I'm a beginner in Amazon's Lambda-API implementations.
I'm just deploying a very simple API: a very simple lambda function with Python 2.7 printing "Hello World" that I trigger with API Gateway. However, when I click on the Invoke URL link, it tells me "{"message": "Internal server error"}".
Thus, I'm trying to see what is wrong here, so I click on the API itself and I can see the following being grey in my Method Execution: "Integration Response: Proxy integrations cannot be configured to transform responses."
I have tested many different configurations but I still face the same error. I have no idea why this step is grey.
I had the same problem when trying to integrate API gateway and lambda function. Basically, after spending a couple of hours, I figure out.
So when you were creating a new resource or method the Use Lambda Proxy integration was set by default.
So you need to remove this. Follow to Integration Request and untick the Use Lambda Proxy integration
you will see the following picture
Then in you Resources, Atction tab, choose Enable CORS
Once this done Deploy your API once again and test function. Also, this topic will explain what's happening under the hood.
Good luck...
The Lambda response should be in a specific format for API gateway to process. You could find details in the post. https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/malformed-502-api-gateway/
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
var responseBody = {
"key3": "value3",
"key2": "value2",
"key1": "value1"
var response = {
"statusCode": 200,
"headers": {
"my_header": "my_value"
"body": JSON.stringify(responseBody),
"isBase64Encoded": false
callback(null, response);
My API was working in Postman but not locally when I was developing the front end. I was getting the same errors when trying to enable CORS on my resources for GET, POST and OPTIONS and after searching all over #aditya answer got me on the right track but I had to tweak my code slightly.
I needed to add the res.statusCodeand the two headers and it started working.
// GET
// get all myModel
app.get('/models/', (req, res) => {
const query = 'SELECT * FROM MyTable'
pool.query(query, (err, results, fields) => {
const models = [...results]
const response = {
data: models,
message: 'All models successfully retrieved.',
//****** needed to add the next 3 lines
res.statusCode = 200;
res.setHeader('content-type', 'application/json');
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
If you re using terraform for aws resource provision you can set the
"aws_api_gateway_integration" type = "AWS" instead of "AWS_PROXY" and that should resolve your problem.
I would like to implement your Cloud Recoding of Live Broadcasting via RESTful API. I implemented it with NodeJs. Could you please help me why I get an error and how I can fix it?
On the manual,
"Status Code 400: The input is in the wrong format."
But I do not know what is wrong.
error: null
body: { resourceId: '', code: 400 }
var plainCredentials = new Buffer.from(agoraCustomerId+":"+agoraCustomerCertificate);
var base64Credentials = plainCredentials.toString("base64");
var options = {
url: "https://api.agora.io/v1/apps/AGORA_APP_ID/cloud_recording/acquire",
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Authorization": "Basic " + base64Credentials,
"Content-type": "application/json;charset=utf-8"
"cname": "190724060650293",
"uid": "060716332",
"clientRequest": {}
request.post(options, function (error, response, body) {
console.log("error: " + error);
console.log("body: ", body);
Agora's Cloud Recording is an add-on feature so it's not enabled by default, it needs to be enabled on your account for a specific AppID. The error you may be receiving is because the feature is not enabled on your account.
Enabling Agora.io's Cloud Recording on your project is now available through the Agora.io Dashboard.
To enable Cloud Recording on your project, you’ll need to click into the Products & Usage section of the Agora.io Dashboard and select the Project name from the drop-down in the upper left-hand corner, click the Duration link below Cloud Recording.
After you click Enable Cloud Recording, you will be prompted to confirm the concurrent channels settings which defaults to 50, but you can contact sales#agora.io if you need more.
Theres a getting started tutorial that leverages a POSTMAN collection for quick testing.
QuickStart Tutorial: https://medium.com/#hermes_11327/agora-cloud-recording-quickstart-guide-with-postman-demo-c4a6b824e708
Postman Collection: https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/6319646/SVSLr9AM?version=latest
In my case it was mistake in Region settings . I used AP_NORTHEAST_1 but 10 need be used
1 - Make sure you have enable agora recording
2- Check the link and send all parameters.
