SqlCommmand parameters not adding to UPDATE statement (C#, MVC) - sql

If you look at the stuff commented out, I can easily get this to work by adding user input directly in to the query, but when I try to parameterize it, none of the values are being added to the parameters...
This code is throwing an error
Must define table variable #formTable
but the issue is none of the values are adding, not just the table variable (verified by replacing table name variable with static text).
I have many insert statements in this project structured exactly like this one which work perfectly. What am I doing wrong here?
string constr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DefaultConnection"].ConnectionString;
using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(constr))
//string query = "UPDATE " + s.formTable + " SET " + s.column + " = '" + s.cellValue + "' WHERE MasterID = '" + s.id + "'";
string query = "UPDATE #formTable SET #column = #cellValue WHERE MasterID = #id;";
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query))
//SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter("#formTable", s.formTable);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#formTable", s.formTable);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#column", s.column);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#cellValue", s.cellValue.ToString());
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#id", s.id.ToString());
cmd.Connection = con;

Parameters are for values, not object identifiers (tables, columns, etc.), so the only valid parameters you have are #cellValue and #id.
If you want to dynamically set table/column names based on user input, you're likely looking at string concatenation. However, that doesn't necessarily mean SQL injection. All you need to do is validate the user input against a set of known values and use the known value in the concatenation.
For example, suppose you have a List<string> with all of your table names. It can be hard-coded if your tables are never going to change, or you can make it more dynamic by querying some system/schema tables in the database to populate it.
When a user inputs a value for a table name, check if it's in the list. If it is, use that matching value from the list. If it isn't, handle the error condition (such as showing a message to the user). So, even though you're using string concatenation, no actual user input is ever entered into the string. You're just concatenating known good values which is no different than the string literals you have now.


double where statement in SQL and ASP

I am a little lost on how to incorporate TWO Where in my sql statement in my asp.
I am trying to get the userID and password entered previously and compare it with what I have in my database created on SQL:
I think my problem comes from my double quotation and single quotation.
UserID is a number in my database and Password is a short text.
var mycon = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Connection");
var myrec = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Recordset");
mycon.Open("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\\Users\\Omnivox.mdb");
var txtpassword = Request.QueryString("txtpassword");
var txtuserID = parseInt (Request.QueryString("txtuserID"));
var sql;
sql = "SELECT UserID, UserPassword FROM UserOmnivox WHERE UserID=" +txtuserID+ " AND UserPassword='" + txtpassword + "';";
myrec.Open(sql, mycon);
thank you
UPDATE: It is still not working. The error massage is : no value given for one or more required parameters for the line myrec.Open(sql,mycon)
sql = "SELECT * FROM UserOmnivox WHERE UserID=" +txtuserID "AND UserPassword="'+txtpassword';
sql = "SELECT * FROM UserOmnivox WHERE UserID=" +txtuserID + " AND UserPassword='"+txtpassword+"'";
If you'd done any kind of basic debugging, like LOOKING at the query string you're generating, you'd have seen this:
sql = "SELECT [..snip..] UserID=" +txtuserID "AND UserPassword="'+txtpassword
^^--- no space
^--- missing +
which produces
SELECT .... UserID=1234AND userPassword
^^---syntax error, no such field '1234AND'
And then, yes, your quotes are wrong too
sql = "SELECT ... UserID=" +txtuserID "AND UserPassword="'+txtpassword
^------------------^-- one string
^-----------------^-- another string
It should be
sql = "SELECT * FROM UserOmnivox WHERE UserID=" +txtuserID + " AND UserPassword='" + txtpassword + "';";
I find another more flexible solution is better. Sometimes based on conditions you have one where condition, in others you have zero, and in others you have two. If you go down these paths they don't solve that issue. The following does.....
Some sql query
where 1=1 -- ## A condition that will always be true and does nothing to your query.
and first optional where clause
and second optional where clause
This way if you don't have the first where clause in a given situation but you do have the second you are not missing the words "where". You always have the where and you optionally add any array of "and" parts to your where statement. 100% flexibility in this method works for all challenges. Plus it is easier to follow code once you get past the wtf is this 1=1 nonsense reaction.

