Excel Macro to update Cells automatically based on User selection - vba

I am trying to write a Macro that updates 4 Cell if the User select "Mailing" From Cell A1. If the User selects "Mailing" in A1, then Automatically update A2,A3,A4, and A5 to Value in B1. If the User selects something other than "Mailing", Then all four cells should be blank and the user should be able to type in any value. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
I have gotten this far, but VBA is not my thing:
Sub test()
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address = "$A$1" And Target.Value = "Mailing" Then
Range("A2:A4").Value = "B1"
End If
End Sub

As the others have mentioned, you just need to put it to Sub Worksheet_Change. Note that if you are "typing" the word into cell A1, you will actually be in A2 after the "Enter".
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Range("A1").Value = "Mailing" Then
Range("A2:A4").Value = "B1"
End If
End Sub

The problem is you are trying to change the value of some of the cells in your code, so the code should run itself. You need to turn off events before changing the cell values and then turn it back on:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address = "$A$1" And Target.Value = "Mailing" Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
Range("A2:A4").Value = "B1"
Application.EnableEvents = True
End If
End Sub


Capture the final change in a Worksheet Change Event

In the worksheet(1), I have multiple plan-to-change cells, A1 and other cells, and others cells value depends on the the value of A1 as I set up the function(eg.,B1=A1+1). In this way, if I change the value of A1, other cells would change value as well, and the total changed cells would be the A1 plus others changed cells. However, as the quantity of "other cells" is quite large, when I run the following function in VBA:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Cells(Target.Cells.Count, 21) = "ok"
End Sub
The column 21 would appear 3 "ok"s as I suppose because the large cells change happen in order, which actives three times the Worksheet_Change function. (the first ok for I change A1, the second for the time delay of updated function, the third for the final cell) However, I only want the Worksheet_Change to capture the final cells change after I change the value of A1, what should I do to avoid the previous capturing of Worksheet_Change function?
Modify your code to run only when A1 is changed.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address = Range("A1").Address Then
Cells(1, 21).Value = "ok"
End If
End Sub
Target is often more than a single cell. Determine if one of the changed cells is A1 with Intersect and then only deal with A1.
If you plan to change a value on the same worksheet, shut down event handling temporarily so the Worksheet_Change does not try to run on top of itself.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
if not intersect(target, range("a1")) is nothing then
on error goto safe_exit
application.enableevents = false
dim trgt as range
for each trgt in intersect(target, range("a1"))
Cells(trgt.row, 21) = "ok"
next trgt
end if
application.enableevents = true
End Sub
Since I don't believe that a1 is the actual target of your Target in your real world, I've made the code a little more verbose than it probably needs to be.

Delete 0's from cell upon entry

I want a macro so that when you enter a 0 into a particular cell/range of cells that it clears the cell.
I wrote a simple macro like this
Sub RemoveZeros()
'to remove 0 values that may be a result of a formula or direct entry.
For Each cell In Range("A1:D20")
If cell.Value = "0" Then cell.Clear
End Sub
However, I have to run this after I have entered my values for it to clear. I would like the cell to clear if a 0 is entered. How do I do this?
I found a solution
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Application.EnableEvents = False
If Target.Value = 0 Then Target.ClearContents
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

Excel VBA: How to autocreate hyperlink from cell value?

I have a table called Table1
In Column B, I have the ticket number. e.g: 76537434
Requirement: when any change happens in any cell in column B, that cell (Target cell) to be changed into a hyperlink such that the hyperlink address would be example.com/id=76537434
Cell value i.e. 76537434 must remain the same
Add this event handler to your worksheet's code module:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Column <> 2 Then Exit Sub
Target.Hyperlinks.Delete ' or Target.ClearHyperlinks to conserve the formatting
Me.Hyperlinks.Add Target, "http://example.com/id=" & Target.value
End Sub
The following Worksheet_Change event should be able to solve your problem:
Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim cell As Range
Dim tmp As String
If Intersect(Range("B:B"), Target) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
For Each cell In Target
If cell.Column = 2 Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
tmp = cell.Value2
cell.Parent.Hyperlinks.Add _
Anchor:=Cells(cell.Row, 2), _
Address:="http://example.com/id=" & tmp, _
Application.EnableEvents = True
End If
Next cell
End Sub
Note, that you must copy it to the sheet and not into a separate module.
where cell E14 contains "http://www.example.com/id=" and cell F14 contains "76537434".
This soultions doesn't need VBA macros.

VBA - Open a msgbox when cell value = 1

I need help with a very basic vba macro. When the value in A6 is equal 1 a msgbox needs to appear in the workstation. I developed the below code but the problem is that when I add any other information in the spreadsheet (for example, if I write "i love pizza" in B6) the msgbox will prompt again and I need it to prompt just one time, just when I set the value of A6 = 1. Could you please help me?
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Range("A6").Value = 1 Then
End If
End Sub
I forgot one very important thing... the value "1" is getted with a VLOOKUP so its not insert manually by the user, i'm sorry about this. I tried the codes you people answered and it worked just when I put the vlue manually and as I said in the edit start, the value is set with a VLOOKUP. Any other tips, please?
You need to check if the change is due to the cell A6 being changed, rather than a different cell.
Try this:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Column = 1 And Target.Row = 6 Then
If Target.Value = 1 Then
End If
End If
End Sub
You can use this code instead of the previous one
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address = Me.Range("A6").Address And Me.Range("A6").Value = 1 Then
End If
End Sub
Target is the changed cell in Excel. so for every change event, I check if the target is Range("A6").
Pertaining to the statment : and I need it to prompt just one time, you need to save the oldvalue. So the prompt is displayed only once, when you set the value to 1. If A6 is already 1 and then you type 1 again, no prompt.
Option Explicit
Dim oldVal
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If (Target.Address = "$A$6") Then
If Target.Value = 1 And Target.Value <> oldVal Then
oldVal = Target.Value
MsgBox "Test"
End If
End If
End Sub
You need to check inside the Worksheet_Change event, that only if Cell "A6" is pressed, then continue. And afterwards, check if the value of the cell equals 1.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A6")) Is Nothing Then
If Target.Value = 1 Then MsgBox "THIS IS A MSGBOX."
End If
End Sub
Try this:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address = "$A$6" Then
If Target.Value = 1 Then
End If
End If
End Sub
I forgot one very important thing... the value "1" is getted with a VLOOKUP so its not insert manually by the user, i'm sorry about this. I tried the codes you people answered and it worked just when I put the vlue manually and as I said in the edit start, the value is set with a VLOOKUP. Any other tips, please?

VBA - Open a UserForm by clicking anywhere in a specific column

I would like to build a makro in VBA which opens a UserForm when I click in a cell in a specific column, for more details look here.
With this code (from Mr.Burns):
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Selection.Count = 1 Then
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A1")) Is Nothing Then
'name of userform .Show
End If
End If
End Sub
I was able to open the UserForm by clicking in the cell A1, but not by clicking in any cell inside the column A.
I tried to solve this problem with this code:
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Selection.Count = 1 Then
Dim check As Boolean
check = True
If check Then
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To 100000
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A" & i)) Is Nothing Then
check = False
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
It actually works fine, but it is very slow, is there any better possibility to solve this?
To display the form when a cell is selected in column A:
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
' if target is one cell and in column A
If Target.Columns.count = 1 And Target.Rows.count = 1 And Target.Column = 1 Then
End If
End Sub
You can use .count and .column property together with AND and it will become so much simple and fast. Following code triggers pop-up if u click in column A on active-sheet
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
On Error GoTo errorhandler
If Target.Count = 1 And Target.Column = 1 Then '.count to check if only one cell is selected and .column to check if it is a first column
'Do whatever you want to do here like opening User form
MsgBox "You clicked in column A"
End If
End Sub