React-native open apps - react-native

I have written a few apps with react-native and I would like to have a "Main" app to link to all those apps.
How can I open those apps from the "Main" app?
PS: All my apps are not and will not be uploaded to either app store or play store so app id or play id are not a solution

You can add url in info.plist files and create URL for specific app. You can use Linking class of react-native to open the page.
there is demo for android and ios Read this documentation
For Android you can use this link:
Android deep link


Publishing expo app to App store/Google Play store

I'm currently developing an app with Expo. I've used Expo's Facebook API for users to sign in and realized that if I want to detach I'd have to use the React Native Facebook SDK. I've heard from many people that you can't publish an expo app to the app store, however, the expo website seems to say otherwise. Should I keep developing in Expo or detach and replace any of the expo imports I have?
You can easily generate a .apk or .ipa file with Expo and then upload it to the corresponding store (I have done this multiple times).
From Expo's docs:
The purpose of this guide is to help you create standalone binaries of your Expo app for iOS and Android which can be submitted to the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
You can find detailed instructions on how to generate the binary files you need in this link.
What your friends might mean with "You can't publish an Expo app to the app store" is the publish command associated with Expo OTA updates. They even have a section explaining how to publish OTA updates to your standalone app.
A handy mindset when dealing with Expo is to think that "publishing" means using Expo's CLI tools to generate an OTA update, while "building" refers to the act of generating a new binary standalone file.
If you still need help with deploying your app to the app store check Expo's distribution guide.

React Native application deployment

I have already developed a React native application on my mac book, this is myfirst application. I want to deploy it to iPhone so that I can test it. I don't want to put it on appstore yet. I am not sure how to compile the application and get it ready to put it on iPhone. I tried this web site, but not sure which .ipa or file, I need to upload. I can also try using expo, but not sure how to use it. Can anyone give me step by step instruction on how to upload this application on iPhone.
any help will be greatly appreciated.
For iPhone
For react-native-init you will probably need Apple developer account to test your app on your phone
Since you are using react-native-init, You should checkout this article by Facebook
In the second point, it says Register for an Apple developer account if you don't have one yet
For create-react-native-app you need to do following
Download expo client from App store
Scan the QR code expo generate when you run your app using terminal (npm run start in terminal )
Note: Both Laptop and your phone should be on the same network
According to this thread, You can't use expo with react-native-init but alternatively you can create an expo project using create-react-native-app and then copy, paste files from your init project
For Android
For running your App on Android, You can directly generate/build an apk, send it to your device and just open it to see how it works (In Android you don't need a console or developer account to run your app)
Again, Open this link
And click on Android Tab to see how you can generate an Apk

How to view realm db created by react-native in ios stimulator

I want to access realm database created by my ios app that I created using react-native. Its easier to use adb pull for android but for ios I am not getting much idea. There are some links like -
realm-file in ios app
to find app uuid for above link
So any help, how to view realm db for developing and debugging purpose for react-native developed ios app.
Thanks for the answer but additional (out of curiosity) Question - but how to find app uid which are installed by react native on ios simulator ??
While searching through the web, got the answer in docs:
console.log('realm db file path:', realm.path);
With the iOS emulator you can just find the path and open the Realm directly (which allows you to see the changes as they happen, great for debugging), on Android you will have to copy the file out to the regular file system.
It is all described in the docs for Realm Studio:

How do i setup universal linking in a react native project that uses expo?

I have followed the tutorial on expo's website to set up deep linking. What I have enables me to
Share content from my app
click a link in the message
Get redirected to the content in my app
The problem is that if the app is installed, the link is useless. This is why i want to set up universal linking

Titanium: Open a URL in a browser window without leaving app on Android

In quite a few Android apps (e.g. Stack Exchange, Slack), when you open a link it appears in a browser, but as a part of the app (i.e. not on the Google Chrome browser or a WebView).
For example:
When opening a link on Stack Exchange Android App
When opening a link on Slack Android App
Note that both looks quite similar, so it indicates to me that Android has some kind of feature to do this (like SafariDialog for iOS). Not just a WebView.
How can I do this for a Titanium app on Android.
Here's the new module for Android to show web-urls like the ones in Slack app:
Refer the documentation, it's very simple to use with just 2-3 lines of code.
Note: This module is a part of core-sdk now released from Titanium SDK 7.5.0+ You can directly import this module using ti.webdialog.
Refer this new link - Titanium Web Dialog