Microsoft Access 2016: Conditional Inner Join Multiple Cases - sql

I hope what I'm asking for makes sense. I would like to have a query that chooses a specific type of Inner Join based on a user input.
This is what I have.
qryFiltered (Main Query)
qryLand (sub)
qrySea (sub)
qryAllOrder (sub)
EnterWork (which has a option group called ogLandSea)
In my main query "qryFiltered", I have the following SQL code:
SELECT qryAllOrder.*
(Forms!EnterWork!ogLandSea = 1, (qryAllOrder LEFT JOIN tblLowPriority ON qryAllOrder.[WORK_ORDER_NBR] = tblLowPriority.[WO]) INNER JOIN qrySea ON qryAllOrder.WORK_ORDER_NBR = qrySea.WORK_ORDER_NBR,
Forms!EnterWork!ogLandSea = 2, (qryAllOrder LEFT JOIN tblLowPriority ON qryAllOrder.[WORK_ORDER_NBR] = tblLowPriority.[WO]) INNER JOIN qryLand ON qryAllOrder.WORK_ORDER_NBR = qryLand.WORK_ORDER_NBR)
WHERE tblLowPriority.WO Is Null
Basically, what I'm looking for is to choose the join based on what the user selects on the form. The inner join would choose either qrySea or qryLand based on this input. The error I'm getting is: "Syntax error in FROM clause."
What am I doing wrong here? It's the Switch function that's not working. I tried the two Land and Sea options separately without the Switch function and it works. I just can't seem to figure out a way to have the Inner Join change based on user input.
Appreciate all your responses!

I was able to get this to work by doing a Left Join from the main query to the two subqueries. And then I put a Switch criteria in the WHERE Clause:
WHERE (Switch([Forms]![EnterWork]![ogLandSea]=1,[qrySea]![WORK_ORDER_NBR] Is Not Null Or [qrySea]![WORK_ORDER_NBR] Is Null Or [qryLand]![WORK_ORDER_NBR] Is Not Null,[Forms]![EnterWork]![ogLandSea]=2,[qrySea]![WORK_ORDER_NBR] Is Not Null,[Forms]![EnterWork]![ogLandSea]=3,[qryLand]![WORK_ORDER_NBR] Is Not Null,[Forms]![EnterWork]![ogFN]=4,[qrySea]![WORK_ORDER_NBR] Is Null And [qryLand]![WORK_ORDER_NBR] Is Null))<>False)
Basically, this is what it does:
Option 1: Display all records from the Main Query
Option 2: Display only records that are in qrySea
Option 3: Display only records that are in qryLand
Option 4: Display only records that are NOT in qrySea nor qryLand


'or' operator in left join

evm.case_id, evm.close_ts, evm.cm_promise_utc_ts, evm.cm11, evm.cm13, evm.creat_id, evm.creat_ts, evm.creat_type,
evm.event_act, evm.event_act_perf, evm.event_dt, evm.event_id, evm.event_orig, evm.event_srce, evm.event_sta, evm.event_sub_type, evm.event_type,
evm.fol_pref_mthd, evm.incdnt_no,
evm.lst_updt_id, evm.lst_updt_ts, evm.lst_updt_type,
evm.main_sta, evm.new_act_note, evm.orig_id, evm.own_type, evm.prod_type, evm.req_chan, evm.srvc_arm,
evg.req_add_info as req_add_info_general, evg.rslt_add_info,
evt.add_info, evt.other_ds, evt.req_add_info as req_add_info_ticketing,
eve.event_iss, eve.event_rev,
eve.req_cm_commentary, eve.req_event_nm, eve.rslt_err_dt, eve.rslt_root_cause, eve.rslt_rslv_dtl_cnfr, eve.rslt_rslv_dtl_outcm,
tlsopus.agnt_emply_sta, tlsopus.dlvr_mthd, tlsopus.dm_ctry,
tlsopus.event_subtype as event_sub_type_tlsarpt,
tlsopus.mkt_alpha_cd, tlsopus.own_id, tlsopus.prod_full_nm,
tlsopus.repr_locat, tlsopus.req_pref_spec_dt, tlsopus.req_vend, tlsopus.rslt_rec_loctr,
tlsopus.trvl_prod, tlsopus.trvl_type, tlsopus.user_role,
tlssales.trip_id, tlssales.inv_dt, tlssales.refd_exch_in,
tlssales.trip_type, tlssales.trans_usd_am, tlssales.mkt_cd, tlssales.chan_type,tlssales.exp_trip_id
from cstonedb3.opus_event_master as evm
left join cstonedb3.opus_crm_cases as crm
on evm.case_id = crm.case_id
left join cstonedb3.opus_event_general as evg
on evm.event_id = evg.event_id
left join cstonedb3.opus_event_ticketing as evt
on evm.event_id = evt.event_id
left join cstonedb3.opus_event_escalation as eve
on evm.event_id = eve.event_id
left join cstonedb3.tlsarpt_opus_case_detail as tlsopus
on evm.event_id = tlsopus.event_id
left join cstonedb3.tlsarpt_travel_sales as tlssales
on tlsopus.rslt_rec_loctr = tlssales.trip_id
or tlsopus.rslt_rec_loctr = tlssales.exp_trip_id
where evm.creat_ts between '2022-07-01' and '2022-07-31'
and tlsopus.mkt_alpha_cd = 'US';
tlssales table has two columns that correspond to one column in tlsopus
i.e the values for "tlsopus.rslt_rec_loctr" can be present in either "tlssales.trip_id" or "tlssales.exp_trip_id".
I want the join to first search through the "tlssales.trip_id" column. If there's no match here in this column, then look for a match in "tlssales.exp_trip_id" column.
For this I applied the or condition in the last join statement. But this query gives the following error :
FAILED: SemanticException Cartesian products are disabled for safety
reasons. If you know what you are doing, please
sethive.strict.checks.cartesian.product to false and that
hive.mapred.mode is not set to 'strict' to proceed. Note that if you
may get errors or incorrect results if you make a mistake while using
some of the unsafe features.
Can someone please explain where I'm going wrong? I tried to look through other pages and found out that we can apply or in join.

