and know how to solve it?
Here is the update:
My VTrans matrix is attached, where vertextNum is 141669
This is the code followed by YXD's suggestion, but the issue still exits...
vertexNum = VTrans.size # Total vertex in current model
lr = np.ones(vertexNum)
VtransAppend = np.concatenate((VTrans, lr.reshape(1, -1)), axis=0)
You have to fiddle lr to have the same number of dimensions as vTrans
>>> n = 4
>>> vTrans = np.random.random_sample((3, n))
>>> lr = np.ones(n)
>>> np.concatenate((vTrans, lr.reshape(1, -1)), axis=0)
array([[ 0.65769116, 0.41008341, 0.66046706, 0.86501781],
[ 0.51584699, 0.60601466, 0.93800371, 0.25077702],
[ 0.16696658, 0.41839794, 0.0938594 , 0.48484606],
[ 1. , 1. , 1. , 1. ]])
i.e. after the reshape, the non-concatenation dimension matches vTrans
>>> lr.shape
>>> lr.reshape(1, -1).shape
(1, 4)
Try vstack instead of concatenate:
a = np.random.random((3,5))
b = np.random.random(5)
np.vstack((a, b))
np.concatenate((a, b[None,:]))
The None adds an axis to the 1D array b.

computing cumulative distribution of a conditional probability distribution

I have a conditional probability of z for the given m, p(z|m), where the coefficients are chosen in order that integral over z in the limit of [0,1.5] and m in the range of [18:28] would be equal to one.
def p(z,m):
if (m<21.25):
E = { 'ft':0.55, 'alpha': 2.99, 'z0':0.191, 'km':0.089, 'kt':0.25 }
S = { 'ft':0.39, 'alpha': 2.15, 'z0':0.121, 'km':0.093, 'kt':-0.175 }
I={ 'ft':0.06, 'alpha': 1.77, 'z0':0.045, 'km':0.096, 'kt':-0.9196 }
E = { 'ft':0.25, 'alpha': 1.957, 'z0':0.321, 'km':0.196, 'kt':0.565 }
S = { 'ft':0.61, 'alpha': 1.598, 'z0':0.291, 'km':0.167, 'kt':0.155 }
I = { 'ft':0.14, 'alpha': 0.964, 'z0':0.170, 'km':0.129, 'kt':0.1759 }
return value
I would like to draw a sample from this distribution, therefore I made a grid points in z and m plane to estimate the cumulative distribution, the cumulative integral over m reaches to one but the cumulative integral over z doesn't give me one in the edge. I don't know why it won't get converged to one?!!
grid_m = np.linspace(18, 28, 1000)
grid_z = np.linspace(0, 1.5, 1000)
dz = np.diff(grid_z[:2])
# get cdf on grid, use cumtrapz
prob_zgm=np.empty((grid_z.shape[0], grid_m.shape[0]),float)
for i in range(grid_z.shape[0]):
for j in range(grid_m.shape[0]):
pr = np.column_stack((np.zeros(prob_zgm.shape[0]),prob_zgm))
dm = np.diff(grid_m[:2])
cdf_zgm = integrate.cumtrapz(pr, dx=dm, axis=1)
cdf = integrate.cumtrapz(pr, dx=dz, axis=0)
Which assumption might cause this inconsistency or I compute something wrongly?
Update: The cumulative distribution cdf_zgm is shown as
In the rest, in order to get the inverse of the probability, it is the approach I have used:
# fix bounds of cdf_zgm
cdf_zgm[:, 0] = 0
cdf_zgm[:, -1] = 1
#Interpolate the data using a linear spline to "grid_q" samples
grid_q = np.linspace(0, 1, 200)
grid_qm = np.empty((len(grid_m), len(grid_q)), float)
for i in range(len(grid_m)):
grid_qm[i] = interpolate.interp1d(cdf_zgm[i], grid_z)(grid_q)
# build 2d interpolation for z as function of (q,m)
z_interp = interpolate.interp2d(grid_q, grid_m, grid_qm)
#sample magnitude
r = dist_m.rvs(ng)
rvs_u = np.random.rand(ng)
rvs_z = np.asarray([z_interp(rvs_u[i], r[i]) for i in range(len(rvs_u))]).ravel()
Is it right approach to fix the boundaries of CDF to one?
I don't know what's wrong with that code. But here are a couple of different ideas to try:
(1) Just sum the array elements instead of trying to compute the numerical integrals. It is simpler that way. (Summing the array elements is essentially computing a rectangle rule approximation, which as it turns out, is actually more accurate than the trapezoidal rule.)
(2) Instead of trying to create a whole 2-d array at once, write a function which creates just a 1-d slice of p(z | m) for a given value of m. Then just sum those elements to get the cumulative probability.