Stor port driver and Pagefile.sys - ram

Can the storport driver know if the Read/Write command request which has come to it, is it because of a Paging out request from the physical RAM or Paging in request to the RAM?

Found out a way to find if the request is from Paging I/O or not.
The API is StorPortGetRequestInfo() and in PSTOR_REQUEST_INFO you will get to know what kind of request it is.


POST with bodies larger than 64k to Express.js failing to process

I'm attempting to post some json to an express.js endpoint. If the size of the json is less than 64k, then it succeeds just fine. If it exceeds 64k, the request is never completely received by the server. The problem only occurs when running express directly locally. When running on heroku, the request proceeds without issue.
The problem is seen across MacOS, Linux (ubuntu 19), and Windows. It is present when using Chrome, Firefox, or Safari.
When I make requests using postman, the request fails.
If I make the request using curl, the request succeeds.
If I make the request after artificially throttling chrome to "slow 3G" levels in network settings, the request succeeds.
I've traced through express and discovered that the problem appears when attempting to parse the body. The request gets passed to body-parser.json() which in turns called getRawBody to get the Buffer from the request.
getRawBody is processing the incoming request stream and converting it into a buffer. It receives the first chunk of the request just fine, but never receives the second chunk. Eventually the request continues parsing with an empty buffer.
The size limit on bodyparser is set to 100mb, so it is not the problem. getRawBody never returns, so body-parser never gets a crack at it.
If I'm logging the events from getRawBody I can see the first chunk come in, but no other events are fired.
Watching wireshark logs, all the data is getting sent over the wire. But it looks like for some reason, express is not receiving all the chunks. I think it's got to be due to how express is processing the packets, have no idea how to proceed.
In the off chance anyone in the future is running into the same thing: The root problem in this case was that we were overwriting req.socket with our client. req.socket is used by node internally to transfer data. We were overwriting such that the first packets would get through, but not subsequent packets. So if the request was processed sufficiently quickly, all was well.
tl;dr: Don't overwrite req.socket.

Apache Request/Response Too Slow

I have an Apache server with 16GB of Ram. The script cap.php returns a very small chunk of data (500B). It starts a mysql connection and makes a simple query.
However, the response from the server is, in my opinion, too lengthy.
I attach a screenshot of the Developer Tool Panel in Chrome.
Beside SSL and the TTFB there is a strange delay of 300ms (Stalled).
If I try a curl from the WebServer:
curl -w '\nLookup time:\t%{time_namelookup}\nConnect time:\t%{time_connect}\nPreXfer time:\t%{time_pretransfer}\nStartXfer time:\t%{time_starttransfer}\n\nTotal time:\t%{time_total}\n' -k -H 'miyazaki'
Lookup time: 0.000
Connect time: 0.000
PreXfer time: 0.182
StartXfer time: 0.266
Total time: 0.266
Does anyone know what that is?
Eventually, I found that if you use SSL it is really better and it does really matter to switch on the KeepAlive directive into Apache. See the picture below.
According to the Chrome documentation:
Time the request spent waiting before it could be sent. This time is inclusive of any time spent in proxy negotiation.
Additionally, this time will include when the browser is waiting for
an already established connection to become available for re-use,
obeying Chrome's maximum six TCP connection per origin rule.
So this appears to be a client issue with Chrome talking to the network rather than a server config issue. As you are only making one request I think we can rule out the TCP limit per origin (unless you have lots of other tabs using up these connections) so would guess either limitations on your PC (network card, RAM, CPU) or infrastructure issues (e.g. You connect via a proxy and it takes time to set up that connection).
Your curl request doesn't seem to show this delay as it has just a 0.182 wait time to send the request (which is easily explained with https negotiation) and then a 0.266 total time to download (including the 0.182). This compares with 0.700 seconds when using Chrome so don't understand why you say "total time is similar" when to me it's clearly not?
Finally I do not understand your follow up answer. It looks to me like you have made request, presumably after a recent other request as this has skipped the whole network connection stage (including any grey stalling, blue DNS lookup, orange initial connection and purple https connection). So of course this quicker. But it's not comparing like for like with your first screenshot in your question and is not addressing your question.
But yes you absolutely should be using keep-alives (they are on by default in most web server so usually takes extra efforts to turn them off) and https resumption techniques (not on by default unless you explicitly add this to your https config) to benefit any additional requests sent shortly after the first. But these will not benefit the first connection of the session.

mod_perl2 with apache 2.22 Apache2::RequestIO::print: (103) Software caused connection abort