MS Access SQL sub Query using outer query result

I'm attempting to run a sub query based on the result of an outer query. The issue that I am having is that instead of using the outer query, I get a prompt for a value from the subquery.
SELECT Facilities.CustomerName, Facilities.FacilityName,
Facilities.AnnualPlan, Facilities.AppCo1,
(SELECT YeildDB.CornYield
WHERE Facilites.AppCo1 = YeildDB.FIPS) AS Expr1
FROM Facilities
The goal is that the sub query should use the value from Facilities.AppCo1 to match with the value in YeildDB.FIPS and then return the corresponding value in YeildDB.CornYeild.
Currently I get a prompt asking for the YeildDB.FIPS value instead of the sub query using the outer query value.
Your code should work. But you can also express this using a LEFT JOIN:
SELECT Facilities.CustomerName, Facilities.FacilityName,
Facilities.AnnualPlan, Facilities.AppCo1,
ON Facilties.AppCo1 = YeildDB.FIPS;
I noticed that you misspelled Facilities -- and that is probably why your version doesn't work. This is one reason to use table aliases:
SELECT f.CustomerName, f.FacilityName,
f.AnnualPlan, f.AppCo1,
FROM Facilities as f LEFT JOIN
YeildDB as y
ON f.AppCo1 = y.FIPS;
Your sub query may be returning multiple values, hence the prompt asking you to specify which one you want. You can fix this (or at least hide this issue) by specifying top 1:
SELECT Facilities.CustomerName, Facilities.FacilityName,
Facilities.AnnualPlan, Facilities.AppCo1,
(SELECT TOP 1 YeildDB.CornYield
WHERE Facilites.AppCo1 = YeildDB.FIPS) AS Expr1
FROM Facilities

OracleAPPS- Can not get correct results for Suppliers - Bank query

I am trying to fetch suppliers and bank details in Oracle apps. I am able to write a simple query where each supplier has a supplier site attached to it. Few of my sites doesn't have a record in table "iby_pmt_instr_uses_all". But even then I want to show them . So I am using the outer join on this table. But the issue is when I am putting this outer join condition, I am getting double the records in the query. I believe I am missing on some condition, but can not figure out which one.
FROM apps.iby_pmt_instr_uses_all instrument,
apps.iby_account_owners owners,
apps.iby_external_payees_all payees,
apps.iby_ext_bank_accounts ieb,
apps.ap_supplier_sites_all asa,
apps.ap_suppliers asp,
apps.ce_bank_branches_v cbbv
WHERE owners.ext_bank_account_id = ieb.ext_bank_account_id
AND owners.ext_bank_account_id = instrument.instrument_id(+)
AND payees.ext_payee_id = instrument.ext_pmt_party_id(+)
AND cbbv.branch_party_id = ieb.branch_id
AND payees.payee_party_id = owners.account_owner_party_id
AND payees.supplier_site_id = asa.vendor_site_id
AND asa.vendor_id = asp.vendor_id
AND asp.vendor_name = 'PANALYTICAL'
--and ieb.bank_account_num = asa.VENDOR_SITE_CODE
If I add and ieb.bank_account_num = asa.VENDOR_SITE_CODE this condition I get the correct record, but actually this is not the right join, because there is no relationship between these 2 columns, so this will fail for other suppliers.
Can you please suggest what additional join I can put , so that I get the right result.