String.Format vs Parameter Values SQL Query

I'm trying to figure out if there is a better way to do this
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand
Dim sel As String
Dim obj As New DataHandler
sel = String.Format("SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Country LIKE '{0}%'", txt_Input.Text)
cmd.CommandText = sel
Me.dgv_Customers.DataSource = obj.SqlDataRetriever(cmd)
Basically what im trying to do is have a textbox that whenever I type a letter, the grid refreshes itself by sending a Query to my SQL server searching for whatever its in the textbox using the LIKE() from SQL. I've been reading about SQL injection and so far everyone suggests to use parameter values (#value) for user input, but if I try to replace the {0} with that it doesn't work. I just wanna make sure that this is a valid way of doing this.
Instead just concatenate the string like below. You should consider using parameterized query to avoid SQL Injection.
sel = "SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Country LIKE '" + txt_Input.Text + "%'";
Use a parameterized query rather. See This Post
Dim cmd as New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Country LIKE #param")
cmd.Parameters.Add("#param", txt_Input.Text +"%")

SqlCommandBuilder With Convert Statement

I have an application that's built in .NET language.
In this application we mainly read/write to the database (SQL Server 2005).
Sometimes (for a single input) I just use the SQL query, for example:
commandText = "INSERT INTO Test_Table (Number) VALUES ('10')";
command = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(commandText, connection);
If I want to update a bunch of records in my database, I use the SqlCommandBuilder class, as in this example:
adapter = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Test_Table WHERE Number = '9'",connection);
commandbuilder = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder(adapter);
dataset = new System.Data.DataSet();
dataset.Tables["Example"].Rows[0].["Number"] = 10;
These work great. But now, for some reason I need to insert/update datetimes and use the CONVERT function on it.
The single SQL query works great:
t = System.DateTime.Now;
commandText = "INSERT INTO Test_Table (DateTime) VALUES (datetime, 't.toString()', 103)";
command = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(commandText, connection);
This works without a problem, however I have no idea how to achieve the same thing using my SqlCommandBuilder scripts. I could change everything to single query, but this would take a week.
I have already tried the following, without success:
t = System.DateTime.Now;
adapter = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Test_Table WHERE Number = '9'", connection);
commandbuilder = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder(adapter);
dataset = new System.Data.DataSet();
adapter.Fill(dataset, "Example");
dataset.Tables["Example"].Rows[0].["DateTime"] = "CONVERT(datetime,'" + t.toString() + "',103);
adapter.update(dataset, "Example");
This line of code is weird:
dataset.Tables["Example"].Rows[0].["DateTime"] = "CONVERT(datetime,'" + t.toString() + "',103);
Does it compile? Specifically, this:
I think it should be:
But regardles of the syntax...I don't think this is the right way to go. The datatable (in the dataset) expects a datetime object (btw, don't name your attributes by their datatype, it causes confusion) and you are providing it with something that is incompatible. Sytem.DateTime.Now returns a DateTime object, then you are concatenating it with string (again, does this compile?) and I assume you expect it to be injected into the INSERT statement?
Since you said that it would take a week to change everything, I assume that you have a lot of similar code to repair.
I see three possible solutions, all require some work:
Create a database trigger
Add a default value to the DateTime field in the database and remove the DateTime from the select query.
(start watching at around 2:00)
You can write a function that does the actual text replacing but it can get tricky:
dasdas as
private string ChangeDate(string insertQuery)
// find the location of the date column
// replace the actual value with the "CONVERT(datetime,'" + actualValue + "',103)"
// return the new value and store it in the sqlcommandbuilder.insertstatement
Admittedly, all three require work and are not really "elegant". I would go for option 2, because it seems less work. But I don't know if this solves your problem..

SQL Server : drop table with SQL parameters

I'm trying to drop a table using SqlParameters. I have this code .
DataRowView d= (DataRowView) cmbTabele.Items[cmbTabele.SelectedIndex];
string name = (d["table_name"]as string);
SqlCommand com=new SqlCommand("drop table #nume ", dbCon);
SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter("#nume", name);
com.ExecuteNonQuery(); // ERROR HERE
I receive this error :
Incorrect syntax near '#nume'.
But when I do
SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand("drop table " + name, dbCon);
it works, and I really don't understand this error.
You cannot use a parameter for a table name. Although you'll normally get told off around here for building up a query using string concatenation, this is one occasion where you'll need to!
SqlCommand com=new SqlCommand("drop table " + name, dbCon);
I do not recommand it, but if you really want to use SQLParameter, then it is possible this way.
SqlCommand com=new SqlCommand("EXEC('drop table ''' + #nume + '''')", dbCon);
But really, there is no advantage in doing it this way. This work on SQL Server 2005 and newest version of it.