EX: {
"cname": "httpClient463224",
"uid": "527841",
"resourceExpiredHour": 24,
"scene": 1
You forgot to put "resourceExpiredHour": 24,"scene": 1
More info:
PHP: you need to put strval function
$body = ["cname"=>strval($cname),"uid" =>strval($uid),"clientRequest" => ["resourceExpiredHour" => 24,"scene" => 1]];
I hope you solve your issue
I'm trying to use jwt's authHttp to set an API connection to a particular Back End. I'm trying to make it first without any token so I can test it but it seams like it's not even getting connected. I'm using it as following:
data => console.log("data"),
err => console.log(err),
() => console.log('Request Complete')
The error I'm getting in the console is AuthHttpError {}
I've set my ngModules as it say in the guide:
providers: [
provide: AuthHttp,
useFactory: authHttpServiceFactory,
deps: [Http, RequestOptions]
function authHttpServiceFactory(http: Http, options: RequestOptions) {
return new AuthHttp(new AuthConfig({noTokenScheme : true}), http);
The thing that drive's me crazy is that using http it works fine like this:
data=> console.log(data),
error=> console.log("Getting Error")
You are probably thinking "Why he is not using http then instead of authHttp?". Well, that's because setting a heather "Authorization" and its token seams impossible with http.
Any help or guidance would be extremely helpful.
If you don't need JsonWebTokens but simply want to add custom headers, you can do it this way without having to import the angular2-jwt library :
In your service :
private customHeaders: Headers = this.setCredentialsHeader();
setCredentialsHeader() {
let headers = new Headers();
let credentials = window.localStorage.getItem('credentials2');
headers.append('Authorization', 'Basic ' + credentials);
return headers;
someMethod() {
let url = 'your.URL.to.API';
return this.http
.get(url, { headers: this.customHeaders })
.map(result => {
This way you can add your Authorization header with the type of data you want.
If it's a Authorization Bearer type header you are looking for and use it with angular2-jwt, you can use the default configuration first before trying to provide your own AuthHttp instance through the factory. It will be much simpler to debug and figure where the problem is.
From the documentation : https://github.com/auth0/angular2-jwt#configuration-options
AUTH_PROVIDERS gives a default configuration setup:
In your module with your service, just import the AUTH_PROVIDERS like this :
import { AUTH_PROVIDERS } from 'angular2-jwt';
providers: [
and simply use the AuthHttp instance in your service like you did.
You should see in the Navigator Network tab your headers being added to your request.
As stated in the documentation, it is appending the token value in the headers from the Token Getter Function defined in the AUTH_PROVIDERS by default.
You therefore need to add your JWT in your LocalStorage with the default name id_token.
To give you my working example, I'm setting a JWT upon the authentication process, where I get a JWT as a response from my Http Call :
setToken(token?) {
if (token) {
window.localStorage.setItem('id_token', token);
} else {
You should be able to see your JWT in your network tab if done correctly.
Afterwards, the AuthHttp instance should add the headers to your requests as intended...
It might not work correctly if your Token is not a JWT. To check if it's a good one, you can use a website such as https://jwt.io/ where it will be decoded.
If it's still not working, this means the problem is coming from elsewhere. A service not provided correctly, etc.
I tried lot of examples available in the net using node module wcf.js. But could not get any appropriate result. I'm using the below url
Any one who can explain me with the help of code will be really helpful. I want to know how to access the wsdl in node.js
Please have a look at wcf.js
In short you can follow these steps:
npm install wcf.js
Write your code like this:
var Proxy = require('wcf.js').Proxy;
var BasicHttpBinding = require('wcf.js').BasicHttpBinding;
var binding = new BasicHttpBinding();
//Ensure the proxy variable created below has a working wsdl link that actually loads wsdl
var proxy = new Proxy(binding, "http://YourHost/YourService.svc?wsdl");
/*Ensure your message below looks like a valid working SOAP UI request*/
var message = "<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/' xmlns:sil='http://YourNamespace'>" +
"<soapenv:Header/>" +
"<soapenv:Body>" +
"<sil:YourMethod>" +
"<sil:YourParameter1>83015348-b9dc-41e5-afe2-85e19d3703f9</sil:YourParameter1>" +
"<sil:YourParameter2>IMUT</sil:YourParameter2>" +
"</sil:YourMethod>" +
"</soapenv:Body>" +
/*The message that you created above, ensure it works properly in SOAP UI rather copy a working request from SOAP UI*/
/*proxy.send's second argument is the soap action; you can find the soap action in your wsdl*/
proxy.send(message, "http://YourNamespace/IYourService/YourMethod", function (response, ctx) {
/*Your response is in xml and which can either be used as it is of you can parse it to JSON etc.....*/
You don't have that many options.