SQL report filtering, results stop after first item

and thanks in advance. I am a newbie, working on one of my first reports. I have orders, which have a terminal assigned them (a "DC"). The report is set up to return all open orders, the "DC", and a few other columns (driver #, city, etc). I made a drop down filter to use so I can look at one, several, or all of the DCs. My problem is, it stops looking after the first item that is checked in the drop down list. So if the first item in the list has 100 orders, but the rest of them have thousands more, it only shows me the 100 orders. Am I making any sense here? I am not sure what information from my report's setup would be pertinent here.
This is the query that the report is based on. Using SQL Report Builder.
t.TerminalName as 'OrderDC',
e.LastName as 'DrvLast',
e.FirstName as 'DrvFirst',
et.TerminalName as 'DriverDC'
FROM Orders o
FULL JOIN OrderDrivers od ON o.OrderTrackingID = od.OrderTrackingID
FULL JOIN Employees e ON od.DriverID = e.ID
FULL JOIN ClientMaster cm ON o.ClientID = cm.ClientID
FULL JOIN Terminals t ON o.TerminalID = t.TerminalID
FULL JOIN Terminals et ON e.TerminalID = et.TerminalID
WHERE o.Status = 'N'
Order By o.aTimeStamp ASC
(I am writing this as an answer even if it isn't an complete answer mostly because the comment field is kind of limited.)
In the SQL you posted the below stands out as wrong
FULL JOIN Terminals t ON o.TerminalID = t.TerminalID
FULL JOIN Terminals et ON e.TerminalID = et.TerminalID
You are joining the same table twice but the is nothing that separated the two joins and this is my guess why you are not getting any more orders in your report.
I don't now what the drop down list corresponds to but I assume it is some kind of identifier in the Terminals table.
From a pure SQL point of view I would expect something like this
FULL JOIN Terminals t ON o.TerminalID = t.TerminalID
WHERE t.someColumn IN (value1, value2)
where value1 and value2 comes from the drop down list.
I see in your select part that you include the same column from both of the Terminals JOIN you have and I expect those two columns to always have the same values. You should need that column only once in your select list.
Not a solution but maybe this can get you in the right direction.

Access SQL query without duplicate results

I made a query and wanted to not have any duplicates but i got some times 3 duplicates and when i used DISTINCT or DISTINCTROW i got only 2 duplicates.
SELECT f.flight_code,
f.departing_date+f.departing_time AS SupposedDepartingTime,
f.landing_date+f.landing_time AS SupposedLandingTime,
de.actual_takeoff_date+de.actual_takeoff_time AS ActualDepartingTime,
SupposedLandingTime+(ActualDepartingTime-SupposedDepartingTime) AS ActualLandingTime
(((Flights AS f
LEFT JOIN Aireports AS a
ON a.airport_code = f.depart_ap)
LEFT JOIN Aireports AS a1
ON f.target_ap = a1.airport_code)
LEFT JOIN Irregular_Events AS ie
ON f.flight_code = ie.flight_code)
LEFT JOIN Delay_Event AS de
ON ie.IE_code = de.delay_code;
had to use LEFT JOIN because when i used INNER JOIN i missed some of the things i wanted to show because i wanted to see all the flights and not only the flights that got delayed or canceled.
This is the results when i used INNER JOIN, you can see only the flights that have the status "ביטול" or "עיכוב" and that is not what i wanted.
[the results with LEFT JOIN][2]
and when i used DISTINCT where you see the rows with the NUMBER 6 on the first column it appear only two times
I just checked my query and all the tables i use there and i saw my problem but dont know how to fix it!
in the table Irregular_Events i have more the one event for flights 3,6 and 8 and that is why when i use LEFT JOIN i see more even thou i use distinct, please give me some help!
Not entirely sure without seeing the table structure, but this might work:
SELECT f.flight_code,
f.departing_date+f.departing_time AS SupposedDepartingTime,
f.landing_date+f.landing_time AS SupposedLandingTime,
de.actual_takeoff_date+de.actual_takeoff_time AS ActualDepartingTime,
SupposedLandingTime+(ActualDepartingTime-SupposedDepartingTime) AS ActualLandingTime
((Flights AS f
LEFT JOIN Aireports AS a
ON a.airport_code = f.depart_ap)
LEFT JOIN Aireports AS a1
ON f.target_ap = a1.airport_code)
Irregular_Events ie
ON ie.IE_code = de1.delay_code
) AS de
ON f.flight_code = de.flight_code
It is hard to tell what is the problem with your query without any sample of the output, and without any description of the structure of your tables.
But your problem is that your are querying from the flights table, which [I assume] can be linked to multiple irregular_events, which can possibly also be linked to multiple delay_event.
If you want to get only one row per flight, you need to make sure your joins return only one row too. Maybe you can do it by adding one more condition to the join, or by adding a condition in a sub-query.
You could try to add a GROUP BY to the query: