Reloading page on deployed website shows 404 not found, while localhost works - ssl

I've deployed a React Redux site on While it works to visit the page and navigate as usual. (React routing works), it shows 404 not found whenever I reload the page.
I talked to their support which, before leaving 20 sec into the conversation, came with the suggestion that it may have to do with the site trying to run on https, while no SSL is implemented.
I'm curious, why does it work locally and not on the world wide web? Any thoughts?

You need to look into a Server Side Rendering solution. A good framework for doing so with React is Next.js.
Basically as long as you don't refresh the page React-Router has control over the address bar as well as history via the History API. But when you hit refresh you send a request to the server for whatever is in the address bar. But the server is not handling your routing, React-Router is on the client side. You also won't be able to type a child route directly into the address bar without server side rendering.


Does the Nuxt "Universal"-mode re-request the page from the Node server every time a new page is requested by the client?

I'm trying to figure out a basic thing about Nuxt "Universal" mode with the help of my dev tools, but I am just not sure if I understand it correctly.
Every time I request a new route in the Universal Nuxt app it seems to send a 200 (OK) request to the Node server. Did I understand correctly that on every page request a new document gets requested and served up by the Node server?
Some people are claiming that even while running the Universal mode the Node server sends only one package and after that the navigation and subsequent pages are loaded on the client side, thus not hitting the Node server anymore, but this is not the case right, how could the search engine crawler index that?
Essentially on every new route instead, the page gets re-requested from the Node server in its pre-rendered form right? This is how the "Universal" mode is actually SEO friendly as the crawler can look through all the pages and index it correctly to Google or Bing?
I'm sorry as I'm just a beginner with Nuxt and I fully understand (I think) how SPA as well as the Nuxt Generate modes work but this Universal mode is still a mystery for me at this point.
I would be very thankful for any clarifications on this!!! It would be super valuable in my learning journey! Thanks!
It's important to understand different "kinds" of navigation.
If you are navigating to a route by typing it into browser's URL bar, browser is hitting server (and this has nothing to do with Nuxt specifically) and what you get back is HTML with HTML content of your route pre-rendered by Nuxt + js bundle. Same thing happens if you use F5 (reload).
If on the other hand you use <nuxt-link> inside of some Nuxt page pointing to a different route/page and you click it, underlying Vue router will be used to switch to a different page (Vue component), server is not requested (for HTML) and new component (page) will handle rendering client side only
There can be an Ajax request when navigating that way but request is not for server-side rendered HTML. It's for additional JS content. Its because Nuxt is using automatic code-splitting (so when you hit the server 1st time, only JS needed for that route to work is loaded). Once the JS bundle for a specific route is loaded, it will not load again on subsequent navigation and unless your page/components inside are loading data from some API, you will not see any requests to a server during navigation....

iOS 13 PWA URL bar shows up when navigating to a new page

I have a PWA (specifically concerned about iOS Safari at the moment), where when I add the PWA to my homescreen, the page I was on when I added it shows up like a native app. However, when I navigate within the PWA (same domain just new pages) the URL bar shows up.
This post was similar, but mentions it's for chrome/android.
PWA: Address bar showing up when redirectioning to subdomains -- and, as I understand it, iOS doesn't use all of the manifest file. I tried setting the scope, but no luck.
I have the necessary head elements in for showing a standalone (like I said, the initial page when I saved the PWA to the homescreen works fine).
Any ideas how to fix this?
I was able to resolve this by undoing the router mode history and reverted back to # hash-based routing.
I'm using Vue, so basically I just undo what I did here

How to make reactjs serve static pages for SEO

I have this reactjs webapp -
It loads a single page and then you can click links to dynamically load other boards on the same page... such as,
Now the thing is, I want each of these to be an individual page, for the purpose of seo. I want you to be able to google " g", and you will see the result This obviously cant work if you are using reactjs and it is all on one page. Google will only render and cache that main page (can it even render that page? does google execute javascript?)
Even more specifically, id want something like to load a thread. There could be a thousand threads every day, so im not sure how to handle that.
Are there any solutions to this? to allow react to possibly serve up static pages as html so that they can be cached on google? I am using expressjs and webpack as my server right now, and all the code is executed in jsx files.
You can use service. In a nutshell you will need to connect your server app or web server with prerender service and do little setup (see documentation). After that search engines and crawlers will be served with a static (prerendered) content while users will get classic React.js (or any other single page) app.
There is a hosted service with free tier or open source version
I suspect you could do some smart configuration with nginx and it could convert a url of domain/board to a redirection of domain/#/board when detecting the user-agent as a bot instead of a typical user.

page refresh not working while using https

we have built UI using react js framework and html +css + js code is deployed inside apache 2. When I browse website it works fine but if I refresh page then I get 404. Can someone tell me how can I fix it.
Perhaps this answer is relevant to you:
Apache web server doesn't allow me to refresh on /about but on localhost its working fine
I know I also had problems related to HTML5 mode when first setting up react-router.
If you are using React-Router you are probably having this problem: React-router urls don't work when refreshing or writting manually.
You can also see the React Router tutorial for how to set up a production Express server.

I have created a simple app, it is working properly but it ia not visible to other,,,

App url
App page
The app(iframe facebook) is working in my facebook id but it is not working in other id,,,
What may be the problem behind this,,,
Its saying... The page you requested was not found.
You may have clicked an expired link or mistyped the address. Some web addresses are case sensitive.
As you clarified in the comments, you had forgotten to remove the app from sandbox mode. This prevents non-developers of the app from seeing it