You'll probably want to use one of:
i tried node-soap to get INR USD rate with following code.
app.get('/getcurr', function(req, res) {
var soap = require('soap');
var args = {FromCurrency: 'USD', ToCurrency: 'INR'};
var url = "http://www.webservicex.net/CurrencyConvertor.asmx?WSDL";
soap.createClient(url, function(err, client) {
client.ConversionRate(args, function(err, result) {
Code Project has got a neat sample which uses wcf.js for which api's are wcf like so no need to learn new paradigm.
I think that an alternative would be to:
use a tool such as SoapUI to record input and output xml messages
use node request to form input xml message to send (POST) the request to the web service (note that standard javascript templating mechanisms such as ejs or mustache could help you here) and finally
use an XML parser to deserialize response data to JavaScript objects
Yes, this is a rather dirty and low level approach but it should work without problems
You'll probably want to use one of:
Aslo, there's an existing question.
In my case, I used https://www.npmjs.com/package/soap. By default forceSoap12Headers option was set to false which prevented node-soap to generate correct soap message according to SOAP 1.2. Check for more details: I am confused about SOAP namespaces. After I set it to true, I was able to make a call to .NET WCF service. Here is a TypeScript code snipper that worked for me.
import * as soap from 'soap';
import { IOptions } from 'soap';
// ...
const url = 'https://www.your-domain.com/stock.svc?wsdl';
const opt: IOptions = {
forceSoap12Headers: true,
soap.createClient(url, opt, (err, client: soap.Client) => {
if (err) {
throw err;
const wsSecurityOptions = {
hasTimeStamp: false,
const wsSecurity = new soap.WSSecurity('username', 'password', wsSecurityOptions);
client.addSoapHeader({ Action: 'http://tempuri.org/API/GetStockDetail' }, undefined, 'wsa', 'http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing');
client.addSoapHeader({ To: 'https://www.your-domain.com/stock.svc' }, undefined, 'wsa', 'http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing');
const args = {
symbol: 'GOOG',
(requestErr, result) => {
if (requestErr) {
throw requestErr;
Here couple links to the documentation of node-soap usage:
I'm trying to write a front end to an API service with Node JS.
I'd like to be able to have a user point their browser at my node server and make a request. The node script would modify the input to the request, call the api service, then modify the output and pass back to the user.
I like the solution here (with Express JS and node-http-proxy) as it passes the cookies and headers directly from the user through my site to the api server.
proxy request in node.js / express
I see how to modify the input to the request, but i can't figure out how to modify the response. Any suggestions?
transformer-proxy could be useful here. I'm the author of this plugin and I'm answering here because I found this page when looking for the same question and wasn't satisfied with harmon as I don't want to manipulate HTML.
Maybe someone else is looking for this and finds it useful.
Harmon is designed to plug into node-http-proxy https://github.com/No9/harmon
It uses trumpet and so is stream based to work around any buffering problems.
It uses an element and attribute selector to enable manipulation of a response.
This can be used to modify output response.