I’m trying to get a mod_perl2 application ported to AWS. As part of the port I thought I’d move from Debian Squeeze to Wheezy with the latest stable mod_perl & Apache2 combination.
The application works right up to the point I try and write JSON responses to the client. At this point, each request is canceled on the client and on the server I get the error
Apache2::RequestIO::print: (103) Software caused connection abort
whenever I write to the client, i.e.:
I’ve tried tcpdumping the response to the client, and I can see it being written out, but no response is received on the client end and it just barfs chips. I can’t find any information on how to get around this.
I found quite a few people asking about this question on the net without many answers. The solution to my problem was very specific but I thought I’d post what I did anyway, it may help someone.
The client was canceling the request before the response was fully written, which was crapping out Apache::RequestIO (for reasons I still don’t know).
I couldn’t work out why I was seeing this behavior.
By using tcpdump I could see that data was being written out to the client – and it looked fine.
By inspecting the page in Chrome and looking at the network stack, I could see that my request for data was being canceled after no response was received (which was odd because the code worked fine on other servers and I could see the response was being written). Debugging was may harder because with Apache crashing out with an error in print IO I couldn’t check if the bytes written equaled the bytes of data. I wasn’t sure if something was getting stuck on the server side.
So, I changed the Content-Type of the response from application/json to text/html, so that I could query the page and just look at the actual response as text. Once I did that, I could see that the response was fine.
I started to look for other causes, and I found that in the migration to the new server, I’d missed altering some URLs in the DB to point to the new server, which meant my application was trying to get some data from the old DB.
This in turn was causing a load of timing issues, which was causing my problems. Once I fixed the config, the problems went away.

how to continue the request in mod_wsgi after processing the request

After processing the request in a mod_wsgi module, I want to continue the request as it was supposed to without the module. How to do that ?
def application(environ, startResponse):
// do some processing
then continue the request
If you mean you want to perform some task after the response has been sent, see:
Doing such tasks in process can be problematic. You are better off submitting details into a separate task system such as Celery, Redis Queue or Gearman and let it handle it. That way the request handler thread is released to handle other requests and you don't reduce the capacity of the WSGI server as far as handling HTTP requests is concerned.
If this is not what you are asking, you need to explain it a bit better as your description is a little confusing.

Background Intelligent Transfer Service and Amazon S3

I'm using SharpBITS to download file from AmazonS3.
> // Create new download job. BitsJob
> job = this._bitsManager.CreateJob(jobName, JobType.Download);
> // Add file to job.
> job.AddFile(downloadFile.RemoteUrl, downloadFile.LocalDestination);
> // Resume
> job.Resume();
It works for files which do no need authentication. However as soon as I add authentication query string for AmazonS3 file request the response from server is http state 403 -unauthorized. Url works file in browser.
Here is the HTTP request from BIT service:
HEAD /mybucket/6a66aeba-0acf-11df-aff6-7d44dc82f95a-000001/5809b987-0f65-11df-9942-f2c504c2c389/v10/summary.doc?AWSAccessKeyId=AAAAZ5SQ76RPQQAAAAA&Expires=1265489615&Signature=VboaRsOCMWWO7VparK3Z0SWE%2FiQ%3D HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: identity
User-Agent: Microsoft BITS/7.5
Connection: Keep-Alive
The only difference between the one from a web browser is the request type. Firefox makes a GET request and BITS makes a HEAD request. Are there any issues with Amazon S3 HEAD requests and query string authentication?
Regards, Blaz
You are probably right that a proxy is the only way around this. BITS uses the HEAD request to get a content length and decide whether or not it wants to chunk the file download. It then does the GET request to actually retrieve the file - sometimes as a whole if the file is small enough, otherwise with range headers.
If you can use a proxy or some other trick to give it any kind of response to the HEAD request, it should get unstuck. Even if the HEAD request is faked with a fictitious content length, BITS will move on to a GET. You may see duplicate GET requests in a case like this, because if the first GET request returns a content length longer than the original HEAD request, BITS may decide "oh crap, I better chunk this after all."
Given that, I'm kind of surprised it's not smart enough to recover from a 403 error on the HEAD request and still move on to the GET. What is the actual behaviour of the job? Have you tried watching it with bitsadmin /monitor? If the job is sitting in a transient error state, it may do that for around 20 mins and then ultimately recover.
Before beginning a download, BITS sends an HTTP HEAD request to the server in order to figure out the remote file's size, timestamp, etc. This is especially important for BranchCache-based BITS transfers and is the reason why server-side HTTP HEAD support is listed as an HTTP requirement for BITS downloads.
That being said, BITS bypasses the HTTP HEAD request phase, issuing an HTTP GET request right away, if either of the following conditions is true:
The BITS job is configured with the BITS_JOB_PROPERTY_DYNAMIC_CONTENT flag.
BranchCache is disabled AND the BITS job contains a single file.
Workaround (1) is the most appropriate, since it doesn't affect other BITS transfers in the system.
For workaround (2), BranchCache can be disabled through BITS' DisableBranchCache group policy. You'll need to do "gpupdate" from an elevated command prompt after making any Group Policy changes, or it will take ~90 minutes for the changes to take effect.