IF-ELSE Alternative for Multiple SQL criteria for use in BIRT

I want to create a report by using BIRT. I have 5 SQL criterias as the parameter for the report. Usually when I have 3 criterias, I am using nested if-else for the WHERE statement with javascript.
Since right now I have more criteria it becomes more difficult to write the code and also check the possibilities, especially for debug purposes.
For example the criteria for table employee, having these 5 criterias : age, city, department, title and education. All criteria will be dynamic, you can leave it blank to show all contents.
Do anyone know the alternative of this method?
There is a magical way to handle this without any script, which makes reports much easier to maintain! We can use this kind of SQL query:
FROM mytable
WHERE (?='' OR city=? )
AND (?=-1 OR age>? )
AND (?='' OR department=? )
AND (?='' OR title=? )
So each criteria has two dataset parameters, with a "OR" clause allowing to ignore a criteria when the parameter gets a specific value, an empty value or a null value as you like. All those "OR" clauses are evaluated with a constant value, therefore performances of queries can't be affected.
In this example we should have 4 report parameters, 8 dataset parameters (each report parameter is bound to 2 dataset parameters) and 0 script. See a live example of a report using this approach here.
If there are many more criteria i would recommend to use a stored procedure, hence we can do the same with just one dataset parameter per criteria.
Integer parameter handling
If we need to handle a "all" value for an integer column such age: we can declare report parameter "age" as a String type and dataset parameters "age" as an integer. Then, in parameters tab of the dataset use a value expression instead of a "linked to report parameters". For example if we like a robust input which handles both "all" "null" and empty values here is the expression to enter:
(params["age"].value=="all" || params["age"].value=="" || params["age"].value==null)?-1:params["age"].value
The sample report can be downloaded here (v 4.3.1)
Depending on the report requirements and audiance you may find this helpful.
Use text box paramaters and make the defualt value % (which is a wild card)
FROM mytable
WHERE city like ?
AND age like ?
AND department like ?
AND title like ?
This also allows your users to search for partial names. if the value in the city text box is %ville% it would return all the cities with "ville" anyplace in the city name.
If report parameters to be included in SQL-WHERE clause would be named according to some naming convention, for instance query_employee_[table column name], you could write Java-Script code in a generic way, so that you will not have to change it when new reporters being added.
for each param in params {
if param.name starts with query_employee_ {
where_clause += " and " + param.name.substring(after query_employee) + " == '" + param.value + "'";
You will have to check type of a parameter to make a decision whether you have to quote the parameter value.
The event handler could look as follows (implemented in Java, but it should be possible to port it to JavaScript, if you really need it to be in JavaScript):
public class WhereConditionEventHandler extends DataSetEventAdapter {
public void beforeOpen(IDataSetInstance dataSet,
IReportContext reportContext) throws ScriptException {
super.beforeOpen(dataSet, reportContext);
String whereClause = " where 1 = 1 ";
SlotHandle prms = reportContext.getDesignHandle().getParameters();
for (int i = 0; i < prms.getCount(); i++) {
if (prms.get(i) instanceof ScalarParameterHandle) {
ScalarParameterHandle prm = (ScalarParameterHandle) prms.get(i);
int n = prm.getName().indexOf("sql_customer_");
if (n > -1) {
String prmValue = "" + reportContext.getParameterValue(prm.getName());
if (DesignChoiceConstants.PARAM_TYPE_STRING.equals(prm.getDataType())) {
prmValue = "'" + prmValue + "'";
whereClause += " and " + prm.getName().substring("sql_customer_".length()) + " = " + prmValue;
System.out.println("sql: " + whereClause);
dataSet.setQueryText(dataSet.getQueryText() + whereClause);
By the way, you can pass in parameters that are not registered as report parameters in the BIRT report design. BIRT will nevertheless put them into "params" array.