See here: https://github.com/nodejitsu/node-http-proxy/issues/382#issuecomment-14895039
http-proxy-interceptor is a middleware I wrote for this very purpose. It allows you to modify the http response using one or more transform streams. There are tons of stream-based packages available (like trumpet, which harmon uses), and by using streams you can avoid buffering the entire response.
var httpProxy = require('http-proxy');
var modifyResponse = require('http-proxy-response-rewrite');
var proxy = httpProxy.createServer({
target:'target server IP here',
proxy.on('error', function (err, req, res) {
res.writeHead(500, {
'Content-Type': 'text/plain'
res.end('Something went wrong. And we are reporting a custom error message.');
proxy.on('proxyRes', function (proxyRes, req, res) {
modifyResponse(res, proxyRes.headers['content-encoding'], function (body) {
if (body && (body.indexOf("<process-order-response>")!= -1)) {
var beforeTag = "</receipt-text>"; //tag after which u can add data to
// response
var beforeTagBody = body.substring(0,(body.indexOf(beforeTag) + beforeTag.length));
var requiredXml = " <ga-loyalty-rewards>\n"+
var afterTagBody = body.substring(body.indexOf(beforeTag)+ beforeTag.length)+
var res = [];
res.push(beforeTagBody, requiredXml, afterTagBody);
return res.join("");
return body;
I am storing json blobs on azure which I am accessing via XHR. While trying to load these blobs I am getting this error:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://myazureaccount.blob.core.windows.net/myjsoncontainer/myblob.json?json. Origin http://localhost is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
Is there any way to set the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header of a blob returned by azure?
Windows Azure Storage added CORS support on November 26, 2013: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) Support for the Windows Azure Storage Services. More details and C#/JavaScript samples - Windows Azure Storage: Introducing CORS.
The CORS options can be set on a storage account using the Windows.Azure.Storage client library version or later, available from NuGet, using something similar to the following pseudocode:
var storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(
var blobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
var serviceProperties = blobClient.GetServiceProperties();
serviceProperties.Cors.CorsRules.Add(new CorsRule() {
AllowedHeaders = { "..." },
AllowedMethods = CorsHttpMethods.Get | CorsHttpMethods.Head,
AllowedOrigins = { "..." },
ExposedHeaders = { "..." },
MaxAgeInSeconds = 600
Not currently but Scott Hanselman, Program Manager for Azure, has confirmed support for this is coming soon on Feb 4th 2013.
One of the helpful MSDN Blog
it might help you all.
The code which I was missing was
private static void ConfigureCors(ServiceProperties serviceProperties)
serviceProperties.Cors = new CorsProperties();
serviceProperties.Cors.CorsRules.Add(new CorsRule()
AllowedHeaders = new List<string>() { "*" },
AllowedMethods = CorsHttpMethods.Put | CorsHttpMethods.Get | CorsHttpMethods.Head | CorsHttpMethods.Post,
AllowedOrigins = new List<string>() { "*" },
ExposedHeaders = new List<string>() { "*" },
MaxAgeInSeconds = 1800 // 30 minutes
It basically add some rules to SAS Url, and I am able to upload my files to blob.
Nope, they still haven't added this. You can set up a proxy on an Amazon EC2 instance that fetches the objects on the Azure CDN, then returns the data with the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, which allows you to make the requests through our proxy. You can also temporarily cache stuff on the proxy to help with speed/performance (this solution obviously takes a hit there), but it's still not ideal.
You might try using JSONP.
The idea is that you define a callback function on your site that will receive the JSON content, and your JSON document becomes a JavaScript file the invokes your callback with the desired data. [Thomas Conté, August 2011]
To do this, create a document that wraps your JSON content in a JavaScript function call:
{ "key": "value", ... }
myFunc({ "key": "value", ... });
Now you're not loading JSON but JavaScript, and script tags are not subject to Single Origin Policy. jQuery provides convenient methods for loading JSONP:
url: 'http://myazureaccount.blob.core.windows.net/myjsoncontainer/myblob.jsonp?jsonp',
dataType: 'jsonp',
jsonpCallback: 'myFunc',
success: function (data) {
// 'data' now has your JSON object already parsed
// and converted to a JavaScript object.
While jsonp works, I wouldn't recommend it. Read the first comment to this answer for specifics. I think the best way around this is to use CORS. Unfortunately, Azure doesn't support this. So if you can, I would change storage providers to one that does (Google Cloud Storage for example)